Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, April 20, 1895, Image 3

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COAL. When you want a stricU lirstr-class coal, see me. J. F. TILLEY. ■ FIRE insurance. J. P. TILLEY \<i!■ N''. W. J. FRkkMttiM iff*,? jeweler, _ fixe— r- ft WATCH © REE A KIN 4 A I® SPECIALTY. —GIVE M E A TRIAL— At Almand’s Bank. THE COUNTY NEWS. gvino-A, April 17 —Our farmers are about through planting corn and hare begun to plant cotton. Everybody seems to b j intere-ted in the fruit ct op. The prospect is fa vorable for an abundance of fruit The Knox Presbytery (col) con¬ vened at Hopewell last week. It was a source of much interest to Ihe col orrd people- Some of the whites also attended Miss Cora Hollingsworth, one of oar most fascinating young ladies, has returned home from a visit to friends aud rela'ives in Ailaiifca. There was preaching at the home of Mr J. JR Left wick Sunday < vj nwg by Rev. Mr. DeFore. Mrs L-ftwick has been in ill health sev¬ eral months. The literary school is still very large for the time oi year. It will dose in two weeks. i. c v. Oak Ghovk, April 17 —Spring is here in full blast, anclllowvr hun ing is all the rage with ‘‘us little folks ” Rev. Mr Quillian of your c : ly will preach at Oak Grove next Sunday af¬ ternoon. Miss Mary Stepenson, one of Cov¬ ington’s prettiest young ladies, visit¬ ed M ss Maud Allen la-t week. Our regret is that her stay w ith us was not more lengihy. Mr George Hamilton and lady ot Atlanta visited relatives in our com¬ munity last Sunday. Mr William Beattie is just ccov ang tr in what came near being a serious, if n t fatal accident. While on his way lo Lilhonia last. Thursday morning his h rse became frightened and ran away. Mr, Beattie’s 1- g was caught between the spokei of the cart and lie was dragged about fifty yards. His leg was l-adly bruised, S id bis iace scratched considr rab r, Otto Clotfelter of Smjrtia, visited friends in our community last week. Tne meeting of the O. G. L socie nt the resiJen e of Mr. W. T. Me Daniel on last Saturday etening proved to be one of the most de igbt lul events Oak Grove has known this ^ason. T* e at en lance was large, t nd thepregramme excellent. Among *hose in attendance were Messrs. MilelfudstD, Ernst Turner and Utile Ed Almand’ of jour city. Come a^ain, gentl erner. Some thief bad the impudence to ran ofl with a plotogtaph of your cirrespocdi nt. \Yish he’d reti rn it, it is badly needed just at this sea * 01 . are sorry to leirn that Prof. Has. Clotfelter has teen quite sick hr severa! days. Willie Granadebas charge of the si hcoi in his absence Rev. J M. DeFo’e 61 edh'sregu- 1,r appointment a‘ Rockdale Sunday C® preached an ab e sermon to a R r ge and atte ntive congregation. U1Y. McClung, one of our most Prosper .us farmers. Las improved his “PPtarance. **lling, which adds much to i‘-s EBAlYXThlTPE. °R-DRUMMOND’S LIGHTNING Remedy for Rheiinia‘ism lia* received .unqualified endorsement of the med ,,, J !«My, efficient as being a safe and work remark it / f pe«dy ( reoaration. Its and miraculous that benett' v't fr< r, th e fi, st x treatment ainnlk 8 R of 'cef5; tvv ° bottles, by ami express lasts on a r»,»- ' r sent Crn' P - t or 'D"ice, 'S. One with full will special cure any in 0,W«J treatmeut ediejne t*'*’ ease, lj ujamoed .M Maiden Lane. New York, waui e fi ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Mr. Robinson of Macon was in U ie city last Thursday to consult the mayor and council as to the advisability of putting in an electric plant for Conyers. Elec¬ tric lights would light up the en¬ tire town,churches, public halls and residences IT desired. It is very apparent that more light is needed, the lamps at present arc insufficient for the work, We understand tjiat Mr. Robinson is willing to put in the machinery without charge, the city to pay so much per annum for the light¬ ing. 11 1 SUNDAY. Last