Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, April 27, 1895, Image 2

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CONYERS WEEKLY. OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B. <fc J. II. Kkkse. advertising rates. 8 mo. (1 tno. 12 mo I inch | f • ffiin 1 Lf m t- j 10.00 “ Net I 20.00 column t I , 1 i 25.00 --T-Ttfwr- i -I 1 05.00 : 81.00 O 100 00 Local* C*nt* for each subsequent in¬ tion ; %Vt Regular adv. 5Jc. inch for sertion. per tir*t insertion; 25c for each i**«rt!on. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .ho On. ““"■fe yesr, hi^va^ , 41 “* £n tered Ob I»e( idasi m '.7hnr,„ Satu r j Jit g ......t U3 ___ , . We guess all the papers will in,( the term China anil i„,„ . We think.fthe wlear(advanced by some of the tpa.ptrpn that CUeve land will he fl itt'’ ) tHe' < rkc®‘'fV>r l A third term.WtHaL aspireWlife*'gbvHfMoi^/bf GY.Wbh again Georgia is affffl e Cafe ijn>| ,,,, Great and indemnity from tro€0°tb Nicar^u i. ga, and has sent ake charge until the amount (I^PQQ iupiiverj is col l icted. What 'about the Monroe doctrine now ? - : The Rome Hustler sends out this week Uw iWW »f t, e Hu 8 tlerV«4„a iuvehile paper by the editor QE k ,TSi> little daughter ter, years of Ki«l b Hvelj and active, and we congratulate the Hu The Sparta Ishmae ite is light in saj iuft tnofc tho pmjf of United States jurors and witnesses is government ‘ ‘shamefully is insuffici®t was^e£pl :|>!T^e it ought to bo saviftft rious where it ougfikto JjemmM al.” How is it that tho^KIl^S^ journals “sound who money,” favoi|gu^,4| '•vlfmd "the say boldly for silver men speak out the “ silver.” Wfe'YBufepecftlh'ad) df silver rnenoifWmpht Th« u Lw sound money men will^.a^“.Wfi have got just what we wanted all the while—“solid money.” rrt • tn nm n r m me BlLT n/L S re 2gS P tL mX Woa Utoa^^rmugnot nhieolft to Major U, eonteiuLfor l t " ! '’ “ “ areS' t The that theie..^,,a,'COuyeu,Uph of Georgia tkRthi# Pflt i policy upon the \Ve thiuk#ft^,iW3P9fiy.^tion deliheratwlT/tai had edituis aud people beforeT^^tf w^^iAafe-f^apart ^We'Giyiffir as News says > ^-tBd-edRdi'a 5V0Uld have lots of ' ’ - Last Monday at Bohng ame, MouroexuUttl^-IUn ^ iff col., and res ”£53 A 2 i i J'killor The ne the wo sued for the posse, saying that the reason no[pi/afiriilit hsiRff’^fi^^at was 'he is sued for the had no piahoh -Th* vvldte People are appr^^l#?^ trouble w«h the blacks Covington ’Enteriirise: “Our friends attd neighbors looked comfortable last Sundayiu their new BUmmercostumesT-tnir realize ed por also seemea to t he spring time had come again tor he lastje^ar^S nud Btruck a, .bee , for the counter home of his broth j er-in-law to j£aze upon a chick jen 'bo pie.wbicH d^lfmbfed it ffas paM u wcfu^d to 1 ,.tb 0 poo* at W T l t ¥$_ :kjjl ; “IUiK^ra^y i* no ban to ism,^ itfiorge. W ashingtou not spoil correctly,and many he roos of Valley Forge could not read. The country needs to fear its corrupt more than its igrio ges who wrest the law in the interesjrbfitD© desses, and all m public life. yjrtjie ,]& needed-mpre than book - — - Itseeiw now that the rebpl Kou in Cuba is jiiStgeit mg clev iy yrnhir way/ Last week it replied crumbed* but this week 'Maced IB' making" aggres¬ sive. strokes,, assisted by .rebel reipfcacemehts and: volunteers from the coast on the American side. Cuba has sympathizers in this counftry knd many may 1 tahite With the YebeTs on their in¬ dividual re^)6iikibiUtv and' as Ais't in tt'eein^ the, island from unipn of S pain Li< There is a con Hiet of 'between'the'Htdfe ahtHorities of South Carolina and the U. S. dis¬ trict courts. Judge Goff of the {J. S. court orders that whiskey going in from another state to South Carolina is not subject to the dispensary law ; while Gov. Evans says just so soon as it en ‘«’ s «><* keuudary line he w,U <**» ot.t under the law <X the Stale. It seems bard to. "»*» law plan, enough ... th,s c «‘” lr 3' to _" e understood byev •' La'vyhVsiindOfficials ^ -> ■ • .. r a ^ as j ( j e ^ le j aw8 as they appear upon tp e 8 t a tute. 8 r— to a NT) GftLD J. L " v ;, ‘ >. Th# newspapers thi-pugli'out ? Cf tlie ’fiMncls cd^ilt^y solely discuss the question the idea upon that we nnisc have |Nbho|y gold or sii ijvjfer iiiiicirguktioa. 