Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 30, 1895, Image 3

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COAL. When you want a strict first-class coal, see me. J. P. TILLEY. 1 a FIRE INSURANCE. J. P. TILLEY AO KM. w. J. FRE'E-MflN JEWELER, llll ■ _ fine— WATCH REPARIN I A SPECIALTY. -GIVE ME A TRIAL— At Almtind’s Bank. local items. Don’t tell lies, don’t teHlies Bntbe Fnve to advertise, advertise, The tune will speedily come When you can count a hand.-ome sum. Peach blossom s. Guano still going out. Many citizens in town last Saturday. The sheriff’s sale for May is in this issue. Dr. J. A. Stewart visited Cov j ington this week. The warehouse of Tilley & Quigg is now complete. Read the article of Mr, Free¬ man on the fourth page. J. E. Whitaker will do your plowing at loots, per hour. 2t. Job work neatly executed at this office. Give us your orders. WANTED—A few regular boarders at the Commercial Hotel. E H. Reese is authorized to receive and receipt for subscrip¬ tions at Eatonton. Locals from Neely’s Acade jmy are in, but too late for pub¬ lication this week. Mr. Robert White of Atlanta, is a nice young man. lie was formerly a citizen of our town. [ Judge Seamans has received [the pension blanks for old sol piers, and he is i eady to take [applications. | Subscribe for this paper at fue [Weekly dollar, or this and the Constitution for $1 25, lash in advance. I T. W. Gheesling, of Coving lon, was in our town last Sun* lay, the guest of J. L. Norman, It the Commercial. I Tax Receiver’s books will be ■pen from April 1st to July 1st, lor the purpose of receiving tax leturns for the year 1895. I Mrs. Dr. Rosser moved to At¬ lanta this week. Conyers’ loss I s Atlanta’s gain. The Dr. will ■omain with us for awhile Iong We return thanks to a gentle lan—a stranger to us, but a ibscriber-—for the kind re* >arks made commending the 'W.Y. - We seen the happy, smiling 106 Mr. T. M. Armistead in ur city one day this w ’eek. He |one ®cieut of officers. Fulton county’s most Francis J i; ' : P e °ple are pleased with Cludde.” Subscribe ] °| 2 V n aD( opsis ^ begin of with the story -rs ^ven preceding chap each week. J* cavalry Wheeler, service, a soldier of . ► 1864, was killed K his W near Decatur, Ga., v grave is. Does I l One know his w . family? y ' caikuttention to our ad ,n g table. We have put ^ rates fifty per cent. cheaper than formally in order to meet the demands of the times. Mr. Johnson has a fine cow which furnishes the best Jersey butter. Call on Goode & Iluff and huv your lumber. They will treat you right. Any thing or any body on - earth can he reached by the right kind of advertising. Jeff Carter, who lias been off fur a few weeks, visiting Home, Macon, Chatauooga, Nashville, Memphis, and other points of interest, returned home last Monday. After the sermon at the Pres¬ byterian church at II Sunday last, the preacher read two in¬ teresting letters from Dr.Quigg, the pastor, who is now in the Holy Laud. We are in it! We mean to say that we are in the newspa¬ per business to make it a suc¬ cess for ourself, and a pleasure and benefit to our readers—a paying business for advertisers. The support of a good paper, oi papers, iu auy town is an index pointing to the prosperity of the citizens thereof. If the business man of Conyers will try this year, they will be satisfied with the result next Uhrisfnias. Rockdale Superior Court convene here next Monday, From what vve can learn there will be no criminal cases of any great importance to be tried. Some suits of long standing, with minor cases will the time of the court. Messrs. Jones & Fan-ill opened a blacksmith and wood shop in the brick shop on the lower end of Commerce stree; wbere they will be pleased to have their friends and the pub¬ lic generally call and see them The best work and lowest prices guaranteed. tf. R. W. McGarvis, of San cisco, Cal., spent last Tuesday night iu our town. He gave an interesting description uf the great western country, The vegetation anu expansive wheat fields at this time present the A-bole landscape iu a carpet of