Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, May 11, 1895, Image 2

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CONYERS WEEKLY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY^ J. B. & J. H. ItEKSE. advkhtisim; bates. 8 mo. 0 rno. 12 mo. --. i t i.OO » •).' 0 i i >* 1 4.01 7 10.00 2 no 4 “ 7.»0 12 00 • 20.00 sp column 10.00 I 5 .ta» 25.00 Ji I 18.011 30.00 ao.fM) I 3 ’.00 50 00 100 00 J/>c*l» 6 cents per line f< r lir-t inser rinn 2’2 cent* for each subst t|uent in fertton. Regular adv. 50 c |-er inch for flrst insertion; 2-V lor each subsequent insertion. kUASCRIPTION KATES: U .‘0 One \ ear, in advance ............... hix months in sdxanre.............. .50 JEiiteicd *t the pOf-toftiee a f Con ver* «* si cond-class mail matter. Saturday, May II, 1895. EDITORIAL OPINIONS. The paying of cash for guano indicates that there is some mon¬ ey yet in the country, and makes a good showing for easier times next fall. There is still hope for the ed¬ itors of this country. Mr. Stone of the New York Commercial made $450,000 out of his news¬ paper before his death. With perspiration trickling, and drawn contenance, the Ban ner reluctantly dances to the music of the “hand organ,” ao skillfully handled. Augusta Chronicle says it is all folly saying a man would refuse the nomination for president. Any man would walk iu his bare feet to the convention iu or¬ der to get the nomination. Monday’s Constitution has a good article on the use of opium. There is an effort being made now by those countries which sell thestuff to convince the pub¬ lic that instead of an injury it is a benefit to the system. The ladies of Madison got out a very handsome issue of the Advertiser. It reflects great cred¬ it upon them. It contained ad¬ vertisements from different sec¬ tions of the State besides being liberally patronized by the bus¬ iness men of Madison; no doubt it was as successful financially as it otherwise was. “Aw Ma, I s bv\ uliered er bug !” "Er bug, nigger? Whut mus’ 1 do ! ’Wbar’s yer pa? Jake, cum ’ere, Tildie’s ewallered er hug !’ “UghI Whut kiu’ er bug is it?” “Goldbug 1 do b’lieve 1” “Well, hits no use ter do nufiog, fer yet jes’ can’t move hit 1” How Democratic gold-stand¬ ard papers can charge Demo¬ cratic silver coinage papers with being Populists because they are for free silver which was iu the Populist platform, while these same gold papers advocated the income tax which was also in the Topulist platform, we leave for them to reflect upon. Such stuff is puerile.- Augusta Chron¬ icle. Our neighbors of the Banner have “let the cat out of the wal¬ let,” ‘'the milk out of the cocoa nut”—all that worries them, they have not the county adver¬ tising. There is nothing in their la6t issue for us to shoot at, so we will not lire in the air. The gentlemen who are personated are amply able to take care of themselves, and if they see any thing worth their attention they can have the use of our columns. We have a soft place in our heart for those in distress. w e yield to the pitiful wail coming up to us yesterday desisting from further comment, Theii liouest confession will be good for their souls. Tl,e I# clone iu thh fur iu lie j eojile. The !*w rev nicu * the charge*, and we have no **> in it, ejR-e** w> t»Ke w hat \* *ei>t in by the i tilei*!*, who *re bonded otfleer* on il»r eftth. SILVER AND GOLD. We have given heretofoie more than a passing upon the great subject which now is agitating the minds of both great and small of i he entire country. As to whefch er the gold or the silver will re¬ sult to the best interests of the masses w e are not able to sav ; neither do we believe that any other being can tell. Yet in the face of all the arguments pro and con we are constrained to say from honest convictions that mo uometalism is not the thing de sired, whether it be silver or The coinage of both gold and sil ver on a parity seems to us to be the proper, just and wise thing to do. If the extreme silverites want the free coinage of silver alone, we do not endorse it. If the goldhugs mean by “sound money’’gold as the standard and gold alone, we do not accept it. It is well enough to have gold to do the business with foreign na¬ tions,and silver for our own uses at home. And yet there is no