'phj|cts will sil»3; object t.p SButlis gokij IV6> atfiaiter%f ope to the best policy we bJieve that the coin of the United fctates, both gold-apdsilver,,should:he made cy in greenbacks acoiuceitif icato redeemable in. coin ; not oldbiIl8,lor8ilverbiIIs ' Have zz 2 !“ te ““ bK W# *7 W ’ in ““ a circulation ®d»l 10 ^.M,everybody tlte business of this would prosper. ' NOT CORRECT. ! " ■ i in . . . The idea ad vanced by 1 Itev. Sain Jobes fhat ^pah^ wUlive ixi a and progressive’ age,, the muit adopt ^measures and means 1u keeping With the times, iucii ;^e/iw«an deftp .succeed, is pot correct! to say that we cannot' endorse .all the new metho^s &iflclnifvli clVurcli The sooner tho cots hack the iisligiQn.ami nieth the sooner will true and vi hearts' the pew j :too much slang and Kpia^ of political liaranguers iu pialpit; In the clays of pur fathers a revival uieaut thegoe pel preached in its purity with uuction fi’hhi on high,. It meant warm hearts beating in unison, the grituaLaKeai^y the emotional left* toiAncofigfe I gatioQ ^ bended ktiees Not ^ now. ■5 ______ ^ ^ H. Lee A Sou are j r | ^ & 5o j leail ^ uci i with * HE0H&1A AND OTHER ITEMS. NI> 'ITEMS o INTKK ^tsrfadii other staIjbs.. \ Mad dogs are about in DeKalb. Cows have recently beep poi¬ soned in Way cross by ; eating wild olive, Matlison has let the contract $20,000 for erecting new school buildings. Oapt. Rgbiuson, one of the pioneer ‘ citi g e ns of Columbus, / , Fridav ur w wee k several fine specimens ..of gold on his farm near Altoona. Luther S. Croker, the invent¬ or of the conductor’s punch, died last week at East Brainridge, Mass., aged 0b years. Waites, the gaming man from Griffin, was arrdsted by an At¬ lanta police the other day, and taken to the lock-up. re¬ 1 in Stanley county, N- 0 re¬ „ cently was discovered an eight pound nugget of gold. The mi ers are Hocking to that section to “dig gold.” Marion Superior court is in session this week. The court is unusually interesting, the of a number of white caps being in order. Mrs. Mary Brown, 01 years old, died in Knoxville, Tenu., the oth¬ er day. She is supposed to he the last of the pensioners, of the war for independence in 177G. At a Sunday school last Sab¬ bath iu Aiken county, S. C., a general fight occurred between parties at variance. Two men were fatally wounded and seve¬ ral others were seriously hurt. John T. Brady of Tatnall coun ty deserted his wife and several little cbildren/a few weeks ago, and went over into an adjoining county, andmarried another woman, Such a man will aud ought to receive the full extent 0 t the law. Yettiriv. AtMSb, was cel elmrtea By 1,000,000 Odd Fel | ovvs a8 their 76th anniversary. 1 Thos. Wildey, an Englishmen, 1. T« jear-s a ” jro in Baltimore. YVildey was horn in London 1781, and died in Baltimore 1801. ;!l {: ..“entebctaB ^ . negro for cor,toe "’ e, “ year in the legisla ^ “penitentiary.” Perhaps the pun ishment would have been severe enough in the legislature. Watts Murphy, nephew of Gov. Wiatts, of Ah.bama, was killed last week near Greenville, by five negroes—two men and women. A large body of meif overtook the officers on their way with the prisoners to jail, and lynched the murderers. The Chicago Record offers thir ty thousand dollars for the best ^'stories of mysteryto be dis¬ tributed—ten, thousand dollars for best, three thousand for ^ei»ud best, andsoon. :The aveL age circulatiouof the Record for was over four millmnuw vast 'Plate mUnlei’ingof two beauti ful ; and innocent girls in the Baptist church, San Francisco, Ual„.is oue of the most fiendish crimes ever committed by _hu man being. The ; man Durant, who is held for the crime, and ^ wLo^p. guilt every circuni ktaucl points, was a Sunday hoo j h Jud^e Georgia Ecupry Speer will deliv in towns a series of lectuoes upofi tbO life and char bf General