Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, May 11, 1895, Image 3

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m o p. TILLEY AGF.N1. rfi «p ,,c sent the BEST com ; P-unlheyorid. : i. K S ,, Tv •» K 4, • [ ■’ U w ! F'KLblvin!\ s*. JEM ELL If S7J ?\ FINE — Jbfl WATCH BIN A * ItE PA ■» SPECIALTY. MU ME A TRIAL— At Almand’sBank. jjjjfyas AND R OCKD ALE COUNTY. is a neat town situated in j5e.ounry.on rnnvers Ga. B K. thir the U mile* from Atl ma. tifteen .j hunted inhabitants, and thirty business houses, 'i he ci l'/.ens ^intelligent ore industrious The and Stewart paper mills are tw o nrlea dts ln the city are steam gt tst nitlls lint. Efforts being made d uil in ills- are U factory, and to put to establish a cotton ta electric l lant for the city. The an Koch dale I city has a fret school s\>teni. L nt y contains many acres of the best iJidiIs in Georgia- The farmers are not lnwe plauters, but they are successful Ulm of the soil, making the gr.atest Mil untof ‘Tog and hominy.” _ PENCIL PUSHERS.. Our Correspondents Hustle, and as a Consequence They Show up Well Be¬ fore Our Host of Intelligent Readeis Pleasant Hill, May 1} —Our farmers teplanting cotton. Prof. Summers’ schot 1 is still very luge for the time of y<ar. Ic will clo*e iaivo weeks. The Sunday school at Pleasant Hill died last j eat, and as yet hasn’t revived. Misses Mary Owen*, Dimple Camp Bd Lizzie Graham v.sited Miss Nannie dweus lost Saturday and Sunday. SIMKa, May 8 .—A good stand of eot ;od, Corn is growing nicely. Bees are swarming and gathering lasses with a rush. - There was a singing at Mr. William Swann's Sunday evening. Hr. R. L Waldrop and family, of Co¬ in, visited in this com muni ty recently', hr. Quigg preached an appropriate sermon Saturday, preparatory to the 9'ttraunion seivice on Sunday. The. rongregation at the latter service so large that services were conducted under the tabernacle. i. c. u. Cwia, May 9.—A few farmers are still pluming cotton. The wheat crop is Inking well, though theaereage is very small, Miss Jessi« Gainter is very sick with llte measles, Bev. Bradley of Oxford will preach M l’tospect every fourth 8unday. The entertainment at the Alliance Hall the other night was delightful. ’Here w ill be an exhibition sometime Mn at the close of i’rof, I’eriy’s school Bocky Branch, May 7.—Lovely May, isn’t it? Most of our farmers are up with their 'oik In traveling over the country •ebani that the acreage in cotton is 75 Iwrent. le^g this jear than it has been i# «veral years. Some of our farmers l| iey have a splendid stand of corn, # Mle others say theirs is not so good.. Mr. .1. 0. Morgan of Honey Cretk Jour rcrihe a visit Saturday aud Sunday. Frietitl .1 ini Morgan visited friends •tu relntives in Henry county last Sat Nay and Sunday, W be it and oats are looking well. ^° me °f the farmers are turning their ■ttention to the cultivation of of wa’er ® e tans and groundpeas. Ike Sunday school at Rockdale was ky teiy laigcdy attended last Sabbath. don’t the parents take some inter st tu this work ? Ung live the dear Weekly and its l1r ps of editors to give us the news of 0 “f country, 6ANCHO. ,Jjk Gkove, May 8.—Ileigho! it Kerns that our “bicycle cap” lies some- 4>!y. “The hit Jog always yelps!” Oak Grove has one of the finest ijab *** s, - - hooU in the State. m *S 3 Kate Warren and Mr. ih{iB °* Lithonia visited friends in our Dtnunity Sunday aftercoon. ^ r °f. Clotfelter went up to At a t-i business last Saturday. Tktre's a swett little baby boy visit . st the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wil ll4 ® ibauje. Mis Herd Allen and daughter, Miss M Maud, ndav. visited friends in Atlanta last | The O. O. Ti. society will meet next Saturday evening at S o’clock at Oak Grove school house. Mrs. Adeline Jones of A'lanta i« vis¬ iting the family of Mr. J. W. M Clung.' Miss Stella Walden of the Union Pa¬ per Mills visited her aunt, Miss Lucy Waldi'i, Sundiy. Mr. Thomas Bird left Monday for New York, where lie expects to remain 1or several months His many friends here wish him a pleasant stay. Mrs. Jane Hudson visited her sou in Atlanta 1 st wt ek. EKMYNTHUDf . F1IEE BULLETINS. Any of our readers in 1 crested in she nop Repot I a end Mont' ly Bui ! etios from the D. parlment of .Agri¬ culture by sending their name > n i widress on a poson to Hon. It T. Niffii t,Commission! r of Agriculture, Atlanta, Ga., with a request for the jBiaewi 1 receive them Free or Cost. L'o secure these monthly reports wiite at once to above address. This ffer is made especially to the funn¬ els of this section. THE RESULT OF A TRIAL Ca>nelton, Ind—“I