Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, April 06, 1895, Image 3

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COAL. When you want a strick first-class coal, see me. J. P. TILLEY. I ■ f fire insurance. J. p. TILLEY A GEM Y/. J. FRE-DMmN jeweler, — FINE — llg|S REPAliING WATCH a SPECIALTY. —GIVE ME A TRIAL— At Almand’s Bank. local items. The constant drop of water Wearn away the hardest stone; Tbe constant gnaw of Towser Masticates tbe toughest bone. The constant cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid; \tid the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade. _Wahoo Wasp. —Dr. Stuart visitedDecaturtbis week. —E. II. Reese of Eatonton spent Sun¬ day with his parents in the city. -Wm. Richardson of Lithonia visited our city this week. -Rev. Coe Ciiristl m of Fresno, Cal., is visiting his lather in tbe city. —Clever G.W. Stewart was in the city last Wednesday, -Hon. J. C. ha ton of Madison cireu lated among bis old home friends this week, —Col. Leftwick from Atlanta attend¬ ed court this week. -MrsBettie G ran a 'V of Oak Grovi community is here viming relatives. —Some of the sihool boys « bserved the 1st of April in tbe usual manner played truant. —Dr. Quillian will preach at Oaf Grove academy tomorrow at 4 o’clocL p. m. The people are invited to attend —Many are the compliments passed on “Francis Cludde.” It is an excellent story, and those who are not reading i are missing a litetary treat of the high est order. —H. Y. McCord had his dwelin; house moved, this week (chimneys in¬ cluded) from one lot to another by on - chinery from Atlanta. —Do you want the a tention of tin people? Keep vour name and bnsine-o always before them, in short, let them know you are living, You want some¬ thing “catchy.” —A eatl gram from D . H Qulgg says he is enroui.e to American shore.-. We are delighted to know that the Doc¬ tor, Providence permitting, will »ooi be at home again. —Geo. Willing’ m, who wa* cauglr In the machinery at the oil mill recent¬ ly and was badly hurt, we are glad to state is able to he on the stre-ts attain. —Revs, M. L. Carswell an t B. D. Ragsdale att nded the ministers’ and deacons' meeting at Woodville, near Li thonia, last Sabbath. The program was go’id and the speeches interesting. —Rev. Howard Crumley, of Atlanta, will preach in tbeMethodist church next Sunday at 11 a. in. The public is cor¬ dially invited. —Miss Addie Mabry of R eky Plains, and Miss Lydia Evans of Covington were in our city this week, the guests of J. D. Winburn and lady. —Edwin Godfrey, a firstclas*painie of our town, lost all his too's by tire in Henry county at Frank Craigg’s on Sunday eveniug last. He lost ten dot ars and Mr. Craigg’s loss was $1800. —Mr. Parry of Decatur, the stenog¬ rapher for Rockdale court, was in the city this week. —Judge Clark and Solicitor General Candler are polite and affable gentle men, making friends with whomsoever they cotne in contact. —Col. Middlebrooks of Covington was in our city this week attending court He is the brainy representative of New ton county in our Georgia legislators. —Venable Bros, of Atlanta, have plans and specifications for building a ten sto¬ ry hotel on the old capitol grounds, it wili be built out of Stone mountain granite. Its capacity will be for 1000 guests. It wiil have four elevators It will overtop every other building in Atlanta. —Mr. Thos. Calloway, father of Mrs. A. J. Walton, died in Eatonton several days ago, and was carried to Wilkes county for burial. Mr. Calloway was fo matiT years a member of the Bap¬ tist church, and for IS years clerk of the Georgia Baptist Association. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved onti— especially Mrs. Walton, who watched and waited by his herttude for many long months as only a loving and duti ful daughter could. COURT. Superior court convened last Monday .J udge Richard M. Clark on the bench. After the usual clear charge of Ins honor, the court was ready for business. The civil cases not being ready, the Judge hod but little business for several days. Next week, we understand, the criminal docket will be disposed of. the concert Given by the Ladies’ Aid So¬ ciety of the Presbyterian church on Friday night of last week was a decided success. The pro gramme was lengthy and excel¬ lent. Every one present enjoy¬ ed the music and recitations. The quartette,quintette and sex¬ tette were pleasing to the audi - ence. There were over two hun¬ dred people