Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, May 04, 1895, Image 3

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1 B FIRE IRANGE, J P. llLLt I AGENT . irl ^present ft. BEST con, in i!k world. r : !. i «■ 1 j »-1 , n [ RLiii'v. /.N at* ,! !i .VLLLff, >-• PINE - %|3 tiriTrU W A 1 til * a , ptv t * SPEC1ALTY. —GIVE ME A TRIAL At Almand’s Bank. —=_______ K OCK Al, TV CONYEE.S AND • CoDjersis a neat town situated in Bockdale county, on the Ga. R.R. thir " Atl itliasabout milesfrom nta. tifteen hundred inhabitants, and thirty orm ere business bouses. The ci izens intelligent and industrious. The lie nr'les dis Stewart parer mills are two tint, in tbe city are steam grist nulls and oil mills. Efforts are being made to establish a cotton factory, and to put in an eiectric plant for tlie city. 1 he city has a free school system. Rockdale county contains many acres of the best lands in Georgia. The farmers are not large planters, but they are successful tillers of tbe soil, making the greatest amount of “hog and hominy.” PUSHERS- * PENCIL Our Correspondents Hustle, and as a Consequence They Show up Well Be iore Our Host of Intelligent Readers Rocky Bkancd, April 29.—Me would like to say a few words to all interested panics about our bicycle ride. We are free bom and a little over half while, and we are liable at any time to do what we please with that which belongs to us ; we nearly always try to attc ud to our own bus icefcf, and aro perfectly willing for othei s to do the same* The shade looks very inviting to fte weary snger. Some of our farmers are through planting cotton. There will be a very large fruit crop this year if no new calamity be falls it. Ms. Susia Stricklin of Honey Creek visited Mrs. Sancho Sunday. Rev. Tom Ivey preached to a very large audience at Rockdale Sunday ’ gA-NCUO. I Smyrna, May 1.—Mr R icher, o) p’ whasan. orida, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Mr. Robb Hollingsworth has been lanta, Siting relatives in and around At¬ Miss Lucinda Stowers is visiting in tlanta this week. Mr. Luther Plunkett and mother, (JasksoD, have been visiting in our lit. Mr. Henry Sims and his beautiful ^ter, Miss Medie, visited relatives P Henry county Saturday and S un pay. Miss Carrie Hollingsworth has re Ned home after a pleasant visit P Atlanta. Mr. Lie and sister of Newton coun • 'Piled our community recently. A storm of rain, bait and wind IW! pt over the lower part of our dis >• Friday night. [*%■ "tool*t toy™ dotal tat A large audience was pres f .wd listened with intense inter st to Dr. Qaigg's lecture. The C “°°‘ has greatly prospered under 6t administration of Prof. Ciotfelter ® school has been on? of the most both in attendance and enc y of work. There will he a ^ ^ 4t ' on will °f begin two months. the The next ily. first Monday in ^■Aluigg will preach at Smyrna s - Saturday and Sundav. A “fcwn com service ! will be held Sabbath )otnin^_ i. c. v. n lrr > May 1.—Our 2 th ° VE; Sal) ' school = h Sunday afternoon ^largely attended. last week. 1 The picnic at McDaniel’s mill ! pond o)i last Saturday afternoon | was It quite gotten an enjoyable in honor aifair. of Lu was up | tiier Plunkett, of Jackson, and (Jito Ciotfelter, of Smyrna. Lon Braud> ofLlthoniai was on business (?) last Sun da y afternoon. Dr. Quigg Smyrna 7^$ at last Friday We are pleased to learn that he has consented to lecture for us sometime in the near future. II T. Treadwell and little daughter, Maud .visited relatives in Atlanta last Sunday. ! city Giever attended James Dukes Sabbath of sctiool your our Sunday afternoon. Gome again, Jim; we are always glad to see you. The 0. G. L. society met last Saturday evening at the home of B. C. Grenade. The programme was very good indeed. Among those present were Misses Sarah Trelnhelm and Levanche David and Mr. 0. b. Adair . of son, your city. Misses Trelhelm aud Da v i d s o n are two of Conyers’ brightest JOUDg ladies, and the recitations given by them were greatlv