UgWtboips, th© Don’t Limp ThrongK Lif6 HE racked by Rheumatic pains. It , B’ handicaps your whole career. KJP Of course you wouldn’t if you , Ml could help it—and you can. iC’5 #WNeura|§ic (UREr ■Er straight the Liver, where ” goes to H* Rheumatism, Neuralgia,. Dys- 1 MJ pepsia, Headache and most 4 Vv other ills start. V W It cleanses this organ and ’ Bf makes it active again—the acid v K. leaves your blood, and you’re ^ V Bf . cured. Testimonial below. K Hr debility I liave am) been 1-hronto treated rheumatism for general for \ ’ Hr Wm/ boulesofyourmedicinehascnredme. ten years withou! any reiiet a hree V K i S. F. CliABK, Warrenton, Fla. a mi Mj Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For lb 1 CULLEN & NEWMAN, J mm I. Sole Proprietors, 1 Knoxville, Tennessee. founder of Georgia. Judge Speer is an accomplished scholar and and a fine orator, who will en¬ tertain his audiences where ev¬ er he goes. We trust that when his route is mapped out he will favor the citizens of Conyers with his lecture. Prof . F. E. L. Beal has been recently investigating id the in¬ terest of science the woodpeck¬ er. He has diagnosed the stom¬ ach of this red headed bird and finds that it' eats insects, wild fruits and seeds. ’Way long time ago when wearied and tired we would rest against our hoe handle and investigate the buds, and thus discovered woodpecker carrying berries etc. to bis hole in the tree, E. M. Rumph, the great fruit, pad, of MarsballviUe, is travel mg north and has this encour g “Svfei L olSgia^ ^ .. u o*r w thl. .r ternooti from Noiv York, ’where’ 1 bavc i/iaRyare^Very moch better, and the gitCs beautiful peaches, i have exam ined the peach trees of Ntjw Jerse}-, Delaware good hud Maryland here, and but find there, will be a crop you last see they get tipfi three 1 Weeks after our are gone, which is all in our favor. Beautiful strawberies from Florida are selling at 50 donts per quart. I’tate out¬ look is bright lor nice prices for our beautiful iruit."’ f •: Jolm 1[. iVlinitnd, r>anly:i', Conyeus, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individual^. , . ...... Any accommodations, consistent with safe banking, extender SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS. NOTICE! I ntr 1 i .ti ■I «■ in in •« TO FRUIT AND VEGE I TABLE GROWERS a In; T I 1 >Y /. V Y; ii j .tTOtl?. .1 T ■r i L : n g , CLA liiv ifcCO •9 I ir; . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS FOR THE Mii-ffeD Vegetable 6a. Melon & Growers Ass’n, 0 r tTTT - x VnRR R . ' Wish to obtain several good local agents in all sections. They wUl Uay good commissions. f^Best of references furnished ^ Wl over this State and Florida. Correspondence solicited - ^ Gtijm § co. ' 26 LITTLE 12TH ST., NEW YORK. < - -■jy; Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria** paid tfi the Ordinary.*** f de**d by-tfre grand jury %ftAr investigation of books.and examination of accounts rendered. "Wfe feel as an editor or P ri. ■vate individual to question Ordinary's accounts or the action of the gra n d ju ry is to question the honesty of boih, what ever in ay he disclaimed in the premises. We bvlieve that both'parties acting’un der oath have conscientiously done the proper thing in their capacity as coun • ty official*. THE POISONOUS ACIDS. In the b!bod should be taken up and removed by the Liver and Kidneys,but these organs get out of orders—fail to <lo their work—and the result is Rheuma¬ tism. There are a thousand reniedie for the Liver and Kidneys, but there is only one cure for Rheumatism, anil that is Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy If you eave the disease, send $5, To the Drummond Medicine Co.,- 48 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send to your express address.two large hottlys, enough for one month’s treatment,.-Any one who is having an argument with the Rheumatism will feel fully repaid by the first dose. Agents Wanted. .. ii PERFECTED ..-•Tv CRYSTAL LENSES /I TRADE MARK. I actf ty last <»4'4br*y«< pi tfmff:'.! 