Lave used Simmons Liver Regulator, manufac ured by J. II. Zeilin & Co, Phila Jelphia, and found that for Indiges¬ tion and Liver Complaint it is the bi st medicine I ever used. E E. Clark. Your druggist sel s it in piw der or liquid ; the powder to be tak¬ en dry. or made into a tea. GREATEST ON EARTH. James SI. Brooke, Vf asliington Ave., St. Louis, Mo., makes affilavit that he suffered from Rheumatism for years, until pe guad.'d to tty Drum¬ mond’s Lightning Rimedy, and that by its use ht has been fully restored, lie say s the remedy is the gieatest on earth. This is high praise, but fully warranted by other miraculous cures. If you want to lie cured, send $o to the Drummond Medicine Co, 48 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send to your express ad dress two large bottles of their rem edv. This treatment lasts one month, and will cure any ordinary case Agents Jwanted LUMBER FOR BALE. Parties can buy lumber of all sorts ou shmt notice from us at the lowest prices. Mills located 2| miles South of Cony ers. ro30.3m. Goope & Hurt' Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Hie best Salve tu the world fur cuts, Bruises, Soles, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, KeviT Sores, Tetter, Chat all" ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and smu Erup¬ tions, and positively cures f iles, or give no pay pei-fet required. It is guaranteed refunded. to satisfaction or money Price 25 cents per box . WHEN THE HEART IS AFFECTED Bv Rheumatism or any of tbernus cleg near that organ, it is like tam paring with an electric wire, for death may come at any monaeut. If life L worth it, do not hesitate, but get Dr Diumuiond’s Lightning Remedy. S nd $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co., 48 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send you two large bo tie*, enough for one months treat meat, by liist express. It is not as quick as electricity', but it w 11 save youi life if you take it in time. Agents warned. SBLTZEE An exhilarating, pleasant, refie-hing drink—a combi¬ nation of Bromides, Calery Lemon and Seltzer. Con¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous dings. Very thing for headache oi sick stomach. For sale hj l^/f]t3R61 , Si w Stewai r*i I Mrs. Chick gave a dinner last Sunday complimentary to her little girl, Howard. It was an enjoyable occasion for all who participated,both old and young. Among the guests were Misses Shipp, Whitehead and Huist; Messrs. Herndon, Loyd and Spearman of Social Circle, also Miss Leila Turnr 11 of Madison. They all returned except Miss Katie Shipp, ou the Hh> train Mrs. Chick went on the early train Monday to Atlanta, ABOUT PEOPLE IX AXD ABOUT THE CITY. The News In Paragraphs, Tell ling Yon What Is doing on In Our Little City. Col. Bob Irwin wen’: to Deca ur last Tuesday to attend court. Thompson Stewart took a pleas ant trip to the country ast Sun¬ day. Mrs. Lumnus v'.sited Mrs. B E McDonald last Sunday. The great reducers of prices. Summers & Hudson, are still very active. One of Mr. B. E. McDonald’s mules did this week. Quite a loss now-a-days. Col. Livington went to Atlan¬ ta on last Wednesday and re¬ turned Friday. Mis. Whitley and daughter of Lithonia visited the family of Mr. Stephenson this week. Julius Seamans of Atlanta vis¬ ited his grand father,Judge Sea¬ mans, this week. II. L. Smith and wife of At¬ lanta visited Mrs. Smith’s fath¬ er, Col. Peek, last Sunday. . Thos.J. Greer and wife of Hayston visited James Rollings worth and family recently. W. E. McCalla of Decatur was in the city last Tuesday. He and Judge McCalla visited their mother in the country. J. L. Argo and wife of Litho¬ nia, and Miss Dicie Argo of At¬ lanta visited the bedside of their sick mother last Sunday. The school bonds matter has not been decided. It will be dis¬ posed of next Monday or Tues¬ day night. Politeness, promptness, qual¬ ity and quantity are still p’s and q's that Summers & Hudson mind. Some of the local news runs over to the fourth page this week. Never put The Weekly aside till you have read it thbouoii ! Dow Hammock has just re¬ turned from Dahlonega, where he graduated, receiving the first honor. We offer our congrat¬ ulations. Alden Thompson,clerk at the post office, received a prize of five dollars for obtaining 40 sub¬ scribers to the Weekly Consti¬ tution. Captain Boyd’s numerous friends in Conyers arc glad to learn that lie is again in charge of the accommodation train oil this end of the Georgia road. Tilley & Smith report their cash collections for guano sales this spring very fine. Those who do not pay cash arc