enjoyed by all present, RAILROAD MEETING TODAY. The citizens of Kings commu¬ nity will have a meeting today to discuss t j ie advisability of build ing a dummy line from Snapping Shoals tefcConyers or to Litlionia. We trust their deliberations will materialize, aud that the road will be constructed to Conyers as the more accessible point and the shorter line, costing less and serving the citizens as well. SUNDAY Notwithstanding tlie inclem¬ ent weather services were held at all the churches at 11 a. m. Dr. Quillian held forth as usual in the Methodist church, discuss ing the subject in hand with force and point. Dr. Quigg in terested his congregation at the Presbyterian church, giving a description of Jerusalem and drawing some wholesome les¬ sons impressing the doctrines of j Crosg llev> M< L Carswell by request preached at the Bap¬ tist church morning and night. Ac 11 o’clock he discussed the atoueraent _ its va lue aud neces sity. At night his talk was touch¬ ing and interesting. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS. Frying chickens are hard to find. Judge McCalla visited Deca¬ tur last Wednesday. The hot days of summer are fast approaching. j aSi p, Tilley went to Atlanta ou business last Thursday. Capfc. J. W. Swords went on a visit to Covington this week. W. M. Richardson of Litlionia was in town last Tuesday. From all we can learn the stand of corn is good,and is look ing well. The carpenters are making headway on Mr.Henry M,cCord’s new residence. J, R. Black of Monroe, and J. H. Dawson, of Atlanta, spent a da -v •» our city tins week. Mrs. Bud Owens died sudden ] Y Thursday night at her home in this county. Mr. Miller and sister of De Kalb visitedrelatives in t Ji e county last Saturday, Dr. Rosser attended the funer¬ al of a nephew in Atlanta Sun¬ day. For several days this week tlie cloudy weather aud chilly east winds were disagreeable. The gardens are beginning to look green and beautiful. "\ etables will soon be abundant. Dr. Quillian gave a Methodist most ccllent talk at the aver meeting Tuesday night, ‘ The Covington Star is whet *• and garden sass, uqw in sight- Col. J. C. Barton, of Madison, was circulating among his friends in Conyers this week. After the east winds the clouds passed off, and the weather has been perfectly delightful this week. Col. Gleaton has raised his res¬ idence off theground several feet, making it present a much better appearance. The general meeting of this Baptist association met at Al mand church yesterday, (> miles from Conyers. The up train on last Tuesday was ail hour and forty minutes behiud schedule time. It was detained in Augusta. Guano sales are about over. The quantity sold here this year is not so large as last year’s sales by several hundred tons. The Baptist Sunday school has a committee appointed to exam¬ ine the different song books,look ing to purchasing new ones. Mr. and Mrs. Winburn return¬ ed on Monday last from Newton, where they spent several days relatives and friends. ti. P. & D. M. Aimand & Go. will receive a lot of new goods today. Come out and see them. Some merchants have an idea that when they advertise they do a benevolent act, and, in fact, they do—to themselves. J. Q. Adams of Eatonton pass¬ ed through Conyers last Monday on his way to Romo to attend the annual meeting of the Royal Arcanum. Dr. J. W. Quillian, of Conyers, won the prize (an Oxford Bible) by sending the largest number of subscribers up to April 1st to The Wesleyan Advocate. Dr. Guinn went to Milledge ville last Tuesday to take P. H. Buchanan, who had been ad¬ judged insane, to the Lunatic Asylum. Rev. B. D. Ragsdale, a dele¬ gate to the Southern Baptist con¬ vention will leave for Washing¬ ton, D. C., on Tuesday next, in company with D. M. Aimand. Dr. Quigg expected to lecture at the court house last night. No one should ever miss an op¬ portunity to hear this highly in¬ telligent and eloqu*nt gentleman Mrs. Mary McCalla, of Deca¬ tur, died after mugsugering on