Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 23, 1895, Image 2

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rs-M CONYERS WEEKLY. ____ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B . REESE, Editor. Inten d nt Uie po-uiflic;'at o'onyera a* mail Mia __ NUBBUftlP I ION HA 1 Lrv. One j tnr, in advance .............. Six months. In advance............ .50 TT' Saturday, March ‘23, 1895. Dahlonega will have its camp meeting earlier this year. Buch Anthony, of Biaktly, Ga., is the brag rifle shot of the state. It is an assured fact that Mc¬ Donough will have a cotton factory. Rich wood, Ga., has big mills, water works, electric lights, frec schools and 8(H) peopl Ex-Gov. Northern is going right ahead wi.h hisemi naion movement. He is couiiaciu of settling 14,000 people who agree to take 100,000 acres <>' lai.d, which will be called till) Old Soldiers Colony. Oh ! poor woman—Since the woman sufirage movement has been agitated it is now discuss¬ ed that registration will require her to swear to her age bcfoie she .can vote. This will be specially heavy on old in .i'is ! Do what you may, and say what you will, the Atlanta Con¬ stitution is u great paper it reaches thousands of who get the news from every section. Comment and mi cism soent to give a groater im¬ petus to its motive power. The little affair between (Japt. Crossman, of the Alliance*, and the Spanish gunboat grows in interest. The complication may grow into serious proportions, aud then what? Why the United States w ill give Spain a small flogging and take Cuba to boot. Well! It seems that this country has had already sore experience in war—yet it war comes, let it so be—and may be many a pour devil who cuu get nothing to do now will have a job with Uncle Sam. Ferhaps, too, it would settle the silver question. T)>e Atlanta Constitution has Bent the Washington correspond ent, E. W. Barrett, to the Ori¬ ent, Mr. Barrett will keup the people posted upon the progress of the war nuw going on be¬ tween Japan and China. The Constitution now riv lU a the ISew York Herald. Besides the thousands l rtVell as presents to the bride and groom, the Castollane-Gould wedding cost $12,000. T;.is a mount w .n-vpaid out to minister, urshers, servants, etc. ivnmy a poor fellow, in Georgia, with $12 would be willing to i US girl six dollars, ami then go in¬ to matrimonial with bouyant hopes of a perous and lively career. it has been suggested >y an exchange that prodigal are always invited bactu hut prodigal girls never. Tins true, and unfortunate ho. When a young man Ci«p arts from the line of rectitude, goes in forbidden paths, friends of both sexes cry aloud, back! come back!” But alas! how sad aud how true, when a daughter or sister goes astray, her sex turn the back of hand and cry, “away! t v»y !" How many girls thoughtlessly entrapped might-have been deemed iu charity by their sis lets. p f llw P*™; avista, who was making light of the Bible, and never heeding the still small voice of God, has I been convinced by the thunder clap atld lightning flash, which destroyed his house the day. Be careful not to ridicule God’s word, even though you do not believe its teachings. The article , in , last _ Fridays . , , Constitution, (the 15th) upon i he aubiect ^ of free books was a timely one. If we mistake . not there is a tendency to urge a uniformity of book, by authority, then comes the free books. We do not want the free book system introduced in¬ to the schools. Uniformity of books will bring free books, then tree shoes, hats and clothing, and so on, until the thing would get to be unbearable. The saddest of the sad is the death of Dr. Broadus, wao died last Saturday morning at Lou •isville, Ky. A good and great man is gone. He served his day and generation in fear of God, and for the good of his fellow men. The Baptist de¬ nomination has lost a wise eouncellor, the Christian world a strong advocate, the literati a thorough scholar. In fond mem¬ ory will many theological stu¬ dents cast the sprig of acasia upon his grave. A GOOD SERMON. Di. Candler preached in the Methodist church Sunday, morning and night. We had the pleasure of hearing the dis¬ course at night upon the sub¬ ject, “Unconsciousness of Christian Work.” The subject was new to us, and yet the learned Doctor handled it so well that it gave