Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, April 13, 1895, Image 3

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COAL. When you want a strict! Hrst-class coal, see me. J. T. TILLEY. fire insurance. j. P. TILLEY AGENT. Y/. J. FRE-E-M/iN JEWELER, _ FINE - 32 SrMI WATCH »; RE PA KIN i A !■< i - SPECIALTY. G1VE ME A TRIAL — _ At Alniand’s B;ink. PICKED UP BY THE LOAFER MORE TRUTH than poetry. Up .peak* five different languages; lias diplomas galore Famed ; But a« yet lie has not To shut the olticedoor. t t t 'Twas a very sleepy looking crow cl that sat discussing various snd Buudry subjects, and fiually the con¬ versation turned upon subjects lite¬ rary. “Did any of you ever read ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ V” questioned thedignified looking individual in th' “A most excellent novel. ’ re¬ corner. plied one. ‘Historical, I believe.” said another A snicker went through the crowd The author of it a*suw td&defiant expression,he knew whai he was tulking a'^out and was t ot t be Sinaia red a', and he would con¬ vince t at crowd of grinning idi ts (hen and there that he did, so he nail ed'em with this.“Everyoody who 1 as learned the alpha' , t knows that Scott’s no(y 6 ! 8 are historical' t t t It is very sad (o see how some of the girs of the present day tamper with their names, and th's is regard e,i by tome paveids aa being almost sac.i egious. We hear of one c[tsc of this-kind A young lady, whose naim in infancy was spelled, L-o-u-i s c. wont to visit aftiend in a neiglibor ing town. Afttr n few days’ stay rLe had occabiuii io t<lcg aph to her mo ilier and 8 : gi)(d, Lew-yee To say that tlemoiher was pi zz'ed ovei the messagp, ba:dly exj lessee it ; but with the help of pa'e< familim she finally translated the signature, aud with a mystified air she asked, “Is it French ? ’ “No, it is in sanity.” thundered put i iu refly. Pethaps it is wed to add <hut. this young lady is not a resident of Cod ye 8. tt t A few days since I heard some ora r mark upon tledoligh's of country life. I agree with h in in pait. h ig very ilelighdul indeed for the town or city person, who is coope" in a dark, stufiy office day after day, to escape for a few days to the eoun try, enjoy the pure, exhilarat ng ai) of ihe coun’ry and ftast on chicken, genuine country rolls, fresh milk.but ter and eggs, etc , go on fishing a» f! hunting excursions, in fact, have a delightful time. Nothing mori delightful is conceivable. The av er age plowl oy, however, will neve’ go into ec tacies over tlie “delights, ot country bfe; the 'own prople,who know nothing but the pleasant part of-Varm life, are-the ones to do that; or porchauce some over worked office man in the city, who was once a plow hoy in the days long since past,sighs for his old time health and appetite He doesn’t think of tlie hard labor which begot them ; neither does h* remember that when old Sol wou’d smilfdown upon him, and he would ail hut drop in his tracks from hea! and exhaustion, he would envy some town man his position in or store, because in such position he could bid farewell to farm life. lumber for bale. Parties can buy lumber of al Bon* on short notice from us at t. lowest prices. Mills located - - ffl'les South of Con', ers. m30 3m. Goode & Luff. Dr. M . u,. Lee & Son are g.v- . mg a good oc. l^ad pencil with every 5c. pencU tablet. 4-lo-3t SUNDAY. Rev. Crumley, of Atlanta, in the city Sunday in the est of the orphans’ home at De¬ catur. 1 he day was very di 8~ agreeable; the frequent hard showers interfei ing with divine worship. However, he preached an excellent sermon at the Meth¬ odist church, and din very well, we learn, by way of collections and subscriptions for the, considering the small congrega¬ tion. He is engaged in a good work, and should have the sup¬ port of Ins people. [Since the above was written we learn that the amount raised was $00.] Rev. B. I). Ragsdale gave a good talk to his people who were present. The day was too in¬ clement for church going. The attendance at the Sunday schools was moderate. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Joseph S. Cook vs. Stewart Pa¬ per Co.—mistrial. Singer Sewing Machine Co. vs. Miss Carrie White—bail tro¬ ver. Verdict for Miss White. W. V. Almand vs. Henry Reid, col. L. F. Scott, claimant Ver diefc for Almand. MeCalia vs. Nichols. Nichols claimant, Claim withdrawn. Several other cases on civil docket were disposed of. On last Wednesday the criminal docket reached. , 1 Manv •< r petty , was cases were called, several of the de fendants plead guilty. 0ne Ht - tic negro eleven years old stole a pair of pants. The sentence was twenty-five dollars to cover cost, or six months in chain gang—dear price for pautswhich did not fit, Another boy (a chick en fancier) who had stolen one chicken was fined five dollars and cost—about thirtydollars for | a dominie rooster. The case against Henry Al maiid for highway robber result ed in a mistrial. GRAND OPENING. Ijfist Tuesday and Wednesday were beautiful days taken ad¬ vantage of by tlie more beauti¬ ful ladies of Conyers to feas: their eyes upon the many hand¬ some goods on exhibition at J. J. Langford’s store. A great deal of taste and skill were dis¬ played in the artistic arrange¬ ment of the millinery. Tlie win¬ dows were decorated with a!) sorts of pretty flowers, the show cases with hats trimmed in the latest styles. Across the room was suspended an arch on which was inscribed “ Weicomewi it ten in beautiful variegated flow ers, and over tlie center was an umbrella shaped hanging most beautifully decorated. All in al 1 tlie opening was a decided suc ccss. Mr. Langford and his clerks were happy, Mrs. Eakes triumphant and the visitors de¬ lighted. but least, tlie Last, not among exquisite things tolook upon was an embossed cake, done by the hands of Mrs. Chick, who put it on exhibition as a sample of her work, and who wishes to in¬ struct a class in that line. The work was the prettiest we ever saw. It was artistically execu ted ; the representation iu icing of tlie rose, li ly, star jessamine, tulip, caps jessamine, fuchsia, skeleton leaves, etc., all tasteful¬ ly arranged in one handsome bouquet. MISS EMMA RILEY Desires to call attention to her stock of Spring Millinery, which is complete in all the new est-shapes and shades,which ■•’h" will sell at It E A S O N A B L E PRICES, call and see her goods, a pleasure to show them She returns lhamesforgatron age in the past, sltne aud solicits a centinuance of in future. Conyers, April 6, 1895..It, AND NEWSY, Heavy-rains fell in Conyers last Sunday, Corn planting is m arly com¬ pleted. ( ( Rush” is the watchword oil the farms now. Go to Dr. W. H. Lee & Son for all kinds of Garden Seeds. This week, so far, the weath er has been most delightful. Mrs. Emma Harden is again with G. W. & A. P. Gain. Col. Pace of Covington, and Co!. Barton of Madison were again in the city this week. Protracted meeting is now in progress at the Methodist church in Eatonton . New lot of clothing expected soon at H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co.’s The young people of Eatonton keep alive their occasional ger. mans at the Hotel Putnam. Tillev A Quigg have a good, substantial warehouse, with a neat office attached. Robert Almand was sick the fiist of the week,but we are glad to state he is up again. The Conyers Volunteers had a meeting Friday night of last week. Thfl praver meetlng at the Bap tistclmrc hWednesdaynigltt was interesting and was well a ^ eDt p> ( ] p . . . ., JL/1 , v • JL • JLOSSCi • 181T0U i*l rs _ . , _ , ltr , .... & , d^ T *' t0 even onod.ay ' ' - _ , 1- ' ' 1 coaa 1 ° 11 bn ’ and l ' ' c ona ' 0 HcDonoug vi-Ring . . t \ ate leu sister > Mls ’ 11 0C h 0, New stock straw hats at II. P. * D - ‘ iaaU(lC 0,3 The gullies on some of the side walks are indicating that then- j is "oik c 01 the stiu t hands. i W. E. McCalla, a very affable and pleasant gentleman of De catur, visited our city this wet k Itcvs. M L. Carswell and B I> Ragsdale are