Tuesday, 30th of April. She was a sister of Mrs. Gleaton of this place. We sympathize with the bereaved. N. M. Aimand has moved his stock of goods from the corner next the post office to a store on commerce stret. J. W. Jones takes the store vacated by Mr. Aimand. Ten cars loaded with tlie frag¬ ments from the wreck of last week near Litlionia passed Con¬ yers on last Tuesday enroute for Augusta. Tlie loss to the com¬ pany must extend into the thous¬ ands. J. J. Langford, D M. Aimand, W. V. Almand,with their wives, and J. H. Maddox, Mrs. Walter Wood, R. H. Canon and Char¬ lie Taylor will leave for Wash¬ ington next Tuesday to attend the Southern Baptist convention A drnmmer puts it that not much business for him now, but he is going around shaking hands with the merchants. The times will soon be better, pros¬ pects are cheering and he feels jubilant. Read the schedule of the Mid¬ dle Ga. and Atlantic road, and avail yourself of this schedule to make short and quick trips to the towns along this line. The con¬ ductors are polite and accommo¬ dating. We are glad to hear that Dr. I.R. Branham, of Kirkwood, is greatly improved in health, and that he will soon be able to mence pulpit work. He is one of the ablest preachers in Geor¬ gia, and any church will be tunate to secure his services. Some of the merchants are little backward with their farm work—they haven’t planted spring advertisements in The Weekly ; but no doubt they will soon ; if they don’t, why then we say they don’t care for the abun dant harvest which they [reap therefrom, Rev. I>. D. Ragsdale will away on next Sunday, a- ]u , goes to preaclitlieconimencemeiit sermon at Camming for tlie Hightower Baptist Institute. His place will he supplied at tlie morning service by Rev. 11. D. D. Straton of Atlanta. Dr. St ni¬ ton is a preacher of rare power and eloquence, and those who hear him may expect a treat. We would be glad to have the farmers report to us how much decrease in cotton acreage they have made ; also the decrease in the purchase of fertilizers. We j an , informed by Liverpool re porters that a decrease in " B1 effect the cotton mai la 1 to the advantage of the pro ducer. Henry Reagan will give you a nice hair cut for 2o cents, a shave for 10 cents, and will hone your dull razor for 25 cents. Gall on him when you need any work done. He will give satis¬ faction. 4-20-It Prof. J. A. Ciotfelter has closed his school at Smyrna for a vacation. He is a fine teach¬ er, and courteous gentleman, who deserves well of his fellow citizens. We can congratulate him upon the start he is making in his early manhood, and trust his every effort in what¬ ever direction made will be crowned with success. J. W. Jones has moved to the store next to the post office, cor¬ ner Center and Railroad streets, where he is prepared to accom¬ modate his customers. lie has a latger and more handsome room, and will enlarge his stock of goods in every department. Mr. Jones is a gentleman in ev¬ ery respect and a thorough bus¬ iness man, who will give satis¬ faction to his customers. Do not fail to note the change, aud call on him for staple dry goods gro¬ ceries and confectioneries, in fact, everything which is needed to supply your wants. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Dr. W. H. Lee tfe Son is this day dissolved. Dr. W. H. Lee hav¬ ing purchased the interest of Dr. Lewis A. Lee will conduct the business in future, and all ac¬ counts due the former firm must be paid to Dr. W. II. Lee. Dr. W. II. Lee will settle all ac¬ counts due by the former firm of Dr. W. II Lee & Son. Wm.II. Ler, Mewis A. Lee. This April 30th, 1895. PATTERNS. Ji. 1 . tv. D. M. Aimand ot VO. keep all kinds of patterns for Ladies’ and Men’s clothing. Latest styles. _______ CATARRHOFTHE KIDNEYS Sometimes Called Bright’s Dis-1 : ease -Dr. Hartman s Latest Lecture. In the course of a recent lec¬ ture at the Surgical Hotel Dr. Hartman said : “Gatarrh of the Kidneys is a very common disease, growing more and more common each year. Tbe symptoms are pain in tlie back; scanty, high-color¬ ed urine,containing alounieu and various sediments ; nausea, and sometimes vomiting ; puffiness of the face and feet; dropsy of the legs; shortness of breath and general weakness; pallor and dryness of the skin, chilly feel¬ ings, alternating with fever and sleeplessness. “A tablespoonful of Fe-ru-na taken befoie . . 