Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, April 13, 1895, Image 2

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CONYERS WEEKLY “ OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE C OUNTY. — J; B. & J. H. Rkkuk. ADVEbTlSINO KATES. ws*crs 3 12 mo. 0 mo. mr> i men *2,Ml | IM.00 * (id o . 3 4.00 7 50 10.00 ”4 7.50 13.0fT i 20.09 % column i 10.00 15.00 25 .IK) y. “ 1 i8.oo 30.00 I 55.00 - q 3 50 00 ! 100 no fi cents pet line f« r llr-t loser tlon ; 2*4 cents for pbcIi subsequent in •nition. Regular Adv. 5dc. pc inch ler first inrertlon; 25c lor each subsequent insPTtion. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Oneyeur, In advance Six months, in advance... *»»,«»»•» *•» .50 Jtntetcd at the poatoffioe at Conyers as second-class mail matter. Saturday, April 13, 1 H9.">. . ... -- T t A decision is The income tax now the subject of much discus nion. More work for thelawyers. ’ Queeusbury Tiie Marquis o £ was adjudged not guilty of libel ing Oscar Wilde. J. • Saturday is the day for the citizens of Conyers to vote on school bonds. . It is expected thateyery voter will dohisduty. ■ in Wheeling," wTVa., April 9, a five story building fell and cov ered ten nieu beneath the d^bi is, which took fire, adding horror to the scene,_______ < t Campos, who now has charge ‘ of the Spanish war bureau, it it sa id, is likely to amicably adjust matters in Cuba, and thus tei miuate the rebellion. The "Targe English bull dog -steps in front of the gate and barks. It is ciiiious to watch aqd see if our American mastifl will coil his tail and run unde) the house. _ _ The Augusta Chronicle says : “Next to the talk of a Southern man for president, the talk ol Mr. Cleveland for a third term is the most idle that could be in¬ dulged in." 10,000 counterfeit postage stamps were discovered the oth er .day in the office of W ells-Far go express office. Chicago. 1 he TJ.S. offiuem are after the law violators, and will no doubt bring them to justice. What is a bloomer? We don’t ' Jaiow, hut imagine it is a species * ( f trousers, made after the fash¬ ion oflarg • sleeves, which we men propose to wear. Wo hope the bloomer will not hlooat in Oonyorn. It is said by astronomers that on yesterday the heavenlybodies occupied the same positions aud delations to each other as they i id on The day of Chvst’s cruci iixion 18G2 years ago. It is safe t» say, then, that it will be 1862 years before this happens again -A gentleman in Harralson 'fins a hen’s* nest so balanced that the moment the egg is laid the top of the nest will gently flit, rolling the egg in a box un ’derneath. When the hen mis see tlie egg. instead of cackling and otherwise making a great to^dti over nothing, she at once proceeds to do a better job tor the owner bv laying again. ‘ Monday’s Coerthn ,'H d:s--!iss es the question, Should a man marry ?’’ Raviaaing an article from plcokwood'a magazine it would seein that a m an should not marry ; hut the writer sug¬ gests to tltc young people their going hack to the plaiu dress aud edwjorhic'id living of their fath ere, and marry as in days long gone.. ^ .... _____ _ The Awgnsta Chronicle eavs: ToifLVr'TI butcher would se wn like sacrilege 'o the old , a young boree, hut rorne of t*-low«*bo have served their day f*f u-efutneea fright be as tender as W»e ot tbs he f wt eat. JefTrjs, who murdered din in Brooks county last De-j cember, was banged on last Fri day, the ">tb. He virtually con¬ fessed the killing, and as all oth¬ er murderers state, be said lie' ha \ made with God. It ’ peace »s a fact that every murderer ex- * ecuted always announces going home to the glory land, and this in the face of the scriptures which gay “No murderer shall enter the kingdom of Heaven.” The JJ y. supreme court has decided adversely ou the income tax to the extent that the law is null and void on real estate and bonds. This favors the goldbugs and bondholders—the very ones the law was intended to reach. When one department of the government would equalize the burdens of taxation, another multiplies its action. So the poor and those of moderate means have to continue to support the machinery of the government. ‘•Jes so,’’Uncle Remus, “jes so.” Mr. J. G. Franklin, a Ken¬ tuckian, who passed through from the east yesterday on his way to New Orleans, talked about Breckinridge. “Breckinridge is by no means dead up in our section,’’said he. i Le may never lie able to secure an office for himself again, but I would not bo surprised if he were able to defeat Jon Black¬ burn for the senate. Ho will unquestionably -coutrol some votes, and I would not be at all surprised if they were sufficient, to knock Blackburn out., and you knowjf your Uncle Willie can do that he will be a mighty happy man.