necessity for the white metal to he depreciated, nor the yellow appreciated. Gold and sil ver as the standard money for the Uni¬ ted Wtates would do the business of our country, and be sufficient¬ ly valuable to satisfy all de¬ mands from our brethren across the waters. A paper currency redeemable in gold and silver—coin—would he most convenient for general circulation. Still it is important that the value of these metals be settled--the one on a paiity with the other, before any currency hills could be issued. If the free coinage of silver means bimetalism—silver on a parity with gold—then we are for free silver. If Mr. Cleve¬ land’s platform is for the gold standard, as the only money, to the depreciation of silver, we are not on that line. DR. J. H. SIMS Of Columbus, Ga., is visiting for a few days Ins relatives in ihe city. Dr. Sims is a iiue phy¬ sician, having practiced medi¬ cine for a number of years. He is a gentleman of fine physique, endowed with qualities and at¬ tainments which place him in prominence as a successful prac¬ titioner in his noble profession. He graduated with high honors, and has since that time taken post graduate courses iu New York ; he has had extensive ex¬ perience in the large hospitals of that city, and leaves today for the great metropolis for the purpose of revisiting the hospi¬ tals, and to fit himself for great¬ er achievements in the medical world. He will go from there to Denver, Colorado, where he will locate. He has enjoyed a large and lucrative practice both in medicine and surgery,and is rec¬ ognized in the State as brainy and progressive, We recom mend him to the citizens wher evei his lot may he cast; a gen¬ tleman socially, and worthy of their esteem and patronage. His friends with whom he has been associated in different portions of Georgia, his native State, gret to see him leave, but trust that in his new home he will have that happiness and suc¬ cess which lie richly merits. BIG ITEMS IN SMALL TYFE. The school children and others had » pleasant picnic at the paper mills on yesterday. The little hoy of Walter Weaver near Llthonia had one eye shot ont with a sling shot in hands of nnother hoy. This is the result of handling dangerous playthings. Coiie Warren, one of the foremost bus¬ iness men of i.itiu uia, was in the city Wednesday last. Our artist gives us the c c ne of the defeated school bonds. How sad It will he to «ee the children crying over their misfortune’. We hope that no such c* taetropbe sail ms rKc artist predicts will be i the bon It. GEORGIA AND OTHER ITEMS, the spiciest of the spicy geobgia news, ami items of INTER est from other states. j A man lias committed suicide after reading “Trilby.” The recent rise in price of oil was a scheme of the speculators. It is said that Mr. Cleveland will take a trip around the world in 1837. After a long contest in the j Tennessee legislature Gov. Tur ney retains his seat by a major tty ot 13. Gov. Atkinson has appointed Prof. Harris, <f Rome, one of the hoard of visitors to the State University. A little girl three years old is the youngest bicycle rider now known to the world. Bhe lives in San Francisco. Her “bike’ weighs only 12 pounds. On Saturday, the 4th, three powder mills in Massachusetts were blown up. The buildings were reduced to splinters, and three men were killed. It is again stated that Queen Victoria, who is now 7G years old and in feeble health, will ab¬ dicate the throne of England on the 24th of this mouth. | The Texas treasury is empty ; I the State insolvent, according : the announcement of the to State treasurer. Extra appro¬ priations by the legislature is the cause. Last Saturday a most terrific cyclone swept over portions of Iowa and Missouri. Several vil- 100 to 250 persons. Dr. Swain killed his wife’s lov¬ er down in Louisiana the other day. He found her in a room with Dr. Iliriat. The two doc¬ tors fought a regular duel, but Dr. Swain “ as not hurt. W. W m Guess, of Brooks coun¬ ty, committed suicide last Sat¬ urday by shooting himself with a Winchester rifle. He was ac¬ cused by his wife ol criminal in¬ timacy \iith their oldest daugh¬ ter. A most horrible charge ! Germany has the greatest number of telephones. Berliu alone has more than the whole of Fiance The whole