11 should be ea* meal between meals, and at bed time, end enough Man-a-lin at night to produce one natural action of the bowels each day. When the disease is of long standing heated Pe-ru-na should be applied to the back in addi tion to the abobe treatment, and the diet consist principally milk and dry toast, Avoid li quors and tobacco.” MEDICAL BOOKS >'KEE. The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufac- turing Go., of Golurnbus, Ohio, ore offering free, postpaid, two j medical d catarrhal . books, , diseases, one on the catarrh . oth- . j ai| ■ er on spring medicines and | spring diseases. These books contain the very latest and most reliable infomiatiou on thest important subjects. For free hook on cancer ad dress Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio FO ItTY B a K It E LS A DA Y. Urn-ris and Boqiio, Brin Tuan .mail nf i.-tur<T' of tin* celebrated Krin Limp, ?»« they have great faith in mono’s Lightning Remedy for One of their principal er(t „, 1S ; a ;,| n p W jtti Rheumatism until induced to take Drummond's Eight,IISes Kerne Iv. Alter taking two bottle? lie went to work, and has since been mak ing Forty Rakhkos a day. If you want this remedy, send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co., IS Maiden Lane, New York, and will send to your express ad¬ dress two large bottles—enough for one month’s treatment. Agents wanted. For style, variety and up-to dateness see Summers ifc Hudson China Claims to be the oldest and largest nation on earth. Japan Doesn’t - but she is getting there in good shape. Morai, : Watch our smoke. I Summers & Hudson. “Our remiers will linti Simmon's Liver Regulator advertised in these columns. We advertise it, and u*e it, and we commend it. as a safe aud ex¬ cellent medicine. We becamea qunint ed with it in Georgia where it is a standard f mily medicine. We do not deny the merite of other preparations, but simply state that this one com¬ mands confidence”. From the. “Jour¬ nal” Lanesboro, Minn. TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE. I will be at Sheffield district court ground the 1st Saturday’s in April, May and June, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district tlie 3d. Sat¬ urday’s iq April, May and June. Honey Creek the 4th Satur¬ day’s in April, May and June, and at Conyers the remainder of the time, when not otherwise engaged. Office at Stephenson & Turner’s. Respt., T.R. m30.3rno. R.L. Hudson, BIG ITEMS IN SMALL TYFE The many friend* of Mias Sadie Mc¬ Calla were delighted to see her here Sunday. She is attending Agn a Soott Institute. A party of litt'e bilks spent Friday evening mint delightfully at i lie home of Mr. and Mrs. Siepen«on. The affair was given iurnpliinentary daughter, to riielr hright and ebarniing little Miss He ti *. Yesterday we stepped Into the store of Summers A Hudson and )i-t,. lied to the strains of sweet music coming from Jta SSS. holding tlie ereategt number of elieolo. when two thousand are given out. Kv erybody who buy* twenty live cell's worth of their handsome and exquisite¬ ly designed jewelry will receive a 2ne cheek, two cheeks tor 50 and so on. Summers & Hudson a;e enterprising young me'chants, who never let an op portnnity pass which will help their business, or accrue to the advantage of their customers. Two game* of ball between tbe town i and aoliool teams were plme.l at the ball ground Monday and Considering Wednesday afternoon respectively. tbe fact that they were the fir>t of the season, t he games were very good ones. Only seven innings were played Mon¬ day. The score is as follows: Town Team.. .10 4 0 0 0 1—o. School Team 0 0 10 12 i—5. ; Batteries—slenn and McDonald; Stan eel and While, Umpire Hale. Wedne-day'a game was not as inter esting a* the fir>t. The school boys did n’t take their last inning. Town 1'eam.. ..27142142 1—21. School Team.. .0 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 x—11. Batteries—Glem, Stewart and McDon¬ ald; Stance], Wallace, t'illey and Stan cel. Umpire Hudaon. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. O. W. Fuller, of C'ana’oharie, N y, rays that he always keeps house or. King’s New Discovery m the jj 6 wou i(j no t be without it, if procurable. G. A. »ykeman, Drug ^ ^e best oough remedy ; that he has used it in his family for eight claimed^fordt. 8 ' Why uot iry a remedy so long tried and tes led Trial bottl *s free at Lee & Son’s drugstore. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. We do job voork ! ^ A | - i, 1 Health i ) means so much more than 1 you iatal imagine diseases —serious and 1 result from 1 trifling Don’t ailments neglected. 1 play with Nature’s 1 greatest gift-health. : Brown’s ; Iron Bitters ft Cures ’ , Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ’Constipation, Bad Blood ' Malaria, Nervous ailments' ■ Women’s complaints. , 1 Get only tlie peniiiA*—it lias crowed red W „ Hum oii the wrapper. All other* < \ lUiimes. On receipt of are eeh- 1 1 d two ac. stamp* we J 1 S' Fair K!' o( Ten Beautiful . Vliw.« ant! book—free. / BROWN CHEM'CAL CO. BALTIMORE Mt> 1 For sal i by Dr. VV. II Lee & Mon¬ CELEET SELTZEE An exhilarating, pleasant, refreshing; drink—avooahi nation of Bromides, Celery Lemon and Seltzer. Con¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous thugs. Very thing for headache 01 Bick B'omach. For sale bj Weaker & Stewart. THE POISONOUS ACIDS. In the blood shoal 1 be taken up anil removed by tbe I.Ivor and Kidneys,but then*’ organs get out of order—fall to do their work—and tlie refu’t 1 a Rheuma¬ tism. There are u thousand remedies for the Liver and Kidneys, bittthereis odIv one cure for Rlieiiinatlsm, and that I* Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy If vou eave the disease, send £5 to the Drummond Mediuine Go., 41 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send to your express address two large bottles, enough lor one month’s treatment. Anv tone who is having an argument with the Rheumatism will feel fully repaid by the first dose. Agents Wanted. TO SUBSCRIBERS. stimnmiMtiiiiHitNHmiMi A BARGAIN FOR YOU. We offer you n lino Singer sow¬ ing machine and this paper one year for twenty-three dollars cash or will give the machine as pre¬ mium to any one hrinyiny us for¬ ty subscribers with forty dollars. Now let the person who wishes a good machine free go to work and make tip the club, or let the person who wants a machine cheap for the cash pay twenty throe dollars and get it, also The Weekly one year. The machine is guaranteed for all that is claimed for it. LUMBER FOR SALE. Parties can buy lumber of alt sorts on slim t notice from us at the lowest prices. Mills located miles South of Conyers. ru30.3m. Go('J>k & Herr Buck'.en’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve iu the world for cut*, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand*, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup¬ tions, and. positively cures Liles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed refended. to give perfet satisfaction or money Price 25 cents per box. Wbsn she was a Child, she cried for CaMoria. Whet, she became Miss, she clung to Castert*. When she had Children, she gave the* Caatoria, phildfwi Cry for Pitcher’s Ci«tori|| M rou are leetiar out *"d oI »or<«. wnE havsted, Renerally n hive nrfvona,. and can’t no appetite wort, ---- j»lt p e K**i al oncetak the moat itlim-f medicine,which strtnglheninf! is Brown’s Iron Bit¬ ters. A few Bot¬ tles cure-benefit comes from the. very first dosf -ff fiv«7 stain y#nr , ontl it’s plea,ant to