Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 16, 1895, Image 2

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OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B. JiEESE, Editor. ji- — ____________— ■ ■ — i n —y » Euieied at the postoffice at Conyers as sreond-dass mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: One year, in advance ................ Six months', in advance............... .60 Saturday, March 16, 1895. Jules Verne says Charles Dickens was England’s greatest novelest. Julius L. Brown wants 135,000 fees as attorney for the Western & Ailantic railroad receiver¬ ship. A man of Fall River, Mass., BWaliowed a half dollar, a quar¬ ter and a nickle. The money killed him. The Covington Star is a hand¬ some and well gotten up sheet. In fact, Covington has two line local papers—the Star and the Enterprise. The negroes who went to Mexico can come back on foot, if they so desire, but those who went to Africa can’t so easily step across the big pond. Troupslanded last Saturday on Panama and a battle was fought at Bocasdel Taro. Garza, the rebel commander, was kill¬ ed by Lopez, and ho in turn was killed by the rebels. Dr. Parkhust will be tried be¬ fore a Presbytery of his church. The trial was brought by prefer¬ ring charges against the said Dr. Parkhust, who had been guilty of offensive treatment to his brethren in the ministry. The murder of the drummer, Mr. Hyatt, at Fort Gaiues, by sheriff McAlister, is creating a very great stir in every sec¬ tion where the young man was known. It was an outrageous crime, if all the facts stated are true. The drummers of Georgia are properly taking steps to have McAlister prosecuted. Col. E. C. Machen, the great, developer, went through Geor¬ gia a few years ago with a me¬ teoric swish and whose exploits still linger in the memory of the citizens of Macon, has turned up again. A Richmond dispatch announces his arrival to that city as president of the Old Do¬ minion Construction Company, to pay the charter fee of the Chesapeake, Shenduu and West ora railroad. Colonel Machen informed liis Richmond hearers that his company would proba¬ bly dump about $5,000,000 in improvements in Virginia. We have no doubt the Colonel will do the dumping if his company has the wherewitbs.—Enquirer Suu. The Tradesman states that the cotton used in Southern mills last year would have cost nearly $2,500,000 more if these mills had been located in the North, aud that the cotton con Burned in the Northern mills cost $5,500,000 more than it would in the South.—Ex. Granting that the above fig¬ ures are correct , it is reasonable to think that the South may yet be the great cotton manu¬ facturing section of tho United States. Wherever the most money can be realized there is where the machinery will be placed. Water power in the South is abundant and the cot ton is at hand. All that is wanted is the machinery with r which to run the mills* It 1 seems along time for the finding » out of these facts, yet it is not too late to have the spindles humming all over this | giving employment to thousands I who cannot now find work to do. >;-;.-;* ; back to the old fashion town I meeting where every citizen | would have chance to venti¬ a late himself after the style of the Grabtown meeting, when they discussed the location of the village academy? ODD FELLOWS. Many years ago there lived in an interior town of Pa. three shoe-makers, who made their daily bread at the last. One be¬ came sick, and was not able to make the wherewithal to feed and clothe his family. The other two came to his relief and fed his family, and administered to the wants of the sick man. He recovered, then the second was likewise laid on a bed of afflic¬ tion—so on till the third had his turn of suffering. These three linked together, and be¬ ing an odd number, formed the order now called 1 ‘ Odd Fellows.” The special feature of this so¬ ciety is relief for their brethren, and the insignia of the order is a chain of odd links, a remind¬ er of the fidelity to each other of these three noble men, who sacrificed for their brethren. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows commends itself in charities to the world. A GREAT SALE. Pianos and Organs to Be Sold at Anything They Will Bring. The Freyer & Bradley Music Co., of Atlanta, has just pur¬ chased the entire business of the. Miles & Stiff Company, and are preparing the greatest clos¬ ing out salo of the 40 pianos and 60 organs in the stock ever attempted in this country. The question of cost does not enter into consideration in the dispos¬ al of the instruments. Mr. W. W. Crocker, the manager of the Freyer & Bradley Music Co., made the Miles & Stiff Co. a lump offer for their entire busi¬ ness, it was accepted, aud now the goods must be sold at what they will bring. The sale will begin Monday, March 18, and one can make their own prices and they -frill be considered. The Freyer & Bradley Music Co. will fully guarantee all the instruments sold to be just as represented, and the sale is not like that of a firm going out of business, for the Freyer tfc Bradley Music Co, remains to protect the purchaser This is a great opportunity for those who have in contem¬ plation the purchase of a piano or organ any time within a year or two, and it will pay to make the trip to Atlanta for this pur¬ pose. Never again will the op¬ portunity be given of buying a new piano or organ for less than it cost for the material. The sale takes place in the old ware rooms of the Miles & Stiff Co., in the Grand. In the stock was over thirty thousand pieces of sheet music, aud this the Frey¬ er & Bradley Music Co. is giv¬ ing away to the ladies. Address all correspondence to 63 Peachtree street, Atlanta. IMPORTANT. The Supreme Court of Geor¬ gia has decided that every busi¬ ness man who runs a dray in connection with liis business must pay a license on every ve¬ hicle he runs. It is very impor¬ tant that business men should know this, that they may al j way proceed advisedly, 1 The Banner has a good art : ^ c ' e " ee ^ opposing rnedi I whiskies. & j i§» KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet¬ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, world’s by best more products promptly adapting the to the needs of physical health of being, the will liquid attest the value to pure laxative principles embraced in the remedy, excellence Syrup of Figs. its presenting Its is due to in the form most acceptable and pleas¬ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax¬ ative •, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently satisfaction curing constipation. millions and It has with given the approval of to the medical met profession, because it acts on the Kid-. neys, Liver and Bowels without weak¬ ening them and it is perfectly free from every Syrup objectionable of Figs is for substance. sale by all drug¬ gists in 50c anti $1 bottles, but it is man¬ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose the name is printed Syrup on of every Figs, package, also informed,jrou name, and being well will not accept any substitute if offered. We thank Mr, Hale for his commendation last week, and we trust that we will not be an unworthy successor to him who has won laurels as a vigorous writer, and successful newspa - per man. GRAND AND TRAVERSE Jurors drawn for spring term, 1895, Rockdale Superior Court. GRAND JURORS. Ben. H. Summers, James B, Ray, J. R. Rosser, James M. Street, James Hollingsworth, John D. Scott, Wm, A. Costley, Chas. E, Reagan, J. C. Steph¬ enson, Edward C, Granade, Alejandpr S. Former, Z, T. Aimand, Wm. P, Plunkett, Wm, L. Peek, L. H. Sigman, Chas. B. Hudson, John A. Hamilton, Lee T. Longsho e, Daniel N. Hudson, H. Y. McCorJ, Press M. Born, J. M. B. Goode, II. V. Hardwick, Joel Marks, James B. Lyon, Green H. Hull, J. P. McDaniel, Wm. F. McDaniel, C. Humphries, J. G. Mann. Traverse Jurors—1st week. J. N. Parker, J. IV. Pereali, Zach T. Martin, James W, Conran, Sr., Jpjf R- D. Denard, Thomas G. Swann, Gw Bryant, J. W. Carter, J. C. Browning, Wm. H. Alexander, Geo. A. Maddox, J, VV. Mote, Wm. R. Still, Robt. Hol¬ lingsworth, G. A. Lucas, T O. Norton, Wm. Y, Nelms, James H. Haralson, J. H.Owensby, A. J, Ogletree, J. P. Nich olsop, F. D. McMillan, Noah T. Street, J. B. INotton, A, H, Syyann ; A. F. Sims, Jr., W, N. MeKnlght, IT. H, Capehart. W. T. Stanton, J. M. Over