attending tlie Stat Baptist convention at Waycros; this week. We call thc attention of oui readers—farmers especially—tt Commissioner Nesbitt’s letter oi fourth ] age. It is alway full of good advice. Mr. -T. N. Hale lias sold his cosy little borne to Prof. Fir m ing, and has moved to the home o c Mrs. Hale’s mother, Mrs. Langford. Job work neatly executed at this office. Give us your orders. WANTED—A few regular boarders at the Commercial Hotel. Tlie grand jury adjourned from the 5th till the ‘Jth, when they convened and went again to hard work. Judge Clark, Solicitor General Catidier and Mr. Parry were all at their posts this week iu the court room. When Conyers gets water works, electric lights and cotton mills the city will Le complete. It is by no means impossible to have all these. Good genuine Cuba molissea at II. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. Mr. Allen D. Summers, of the firm of Summers & Hudson, vis ited Atlanta last Tuesday. We understand he went to enlarge his already large and handsome s;o:k of goods. Another lamp on the street lead p.^'an to tLe Methodist and Presby churches from tlie court j 10 use is very much needed. Miller brought f a gum fill tfae niceg i 10U *y to G. & A. P.Oain on !ast Tues ^ d fcQ look n , and bettei tter to 10 ea at j [ing G. new W. & goods A. P.Caia every day. are nW\v- look j one lor next an announcement ; week, telling of the to ny nice j , mid useful things they will jha\e Reversible for the peoj le. world J maps ol the and U. S. can be bad at this of foe for the low price of $1.50; T , ; ., 0oJfyKBS Wl5KIC ,. Y a map for $2. Call and see the map. If you want an organ, piano, bicycle, sewing machine for cash or on time, call on Hale 1 % Syg nian, General Agents, Center Street, next door to hank, Con¬ yers, Ga. Marlin Newton has’resigned lbs place as conductor on the M. G. & A. road, and goes to take a better position. We congrat¬ ulate him upon his preform nt. Dr. W. G. Turner fills the vacan cv- The grand jury worked faith fully four days last week, and from Tuesday to Friday this week. They have discharged their duty to the citizens of Rock dale county. We print their pre sentiuents in another column. The Cosmopolitan Magazine for April is filled with most ox cedent reading. It has six full P a § e illustratio « 18 ’ artick ' 8 u P on Japi m and Ch,na > a sketch o! batt,es t with cuts of generals on both sides in the Western army. The pricey is io cents a per After suffering for a long wM1 °’ Mr. William Cowiin died on last Saturday at liis home, near the Newton county line, He was a farmer and a worthy g en jj cman . w j lt> } ia d lived out his three score and ton. j M Roberts, a well known traveling man, died suddenly at fche Mariiham house in Atlanta, Frj ^ ay of ]apt vveek He Jeg j s rered at the Commercial in this c Ry 0 „ tlie 18th of March. His remains were carried to Greenes boro for interment. attention to theadver tisement of Messrs Clark A Co., general produce commission tner chants, New York. These gen¬ tlemen are agents for tlie Geor¬ gia Melon and Vegetable Grow¬ ers’ Association, and furnish ref¬ erences from all over this State and Florida. We understand that a member of the firm will lie in Georgia in the near future, They are arranging to have all the fruits and vegetables of this section handled to the advantage tlie farmers, who will have ?i rare opportunity to have their pockets jingle with change tliii Bro. M, L. Carswell wishes us to state that he is very sorry in¬ deed that the congregation at the Baptist church last Sunday night was disappointed. Bro. Ragsdale having to leave for the convention had invited Bro. Cars well to preach for him, but not being at thc morning service,and the weather being so unfavora¬ ble he supposed there would be no preaching at night He asks that the brethren and fiiends ac¬ cept this explanation as he would have certainly been on haud L ad he known that the peo¬ ple were assembled to hear him preach. Mr. Simmons, awood