Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 16, 1895, Image 3

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COAL. When you want a strict!. grst-class coal, see me. J. P. TILLEY. l ■ FIRE INSURANCE. TILLEY J. P. AGEN’l v/. J. FRE-DMflN |||k-FINE- JEWELER, Mm WATCH m£g UsdaFREPARIN 1 A SPECIALTY. ^CtIY£MS A TRIAL— At Almand’s Bank. KHART lacksmithing CONYERS, GA. I desire to inform my friends atld 8public generally that I am still icharge of the W. V. Almand Lcksmith Jedto shop where I ‘am pre do all kinds of work. My kkis the best and my prices the Lt. L BriDg me your horses and to shoe. Satisfaction guaran 'Nap I • - ciage Painting a Specialty, upting and all kinds of Repair , Upholstering and Cabinet i Everything in my line quick tally, substantially and ohpap pe, W. ¥. Almand’s old starid, tes, Ga- Come and see me. I Respectfully, V. H, LANGFORD. SPECIMEN CASES. I Clifford, New Cassel, Wis , roub’ed with Neuralgia and mitism, pis stoinacibe was dis «l, his Liver was affected to an ing degree appetite fell away, pas teuibly reduced in flesh pength. Bitiers Three bot' leg of ft cured h’in. prd Shepherd, Harrisburg, |1 a running sore on his leg of ■tars’ standing. Used three B of Electric Bitters and seven ■f Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and |h sound and well. John k Catawba, O., had five large Pres on bis leg, doctors said ■mcurahle. One bottle Elec ■te and one box Bucklen’s Bklve cured him entirely. ■ Lee & So a druggists. fand tors^Say; Intermittent Fevers iprev^Tl in miasmatic ciist kt invariably accompan I derangements of the F Liver and Bowels. [Secret hr is of Health. the great ’’driving I lQ the mechanism 6f F^'hen it is out of order, |°k l^d system disease becomes de is the result. [s Liver Pills PH Liver be $t of all. fee the system in a truly beneficial raan fit}le springti me comes ,iQ< I perfect remedy Ls. One bottle will J.* 11 tb e family and \\ JU Cenis the large l Tr ; Dt and be pleased. Cq. ■’)’ rhe California only. ^ Jf- subscribe til8 s Iory, “Francis now. LOCAL ITEMS. Do you hear! Set a hen. No corn planted yet. Court two weeks’ off. Prune your fruit trees. Oats are still being sown. Conyers needs electric lights. Conyers is bound to have a cotton mill. Subscribe for this paper aud get all the news. Epp McDouald, of Thomson, is here on a visi t. Miss Lizzie Vaughan is visit¬ ing in the country. Let us have an electric car line to the Paper Mills. Use an abundance of white¬ wash . It off microbes* Conyers is the garden spot of Georgia, morally and otherwise. E. H. Reese, of Eatonton, visited his parents last Sunday. Mr. J. J. Green is in very fee¬ ble health. May be soon be well again. The price of the Weekly is one dollar per annum, payable in advance, Read Mr. Hale’s new adver¬ tisement. If you want an or¬ gan or piano call on him. After a visit to relatives in Lawrenceville, Mr. A. P. Gain returned home last Monday evening. Dr. Candler will preach in the Methodist ehvu-ch here to¬ morrow, the 17th. Go and hear something good. The moon, was in eclipse last Sunday night from a few min¬ utes before eight until 11 o’¬ clock. The total was about ten. Rev. M. D. Smith preached two fine sermons ip the Presby¬ terian church Sunday, and they were ably and forcibly deliv¬ ered In writing “dots” we hope our correspondents will confine themselves strictly to local mat¬ ter, and make notes as short as possible. WANTED SALESMAN .-An energetic man for a good paying business. Very small sum need¬ ed to start. Address Business cam this paper. There was a burglary at autop last Saturday night. The store of E. B. Ezell & Co. hav ing been robbed of considerable good?. No clue \o the burg hirer. WANTED.