beautiful green. Rev. Mr. Bell, of Hopewell, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday, noon ana night. Mr. Bell preached inter¬ esting sermons, which had the right ring of pure gospel metal, lie is a young man of promise, and lias a bright future before him in that calling which is a bove the beggarly elements of the world. Making a rough estimate from the number bought by the different merchants there were received in Conyers last week 700 dozen eggs. Ileus of this section seem to have waked up to the fact that their business is in no way effected by the Mc¬ Kinley tariff. The tariff does not effect over production, nor over production the tariff. Mrs. W.J. Eaks is in Atlanta this week and next attending the openings of the various mil linaries. She is an experienced and artistic trimmer, and has been engaged to preside over this department of J. J. Lang¬ ford’s popular store for the sea son next. \\ it li her trained eye Mrs. Eaks, no doubt, w iff bring j back the most desireable of this season’s styles. | LUMBER FOR SALE. Paities can buy lumber of all 8OT ts on sh- rt notice from us ut the lowest prices. Mills located 24 miles South of Conyers, m30.3m. Goode A Herr OFFICE OF Clerk of CorxcrL. Conyers, Gn., Mch. 20, 1895. Tiie books are now - open f° r registration for the election to be held on April 20th 1805, on tlmx l uesrion of School Bonds, Books wi 1 Ue open until S o’clock p. m. of the day preced m ° e ' ectIoa ‘ Don’t for get to register. Geo. L’. Tilley, C. C. The Kappa Pi secret society, of the Conyers Institute, bad a very interesting an 1 highly en¬ joyable debate last, week. The subject was “Resol ved that the Chinese should be excluded froru this country. The affirmative side was ably supported by Hen¬ ry Austin and James McDonald, the negative by John Tilley and Flournoy Helms. After a hot contest the negative side was finally dedal ed to bo the win¬ ner. To the business men of Con¬ yers we would say advertise in your county papevs. Every man of every class of business should run a regular ad. This includes lawyers, doctors and dentists. We have noticed where professional men and all, run cards the towns’seem to be doing fine business. It is like bread cast upon the waters. It sustains well the paper and keeps it in a better position for doing good to the masses. It is P ro bono publico and accrues to B,e interest of each advertiser as weB - Try it. TAX^RECEIVER’S NOTCE I will be at Sheffield district cou,fc 6 rouud the 1st Saturday’s in April, May and June, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district the ;Jd. Sat urday’s in April, May and June. Honey Creek the 4th Satur¬ day’s in April, May and Juue, and at Conyers the remainder of lhe time > when nut otherwise engaged. Office at Stephenson & Turner’s, liespt., m30.3rno. R. L. Htrnsox, T.R. OLD DR. DRUMMOND After years of patient study and experiment, has given to the world a preparation which is an absolute ami permanent cure for every form of rheuma¬ tism. The price is $j, but it is two large bottles—enough fora month’s treatment—and will re lieve the worst case from the first dose. Sent by express to any address upon receipt of price, by the Drummond Medi¬ cine Co., 48 Maiden Lane, New York, with full particulars and testimonials o' wonderful cures. Agents wanted. FARMING. We know it is thought that ed. itors are ever ready to give ad¬ vice to farmers. Editors haviug advantage of the newspaper are perhaps in better position to note the items from every sec¬ tion It is generally understood that the people want better prices for the cotton crop, and that the only way to secure this f ol . t|j e farmers to enlarge acreage for the grain crops and to reduce that for the cot ton. The tendency of the price now is upward. To keep it so is to convince traders that the crop this year w ill be much j ess n Jaa j a former years. Be no ^ influenced to plant large acreage because cotton is up. Adhere to the resolutions of a few months ago to plant little. Whea Bab? vu ftet. *• gave Sw J — nrM . When *h« »«« a Quid. *he cried for Cutorit, When sb« fcoewne Mim, *he cinn^ to C**ton», Cbiidrwa, «be ?