and wil¬ low ware drummer, had his bag¬ gage on last Monday night put on the Georgia train by a Kim nall house porter. He took his spat and came on to Conyers,and when lie noticed his baggage was gone lie was very restless and uu happy. When he arrived Iter• the very polite and accommodat¬ ing agent, Mr. Norman, a rose from bed at midnight, went to the office aud wired along tb« i»o; hut no baggage was .,] The next morning Mr. ni<,ns hoardiMi the earl v elurned to Atlanta anti found hat. the porter had carried baggage httek io the Kimhali The conduct of the porter W;i,‘ not- (explained, he simply said I don’t, know what made it > > Mr Simmons was till right Tuesday,did business here, md left happy and in a good hu¬ mor with everybody, except,pet haps, that porter. Wc will lie much pleased if om subscribers will come ami pa\ is for This Wkkkly. We need die money. The amount of $1. though small to you, is of great importance to us when several pay. From now till the first ot May we will send our paper and the weekly Constitution to one address for $1.25. At this turn there will be the openihg of die guesses at the number of the bill offered as premium by the Con¬ stitution. After the first of May this paper and the Constitution will be $1.50. Everybody who wants the two papers for $1.25 will come in between now and May, get both papers, a guess, and perhaps 500 or 1000 dol¬ lars. What say you? $100 FOR A BOTTLE. Mrs. S. B. Winship, 112 Washington 8' , Providence, It. 1, after using om b >ttle of Drumtnontl’s Lightning Kcm eily for Rheunutism, wrote io Driun mimd Medicine Co., 4S Malden Lane, New York, saving she would not take ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for the benefit received. If you have any form of Uheunia'ism, and wish to get lid of ", send $i> to the Drnmiiiond Medicine «'()., an 1 they will send to your express tddress t.wo bottles of their remedy enough for a month’s treatment. Agents wanted. THE COUNTY NEWS. Toha, April 12.—Corn planting Is in progress. When will it quit frosting? The oat crop is looking well, though it is very small owing to the 'evere win¬ ter and r tin. Tlioma- Malov lias the fastest, mule In ids coBimunlry. Wbv don’t some-one tr - d ■ with him. Tlie b ind in this community compos Gcfb’-ii-s Iio cs and violins furnish swe t music every rSiturday night. Wc uoti p li it some of tin; chicken¬ are sbefid ng their bills—caused by the father „? SV Livingston, who has been very ill, i- much better. Th* new grist mill at Stewart a old mill |vlace will be iu operation in a few days. ► OliUlIl) | , Oak Grove, April IU. — )w ng to t i nclemency of the weather there w,-i io preselling at Oak Grove Sin-lay at sern on. We hope to have Dr. (piillian vith us some time in the near future. Mr*. Heard Allen and d*ugbt'*r, Mi* Maud, visited relatives at S iHp anc Shoals last week. Prof. Clotfelter visited his parent* j myrna last Sunday. i 'J’li' Friday “Oak evening,April Grove Literary 5, the S-icielv' ho j -net at a. >f Mr. Ii. L. White. The prorramm was quite interesting. They will in c on next Saturday even! u: at tin re i lencenf Mr. W. T. McDaniel. Mr. an 4 Mrs. S.D. Night of ymii c t. Vent Tuesday last in our cominutii y. Mi«s Lucy Walden, we are glad t* learn, has al nost entirely recovered URMYSTRI-DK. Rocky Branch, Vpril 9.—Rain, r lin, rain! Dogwood blooming. Picnic season coming. A great deal of gickness in thc vicinity Tom Spiiynx was up on bu-iness l»s week. Thanks to Joe Wh tj and lady for fa vor» shown us during our sickness. Charley Bennett was the Hr-t of our armersto finish planting corn. Mi-* Rudie Owensby is visaing her r nd parents n*-ar Honey Crc-k. Fi-hing season is her--, and bait is in demand. We r>gret to statA tiiat Mrs. M «rg.»n j is still very ill. Wal'er Plunkett and Mi-.s in Pearl mijbbor! Gra-j nade of the Grove were the hood Sunday. i I Winter is gone with its severity and J we welcome the gentu breez... .d lightful spring._. I ' xc i"’’ The man in Butt* Who olf r--d that original prayer has gainod new pa|>ei notor.. ty, for it* circulation is now on t* way around the world thr nigh "LL!l ih KS £ 5 *. EukiT - v "w u 1 > > j j» [Poor Health i 'means so much more than 1 ’you 'fatal imagine—serious diseases a;.d’ result from" ' trilling ailments neglected . 