Sunday was a lovely clay, barring the wind in the after¬ noon .which made outdoor walks very disagreeable. There was no preaching except at the Meth odist and primitive Baptist churches. Dr. Quillian preach¬ ed .an appropriate sermon for the Easter occasion, and.atnight the little folks gave recitations,songs etc., commemorative of Easter, giving its origin, and the object of its observance now among many of the Christian denomi¬ nations. The little folks took a very good collection for missions after the services were over. There was a good congrega¬ tion out at the church of our primitive brethren, and Elder Alrnand gave them his usual in¬ teresting talk. t t t HOME AGAIN. jn — Dr. Qvigg returned from Pal¬ estine last Sunday. He brought with him many curiosities of the old country. We trust that t-lie doctor will give Ihe citizens of Conyers a lecture upon the coun¬ try', habits of people, etc. Such a discourse would not only be entertaining, but of much infor¬ mation. While on liis visit lie saw the grave of Lazarus, the foundation of Solomon’s temple, Jacob’s well, the spot where Christ was crucified, and many other places of li storic interest to Bible students. j Among the curiosities from Asia, I)r. Quigg brought home .j present of two Turkish pipes to One is small i Judge Seamans with hopper shaped bowl, the stem of which is ornamented with variegated beads ; the oth¬ er is a glass decanter with ap¬ paratus on top for holding the fire and tobacco. The smoke is drawn through a five feet tube from tlic decanter filled with water. tt t LECTURE The lecture at Almand’s hall on last Thursday night upon the subject of the enfranchisement of woman, was a good one—we subject mean to say that the matter was good,and Miss x ates discussed the’‘goodness, wisdom and power of woman” strongly. She well said what everybody believes, but we think that her conclusions are not justified poitiaycd by her arguments. She woman in all her loveliness bj forcible illustrations from the na<ms of history, demonstrating thepower behind the throne, the nroiver C.ters ulace for our mothers, ridiculed wives. and daughters, she SlHon. 6 ” iTe «■ naUrd^not prodiwe frage. In her hi-me M.-Yates rinnp * that .«be abe n a ii) fe ion arv U>« hi-a; ul ‘* or 1 ' stir up di-conieat am* ng our pu i S-»uth*»rn won a'lbooi’, miu political mixi"*? t » re:t;<>fiei ti.e Am ric»n sys tom Ab nt fifty persons heard b«r lec¬ ture Thursday nigh', which *»' r « ■si,,, exuertod :o h t ire last night on -Chin*/’ An aln.hsion of :0 vents was charged. _ THE GREATEST VALUE You -vt h-g e-te-t value out of a qaartcr "Ken purchasing a P«< k Silver Simmons Liver Kegu ator, po« Zv a <re of nothing like it lor m I - Tb. re is Take o* or cociUpation, u < •he tongue, or make a lea- You il a-ter wards take It l n to piUs- PERSONAL AND NEWSY. Several schoolgirls an 1 boys visited the paper mills Saturday. Several Conyers citizens went to Atlanta last Tuesday. Job work neatly executed at this office. Give us your orders. If you W HO need biscuit buy Pt In¬ tel i’s Elegant fr<-m Cain Dr. Ros.sei reports that some corn is up and is being replanted Mr. Oliver of Macon was in the city this week . * It is time for the Conyers boys to organize a base ball team. Everybody—uncles, aunts, and cousins say we will have a good fruit crop this year. Lennie Yancy and Lon Flow¬ er of Covington spent Sunday in the city. Ladies’ umbrellas and fans. Some thing new- Go see them at Cain’s. Mr. Newton Terrell, a pleas¬ ant gentleman of Covington, was in our city Tuesday. Mr. Gibson of Chattanooga stopped a few hours in Conyers last Tuesday. Cotton planting has commenc¬ ed, but was interfered with by the rains this week. Miss Dunn of our < ity spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Dabney, of Iugleside. If you Doug want a good chew of tobac¬ co try Range at Cain's. Mr. Summers with Mr. Love¬ lace of Trenton, N. J., took an extended trip through the coun¬ ty this week. After the rain and cold of this week, prognosticators say there will be no more chilly winds this spring. Dr. W. H. Leo & Son are giv j n g a g 0(X i y C- ] ea d pencil with 5c. pencil tablet. 