•▼€ them C* 4 tc(it CORRESPONDENTS. Things that are told by Our Correspondents from the Country. SMYRNA. One of on* enterprising young men, Mr. Lent Sims, and M ss Eifie White, of Henry county, were married last Mr. A . F. Sims, who has sick several days, is better. Tlte sick members of Mr Win. Sims’ family are nearly recovered. Miss Cora Hollingsworth visiting relatives in Atlanta. Whooping cough is now in several families throughout community. Mis. Mary Hollingsworth with her daughter, Mrs. Aman¬ da Sharp, attending the sick. The young people report hav¬ ing a pleasant time at enter ments at Messrs Win. Swann’s and George Maddox’s last week. There will be a singing at Mr. O’Neal's tomorrow evening The severe winter killed near ly all the blue birds. Farmers ate preparing to live well at home this year, notwitl, standing the hard rimes. I. C. U. # # # # ROCKY RRVXCH. Gardening in general. • Our friend, Bud Maddox, of Tucker’s mill, worshiped at Rockdale Sunday. Farmers are going with a rush this week preparing to plant their crops. Some fellow must have got ahead of Ron Biffle Sunday night. He looked awful sour. Friend Joe White and lady visited Mr. Bud Treadwell’s family , ... Sunday. , Mr. T. F. Owensby and wife visited Mr. Dick Nicholas, near Smyrna J Sunday. i . . Rockdale , , , icac nng at tonior row by Rev. J. M. DeFoor. Go to the singing at Mr. Ben Hill’s to-night. With a sad heart we chron¬ icle the death of the 17 months’ old infant of Mr. Jim Long. We tender our sympathy to the bereaved ones. Now don’t think us a spring poet by these lines : The MitiMiine is a glorious tiling, Which comes alike to all; I.i.hling the peasants lonely cot, The nobles painte I hall. Sancho. OAK (IROVE. Rev. Mr. Boll, of Hopewell, preached quite an able sermon at this place Sunday evening. The farmers are all putting in good time while the sun shines. Mr. E. L. Turner aud son, Add, visited relatives at Stone Mountain last Saturday and Sunday. Uur young people enjoyed a Hamilton’s last Saturday eve- 25 hospitable home. Mr. Andrew Plunkett, of Jackson, visited Prof. Clotfelter Sunday. Mr. Walter Plunkett, who has been visiting relatives in Atlanta, has returned home. Add Turner contemplates a visit to Cartersville soon, but can’t imagine who to see. Messrs. Colie Warren and John Marbut, two of Lithonia’s handsome gents, visited our community Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hosannah Plunkett and daughter, Mia, Eulah visited relatives in your city last Satur day and Sunday. Our school house has been newly seated and is much more ootnfortable. " n ,ast Fi,,l;, v i ' ve,ihi * Mi : - young pe >plc met r.t the n si of Mr. Herd Alim aid organized a Literary Twenty name have already been enrolled, l’rof. ( 1 >tfelter was elected president and Miss Maud Allen secretary. They will meet again lo-nig'it at Mr H. 1 . White’s. Mr. Me Lolland, of Lthonia, preached here Wednesday p. m. ( ( MlMYNTRUDE.” NOTICE TO 8UBi RISERS. All persons who are iu arrears for this p iper will please pay \lr. Halo up to Jan. 1, 1895. Parties who send money to the Weekly will indicate whether it is for this year or not. We desire very much that subserib ers not only pay arrearges, but pay us for the present year. Ou< dollar is a small amount, bin many subscribers make th< sum of importance to us, and will enable us to make the Weekly larger, giving much more reading matter. ’Please remit if you can. A REWARD OF $500 Will be paid for any case of rheumatism which cannot be cured by Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy. This offer is made in good faith by tin proprietors, and there is no rea¬ sonable excuse for any one to suffer longer Any ordinary case will be cured bv one treat¬ ment, and it is poor economy to suffer when relief can be secur¬ ed so certainly. The price of a month’s treatment—two bottles —is $5, and that is the cost of a cure. Full particulars and testi¬ monials of wonderful cures sent to any address. Drummond Med icine Go , 48 Maiden Lane, New lurk * Agents w ' iintc< ’ SPECIMEN CASES- I 3 H Clifford. New Lasse), Ww . *a- roubltd with Neuralria and ^ iieumatisin, his stoumclie was din rdered, niu L vei was affected to an ’ ,! 