—Constitution. THE MONROE DOCTRINE, As the present threatening at¬ titude of foreign nations towards others has agitated the questiou which has been asked, “ Wnat is the Monroe doctrine ?” we state that President Monroe in his proclamation Dec. 2, 1823, an¬ nounced “the policy of neither entangling ourselves in the broils of Europe, nor suffering the powers of the old world to inteifere with the affairs of the new. ’’ On this occasion the pres¬ ident declared that any attempt ou the part of the European powers to "extend their system to any portion of this hem is phere would be regarded by the u > g < «S«»«l an g orou8tooljr p eace aud safety,” and would accord ingly be opposed, The Monroe doctrine does not prevent the U. 18 . goveinnient from resenting an insult from Spain or any other country. A LITERARY FRAUD. This is the title of a pamphlet which is now' on our table. The writer, T. K. Oglesby, of Atlan¬ ta, handles the Encyclopedia Bri tannica, published by Werner & Co., with gloves off. If the L.cts stated be true, Mr. Oglesby is none too severe. The idea that publishers should perpetrate out rageous falsehoods upon South¬ ern people, aud theu have the brazen effrontery to offer the books to the South is almost staggering to the refined feelings of true Southern manhood. It is almost unbearable to know that a publisher would under¬ take, under the guise of impar¬ tiality, to impress the youth of our cherished Southland that they are the offspring of rebels ami traitors, lacking in civiliza¬ tion and morals .No gold of North era publishers can hire ustocir cnlate a book that defames the ?»“">. unless,perhaps it is done under a guise which deceives us j n t 0 a complication from which we wou [(i extricate ourself so ag pqggihle. — <’§ m 4 l 'MU' KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement ana ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more products promptly adapting the world’s best to the needs of physical being, will attest remedy, Syrup of Figs. due its presenting Its excellence is to in the form most acceptable ref resiling and and pleas- truly ant to the taste, the dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation, millions and It has given satisfaction to met with the approval of the medical r y ?r;JS“,woKx„S and is perfectly free from ening them it every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by it all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but is man package, also the name, Syrup will of Figs, aud being well informed, offered. you not accept any substitute if CHINA AND JAPAN. George Frederick Seward, nephew of W. H. Seward, has this to say, in the Cosmopolitan, of China and Japan “v hina working out her destiny, estab¬ lished a form of government two thousand years ago. That form of government has given bene¬ ficial results. If if had not it would have been swept from the face of the earth.... It is an au¬ tocratic form as beiits its Asiat icorigin..... Japan, under stress of the revolution and the inflow of foreign ideas has made a new government. It is not Asiatic, but European. It is an alien sys¬ tem.” The writer who is posted in matters of this kind—having oeen ten years consul general at Shanghai, and afterwards min - ister plenipotentiary at Peking, goes on : “It is not given to us to penetrate the future, and to tell whit may he unfolded as years go by. We may very well ask ourselves, however, wheth¬ er it is true at last the great em¬ pire is to go down, and on the other hand whether it is true that an alien system has sprung into life in Japan which is to be permanent Seward thinks Mr. that to adopt in either of these great countries political methods which do not conform with the genius of Asiatic, people, as il lustivt >d in all their history, are likely to result in failure. Jap¬ an is restless; China steady. Japan is influenced by parlia¬ mentary institutions; China moves with more respect to the old ways. The article tilings out many points of interest just at this time when China and Japan are engaged in war. A summer school < f Christian so¬ ciology is 'o be held at Oberlin in