4-15 3t Hon. L. F. Livingston was in our town on Thursday. He was looking well, and wears his hon¬ ors with ease and dignity. Mr. Sygman,~of the firm of Hale & Svgman, visited Walton county m (he interest of the firm this week . Miss Thompson, a very at ractivc and beautiful young lady of Covington, has been Visiting at the home of W.T. Stewart. Youno- man, buy your I’Uggy and harness ’row G- W. & A F. Cain. _ m-. J. T D. ti M«k, xr i an evangel.. v , ,i church 'VI I' re tomorrow, ” h « «><= £’“•> tvehear that : he is an excellent ,, preacher. , Judge Clark has a card in the Covington papers this week,ex¬ plaining why court wt ft delayed three days in Newton. The Atlanta Presbytery con¬ vened in Covington last Thurs day, the 18th. Several members from Conyers church were ex¬ pected to attend,’ If t.l e fair la ii s desire to see true elejauce, that which their nat nal ■ood taste demands, Summers and Hudson are the only dry goods peo¬ ple of this section. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cain have returned from Law rencevi.b ,■ where Mrs. Cain has been spend ing several weeks with hei pa rents. Col. K. 0. Alston of Atlanta j was at the Commercial Tuesday 0:1 J n j„ht He is a brilliant yoU ng lawyer, and nephew of the late Col. Boh Alston. Mrs. Bailey died at her home in Sheffield district last Satur dav morning, and was buried . m Gwinnett county Sunday. S! e was a good woman, and was loi - all who . knew , •. her. e d by Mrs L. A. Carter, an accoifl jjlislied railliiier, of AO..*, ta now with Miss Emma Riley, Mrs. Carter has had experience in the best houses in the South, and knows iu*t how to please. r • ' anpvt ircft nobby, o The ratu Tuesday night was very heavv, and the nighr very dark. Mr. Panic’, go ng home, ran upon a buggy ; while our barber came in contact with large tree, smartly mashing his nose. * C in's cloth wiH be hvt’e next seek. I 4 x>«»n «t’11 for 1-w ‘viti es ! Hcnrv Ileigm will give you a nice hair cut for 25 cents, a shave for 10 cents, and will It me your dull razor for 25 cents (Jail on him when you not'd any work done. He wid give satls ' fuel ion. -1-20 4 We are in receipt of ‘ hlison’s Handy Encyclopedist of General Information,” which contains much matter of interest to every class of business men and gen¬ eral readers. The publishers want an agent in this town. Price only 25 ots. Laird A Lee, Chicago, Ill. If you wish to wear a cheerful face go buy one of those unique and beautiful hats at McDonald & Guinn’s Get ready for the spring picnics and festivals by buyingyour millinery from these ladies, who are always ready to wait upon customers. Mitcliel county is coming to the front in water melon, grape and peach culture. Last year were shipped from Pelham be¬ tween 700 and 1000 cars of mel¬ ons, and from Meigs between 500 and 600 cars. Large quan¬ tities of grapes were shipped. The prospect is for larger ship¬ ments this year. We sell Domestic mid New Home sew ng um< lime-*, bie o'es, org-ns and piano- for rash or on bin ; oi we wi i ixcUisnge new o • o <1. Well have any of ibe above Mtiued ma chines repaired. S *t* ill Imbue you buy. Hale A Svon.vv Clark & Co. of New York, with one of best business men at ilie head here, will be ready to take all the melons, peaches and veg¬ etables the farmers may bring to town. A new era is dawning for the farmers and fruit growers. Bring vour fruiis as von do your cotton, ship in car load lots, and get money for them during the summer months; do not wait for the cotton in the fall. Y ,u may know Cain*-, shoes are heap, oue innti takes 16 pairs. If we get a silver dollar it pays a dollar debt ; if we get a gold dollar it does