empne has 378 places with telephone communication, with a total of 84,920 instruments. Floyd county, which has been making exhibits at the different fairs for several years and car¬ rying off handsome premiums, will enter again for the prize at tho Cotton States Exposition in Atlanta next fall. A terrible cloud burst passed over Chattanooga and vicinity of four miles wide last Monday'. The whole elements were one mass of darkness, and the light¬ ning and rain were so destruct¬ ive that much damage was done to the fruit and crops. The Georgia Teachers’ Asso¬ ciation will convene June 25 in Brunswick. A large attendance * s expected. , Ihe programme is and includes interesting ‘ discussion. Teachers topics for will be passed over the roads for one fare, good till 8th of July. At Decatur, Iud., a lady gave birth to three little girls, and named them Ruth, Esther and Frances, for the President's chil¬ dren and wife. When Mr. Cleve¬ land was informed of it he sent a check for $500 to the mother i for the education of the little I girls. ° This was a nobie act. j of Scott Somers Two children j of Atlanta, died Saturday night f ronl w hat is thought to have been a wrong prescription of the | attending physician. The coro¬ ner investigated the matter Sun (j a y morning, but no conclusion will he reached until the medi c ine is analyzed by a chemist. The reunion of Confederate veterans will take place at Hous¬ ton, Texas, on 22ud, 23rd, and 24th of May. How manv will f rotu (Jonyers we have not learned, but as some are going from every section we Ihink Conyers will be represented. The Chicago Post through Mr. Chapman of the Ram’s Horn gives the relative cost of eonver sions in the vaiious denomina tions in t* at city. It costs the Baptists $285 each conversion; the Methodist $384; the Pres byterians $533, and the Congre gationalists $580. Major Campbell W allace, one of Georgia’s most- prominent men, die$ at his home in Atlau ta, and was buried in Oakland cemetery last Monday. He was a fine business man, and a gen¬ tleman of noble traits of char¬ acter. He did his State valua¬ ble service in various ways dur¬ ing a long . nd useful life. The Supreme court of Louisi ana has rendered a decision which cuts off prize fighting in that State. Boxing with gloves by parties who have made no previous engagement, who have had no training nor purse up is allowed under the law ; but fight ing after the style of the profes¬ sional pugilists cannot be. This cuts off the Fitzsiinmons-Corbett engagement in the U. S. so far as is now known. , , , . past week has, as a whole, been very favorable for the Georgia planter and bis crops. Except a few complaints of the ravages of cut and hud worms and blight in pears, reports from different parts of the State indicate a gen¬ erally satisfied feeling on the part of all farmers. In the most southerly counties cotton is well advanced and chopping is in progress, hut further to the north the entire crop has not yet been planted. Corn will, no doubt, again be a large crop for the State.—Ga. Weather Bulle tin A LINE Which ad merchants should carry is a. line in TIIL WKEKL Y. Let the peo¬ ple know when you have bargains to offer ; if you say nothing about them the public takes have it nothing for granted that you to sell, and that you don't want its patronage. Try this NEWLINE It will be beneficial to yo , to your customers, to the city and to us- Just think of the good you could do everybody concerned if you would run a live advertisement in THE W EEKLY, MARRY THIS 8IRI-SOMEBOOY! Ml. Editor I ftnined ■ blue si ilk dr**f with lemon tnou juice; juice what will rwton* store the tne color? I am making lots of mono \y telling lling tl the Climax Dish Washer. Have not m •tie less tb ;ban 810 any day 1 worked. Every Every family family wants a Pisb Dish Washer, Washer, and ana pay $5 quickly aicklv when when they they tee tee the dishes es washed washed and dried perfectly in one min nte. I sell 11 as as many many wraahers as my brother, and be ia an old sales man. I will clear W.noo this year. Address Afl the Climax Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Anyone can do as well as I am doing. MAGGIE R, We do job work.' viMi t U’Too Feeble / / % t To Be Cured ! . R ol RHEUMATISM or