June. The cau-es aud proposed remedies for poverty wi 1 be the gen¬ eral subject for di-cussion —Angus la Chronicle. Here is a cood recipe : Save all the bones from roast beef, mutton, chicken, and turkey; put ibese bones in a pot, with three quarts of cold waier and some salt; let them hoi! tor five hours, then strain , cut some vegetables, catrots, t .mips, cabbage, leeks, aud put them in the siramed stock; boil s owly for lirtx? hours more, just before serving take a smaij piece of white sugar, put it on ■rUiuou ami v-poon on be stove until it melts is con cried into caramel, aud st : r it into the soup Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer?, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup¬ tions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed ro give perfet. satisfaction or motley relsnded. Price 25 cents per box. THE VALUE OF A PACKAGE The contents of a 25 cent package of Simmons Liver Regulator will cure many a Sick Headache. It’s the wo¬ man’s friend. ‘ It cured me permanent¬ ly ot Sick Headache.’’—U. S Morris Brownsville, W, Va. Take it dry on the tongue, or make a tea. General Presentments of the Grand Jury. Wp, the grat d juror*, chosen and sworn for the spring leun, ISO.'?, of Rockdale superior court, be? leave to submit the following gcrer-.l present¬ ments : We tind the public buildings in fair condi-ion. We find the public road* in very fair condition, except in a few places that have washed out since they were work¬ ed, and we recommend that the road 1 , commissioners look after .ante at once. «-•»* j dition, except the l amel br.dge, whim j is now being repaired, Having had so abort a time for exam j (1 ;,,„ (p e records of the county officers, composing D. N. Hudson and i . M. Born, be appointed to contract with an eX p er t accountant to examine the rec¬ 0)r( jg 0 f the county officers, and said ■ »*»« •» term of court, and that they be paid 13 per day and actual expenses for services rendered. yy e f m( j t),e p 0or farm in very good «*■ The inmates are well cared for, so iar as we can judge. We find at present at the f arn , o white males, 8 white females, 2 ^lack females, total 12. Average expenses for six r one month 82 72 r cost a head per month......6 02 We find the druggists in this county 'keep proper records of poisonous med¬ icines sold. VVe recommend thatIVV.W. Swann be re-appointed Notary Public for Honey Cre< k district. Also that D. H. Bowen be appointed No ary Public for Lorain distrii t, We recommend that the Ordiuary be paid $175.40 for extra services. We recommend that a tax levy be made as follows: For county purposes 32c For jury purposess ,20c For pauper funds..... ,6c We recommend that 5 county commis¬ sioners be appointed on roads and rev¬ enues for said county as follows: For town district J. K. Kosser and W. F Me Daniel; Sheffield district B. II. Sum¬ mers; Honey CreA district J. II.Mad¬ dox; Lorain district J. IF. Mann. And that they be paid f2 per day lor send¬ ees rendered. We recommend that our present rep¬ resentative, ti e lion. A. J, Smith, ad vertise and introduce a bill in the next session of the genetal assembly creating a board of commissioners of reals and revenues for Rockdale county. We tind no criminal duckets kept in Lorain district, a id some of tljeJu.-tice? of the county do not k»ep itemized ac¬ count* of easts as the la v requires. We recommend that these present¬ ment? ire published in The Uoxykks WEK kL'x and Uocktiale Banner, our county papers, ane that they be paid $6 each lor publishing toe his same. Judge We extend thanks to honor, Richard H- Clark, and our solicitor gtu eral, John S. Candler, for courtesies shown u?. All of which j?re-piotfuUy submitted. 1) N. Hudsox, Foreman. C. E. Rbawan Clerk. It i8 ordered that these presentment be published as requested, and that tile j grand Kicu’n jury bediseii?rged Judge !' r the term, H. L'Lakk, S. C. 1’res'dg John t(. Aliriqnd, Banljsu, Gonyeus, Qa, Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any acconmindations, consistent with safe banking, extender. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS Of ALL KINDS. NOTICE 1 NOTICE! TO FRUIT AND VEGE¬ TABLE GROWERS. CLARK & CO •9 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS FOR THE Ga. Melon & VeptaMe Growers Ass’n •I 26 Little 12th St., New York, Wish to obtain several good local agents in all sections. They will pay good commissions. jfafBest of references furnished from all over this State and Florida. Correspondence solicited. gii/IRl’i % 60., 26 LITTLE 12TH ST., NEW YORK. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Mrs. J. B. Reese, Prop., Is a pleasant home for Drum¬ mers and the traveling public. Do not fail to call and give this house a trial. E.C.HART BLACKSMITHING, CONYERS, GA. I desire to inform my friends and the pub'ic generally that I am stil in charge of the W. Y. Almand Blacksmith shop where I am pre¬ pared to do all kinds of work. My work is the best and my prices the lowest. Bring me your horses and mules to shoe. Satisfaction guaran teed PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES ▼RAPE MARK. Quality Fait »d IVnji. US tm Sold by D is. W. H. Lee & Sou,Conyers, Ga. W. M- BOLLMAN. -o Spectacles, watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware. NO. 10 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga SAW MILLS. $160 TO $900. ENGINES &B01LERS To suit. 100 in stock. Large stock of SHAFTINa, PULLEYS, BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA.G TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE. I will be at Sheffield district court ground the 1st Saturday’s in April, May and June, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district the 3d. Sat¬ urday’s in April, May and June. Honey Creek the 4t.h Satur¬ day’s in April, May and June, and at Conyers the remainder of the time, when not otherwise engaged. Office at Stephenson & Turner’s. Respt., ni30.3mo. ft. L. HursoN, T.R. LEGAL SHERIFF’S SALE FOR MAI, lggs Will be sold before the door in Conyers,|« in tiie legal Pours of sale. Tuesday in May, is»5, %lii-1 and ed best bidder, the followin' S Ji'sciii,. properly to-wit: One piecfLor parcel 0 f J" the 16th district of ori,i 1 ’ * Rockdale n ,|] Tl row county, co .uici,,,, three hundted ed acres, more , t loss °! boun as follows: On the ’*7 the Covington road, o n the e« st bv y lands of C. M. Taylor and Yel|p, on the north by the lands Vrit ” well and ilte of ML p on west by the | ami John M. Zachry. , Levy „ ade w fy two tax li. fas. issued by the y Collector, of said, county, and James II. Griffin, agent. Parties in posession notiiled This March 27, 1895. W. II. M. Austin, Sheriff, Susan A. Broadnax, ) Libel f or Di v s, \ - vorce in Rnri Ed B. Broadiiax. dale Superior Court April term 1895. To Ed B Broadnax, Defendant this is to notify you, that, Susan A li’roail nax, on .January 17th 1895, commenced a suit against you foi divorce-return able to tiie Apiji term 1895, of the Su¬ perior court of Rockdale Co. ns above stated. You are hereby notiied to he and appear at said court to be held on the first Monday in April noxt, to answer said complaint, This citation issued by order of the Judg*; of said couj. As in default of gucli appearance *aid court will proceed thereon as to Justice may dppertnn. Witness the Hon. Richard II. Clark Judge of said eourr, this the lath day of J auary 1805. W. T. Hrsovd Clerk 8. C. BUY ■- AT HOME] Ksep your money where you can get it again. NEW INSTRUMENTS OR MACHINES EXCHANGED FOR OLD ONES. Do you want a Piano? Do you want an Organ? Do you want a Bicycle! Do yon want a machine? If you do, for either caih or on time, installments or otherwise, call and see me, next door to Bank, Masonic building, Con¬ yers, Ga., and I will save you from ten to thirty per cent, on anything you want. Come and see me. Very respet,, J. N. HALE, G«n, Agt. SPECIAL EMMIE For 30 davs we offer the cele¬ brated Iron King Stove at prices far below any price ever before offered in this market. Now is the time for parties wanting a first-class stove at foundry prices to get it. Call at once at Johnson & Almand’s and see for yourself. DUNCAN KING Has a fine Barber Shop at thi Metrepoliten Hotel No* 1 South Pryor St, Atlanta, Ga ^F“Call to see him. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY I Dish Washers. I never *aw anything take liXe they do. When any women see we wa«b the om* tier dishes, clean and dry them in one they buy one right away. Anyone can make so » day right at home easy. I have not canvassed, so anxious are the people for the Climax they sena for them. Write to the Climax Jlfg. t'o., Colum¬ bus, Ohio, and they will send you circulars. *» is easy selling what everybody wants to buy. * will make $3,000 this year easy. A M to M fise .M. i'v- IV^adE, ifw *• see fe 0 people patronize advertise business men who -^Printers Ink, !