comfort to the followers of the Master. His arguements were complete and illustrations apt and pointed. The foundation of his sermon was from the 34th to the 40th verses, inclusive, of the 25th chapter of Mathew. The nar¬ rative here shows that the < i righteous” were perfectly un¬ conscious as to what they had done for the Savior, that He should invite them to inherit the kingdom prepared for them, etc. The man who does the most in this life, leaving out self, and takes no thought as to the reward, illustrates the true Christian character. Daniel Webster, loosing all thought of self, and having no eye upon fame, held the Senate spell bound and would carry his points, while Edward Everett, with his rounded periods, and chaste diction, hoping to make reputation, would take his scat, having accomplished nothing, except the utterance “he said his speech well.” The societies of our day, instituted lor char¬ itable purposes, would have their standing committees who would make public reports, etc. Tivis is well, and we would not too severely condemn, bat the unpretentious woman who vis¬ tied the hovel and attended her sick sister in want and distress and whose deed was known on ly to the Master, would be more to receive the plaudit: “Come blessed o€ my father.” The burden of the discourse was to show that the Christians who work the works of the Lord without an eye on the reconr pense of reward, or without any end in view, doing all for the love of it, and to do fallen men good, are the blessed of the father. The Savior rewarded these “righteous the blessed of the father,” for deeds of which they were unt omcious. j ; W' if*. K ' : f (•: /ms ' mil-' - TrVYYWT luN U VV UTVCl? Brings comfort-and enjoyment improvementnnd when tends to personal who live bet rightly used. The many Sft ‘if liquid the value to health of the pure laxative principles embraced In the remedy, excellence Syrup of Figs. Ite is due mite presenting beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually headaches cleansing the and system, fevers dispelling colds, constipation. and permanently curing millions and It has given satisfaction to o%TS neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening objectionable them and it is substance. perfectly free from every Figs is for sale by all drug Syrup of bottles, but it gists in 50c and $1 is man ufactured by the California printed Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. GRAND AND TRAVERSE Jurors drawn for spring term, 1895, Rockdale Superior Court. GRAND JURORS. BeD. H, Summers, James D. Ray, J. R Rosser, James M. Street, James Hollingsworth, John D. scott, Wm. A. Costley, Chas. E, Kenyan, J. C. Steph¬ enson, Edward C.-Granade, Alexander S. Fariper, Z. T. Almand, Wm. P. Plunkett, Wm, L. Peek, L. B, SJgman, Chas. B. Hudson, John A. Hamilton, Lee T. Longslio e, Daniel N. Hudson, H. Y. McCord, Press M. Rom, J. M. B. Goode, FT. V. Hardwick, Joel Marks, Janies B. Lyon;Green U. Hull, J. P. McDaniel, Wm. F. McDaniel, C. Humphries, J. G. Mann. Traverse Jurors—1st week. J. N. Parker, J. W. Persall, Zach T. Martin, James W, Cowan, Sr., Jeff D. Denard, Thomas G. Swann, Geo. H. Bryant, J. W. Carter, J. C. Browning, Wm. H. Alexander, Geo. A. Maddox, J. W. Mote, Wm. K. Still, Robt. Hol¬ lingsworth, G. A. Lucas, T O. Nortom Wm. Y, Nelms, Janies II. Haralson, J. H.Owensby, A. J, Ogletree, J. P. Nich olson, F. D. McMillan, Noah T. Street, J.B. |Norton, A. H. Swann, A. F. Sims, Jr., W. N. McKnight, N. H. Capcharf, W. T. Stanton, J. M. Over¬ ton, C, A. Blake, W. T. Richardson, J. A. Parker, Sr., Wm. R. Owens, Jr., J. W. McDaniel, A. J. Summers, . Traverse Jurors—2nd week. P. II. Langford, VV. B. Thrasher, M. C. Summers, P H. White, Wm. M. Parker, VV. O. Goode, Chas. D. Cush¬ ing. VV. F. Hardin, Jos. D. Eckols, Jno R. Ethridge, P. L. Graham, L. F Scott, John T. Stowers, J. L, McCalla, Leroy Oglesby, VV. S. Marbut, J ilm A Manu, Samuel F. Bohanan, W. T. Stewart, VV. Z. Sterling, I. C, Eubanks Jr., Thomas S. Almand, A. J Smith, Thos. L. Maddox, Wm.T. Foe, Jno. C. Farmer, J. R. O'Neal, Ben F. Farmer, A. S. Wouley, J. N.N. Abney, Thomas J. Day, A. O. Cowan, M. D.