—There is a good opening in Conyers for a first class, sober baroer. None but strictly sober men need apply. For particulars address Box 13, Conyers, After this issue of the Week¬ ly we will get out an all home paper. If sufficient help by way of patronage crown our efforts the paper will be enlarged and otherwise improved at an Rockdale county Alliance will meet the fourth Saturday in March, at 10 o’clock, in the courthouse. All members are notified to attend. W. F. McDaxiel, Pres. Dk. J. J. W. Glenn, Sec. There was a young man seen on our streets the other day, who flourished a stylish tache, an aristocratic biirnsides, a touching imperial, and a batch of whiskers on the gosel, all at one and the same time. Messrs. Jones & Parrill have opened a blacksmith and wood shop in the brick shop on the lower end of Commerce where they will be pleased to have their friends and the pub¬ lic generally caU and see them. The best work and lowest prices guaranteed. tf. We will commence next week “The Story of Francis Cludde,” a thrilling romance of the six¬ teenth century by Stanley J. Weyman, who has written ma¬ ny historical novels. Let every one who wishes to begin at the first chapter send in their sub scriptious during this week. We want all the eggs in the country. G. W". & A. P. Cain. We have a Jong list of names on our subscription books—names of persons who have not paid ior the present year. We would be glad to have every one come up and pay within the next few weeks. Give us your support with the cash aud we promise faithfulness in gettiug out for you a good paper. We learn that Mi. W. J. Freeman has obtained quite a number of names as subscrib¬ ers to organize a company (o erect and to put into operation a cotton factory in Conyers. If Conyers was made up just such enterprising and pushing men as Mr. Freeman the hum of the spindles would be heard in our city inside three months. We had the pleasure of hear¬ ing Elder Philips preach at the church of the Primitives last Sunday. He preached the Gos¬ pel “by faith are ye saved.” The subject was well handled in simplicity. This reminds us that there is no qccasicm for di¬ vision among religious denomi¬ nations in this country. All are agreed that it is by faith, and all agree in unity, when on bended knee—that is all Christ¬ ians, though they may differ upon details of discipliae and ordinances, when it comes to prayer there is a unity—a one¬ ness—beautiful to behold. We must recognize God in prayer, showing our dependence upon him; we mpst wo.vl; iu his cause, as He has told us, as if all depended on us. Just received a crate of cheap crockery. G. W. & A. P. Cain. DR. HARTMAN SA^D ; i - > V? * In a Recent Lecture an Chronic Catarrh and Consumption. Catarrh of the lungs is, ordi¬ narily, known as consumption also called tuberculosis. In ^fiese cases the catarrh has usually found its way into the lungs by the gradual extension of the dis¬ ease from the throat through the bronchial tubes. Consump¬ tion is the natural termination of all cases of neglected chronic catarrh. Every one who is af dieted with chronic catarrh is liable to be attacked with con¬ sumption at any time. In the first stages of the dLeiwo Be-ru lia is a sure cure ; in the latter stages of the disease Pe-ru-na can be relied and upon in to large produce great benefit, a per cent of cases produce a perma¬ nent cure. All those afflicted with this dread disease should begin at once the following After all other means have hepn tried in vain ; after doc¬ tors have pronounced the case hopeless aud friends have given up iu despair; after the patient has lost all faith and the inces¬ sant ear® qf a tteu( * e B ts seems futile, still there is hope in Pe, ru-na. Send for a free copy of Family Physician, No. 3, a com piete treatise on chronic catarrh coughs, colds, la guppe aud consumption. Address lhe re ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. For free book on cancer ad¬ dress Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. RAILWAY MAIL SERA ICE. Atj vxta Ga., Mch. 13, ’95. Psot Master; On and after March 18th, pos tal . , clerks will will nerform perform service ser ice on trains Nos. 27 and 28, m ad dition to present trains, and cau exchange at your office. A NEW SWINDLE. which the people of the South are resenting, sell them is the efforts of some to imitations for the real Simmons Liver Regu¬ . lator, because they make more they money by the imitation; and care little that they swindle the people in selling them an inferior article. It’s the money look they are after, and the people can out for themselves. Now this is just what the people are doing, hard and merchants are having a