1 ' Don’t play with Nature’s' ‘greatest gift—health. ' If von are fctling Brown's out of sorts, weak . and generally •* : h*mteo, r>e voaa, g 1 h«Ye no appetila and rtn’l woik, ( begin at onretak- ' ' Iron •Me ing strengthening the most relia-, * medirine,wh«rh is . 1 Froxvn * Iro:t Bit ter». A few hot-, , 1 ; Bitters t**ih very tt**’/ comes tlea cure- first and Mtnin from do#*—»/ henell 11' rear the, . , , a pleasant U taka. . , It Cures • ' Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ' Constipation, Bad Blood 1 Malaria, Nervous ailments 1 Women’s complaints. , Get only tlv? genuine— it h*a crooned red 1 lines o:» the wrapper. All ©them are unh- 1 siitulCR. On receipt of twoac. stamp* we 1 w ill send set of le r Beautiful Werld'a' Fair VIvW.s and book-—free. BROWM CHEM'CAL CO. BALTIMOSE, MD. 1 , Pnr saU by Dr. \V. II I »• A Poll- Mr. Clias’ A. Atg > had the misfortune to l>se It scow this week. The Madison Advertiser will have a woman’s edition May 2. Mrs. Reagan fell from the door steps last Tuoedav, badly spraining her ankle Tlie Imrtwas painful,though not|scrious Col. Maddox went to Atlanta one day t’lia week on professional business. \Vc learn that, tlie Conyer* Volunteers will spend tha 2<itli in Atlanta. Last Thursday the Georgia train,north hound, made time from Msdison to Rut¬ ledge, a distance of nine miles in eight minutes. Dr. (Juigg was in New York Tliurs* day on his way home from Palestine, lie Is expected toarriye here tomorrow. The inf .nt daughter of Mr. w liam V. Nelms, we are sorry to note, Is dan gun ii-ly sick wil.n fever. The wife of Hofi.T. A. Atkinson, bro (tier of tlie Goiernor, died t her home in Greenville, Ga., last Thursday^ The G ivernor attended the funeral. The h P. fraternity hoys expected tn g ! .ie an entenainment at the publio * bool hail last night. These ent rtaln ■i,cuts arc always pleasant events. We .viji give details next week. * ’1 o norrow is Easter Sunday. We sup* po c some of the churches will ho dcc«j and that the ladies wilt wear" ;tie r new hats. The prospect is tiiat the w , ather will be pleasant, loan M. Horner of Newburn, Tean.* wd* iu tow’u tiiis week . He is one of the ie-1 pen arti its In the South, as his work ^ , |, e jwst office shows. Many of our business men have cards iu this fine dl .’uou-ry. DR. DRUMMOND’S LIGHTNING i.Vmedyfor Rheumatism ha* received t e unqualified endorsement of tba me<l cal facility, as being a safe and remark ■ib v efficient preparation, t. work is .•> -peedy and miraculous that benefit j. felt from the first dose. A treatment .,,i sists of two bottles, and lasts a mouth, i’rlceffi; *ent by express on •-j-i'ipt of price, with full special in ifictions. One treatment will cure any onlinary ease. Drummond Medicine t,’o, 48 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. THE WISH GRATIFIED* You have often wished for something to take the place of pills. Now try a 25 cent pack¬ age of Simmons Liver Regulator powder. Take it dry, on the tongue, or make it into a tea. It is pleasant to take, aud gives quick relief—two good recom¬ mendations. N«w York state has only 38 bill* penning in its legislature relative 4o bi¬ cycling Some of them apparently aim to destroy the wheeling industry. AI most tiie ouly one that bicyclists them¬ selves approve ts an act to tax wheel* Bud use the money derived from this source for the building and keeping in 0 rd-r bicycle paths in Niagara oennty. We liavo had the word* booklet and novelette, and they have grown familiar. But wo never expected to be obliged to ”> *«* world of * iu “ nd tiU monstrous word - Storieua wa. «££*!» lafndaed. Olio can take in mentally the »i» of Lowi >n when hu read* that there are i^.j,rW employed in her theater* alone