DYSPEPSIA." ) Nonsense ! That’s a doctor’s excuse. Justice Lowe, of Ridgeway, Mich., was a Rheumatic sufferer over 78 years old—“too old to expect a cure,” so they said. He took cs Yff Uan^eliraMG jiheDlaric (UREr and is on his feet again, going and about the country well sound. Remarkable case, you say. All cases where this remedy is used are remarkable. It’s a remarkable medicine. It cleanses the blood of acid —makes a torpid liver active. Testimonial below: Having tried Dr. C. C. Itoc's Liver, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Cure in my practice, 1 find it an excellent indigestion remedy in habitual co costiveness, and d: yspeps ia. BODIFORD. DR. J. C. De Funiak Springs, Fla. Aak Your Druggist or Merchant For It. 1 CULLEN & NEWMAN. Sole Proprietors, ►’ KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Dr. W. II. Lee & Son is this day dissolved. Dr W. II. Lee hav¬ ing purchased the interest of Dr. Lewis A. Lee will conduct the business in future, and all ac¬ counts due the former firm must be paid to Dr. W. II. Lee. Dr. \V. H. Lee will settle all ac counts due by the former firm of Dr. W. H. Lee & Son. Wm.H. Lee. Lewis A. Lee. This April 30th, 1895. TAX RECEIVER’S N0TIX I will be at Sheffield district court ground the 1st Saturday’s iu April, May and June, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district the 3d. Sat¬ urday’s in April, May and June. Honey Creek the 4th Satur¬ day’s in April, May and June, and atCouyers the remainder of the time, when not otherwise engaged. Office at Stephenson & Turner’s. Respt., T.R. m30.3mo. R. L. Hudson, Henry Reagan will give you a nice hair cut for 25 cents, a shave for 10 cents, and will hone your dull razor for 25 cents. Call on him when you need any work done. He will give satis¬ faction. 4-20 4t John 1|. Jin mud, Banljsi', Gonyeus, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accommudations, consistent with safe banking, extender SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS. IT • ■ «-n Nil mi i « iUU H I t 8 TO FRUIT AND VEGE¬ TABLE GROWERS. CLARK & CO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AXD AGENTS FOE THE Ga. Melon & Vegetable Growers Assn, 20 Little 12th St., New York, Wish to obtain several good local agents in all sections. They will pay good commissions, gm~Be st of references furnumea from all over tins State and Florida. Correspondence solicit® Cu/UNi % GO., 2(3 LITTLE 12TH ST., NEW YORK. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria- LEGAL ADVEBMtm SHERIFFS mmm^m rad. Conyers, or parcel Roefcd of la ile i,| enmity. lying H c ra ? “ in raid county and tow,,, know |„,j *" he residence hoii-e n !ts 0 an,I lot, I. A Srevart, Jr, containing 1 *' rights of " d,,. an acre, more orl -.j m ■ -ixteeruli district of aj,| . c S ro „ ntv . being part of ! u„d lor. No t»o huntfre I mil ninety-four: said lot s,.\ « t.H wutheasc si le of chur !, s Oeet an | ■ounderl . . the . n"w on west s ,1,- |, v |,„ , lf l. M. He’ins and on the northeast „ >y lot <>t L>.'. J. A. Guinn, which |„* was formerly owned by II. D. (; r „slev Levied on and to be sold im,l<-r an PX ^ icution ls*ued from Rockdale Superior couit in favor of H. D. Crodey agairgt DCRseesion W. I). Broadnax, of H. said dot now 1 eia<r in 11 . Cannon as tenant This May 3, 1S95. W. u. M. Austin-, Sheriff. DEAD m Will Kill bel bugs, roaches, ants, moths, mosquitos and bret’es ; in fact, every con¬ ceivable kind of vornain which infests human habita¬ tion, if not the money is re¬ funded. Try it! lister & Siewart. PLRf ECTED M W CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE MARK. Quality First and Always. PI AT • ! ■■ ,, ! Jfo / m MMM 'ft 'km \ J g HSK Sold by Drs. W. H. Lee & Son,Conyers, Ga. 111 A BARGAIN FOR YOU. We offer you a fine Singer sew¬ ing machine and this paper one year for twenty-three dollars cash or we to ill give the machine as pre¬ mium to anyone bringing us for¬ ty subscribers with forty dollars, Now let the person who'wishes a good machine free go to work and make up the club, or let the person who wants a machine cheap for the cash pay twenty three dollars and get it, also The Weekly oils year. The machine is guaranteed for all that is claimed for it. We do neat job work in city style at city prices.