time trying to get people to take the stuff they offer them in place of Simmons Liver Reg¬ ulator—which is the “King of Liver Medicines,” because it never fails to give relief in all liver troubles. Be sure that you get Simmons Liver Regulator. You old knqw it by j&pjga ly the same Z stamp the ® of the Red 1L on has package. fail¬ never ed who you, have gpyy^Jaand been people suaded to take something else have per¬ always come back again to The Old Friend. Better not take any¬ thing Zeilin else but that made by J. H. & Co., Philadelphia. , that are told by OuT Correspondents from the Country. OAK GROVE. So you had come to the con¬ clusion that Oak Grove was dead. We are glad to inform you that you are mistaken. If such has been the case, with spring comes the resurrection. Our school at this place is flourishing under the manage¬ ment of Prof. Clotfeltev, There was quite an enjoyable singing at the residence of Mr. B. C. Grenade on last Saturday evening,given ip hanoo' of Rev. Mr. fieFeoi', who is pastor of Rockdale church, and much be loved by our eutrire community. The musio furnished by Mr. Otis Adair of your city, and Prof. Clotfelter, of this place, was indeed worthy of the high est praisd s £iid greatly enjoyed by all present. Ou? fovbbath school was largely attended last Sunday. Mr, J. A. Clotfelter and his pretty sister, Miss Fannie, of Smyrna, visited relatives in our community last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lon Brand, of Lithonia, visited one of the fair sex in our midst Sunday afternoon. ’Tis not the first time either. Mr. Henry Stansell, of Con¬ yers, attended our Sabbath school last Sunday. Mr. Bud Almand and wife, of Ebenezer, visited Mr. and Mrs, Z. T. Almand last week, Madame rumor says we are going to loose one of our young ladies, . We sincerely hope it is a mistake, but, nevertheless, Rockdale’s loss will be De Kalb’s gain. Jim Hudson’s telescope was, quite a treat to ouy young men Sunday night. Mr. Thomas Bird visited friends in Lithonia Saturday I aua Sunday, “Ermyntrcoe.” * * * * uCKY BBAliCH * The farmers are using an a bundance of guano again this year . This indicates a vast acre 0 j u cotton as usual. Why farmers learn to plant * peas and , potatoes. *„ more corn, Mr. James Hill and son are both confined to their room on account of sickness, . , Rubio v Ovrenshv has been * - visiting her grandparents in the , lower part of the county. Boc Little Cov « . ven ,o mg last week and bought stock with * nicn ™ Mr. and Mrs. Beattie viiited .the family of Mr. Joe White last Sundav. Rev. J M. Del'oor preached a ts ne sennou last Sunday at Rockdale church. We have a fine Sunday School and a good prayer meeting at this church. We have a letter from a friend i in Texas. He gives an ugly description of that country too long for your columns. More anon. Sakcho. * » * * v cal’s stoke. The farmers are making rap¬ id preparation for another crop. There seems to be as much,if not more, guano hauled out this season than usual. Rev. R. C. Manley filled his regular appointment at ti e Congregational church on the first Sunday of this month. Misses Clifford and Thornton Zachry of Peachstone Shoals, and Miss Bryant of McDon¬ ough, visited Misses Burta and Clara Graham last week. Rev. A. J. Goss filled his ap¬ pointment last Sunday at Zion. Rev. R. L. Hicks was in our burg last Sunday in company with one of our most charming bells. Mr. Green Hollingsworth, from Smyrna, called on another of out lovely little girls. A cor¬ dial welcome to you Green. A dummy line to be operated from Snapping Shoals to Con¬ yers is being quite promiscous ly discussed. We hope to see ic in operation, and believe it would pay a large dividend. Mr. J. N. Parker speaks of go ,n S S0lUh t0 investsome of his Ga P^ t0 ^ l an d s - A. L„ Veal says there is yet a little money among the peo¬ ple, but that they are using it most economically, which will be a great help in the relief of hard times. Master Lawson Stovers is studying the violin and is mak iug rapid improvement. Patrick. WANTED.