'V ujilJ " appetite tell away, uni be was te-iir-lv reduced iu flesh ml strenatli Three bot Ies ol Electric B't ers cured Irm. EiL-ar-l Shepherd, Harrisburg, ill., had n running acre on hi-' leg < J e ght year,’ standing. U-ed thre« Iv.tnes nf E f»rtrie liit.'era aud spvci ’< x s i f Bucklen'a Arnica Naive, h'h ■ is. )pg is sound and wall. Join -.ppaker, CiUHwha, O., h id flvelarg* Fever sines on his lev, doctors h o)r: >ie was lucuiah'e. One bottle Elec Bitters and one box Buekleu't Mnies Sihve wired him en iiely So d by Lee & So > druggists SPECIAL BARGAINS. »nMi«unimmnnwi»i «n i wi For 30 davs we offer the cele bt-ated Iron King Stove at prices far below any price ever before offered in this market. Now is the time for parties wanting a first-class stove at foundry prices to get it. Call at once at Johnson & Almand’s and see for yourself. 7mm a==s m nARRIAljE imm ■ m* WDBK mn Vf9 n fl AIT WORK, ™ J TL™ film ffl.J. YYQ^ _ Carriage Painting a Specialty. | Painting and all kinds of Repair-] io g> Upholstering and Cabinet work. Everything in my line quick ly, neatly, suListantially and cheap y done, W. V. Almand’s old ttand, j Conyers, Ga. Come and see me. Respectfully, P. 11, LANGFORD. SAW MILLS. $160 TO $900. £NGINES&B01 LERS To suit. J90 in stock. stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTING i A NO SL LPLtfcS. & CO, AUGUSTA,ga , ‘ 1 1 I ‘ Poor « Health « ’means so much more than 1 ’you ’fatal imagine—serious diseases and’ result from 1 ’trilling Don’t ailments neglected. " play with Nature’s i ' greatest gift —health. If r f '“ »* Oelinr Brown's r ut of »om,n«k ■nd frencnlly ««• : hftustcd, ue vnft*, . have no aj»pet)i« ■nd can't work,, begin ing at once tell*- tak¬ | the most - ron ble itrengthenin^ medicine,which Hit. i* ( Frown a Iron ten. A lew T>ot- - 1 Bitters ties cure— hetic.1t come« from the „ very f»r*t duat- tf rvon't atain r: teeth, ■ f< <| pleasant to take. , It - Cures i ’ Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, 'Constipation, Bad Blood • Malaria, Nervous ailment? <f , Women’s complaints. Get only the Renuine— it h*« rmwH ?*/ r 9 lines on the wrapper. All other* air #t,r. \ ^ stitutes. Oil receipt of two sc stump* v • f will send set of lea Beautiful ViiH»\ Fair Views and book-free. 5 ' BROWN CMEM'CAL CO. BULTIMOrr ,. I or sal - hr llr. W II Lie .t- Son BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial man* ner, when the springtime conies use the true and perfect remedy Syrup of Figs. One liott e will answer for all the family And costs only 50 cents; the large s ze $l. Try it and bo pleased Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. INVEST YOUR CHANGE. A silver quarter is about as mi \ ch ,w su nic l >eo P lc C8,e *° in * vest lit medicine , for mini dinte use. Spend this sum for a pack "S 0 °, f Simmons Liver Regulator P uwd ’‘ r - 1 the woman’* friend —Cures sick headache m the right way and quickly ,too ; just as good for biliousness. BRING - ME -YOUR WORK. 1 now have on* of the best Stnilll* in th** ••outnrv sod make « sp*oi#lly if b>-vw* sin" in'*. Will do *1 kinds fi > Blacksmithing, Wood work u iGjrural Repairing i« the my best iuhuui r l «t prices to suit the tim"8 I thunk my friends for pa t pa nnmge mid ii k > contiau* auce of iLie .-nine. Rcsppctfullr, G. CLO rPELTETR BUY - AT HOME! Ir ^ fe l ) Y° ,lr hioney where y&n can get it again. INSTRUMENTS OR MACHIHES EXCHANGED FOR OLD ONES. Do you want a Piano? Do you want a machine? ff do, for either cash er lik time ’ installments or otherwise, caB and 8fcr ' me > ncXt doar to Hank, Masonic building, Con yere, Ga., and I will save yeu from ten to thirty per cent, oh anything you want. Come and see me. Very respet., J. N. HALE,Gen. Agt. W. M- B0LLMAN. o~ Spectaclos, watches, clocks, and silverware. NO. 10 Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Ga Children Cry fc Pitcher 1 * CettoH*. phifdren Cry for Pitcher’s Q««tortk