no more. So what’s the difference ? The one is as * ol „ w . , vhat we m ,t ■„ wU si«rfi. er, gold, greenback or national ... We will ... take . , dollar ... currency. a for one year’s subscription to The Weekly, paid in any kind of money you can get your hands on. Last Sunday even ng was a pleasant one for Mr. D. M. Al mand, who conducts the Sab¬ bath fchool at the Stewart pa¬ per mills. The grounds in front, of the house w’ere swept clean, and handsome decorations of wild flowers and evergreens hang about the walls, etc., in¬ side. Brother Almand does a g 0()C i W o."k for thechildren of this commun |ty, and always feels the << Letter for the going,” on every Sunday afternoon. ^{ c j) ona pi Guinn have a nice line of hats, bonnets, ribbons, laces and handkerchiefs, which they otter lo the ladies at- the lowest prices. Before purchas-j ing elsewhere be sure to call on these ladies and examine their ■ handsome stock. The mnr.agcm nt of th ; Cot ton States and International Ex position 1 1 proposes L to have a dav f or a reunion of the Grand Army and the Confederate Veterans, at a most eonvoMiom for both, and the occasion Will b* made one of great inteio-t.. J lie opening of the f bicanmug-i Na tional Park on the lyili of Sep ternber will bring thousands of veterans South, and it is hoped that at. some date close to that, time a blue and gray day may be fixed. We will be much pleased if our subscribers wiM come and pay us for The Weekly. We the money. The amount of though small to you, is of importance to us when several pay. From now till Hie first of May wo will send our paper and the weekly Constitution to ono addr ss for $1.25. At this time >here will be the opening of the guesses at the number of the bill oit'ctvd as premium by tho Con sriiution. After the first of May tins paper and the Constitution wiil be $1.50. Everybody who wants the two papers for $1.25 will come in between now and May, get both papers, a and perhaps 500 or 1000 «i >i- , lars- What ? We have on our table Rev. III liicks’ almanac—a gem of good things, important tables and information. Today is the 20th of April, 4th month, aud 110th day since Jan. 1. The suu rises 15 minutes after five, and sets 42 minutes after six. I e shines 13 hours and 26 minutes and runs fast oue uiitiu e for several days, and then increase. until 21st June. Read carefully the notice of Word and Works and this almanac. You van gw these publications and Tiie Cos veks Weekly— all valuable, and should be in every home in the county—for $1.60. . i Go i.o G«in n for j our geuuind Cu ba molasses. The Washington correspond¬ ents, who have boon invited t« visit Atlanta as the guests of th< Cotton States aud Internationa Exposition Company, have writ¬ ten that they will leave Wash itigton on the. 27th of May, 127 strong, and come directly to At lanta. While there they will be handsomely entertained by tin Exposition Company. The may or of the city lias appointed a committee from the city eotihcii to co-operate with the Exposi tion Company in ihe cut rtain mentof the correspondents. Tliej will be given the freedom of tin city, and will attend an old finu Georgia 1 arbec io on the Expo¬ sition grounds. CLEANSE IHE BLOOD. ; Purify the Sv tim of Oatarrlial Im purities and Cure's i e.’tain • Spring time in m.ct fnvorHble Hit •mre of (Jhron it Ca'arrh. Hun rpclnol I ttcr* ttrtt reci i it 1, teorifylng'to t xtra r<l n.try cures. Wm. Mandel.’of sleepy Kyi*, Minn., writes; ‘ I have h-t-u m>u bled with chronic catarrh for thirty five warn and bad ir ed nearly yvery ca tarrli core known* until by accident I was a lvi-eel by a friend to give I*e-ru u t a trial, in one wt ck from the tltn* 1 took ttic first d «se I began to feel like * new limn. I kt pt on using it for some time ami I a n en irely c irttJ. I have no •yiiipn ms of chronic catarrh * hafever. I am 7t years of age anil am ship I'e rt n t Is th« best midicine f ever used and w 'uhl not be without it in toe foi aovthing.’’ The I’e-rp-na Drug Vattiyractuting of Columbus, Ohio, is offtr ng free, post paid, two medical books, on Catairh and C etarrhal tlietaiee, the other on Spring Jledicinea and Spring diseases. These books contait the very I itest and most reliable infor¬ mation on these impor ant subjects. For tree book on cancer adJre s Dr Karim m, Columbus, Ohio. A3E IMPROVES IT. T he v «u 1G'compau’on enter d ZiVson***,'* Zo'iZnZTZZ ^tant render of its columns for mor$ ti la „ thirty years, “It has Steadily ini prf,v<sl ear by year.’’ It< articles today ttover the whole lield of life and expe rience, furnishing a vast amotintof val liable and entertaining reading of a not found e'aewhere. and of great a va'i -iv that Tt-e uompanion interests alike cacti member of the fam n Y The fVospecrua for the volume of 1895 announce* «n unusual ar-*r of attract net „, veBt „ r „ >KiCBce ftni , h , me ameiy «jltomlton ill imper t s „iqueati< na, and more thHn two Bun ’re<l origin li imema of the bighett clasa Full Pi os, «ctus and »p«ximen copie* -mt free on application. Price 11.7-3 a ' ' Poor < t . « , , Health ! , ’ means so much more than 1 ‘you ’fatal imagine—serious diseases and 1 1 result from" * ‘ trifling Don’t ailments neglected. • * play with Nature ’» 1 ’ 1 ’greatest gift—health H yoaifrt feeling * < Brown’s out of aorta, wnt ■ and regally or> : have hauated} ifavcm*, IppHita * no mid can't wovfc, Iron begin theiyioat at oar*t«k- tolia-. V i 8f meHicmc.urfcwh Jii-V ia firo*n'« frwi ten. A ft* feet ; Bitters very (wrt, tin conn ■nor/ tint ffin Iron doo.-* A Ti ono tin. ’ii r . ait pltaunt to Uko. It Cures ’ Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ‘Constipation, Bad Blood • Malaria, Nervous ailments < Women’s complaints. ’ I 4 only (he genuine—it h<« rro«»«d tod 1 f l statutes. Hum on the On wrapper. receipt of All two others jc. stamp* *wt»» * * vrm / % w Fair ill send Views set and of T«i book—free. Beautiful World's « 1 t BROWN CHEM'CAL CO. BALTIMORE, MB. 1 , For H‘il > by Dr, IV. It lj*a A Hon""' ■ ii". It ciihii’h ,'Vhtv week. Finely If* unrated Tile YotTil's < oMr.vlntl*, IbiHtoi', MbiN, MI-- Erma 11«»!11tirili tin* ifnfib on i visit m her sinter, Mt*. >l(rtiloWv*re >.t fl tvs'en. $100 FOR A BOTTLE. Mrs. S. B. 'Viuablp, IIJ WstSlnifton -t, Providence, K. I., after ii*ihg on* > f le of Drummond's Lljfhtnlng Rem* •<iy fur HhenmatDm, wro'o to Drum* mbn<l Medicine Co,, 4S Maiden Isiue, \tw York, Having ah'* 'vntyld not take ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS ft»r th« be n n it t i I'cei veil. I f y<»ti have a n r for ni of Elioi'iiaM-m, and wl«h to get >M of it., aen<l *6 to the I'rtraimon^ MrrBcIrm •!>., an I tiny will Hrlnltoy. nrexprsa* vld'ess two lioMles <>f lllolr loilirdr— no urh for a moui b.V t.rcat.inent. Agnttta wan ted. Tile I’l Ni’.VH urav * aff fwtfcrt H D«iH mi hi; public hcIv al hilt wn Frbl»y ilflht of lust “ cos. <rItfc n*fl *•!*■! «v . >1 It on I, ■ r fiat.,-ri iiy. fulTO Th(‘nbjcrt f «f l,h* iHtnnmnt wn» to iti4n to fiuf •bsso The 1-fljjli Seim >i ifirlg wbn kioilly iibln I rhe boys mm j>ml*n 'c>X lotto,->;'vc-—evenl wmrit vocomt,. *’>ii <1—nrv»> t, celli mention, I*. iritcrnUy '<m« rccenHv oritit*MX it r .iirl ft. nmmbcrH are e(ioH"ii wirh jmr lencc. 'I'tie boy* ure cnthil-i i*tbt. r A FLUTTER IF IN j Laces ceuvz-rsz; ; t —r-AND AN AGITATION IN--- 5 TripiirS T! it is t’le week’s excite¬ 4 ment at The tuly dry go< dt> bout® in the county. MISS EMMA RILEY Desires to- call attention to her stock of Sioux*; Millinery, which is complete in all the new est shapes and shades,which she will sell at It E A8O N A B LE P Jt I C E >S, call and see lur -roods, a pleasure to show them. She returns Clanks for pat ron . in tf , e KO ii^its a ............. .( C-nyers, April 6, 189o.-4t. Childffill CfyfOf ~ f ~ ‘ ~ I~ PltChCr S CaStOrla, Wiildren Cry for Pitcher’s Cutorf*