settling promptly with notes. Prof. J. A Clotfelter and moth¬ er left last Wednesday to visit Alabama relatives. They will be at home again the first week in June. We wish lor them a pleasant visit. Dr. Straton of Atlanta preach ed two very sweet sermons at t he Baptist church Sunday. The mornitg sermon was upon < i Un conscious Influence;” that at night, “Pilate’s Dilemma. y y If vou want something that will kill all the roaches, bed bugs ants and other insects that in fest your houses, call on Whit aker & Stewart and buy a bottle of “Dead Stuck.” Try it! D. M. Almand, Rev. B. T> n >■ Ragsdale, J. J. Langford and dies; Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Cannon, and Joseph Johnson left on eai ly train Tuesday morning for Washington, D. C. We wish them a pleasant trip. K. and R. O. Gailey and .sister, Miss Nellie Lo-. C. Reagsn, C. G. Turner, N- M. Ai- What our artist thinks will be the result of the school bond question. a & s\ JV t'U. i N s, „___— &)* @3 J V Hi .'X: j '-si fV- ’ ins ?4> school. * CONYCfiS BONDS. m;iml, W. L Adair, F. G. Dunn, E. H. Almand and Dan Hudson attended the stockholders’meet¬ ing of the Ga. R. 11. in Augusta this week. John Carter drew a lamp at Thompson Stewart’s a few days ago. Mr. Stewart sells a cer tain brand of coffee in each pack age of which is a ticket with the name of the premium drawn printed upon it. John is the most fortunate person so far. We learn from the Covington Star that Mary Sallie, little daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Mof¬ fett of the M. G. & A. road swal¬ lowed a die the other day. It lodged in her throat and came near choking her to death. She was finally relieved by swallow¬ ing it. Rev. J. II. Wood of the Chris¬ tian church will commence ser¬ vices on tomorrow morning in a tent raised ou the vacant lot which belongs to that church. Meeting will continue for some time ; services will he held every night. After Sunday Rev. Ir¬ vine of Atlanta will be here and assist Brother Wood. We would say to the Public Comfort committee of the Atlan¬ ta’s great Exposition that visit ors to that city next fall ol any other time can find comfort in our little town, just 31 miles from that city, on the Georgia railroad. Let them make enqui¬ ry, and engage board before all the places are filled. Dr. Sims, formerly of Mil— ledgeville but now of Columbus, dropped in to see us Last Tues¬ day. We were truly glad to see him, and to grasp his hand once more in a hearty shake. He is here for several days visiting his little son, Paul, who was in dresses when we knew him so well in Milledgeville. A writ of liabeus corpus was sworn out last week by a color ed woman from Wilkes county, claiming two children who were with their grand parents in this county. After the hearing of the case before Judge Seamans, lie decided that it is proper and right under the law for the grand father to retain the chil¬ dren. Col. John II. Maddox and R ev . M. L. Carswell are added to the list who left for Washington to attend the Baptist convention. When Bro. Carswell returns lie will go to his work in Mercer As sociation, with headquarters at Quitman, Ga., having been em¬ ployed by the State Board at a good salary to do mission work in that field. We wish him much success. The meeting on last Saturday at King’s to discuss the f.asib.l ity of building a dummy line from Snapping Shoals to this p j aceor Lithonia made progress. Livingston was appointed t0 scc t q e authorities of the Ga. radroad to ascertain whether wou ld equip the road if citizeE „ would build the road ped Other propositions were discussed, the details of which we did not ltarn. We wish them success. “MEDICINE MEN” COME AND FIND-MOONSHINE’ And.Judging froni Appearaaces, They Had Found Some Some¬ where Before They Reached This County. Last Saturday’s 4.03 v. m. train brought to Conyers five men who stopped for a short while at the Commercial, advertising themselves to the curious as“med iciue men.” A hack provided, they departs t to some poinP'for a concert,” informing the landlord that they would want lodging for the niglit and breakfast next morning. The night passed on, but the men did not return until just before day, ready to take the 3:80 train for Atlanta. They had a jolly time, having ventur¬ ed over into Walton county, where they found plenty of com juice, the place where it was made and the machinery with which it was made. Acting un¬ der authority vested in them from the U. S. government as revenue officers they confiscated the distillery and arrested the violators of law. The machinery J was brought into Conyers,! though 