present, the ladies receiving about $25 for their ef¬ fort. Many thanks to the ladies. We hope they will give another entei tainment soon. M. 26 OF APRIL. The spring time has corae, the opening roses and the varied vio¬ lets are dispelling their sweets upon the air, and as yet we have not heard whether there is a la¬ dies’memorial association iu Con yers. It is time that steps should be taken to observe the 28tli of April, fixed mauy years ago to commemorate the memories of dead soldierswho gave their lives for a righteous and glorious cause; who died in defense of the only principles of freedom— principles which we should ever cherish, and teach our children ro love. LECTURE. Dr. TV. Edwin Hall, editor of die Inieruational,New York, de¬ livered two lectures here last Tuesday in the court house. The lecture at 3 o’clo, k in the eve¬ ning was a free oue,upon the sub ject “ What is man?” The one given at 8 p. in., “How to get married aud stay so.” Both sub¬ jects were handled with ease, and were filled with wit, humor and sometimes pathos, making the most direct • shots from a “sharp shooter.” The audiences were apprecia tive,and w re highly entertained NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. We will be much pleased if our subscribers will come and pay us for The Weekly. We need the money. The amount of $1, though small to you, is of great importance to us when several pay. From now till the first of May we will send our paper and the weekly Constitution to one address for $1.25. At this time there will be the opening of the guesses at the number of the bill offered as premium by the Con¬ stitution. After the first of May this paper and the Constitution wili be $1.50. Everybody who wants the two papers for $1.25 will come in between now and May, get both papers, a guess, and perhaps 500 or 1000 dol¬ lars. What say you? MISS EMMA RILEY Desires to call attention to her stock of Spring Millinery, which is complete in all the new est shapes and shades,which she will sell at REASONABLE PRICES, call and see her goods, a pleasure to show them. She returns thanks for patron age in the past and solicits a continuance of same in future. Conyers, April 6, 1895.-It* CHASED IT DOWN! THAT IS HOW THEY GOT IT Our Correspondents are Good Ones, and Serve the News of the County to Our Readers in Crisp, Bright Paragraphs. ROCK Y BRANCH. Trees putting forth their spring armor. There is a great deal of corn he iug planted in this section. Your scribe is on the sick list. Edna, the little daughter of friend T. F. Owensby has been very sick, but we are glad to state she is better at this writing. Friend Tom Morgan of Honey creek visit the neighborhood Sun day. Doc Biffle has a clock which he says never gets out of fix with out a chance. We hardly know what to think of a certain young man in this neighborhood. He went to see his best girl the other night, and when he got home he pulled of! his hat and shoes, put them in bed, covered them up, hung him self on the rack and says he nev¬ er slept better m his life. SANCHO. # # * NEW HOPE LOCALS. Spring has come with its sun¬ shine. Miss Ola Christian of Atlanta is visiting her father in this com¬ munity. Sabbath school was organized at this place last Sunday. Quiltings are becoming quite fashionable in these parts. It is time to go fishing There is a great deal of sick¬ ness in the county. Miss Goolie Henry lias closed her school at New Hope. Miss Mamie Graham, a very attractive young lady of Coving¬ ton, is visiting relatives and friends in the neighborhood. Farmers are busy putting in guano and planting corn. Joe Peek and wife visited her father, Mr. Wash Dennard Gu 8 Moon and family visited his daughter, Mrs. Billie Hum¬ phries, last Sunday. We regret very much to note the serious illness of Mrs Lizzie Grainger. We hope to soon re¬ port her recovery. Miss Mamie Nelms has closed her school at Philadelphia, and returned to her home in Conyers. John Dennard and family and .Jim Humphries aud wife visited C. Humphries and family last Sunday. CRASS HOPPER. * * * * ITEMS FROM SMYRNA. Mr. Charley Maddox aud Miss Minnie Livingston were married last Thursday. We wish the couple a long life of prosperity and happiness. Otis Clotfelter has returned home after completing a course of study at the Atlanta Business College. Who got April fooled? Prof. Clotfelter for one. His pupils tied from the play ground to the woods. It was pleasant for all. The children had a picnic, and the teacher enjoyed a rest. Farmers are progressing nicely. Our Sabbath schools good and still improving. i.c, u. * «• * * OAK GROVE PERSONALS. „ V . have . at . last. , . e spring Peach blossoms can be seen in every direction. Our farmers are busy planting corn.’ Miss Lucy Walden, we are sor- rv is, ' uit " 5;ck ™ h measles. C. O. Leoffler find .fetf Whit • of Atlanta were in our • •ommu nity bird hunting one day last week. j Miss Levaneho Davidson one | of your sweetest young ladies, spent last Wednesday night with Miss Maud Allen. For reasons unknown to the writer there was no preaching at. Oak Grove Wednesday night, the 27, as was stated last week. It is *aid that Lon Brand hitch ed his horse somewhere near McDaniel’s crossing last Sunday afternoon. Prof. Chas. Clotfelter visited friends at Woodville last Satur day and Sunday. Messrs. Billie Wilson and Har¬ mon Bishop of Lithonia visited near Oak Grove Sunday after¬ noon. ERMYNTRUDE. 15ITS FROM NEELY’8 ACADEMY. [Crowded out last week.] The farmers of this section are busy planting corn. Services will be held at the school house at this place next Sunday. There will be two ser¬ mons, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. G. A. Neeley left last Monday for Atlanta, where he will work the remainder of this year. Our vocal music club meets at J. M. Robertson’s this week. Paul, the little son of John Stower has been quite sick. W. F. Edwards has purchased a nice organ. News was received here Mon¬ day by J. S. fleely that Ins sou, F. E. Neely, of Ft. Valley, bad been accidentally hurt. We hope his injuries are not serious. Messrs. Edwards are doing a thriving business here with their sawmill. NELL. PERSONAL AND NEWSY. Your customers like to see your card in the newspaper. Judge Clark and Solicitor Gen¬ eral Candle! are stopping at the Commercial this week. Advertising pays everytune ! As one has said,“Business with out printing is like a vessel with out sails—it may get along, but slow.” Judge Speer of Madison was in the city attending court one day this week. Subscribe for this paper at one dollar, or this and the Weekly Constitution for $1.25, cash in advance. Rev. Mr. Wood of the Christ¬ ian church was at the Commer¬ cial last Monday. Call on Goode & Iluff and buy your lumber. They will treat you right. Wm. Brown of Atlanta was at the Commercial Monday. J. J . Langford, the enterpris¬ ing milliner and merchant will place on exhibition next Tuesday and Wednesday his entire stock of millinery goods, and he will take pleasure in showing the la¬ dies of this section the latest nov elties in this line. Messrs. Crocker and Stiff, rep¬ resenting Freyer & Bradley’s music house of Atlanta, were in the city Monday, guests of the Commercial. | If you want any brick work done of any kind and in style, see J. B. Dukes. His work is substantially and neatly done at reasonable prices, and he j antees satisfaction or no pay. Politeness is just like those new shoes at Summers <fc Hudson’s, they are very pleasing and don’t cost much. E H. Reese is autiiomeil receive and receipt for subscrip tions at Eaton toll. If you follow the fashion von will sure’v go to Sumnio , ’s & Hudson’s. J. E. Whitaker will do your plowing at loots, per hour, ‘it. •Job work neatly execute I this oflice. (live us WAVi-rn WAMED-A a / few regtU- , boarders at the Comniercia! Hotel. | Estes, O.i Wednesday night! i*f,(!••>.' a, bright young mail wlmj iiad for some time suffered with consumption, ilnze with died. We sympa-1 the bereaved. A drowning man will cnieh at astl ' uw; but a woman will iui.v her ] hats of McDonald A Guinn. “April fool” is never cried at those who buy their spring goods at Summers & Hudson’s. Col. Pace of Covington was at the Commeecial last Wednesday Messrs. Jones & Farrill have opened a blacksmith and wood shop in the brick shop on the lower end of Commerce strw where they will be pleased t<> have their friends and the pub¬ lic generally call and sec them. The best work and lowest prices guaranteed. tf. When your paper is filled with advertising from the local busi¬ ness men it gives an air of pros¬ perity to your town,at home aud abroad. I’m in love with 1 hat. It from my McDonald now spring came & Guinn’s. , Mrs. Farmer, a good woman of of Sheffield district, died last Wednesday. SPECIMEN OASES. S H. Clifford, New Cancel, Wis , was iroubled with Nt-ural/a aud it : euiualiHlu, It its Ntonuie.iifc was dis rdered, ais L ver who