—One thousand hens. G. W. & A. F. Cain. NOTICE. This is to notify all persons that we forbid the sale of church property belonging to the Sec¬ ond Baptist church of Conyers, as it does not belong to the members of the First church, nor never did, and any person buying said property and at¬ tempting to remove anything whatever belonging to the .Sec¬ ond Baptist church will be pro¬ ceeded against according to law. II. P. Ai.mand, Br., * Deacons O. Seamans, r of the W.J. Gee, ) church. « AT home;,! Keep your money where you can get it again. NEW INSTRUMENTS OR MACHINES EXCHANGED FOR OLD ONES. Do J t Piaao? oyonva . g . ° " ' Y voll chine* If y°u do, for either , casli or on time, installments or otherwise, ... f ca an see ,n ’ - Bank Masomc bui ding ’ Con ' ’ vers. Ga.. and I will 1 save you " - . . . ^ rom ten t0 1 - F ’ anything you want. Come and ^ mg v » e „_„ y _ ACIW l ,, •> • J. N. IIALE, Gen. Agt. Subscribe 7“°. for this paper next week and get . the first chapter of “Frauds Cludde. L H. Reese is authorized to receive and receipt for subscrip¬ tions at Eatonton. '-w — 1 : Poor I :Health j ’means so much more than' 'you ’fatal imagine—serious diseases and' result from' ’trilling Don’t ailments neglected.' play with Nature’s' ’ greatest gift—health. If you are feeling /Brown's out of sorts, weak 4 and hausted, generally ex¬ have mjivous, appetite * no and can’t work,, Iron ing begin the at once tak¬ most relit- . ble strengthening medicine.which is - Brown's i ion Bit ters. A few bot¬ : Bitters teeth, tvon't tles vet conies y cure-benefit first stain and from dose— fT, the. it' pleasant to take. It Cures ► Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ’ Constipation, Bad Blood > Malaria, Nervous ailments < ■ Women’s complaints. , i.. IlneJ on only the * he genuine— All il has others crowed tub refl 1 stitutes. On wrapper. receipt of are - two ic. stamps we will tend set of Ton Beautiful World’*' Fair View* and book—free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. ' ----- jfc'or sals by Ur. \V . U Live in, e>ou BRING - ME-YOUR WORK. I now have one of the best Smiths in the country aud make a specialty of horse shoeing. Will do all kinds fo Blacksmithing, Wood ><’ work andGeneral Repairing tha very best manner one ut prices to suit the times- I thank my friends for paG patronage and ask a continu¬ ance of the game. Respectfully, W. G. CLOTFELTER. I MADE $75.00 IN A WEEK. I have bought several plating machines but they were either not largo enough for some arti¬ cles or they did not work easy, and I have never made much money until obtained the practi¬ cal Plating Dymano. This is the electrical machine used in all the great gold aud Silver plating factories, and does the work ov rytiiue.No sooner did 1 he people hear that I had this electrical Dy narno, than I had more spoons, knives, forks and jewelry than I could plate in a month. The first week 1 cleared $31.50, the second week I cleared $75 and I think by the first of January I will have a thousand dollars in cash and g>ve my farm consider¬ able attention too. The Plating Dynamo is the thing to use and you cau learn to use it in about au hour Anyone can write to W. P. Harrison & Co., Colum¬ bus, Ohio, who make these ma¬ chines, for circulars. As this is my first lucky streak, 1 give nay experience, hoping otners may be benefited as much as I have been. INVEST YOUR CHANGE. A silver quarter is about as much as some people care to in¬ vest in medicine for immediate use. Spend this sum fora pack age of Simmons Liver Regulator powder. It’s the woman’s friend —cures sick headache in the right way and quickly,too ; just as good for biliousness. MARVELOUS RESULTS. From »letter written by Iiev. J. Gundernaan, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: “I have no hesitation in rec commending Dr. King s New Dis covery, as tae results were almost marvelous in the caee ol rny wife While I way pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she wag brought down with Pneumonia sac receding La Grippe. Teiribie par oxisrns of CO ugbmg wou ld last hours with httie interruption and it seeui ed as if sbe could not survive theca. a liiend reccommenled Dr. King's Discovery, it w«s quick in ns work, and highly satisfactory in re . suits. ’ Trial bottles free at Dr. W. H ^ D > Regu- ~ awe «(*. and «l.«Q.