1 IK Sold by Drs. W. H. Lee & Son,Cony ers, Ga, ; r : : : .. ' SAW MILLS $160 TO $900. ENGINES &B0ILERS To suit. stock. Large stock of SHAFTING, TOLLEYS, BELTING AND’ SUPPLIES. ” ■ LOMBARD <fe CO., AUGUST A,GJ RECEIVER’S NOTICE I will he at Sheffield district court ground the 1st Saturday’s in April, May and June, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district the 3d. Sat¬ urday’s in April, May and June. Honey Creek the 4th Satur¬ day’s in April, May and June, and at Conyers the remainder of the time, when not otherwise engaged: Office at Stephenson & Turner’s. Respt., . T.R. m30.3mo. R, L. Hbdsox, Ohiidren Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. in Conyers, Rockdale county with Tn the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May, ]8»5, to the highest best bidtter,-the following d^. ri b. ed property to-wit: One piece or parcel of land lying i .tbfijliih district..,,of..origiiiul, a 4 Bockdaie . row county, containing ciooi ilireo hundred acres, more < r less, ard bounded its follojvs; On ibe ’s-irh by . the Cotingttm road, on the east by the lands of C. M. Tailor and Yellow river on the north by the lands of MrsUPre't well and on the west by the. lands of John M. Zgchry. Levy made to satis¬ fy two tax li. f&U .issued : by the Tax Collector, of said county, atid- against : James II ..Griffin, agent. ’ Parties in posession notified.- This March 27, 1805.. W. H. M. At stin, Sheriff. $lftftft Aft GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. :the moath preceding. • ■ „55VSS keep track of their ; SS.«ViSS.SS2St bngbt.ideas. At the wish to the public the foct same time impress upon that IT’S THE SIMPLE,TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-rngdiw” which can be easily did up and down without breakihg the passenger’s back •‘sauce-pan,” “collar.burton," . “nnt-lock,” -‘bottiei inventions ate the ones that bnng largest feturhi to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARP AS IT SEEMS. 1 B. Q. , which is the ?>est newspaper published in America in the interests of iayentors* We fumi$h a year's sub /We scfiption advertise, to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. also free of cost; the invention each month , which $150 of wins of our “National prize, and hundreds of thousands copies the Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists the and manufacturer*,'-thus hringurg to thevj attention merits of the invention., All communications regarded strictly confident ial Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., : Solicitors of Amencan antl^ForOgn Patents, Box 385. Washington, D. C. ly Reference—editor Dfthhpa/.cr. Write/or our So-feegepamfhhl, FREE. (aoo^* W v '" ,8r '*S*r Yov$l\ooWiiIV§t‘ of UpOf\ uj« ! it tDZMmis m •31 m .. Co) k.&Ctitf, Uf /u Horsas K^epJt dru^i^ feC-H IF. I!) th«. Vyt PHILOTOKEM la Woman ’s Safe' and Ifeliable Friend.' Believes mo pains. Cure! uervousueas and-hysteria aad'r«fctor«s to perftcl health. .. Sold by druggists apd dealers for H i bottle. Pam¬ phlet gist; send n}*U«d $i on to application. the proprietor If you andr can’t be. get It from your drug, will pend to yoo pre. paid by ej^t es."^ CharlesF. BUley, Wholesale Druggist, 6a Corb. D I A black r * Btrtre in 0r few *y Hair minute* and Whiskers |l bottle. to a browi or a a -.--ri i.i ■: DUNCAN KING Has a flue Barber Shop at the No-1 MefrepelUen South Pryor St, Hotel Atlanta, Ga ^T'Call to see him, G. W. and A, P. Cain have s o m e second hand D a vis and D o in e s t ic sewing m a ehines, good as new, 11 they wi sell (T1KAL*. Save by see them. LUMBER FOR SALE. Parties can buy lumber of all sorts, on 8h'">rt notice from us at the lowest prices. Mills located 2 $ miles South of Conyers, m30.3m. Goode & Evrr. Bucklen’s Amica Salve. The Best SaDe i a the world f T) r cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hand*, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tione, and positively cures Flies, or give no pay required, tt is guaranteed refsndsd, to perfet s if ! *fa''tion Or money Price 36 cents pet box,