aliened to ait •tla wing decree appetite'tell away, uni ha was leiri'iJv reduced hi fl -tdt nd eUvuyth. Three hot h'8 of Electric Bit ers cured h’m. E<l>*ard Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., i ad a minting wire on hi- leg el eight year-*’ standing. U ed three >otties of E txsuic liWarn Mini seven K>xe, of Bucklen’s Arnica Nilve, and "Dig is sound and well, John Speaker, Catawba, O., had live large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said oe was incurable. One buttle Elec¬ tric Bitters and one box Bucklea's Arnica Salve cured him en>irely Sold by Le« & So i druggists. >m * ■----- OLD DR. DRUiU.VOND After years of patient study and experiment, has given to the world a preparation which is an absolute and permanent cure for every form of *1,Huron tism. he. price is $o, but it is two large bottles—enough for a j month’s treatment—and will re lieve the worst case from the, first dose. Sent by express to any address upon receipt of price, by the Drummond Medi¬ cine Co., 48 Maiden Lane, New York, with full particulars and testimonials of wonderful cures. Agents wanted. SPECIAL BAMS. For 30 davs we offer the cele¬ brated Iron King Stove at priceB far below any price ever before offered iu this market. Now is the time for parties wanting a first-class stove at foundry prices to get it. Call at, ouce at Johnson & Almand’s and see for yourself. THE WISH GRAllFIED You have often wished for something to take the place of pills. Now try a 25 cent pack¬ age of Simmons Liver Regulator powder. Take it dry, on the tongue, or make it into a tea. It is pleasaut to take, and gives quick relief—two good recom mendations. If you want an organ, a piano or a machine of any kind eatl on Hale & SiAtman and they will save you 25 per cent, on them They handle the best and give the best terms. K-H ■ , i , i ’ IrOOt W"^ j 1 ’ i < ’ 1—1 | I i « £| ^ J. ',-*»■ J*- VCll Ll 1 ' < >, means «> much more than , you imagine—serious and /fatal diseases result from / trifling ^ ailments neglected. 1 ’ on t play with Nature's > ™ U i you art f«*!lftE c ‘ D fit ol »orts, mi i DfOWlTS f trnt rally «»■ ’ hire Imusted, „!v«iii, 1 . , .9 1)1,,.tilt and can’t wotk, ;Iron Win at onetiak. nl. ■»( tlientMtrtllt.. medicine,which atrcnjrtkenitif la Drown'. Iron Bit. . term A few tint. ' Bitters CccM. very tlea cornea f tire—benelt firat .»d itain front do*e—tf MW the . . ’ . pleasant li'i . ’ to taka., It Cures , Neuralgia, Dy*Pepsk . Kidney and Liver' ’ Constipation, Troabta*, Bad Blood 1 Malaria, Nervoua ailments < . Women’s complaint*. , • wifiiinti 22 r rr °D fl ' n * c "« * brown chem'cal co. Baltimore, mb ' For *<ib by Dr. W. II I ,t Son* BEST OF all: To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly bonofioinl man¬ ner, w hen the springtime comes use the true and perfect remedy Syrup of Figs. One bott e will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents; the large s ze $1. Try it and lie pleased Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. A REWARD “OF $500 Will be paid for any case of rheumatism which cannot be cured by Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy. This offer is made in good faith by the proprietors, and there is no rea¬ sonable excuse for any one to sulfer longer, Any ordinary caso will ho cured bv one treat* meat, and it is poor economy to sulfer when relief can be secur¬ ed so certainly. The price of a month’s treatment— two bottles —is $5, and that is the coBt of a euro. Full particulars and testi¬ monials of wonderful cures sent to any address. Drummond Med iciuo Co , 18 Maiden Laue, New York. Agents wanted, ---. • LUMBER FOR SALE. v „ ti „ buJ o( HortM on H hort notice from us at the lowest prices, Mills located 2£ mih-s.South of Corners, ni30.3m. Goon ; & flBFV. The spring underw at Sum mers & Hudson’s is nistling around to get on someone’s back. BUY - AT HOME! Keep your money where yon can get it again. NEW INSTRUMENTS OR MACH1IES EXCHANGED FOR OLD ONES. Do you want a Piano? Do you want an Orgai? Do you want a Bicycls? Do you want a machine? If you do, for either caBli or •* time, installments or otherwise, call and see me, next doer to Bank, Masonic building, Con¬ yers, Ga., and I will save yeu from ten to thirty per cent, on anything you want. Come and see me. Very respet., J. N. HALE, G«n. Agt. «h«B Baby wu Met. ••(•>• mt 3MMM, When thtnti Child, ihoeriod for CtattrlB, Wtan sba became Mhn, the dung to rattnflj^ s-zhH-i— -*-1—“-lwrimnn