ton, C, A. Blake, W- T. Richardson, J. A. Parker, Sr., Wm. R. Owens, Jr., J. W. McDaniel, A. J. Summers, Traverse Jurors—2nd week. P. H. Langford, W, B, Tfergsbey, M, C. Summers, P H. White, Wm. M, Parker, W. €. Goode, Chas. D. Cush iug. W. F. liardin, Jos. D. Eckols, Jno R, Ethridge, P. L. Graham, L. F Scott, John T, Stowers, J. L, McCall#, Leroy Oglesby, W. S. Marbut, Jiha A Mann, Samuel F. Bohanan, W. T. Stewart, W. Z. Sterling, I. C, Eubanks Jr.. Thomas S. Aimand, A. J Smith, Tbos. L. Maddox, Wm.T. Fee, Jne. C. Farmer, J. R. O’Neal, Ben F. Farmer, A. S. Wooley, J. N.N. Abney, Thomas J. Day, A. O. Cowan, M. D. Irwin, JosUh Q.Ray, L- J- Norton John T. Plunkett. • PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRAftt MARK rirrt tti Sold by Drs. W. H. Lee & Son, Conyers, Ga. SAW MILLS. $160 TO $900. ENGINES&B0ILERS Tosuit. luO in stock. Large stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS. BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA, GA John h[. Aln^nd, Ilanlysis Conyers, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers banking, e,landed. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL STAB I.ES. M. H. MELTON, PROP. TTfiTTT- Feed. suELd. Sale (In Rear of Commercial Hotel.) I have opened a neat, new stable in llie rear of the Commercial Hotel and am prepared to feed your.stock and care for them in the best manner at leasonable prices. etc., I have the very best turn-outs to be had, good horses, carriage^, nd will give you the very best service- See me when you want any¬ thing in the livery lint. Respectfully, M. H. MELTON, - Conyers. Georgia. GET THE BEST. I have for sale the very best brands of Guanos and Acid. Tin Hard-wiclr’s Potasso JDissclTred. Bone (Made by the Old Dominion Guano Co ) And a high grade Acid. Will sell for Money or Cotton. It Stable will be to your interest to see me before you buy. Office at Livery Respectfully, "W\ 2 ST, itt. Hira ni KIM Sells the following Standard brands of Guano: ETAWAH, SOUTHERN AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE, MOODY S HIGH GRADE, BREWSTER S COTTON GROWER, and others. Also, High Grade Acids and Cotton Seed Meal. We sell for Cotton or Money As cheap as first-class goods can besold. It will pay you to see us before you buy. TUCKER & MpELVANY GUANO FOR COTTON. Thanking the people of Rockdale and adjoining counties for their patronage in the past I respectfully ask a liberal share of the same this season, I represent the Geo. W, Scott Mfg. Co. Their celebrated Gossypium and “A. A.” Guanos and high grade Acids are too well and favorably known to need any comment from me, more than to .say they are of the fittest Grade Goods on tbe Market I will soil for GASH or COTTON and will meet competition in prices. fail before buy. Don’t to see me you Respectfully, Conyers, Ga., Feb. 20,1895. J. A. LIFSEY. 340 FOUNDS OF COTTON. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. aid John. I Green Formula, Ths goods the Club bought last year and guarantees to be the same Either one of these goods may be had for 340 lbs- of middling from car or 345 lbs from warehouse. We have other standard brands of Guano, high grade Acids aud Seed Meal for sale also. We want your trade and will try to maKe it to your interest to see before you buy. A. J, Smith J.P. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Mrs. J. B. Reese, Prop., Is a pleasant home for Drum¬ mers and the traveling public. Do not fail to call and give this house a trial. Buck’en’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve iu the world for outs, Bruiaes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand*, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Erup¬ tions, and positively cures Files, or no pay perfet required. It is guaranteed ref to ended. give satisfaction or money Price 25 cents per box, Iflil ADTOffliijm Citation. GEORGIA, Rockhale County • ‘ c a) ay concern: John T R. Maddox has , in due form applied to the undersigned for Derm nent letters of administration on estate of Eliza J. Peen, late of s a county, d (Ueeastd, and 1 will pass ,m<m A* •f I> itl0n ° n tbe fl ‘ 6t SIo,ula y in 1896 Given under my hand and official signature 28th O. day of February in:m Shamans, Ordinary'. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, Rockdale County: To whom it may concern: All persona having demands a^ain.t the estate of Abe Hardeman, late said county, render deceased, in are hereby no Hied to their demands to the undersigned according to iaw; and all persons indebted to said estate are re quired to make immediate payment This the 2Sth day of Feb. 1895, B. W, Tucker, Admr of Abe Hardeman dec. Application for 12 ionite Support; GEORGIA, Rockdale County; All persons concerned are herebv notified that Amanda Hardeman wid¬ ow of Abe Hardgmah, deceased has made application for the setting to the Court of 'ordi¬ nary apart of a 12 months support for her and the minor children of the estate of Abe Hardeman and I will pass upon the said applies, tion on the first Monday in April iggj O. Seamans, Ordinary ’ This Feb. 28, 1895. J GEORGIA, Rockdale County :_ Whereas, J. H, Maddox and F E Stowers, administrator of the estate of d. N. Stowers deceased, represents to the court that they have fully adminis¬ tered the said estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, to show cause if any the can why said J. H. Maddox and F. E. Stowers, should not be dis¬ missed from the administration of said state, This on the first Monday in Anril S95. December 29, 1894 , O. Seamans, Ordinary, Administrators Sale for April 2nd- 1895, By virtue of an order issued fron the Court the of first Ordinary Monday of Rockdale county on in March 1885, will be sold before the court house in the town of Conyers, within tbe legal hour* of sale on the first Tuesday in April, 1895, to the highest and best bidder, the following One described property to wit: piece or parcel of laud Ivina, and nally being Hcriry in now the 11 Rockdale th district of 'origf. part of land lot county ’'I>q be¬ ing No. (204) hundred and four being in the 'South¬ west corner bf said lot, containing 7 o acres, follows more or less, and bounded as : On the south by the lands of D. M. Parker, on the cast by the lands of Joe L. Rogcjrs and J. H. Npjan on and the north N. F. by Williams the lamps' and of J. the H. Nolan on west bv J. M. Williams and Madjson Tucker. Said land being the home place of Aba Hardeman, from Conyers, deceased, about six miles has very good improve¬ ments, in good state of cultivation. Said iaDd to be sold for the purpose of said paying the Hardeman debts of the estate of the Abe and for distribu¬ tion among the biers, : Terms of sale; The place will be sold on timej the botes tb draw's per cent; interest from date of sale—purchaser to receive rept of pl 3 .ee. This March S, lej9'3, W Tucker Administ’r. of Abe Hardeman, deed. Susan A ■ Broadnax, ) Libel for D i v s, 1 vorce in Rock Ej> B. Broaddax, ) dale Court Superior April term }8jf5. To Ed B Broadnax, Defendant this is nax, to nptify January you, fhat, Ifth Susan 1805, commenced A. Bro&c} on a suit against you foi divorce—return able to the April term 1895, of the Su¬ perior court of Rockdale Co. as aboxe stated. You are hereby notified to be and nppear at said court to be held on the first Monday in April noxt, to answer said complaint, This citation issued by order of the-Judge of said couf. 1 As in default of such appearance said court will proceed thereon as to Justice may dp pertain. Witness tbe Hon. Richard H. Clark, Judge of siid court, this the 19th day of J nuary 1895. * ' “ W. T. Huson‘ Clerk. S. C W.L. $3 SHOE Douglas BEST. 19 THE KIN#. FIT rOR A ■ s. cordovan; l 1 FRENCH AtNAKtatn CALF. iv W4. i s 3J>PF!NrgAlJ(iKANfiM» - : . *3.iopOLICE,3 SOLES. i: 1 BOYS’SCHO&Mi ® -LADIES' _ BROCKTOHJAiSS. Gvm One Million Peeple wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory RS&ftttS SSEgafflfe unaurpaseeR. Their wearing uniform,—stamped qualities are on sole. The Prom price* $ to are $3 saved over other malceo. if i supply solo 07 your dealer cannot you we can. An agent wanted. As soon as one is ecured the name will anpeir here. W. M. BGLLMAN. -O Spectacles, watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware. NO. 10 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Gal