- Irwin, Joslah G.Ray, L. J. Norton John T. Plunkett PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES YfUOC MARK. Qulity rifit ut Aliftr** ' i Sold by Drs. W. H. Lee & Son, Conyers, Ga. ! i % Work. Carriage Painting a Specialty. Painting and all kinds of Repair¬ ing, Upholstering and Cabinet work. Everything in my line qui :k ly, neatly, substantially and cheap¬ ly done, VY. V. Almand’s old stand, Conyers, Ga. Come and see me. Respectfully, P. H, LANGFORD. AN ELECTION For Conyers School Bonds. Thirty or more bona fide citi¬ zens, ot the city of Conyers, hav¬ ing petitoued the City Oonncil, of Conyejs, for an election for the | issuance of five thousand dollars Conyers School Bor ds, and an order having been passed held for an election therefor to be on Saturday, April 20, 1895. Now, in pursuance of said pet tion and order, and an act to establish Pub lie Schools in Baid city, etc., ap proved September be held 11, Saturday, 1889, an electiou wi n on ^!“« iSg toners of Seheol Boode to the amount of Five Thousand Dollars for the purpose of pur chasing suitable Jots and erecting . b , e buildings thereon, and fomisldo, miM** the name for Public Schools of said city of Conyers. Sard election to be held under the same rules and re g U J a tions as prescribed and Aldermen for the lectjoQ Q f Mayor of said city. All of ~d Bonds » be payable within twenty years from date of issue, anu to bear ln terest at the rate of six per cent p 6r annum fiom that date, and of t k e denomination of fifty dollars ® acb , - T A h . ® jj a »cnooi c booi Bonds ^on08 to to become due , and payable as fol lows: The first ten years from date of issue —$200.00 of the prin¬ cipal of said Bonds to become due and payable each and every year, on the 15th of December of said years, beginning on Decem¬ ber 15,1895, and annually there¬ after to the year 1905. And for the next ten years from date of issue, $300.00 of the principal due and of Baid Bonds to become paya¬ ble each and every year from the year 1905, and annually And all thereafter to the year 1915. of the interest becoming due and paya¬ ble on all of said Bonds to be payable on December 15 of said years as it falls due, beginning and on December 15th, 1895, said annually thereaftt r on tne 15 of month, until the principal and interest of said Bonds are satisfied The ballots for said election shall have wr words, tten, or the printed Issu¬ thereon the ‘For ing of Bonds’ or ‘Against the Issu ing of Bonds. ” Said election to be held in persuance of section 11 and 12 of said act to establish Public Schools, etc , in the city of Conyers, approved September 11,1889, and the laws governing Bond elections. By order of the City Council, of Conyers, Ua., this March 19,1895. Geo. P. Tilley, A. C. McCalla, Clerk- Mayor. THE COMMERCIAL Hotel, Mrs. J. B. Reese, Prop., Is a pleasant home for Drum¬ mers and the traveling public. Do not fail to call and give this house a trial. John L[. Ahrend, Banl^eu, Conyeus, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. An y accommndations, consistent with safe banking, extended. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS. STAB LER. M. H. MELTON, PROP. XjlT7-er37\ Feed, and Sa,le. (In Rear of Commercial Hotel.) I have opened a neat, new stable in the rear of the Commercial Hotel and am prepared to feed your stock and care for them in the best manner at leasonable prices. I have the very best turn-outs to be had, good horses, carriages, etc., nd will give you the very best service. See me when you want any¬ thing in the livery line. Respectfully, M. H. MELTON, - Conyers, Georgia. GET THE BEST. I have for sale the very best brands of Guanos and Acid- Tin Potasso DissclTred. Bone (Made by the Old Dominion Guano Co ) And a high grade Acid. Will sell for Money or Cotton. It will be to your interest to see me before you buy. Office at Livery Stable. Respectfully, W. XT, ETrexitt. WE BUY MONEY! »T> We formerly could purchase a dollar with a small quantity of merchandise, 10 yards of Lonsdale Bleaching would buy it. Now money has gone up— wc have to give 15 yards. We now give 25 yards Calico for $1.00. This is not talk—its facts. OUR NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS are in, 25 to 40 per cent, below last years’ prices, prettier, too. Zephyrs and Toil du Nord Ging¬ hams are beauties. No trouble to hedge against hard times if you sell your mon¬ ey where they pay tie most for it. E.C.HART BLACKSMITHING, CONYERS, GA. I desire to inform my friends and the public generally that I am still in charge of the W. V. Almand Blacksmith shop where I am pre¬ pared to do all kinds of work. My work is the beat and my prices the lowest. Bring me your horses and mules to shoe. Satisfaction gnaran teed- W. M. B0LLMAN. -o Spectacles, .watches, clocks jewelry and silverware. NO. 10 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Gal Buckien’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for c“». Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Bhe tions, and positively cures Piles, pay required. It is guaranteed reiano** perfet satisfaction or money Price 25 cents per box. MAL ACTOum w Citatiii. GEORGIA, Rockdale Count 1 .. Jo all whom it m av J * . John K. Maddox has> 0 . applied letters to the u*dersi admi.fistl gnei j «'! u “ nent 0 f t >* estate of Eliza .1. p ' on , , "n county, deceased, een f , ,jf APHrK and will M 8 tio " on£hefiistj ' Ul)(i, ' signature 28th °- dSrVpdbnir! Or^ u Mi* to Delta am oital said ilied county, to render deceased, iu their are heL Vj 1 undersigned according demand law-V J indebted to 1 persons to said estate uavm! .. quired This the to make 23th day immediate S ! * of i eh. Admr. of ibe'liardem“’ de GEORGIA, All persons Rockdale County h.J I notified that Amanda concerned are ow of Abe Hardeman, Hardeman J made application to the Court deceased YiJ i nary for the setting of months support for her apart of children ot the and the mi estate of Abe Hardd and tion on I will the pass first upon Monday the said arm!!! in April lg This F8b.28?'l895 A . MAS8,0rdi “^ Dismission. GEORGIA, Whereas, J. Rockdale H. Maddox Couuty:- j j Stowers, administrator aud f I J. N. of the estate Stowers deceased, represents the court that they have fulfy admin! tered persons the concerned, said estate. This to show is to cite ] any the can why said J. H. causal and ¥. E. Stowers, should jfaddd missed from the administration not be dl state, the first Monday of ad on in An, P 825. This December 29,1894, 0 . Seamam, Ordinary, Administrators Sale for Aeril M li By virtue of an or jer issued fron tl Court of Ordinary of Rockdale c ’tin the first Monday in . on March 1805 in’ be town sold of before Conyers, the within court house houl |1 the legal Apr! of sale on the first Tuesday in the 1805, following- to the highest described and best blddJ tl wit: One piece parcel of property land lyiJ or and being in the 11th district of orid nally ing Hcfiry of now land Rockdale lot county, bJ part No. (204) Td hundred and tour being in the SomU west corner of gaid lot, containing 1 J •follows acres, more On or less, and bounded : the south by the fands « D. M. Parker, on the east by the land of Joe L. Rogers and J. H. Nolan, d and the north N. F. by the lands of J. H. Nolti Williams and on the west b] J. M. Williams and Madison Tucker Abi Said land being the home place of from Hardeman, deceased, about six mil* Conyers, has very good imprott rnents, in good state of cultivation Said land to be sold for the purpose o! paying said Abe the Hardeman debts of the and estate for distribs of tk lion among the hiers. Terms of sale: The place will be sob on interest time, the notes to draw 8 per cent from date of sale—purcluM to receive rent of place. This March 5, 1895. R« W % Tt’CKKRj Adminlst’r, of Abe Hardeman, deed. Susan A. Broadnax,) Libel lor Bosk- 01 v g, vorce in Ed B. Broaddax. dale Superion April Court I’erm 1895. To Ed B Broad;;.'::, Defendant, tbit is to notify you, that, Susan A, Broad.] nax, on January 17th 1805, commenced! a suit against you foi divorce—return able to the April term 1895, of the Su¬ perior court of Rockdale Co. as aboit stated. and You are hereby notified to be nppear at said court to be held on the first Monday in April noxt, to anewM said complaint, This citation issued by order of the Judge of said cout As in default of such appearance said court will proceed thereon as » Justice may dppertain. Clark, Witness the Hon. Richard H. Judge of said court, this the 19th daf of J nuary 1805. C „ W. T. Hu-son‘ Clerk. S. INVEST YOUR CHANGE. A silver quarter is about « much as some people care to in¬ vest in medicine for immediate use. Spend this sum for a pack age of Simmons Liver Regulator friend powder. It’s the woman’s —cures sick headache in the right way and quickly ,too; jvist as good for biliousness.