110t sllippod tlmt night. m^n arrested were Messrs, Burnett, Michum, Maim and Smith. Burnett and Smith we learn are citizens of Rockdale ; Michum and Mann of Walton. We are glad to know that Mr. Burnett was released, and that Mr. Binitli gave bond and that both tire now at home. Messrs. Miclntm and Maim were detain¬ ed in Atlanta for further inves¬ tigation. The officers who passed through the city Saturday afternoon had from a l appearances a goodly quantity of the juice aboard, while on their return to take the early express the juice had them, We think it a sad comment on the government to have men throughout the countryarrestiug citizens for distilling by officers who are so far gone as to be“out of balance, 1 y They were drunk or feigned to be so at the depot So say those who saw them. On Sunday night the “still, i y which was left at the station house by the officers, was taken and carried away by some un¬ known parties. There will be a discussion in Conyers upon the subject of the free coinage of silver on the 25tli of this month. The meeting will be held in the courthouse, The subject is one fraught with much interest to our people, and on which there is great difference of opinion. Let the matter be thor¬ oughly discussed that our people may understand each other by the time of elections in ’99, that they may vote intelligently and rightly upon the subject Ev¬ erybody feeling an interest in the matter is invited to attend. Whnn Baby was site, we gave her Castoria. WTicn she was a Chfld, she cried for Castorla. j When she became Miss, she clun* to Castoria. | When she had Children* she gave them Caster!*. , Poor Health means so much more ' you imagine—serious and diseases result ’trifling ailments ’ Don’t play with ’ greatest gift-—health. w T I I I f HI JL1 v/JLJL . j enters It Cures " i Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ’ Constipation, Bad Blood 1 > Malaria, Nervous ailments < Women's complaints. , I lines only the genuine—it has crossed red on the wrapper. All other* ate sub- 1 1 stitutes. On receij-t of two ac. stamps will send of lea Beautiful we Fair Views set and book—tree. World's 1 ‘ BROWN CHEM'CAL CO. BALTIMORE, ' MD. i'kir -ai < tiv iit'. W II L<'« Son- A PURSE STOLEN! THE COOK IS SUSPECTED. The Purse Contained $220, but Ye Cook Got Only $195, No Doubt Thinking Id Best To Leave Some for Next Time— From Present Prospects, How¬ ever, Her “Next” Is Far Dis¬ tant. Mr. Henry Smith, an aged and respectable citizen of this coun* ty, had stolen from a pocket of his trousers on the night of tho 2nd, inst., his purse, containing $220. The purse was found in the harness house with $25 in it, the thief getting $195. Lou Ov¬ erton, the cook, was accused,vnd brought to Conyers Wednesday last and was bound over by Judge Helms. The evidence is very strong against the accused. $7.50 was found in her trunk, d i( . ia kl)(JW|1 that ghe httd two ten dollar bills changed a few days ;igo. ■'■'ince the above was put into type we learn that $180 was found where tho thief lmd hid¬ den it. Dr. Quillian went last Monday to assist in a protracted meeting. Lie returned ihursday. Dr. Hardwick and his Sunday school class of twenty went to Stone mountain day before yes¬ terday picuicing. All had a pleasant time, having many good things to eat, and the freshest and coldest water to drink. It j is ti good idea for teachers during to ta * ie their scholars out J | the spring and Jet them enjoy ilie nice spring weather. With sadness we chronicle the death o’ Mr. Scott, who died in Atlanta at 12 m. gentleman on Wednesday | afjt Re was a who was respected by Ins many friends, whodeenly sympathize with the bereaved wife and two girls left behind. He was a con¬ sistent member of the Methodist church ; was 34 years of age. His remains were brought to Conyers on the 4 o’clock ;rain yesterday, and will be buried at the Ju-ott cemetery, 8 mites south of Conyers, at 11 a. m. today. Messrs. Hale & Sygman have struck ou a novel plan of selling bicycles. In an envelope they nave put 125 tickets,numbering them 1, 2, 3, and so on up tul 125, the highest is reached. The person draws from the envelope, and pays as many cents as the ticket drawn numbers ; in t..e bank is deposited a ticket upon which is wiiiten a certain nun-. her corresponding with a num¬ ber in the envelope, and the per son who draws this number gel^ tfiG UlCyC1G. Pitcher'* Castoria* If vru frying 1 are out of sorts. weak bcRii at onretak »»£ the most rrlla Me strengthening * Brown's medicine,which iron is . Bit trrs. A few bof. cure—benefit from the, ?"*', It pleasant • ta Uke. -