Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, May 18, 1895, Image 3

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B J I . P. TILLEY agent. ffl rep resent the BEST com panic c in the world. k k i h, b 111 "y/. j. f'K^' jeweler, v,ri ^ if if® a . ^ - FINE— WATCH P ' :JVSF REPAWN SPECIALTY. 4 A yjVR ME A TRIAL— At Almand’s Bank. i, m mfflrom SHERIFF’S SALE FOR JUNE 4.1895. bfwld the^eourt in June next wiH before house door in i outers, Boekdale county, a certain ract or parcel of land lying and being “lid county and town, and lot known of the as once late h» residence house J. A. Stewart, Jr., containing live pioktsof an acre, more or less, in the sixteenth district of said county, and lL part of land lot No. two hundred the ad ninety-four: said lot being or southeast side of church street and bounded nmv on the west side by lot ol A M Helms and on the northeast side ri tout Dr. J. A. Guinn, which lot was formerly owned by B. D. Crosley. Levied on and to be sold under an ex ecution issued front Boekdale Superior court in favor of B. D. Crosley against if. 1). Broadnax, said lot now being in possession of B. H. Cannon as tenant This May 3, 1895. VV. H. M. Austin, Sheriff. BIG ITEMS IN SMALL TYPE. Jev. Walker Lews will preach at the Methodist church at 11 o’clock tomor¬ row morning. Mr, S. L. Almand won the bicycle in the recent drawing, 16 being the lucky number. Mr. Ed Almand, Jr., won the pistol. Say! here just for a moment. You like to save money, and before you place your orders for job work give us a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. II. J. Waits and Miss Pearl Moon¬ ey of Oak Grove were united in marri¬ age last Sunday. - Tub Weekly sends congiatnlations to this happily matched couple. Mr. Chas. A. Argo has been turning out some nice job work for The Wekk ty the last two weeks, He knows how to please customeis and takes pride in doing his work neatly and well. We thank our friend, A. F. Sims, for a large basket of vegetables brought us yesterday, Irish potatoes, cabbage, rad¬ ishes, cucumbers and squashes. We are also placed under obligations to Mrs. Quillian for a like kindness . Such kind nesses are timely and appreciated. A man sent $5 last week, says the So¬ merville, Ohio, Journal in answer toar. advertisement promising to tell how to tell how to make $1 go as far as $5, and received a card on which was printed, “Mail both to San Francisco.”—Borne Hustler. Our county correspondents failed to send in their news, and as a conse¬ quence we have no county news this week. In those districts where we have not a correspondent we would be pleas¬ ed to have some one send us the news each week, thus giving our readers the tens from every nook and corner of boekdale county. A VETERAN OF THE MEXICAN WAR Oak IIaubok, Ohio. — ,- l met Geo. O. Homey, an old veteran of the Mexican "ar on the streets today, who told me that after reading about Simmons I.iver kegulator he bought a bottle, and tbe first three doses gave him immediate re¬ lief.’'— Geo. Gosline. Your druggist •ells it in powder or liquid; the powder to be taken dry, or made into a tea. SIMPLIFIED ELOCUTION. A new book, bearing tbe above title, % Id win Gordon Lawrence, teacher °f elocution and director of the Law fence School of Acting, has just been issued. Simplified Elocution is a com¬ prehensive system of vocal and physi cal gymnastics; it contains explicit in¬ ductions for the cultivation of the hr •Peaking voice and gesture: directions the production of breath, sound and •Peech, and a thorough explanation of fte muscles and organs employed: rules for articulation, modulation, em¬ phasis and delivery: postures and move¬ ments of feet, body. arms, head, eyes, etc. tr y and prose suitable for recitation, ’•filch, as the author says in his intro unction,-‘are not chosen on account of newness, but from their ii.trinsie m er:t and their adaptability as exercis The work is designed for the es facial use of teachers, actors, students, colleges, schools, and all those who wish to perfect themselves in the noble art of expression. The book, which contains 332 pages, is handsomely bonnd in cloth and gold, and will be sent securely packed on receipt of $1, postage free, ['Sew York: published by the author, 103 West 42d Street. GREATEST ON EARTH. James M. Brooks, AT ashington Ave.. St. Louis, Mo., makes affidavit that ho suffered from Rheumatism for years, until pe guadod to try Drum mend's Lightning Remedy, and that by its use ht lias been fully restored. He sa.\s the remedy is the giea'.est on earth. This is high praise, but fully warranted by other miraculous cures. If you waut to he cured, send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co., 4S Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send to your express ad¬ dress two large bottles of their rent edy. This treatment lasts one month, and will cure any ordinary case. Agents want'd. • • LUMBER FOR SALE. Parties can buy lumber of all sorts on short notice from us at the lowest prices. Mills located 21 miles South of Conyers. m30.3m. Goode & Huff DISSOLUTION NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Dr.' W. H. Lee & Son is this day dissolved. Dr. W. H. Lee hav¬ ing purchased the interestof Dr. Lewis A. Lee will conduct the business in future, and all ac¬ counts due the former firm must be paid to Dr. W. H. Lee. Dr. W. H. Lee will settle all ac¬ counts due by the former firm of Dr. W. II. Lee & Son. Wm.H. Lee. Lewis A. Lee. This April 30th, 1805. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria,, TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE ‘ i I will be at Sheffield district court ground the 1st Saturday’s in April, May and June, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district the 3d. Sat¬ urday’s in April, May and June. Honey Creek the 4th Satur¬ day’s in April, May and June, and at Conyers the remainder of the time, when not otherwise engaged. Office at Stephenson & Turner’s. Respt. ’ * mSO.omo. Li. L. Hudson, T.R. When Baby was side, we gave lier Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them SELTZER An exhilarating, pleasant, refreshing drink—a combi¬ nation of Bromides, Cslery Lemon and Seltzer. Con¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous chugs. Very thing for headache or sick stomach. For sale bj Weaker & Stewart. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES m trade mark. Cnality First aci Alvrayi. 8M ftgBfcg my- xssat m Sold by Dr. W. H. Lee, Conyers, Ga. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or¬ der by the occasional use of Liver Pills. They reg “ h ‘ ethe b °' rels and produce A Vigorous Body. bil p or s ; c k headache, malaria, . constipation . • and j i kin- •_ lOUSneSS, dred diseases, an absolute cure TI ® ^ ITT ,4 S I iver PILLS ABOUT PEOPLE IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. -— The News In Paragraphs, Tell ling You What Is Going on In Our Little City. Mrs. Julia Peddy, of Coving¬ ton is visiting Mrs. Dukes. Judge McCalla, Cols.Gleatou and Maddox attended court at Decatur this week. Col. Barton, of Madison, was in the city this week on import¬ ant business. L. II. Sigman and Chas. Argo are frequent visitors to Lithonia now-a-days. Dr. Quigg preached at Hope well church in ’Newton county last Sabbath. The Sunday schools of Eatou ton will picnic at Stone moun¬ tain Monday. Judge and Mrs. Seamans vis¬ ited their children in Atlanta this week. Strawberry season is here. The berries are large iu size and of the most delicious flavor. Mr. Johnson, of Newton, was on a visit this week to his son, Joseph Johnson, of this place. The street hands have put some of the side walks in much better condition. Let the good work go on. If you want a Story & Clark organ call on Hale & Sygman. They will give you prices that will open your eyes. So far as heard up to this writ¬ ing the man Green who killed Estes near Newborn has not been captui’ed. Misses Nannie Dukes, Flor¬ ence Young, Minnie Smith and Mrs. Weber, of Atlanta, visited Mrs. Dukes this week. We congratulate our young friend, Jesse Almand. It is a boy, and we suppose a silverite Democrat. The school bond question lias not yet been decided, the com¬ mittee having asked for further time to report. AVe are sorry to learn that the morning train on the M. G.* & A. road will be discontinued af¬ ter tomorrow. Col. Hanson and family have vacated the Barton residence, and are now boarding at the Commercial. Mrs. H. McCord places the ho¬ tel under obligations for a large basket of the finest and most delicious strawberries. E. H. Reese stopped on his re¬ turn to Eatonton from AVashing ton, D. C., and spent a day with his parents in the city. Two weeks more before the school children will be free from confinement iu the school room. They expect a happy vacation. Dr. Lewis Lee and his sister, Miss Alice Lee, left last Monday for St. Clair Springs, Ala., where they go for health. They will remain quite awhile. Mrs. Mary AValdrop of Betli any lieighborhood was buried last Sunday in the old Middle brooks burial grounds in Newton county. New stock of Notions, Cloth¬ ing, Dress Goods, Prints and many Novelties to arrive from Baltimore this week at H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. The little girl of M. C. AY bite was run over by a wagon last Monday, and badly, though not seriously hurt. Dr. Rosser at¬ tended the patient sufferer. Last Sunday e , Rev. P H TT F. F Rue Buc hanan preached at Lithonia for Dr. Ragsdale, vho was a sent. We hear the sermon was a good one. There is a mutual benefit to the reader of a newspaper and men who use its columns for ad vertisiug. It gives one bargains, aiu ] the other trade, Last Wednesday morning the switch engine ran into the rear of the accommodation train be¬ tween here and Covington. Very little damage was done. The large number of persons who went to Washington from this place have all returned. They had a most pleasant time, and now feel happier for the go¬ ing. Read Dr. AV. H. Lee’s adver¬ tisement in this issue. His store contains everything to be found in a first class drug store, and customers receive prompt and polite attention. T. E. Sims, of Palatka, Fla., sent this week to his father a large box of Florida vegetables —squash, beans, turnips, Irish potatoes, cabbage, etc. It was a nice gift from a kind sou. A negro woman near Lithonia dropped dead W ednesday. Thinking she had been foully dealt with a coroner’s inquest was held, and the verdict was she died from:hemorrhage of the lungs. The cold wave which set in last Saturday night continued seve¬ ral days. Snow and ice came unexpectedly in the north. No damage done in this section, though the atmosphere was very chilly. Rev. J. J. Irvine, of the Chris¬ tian church, delivered a lecture on his travels in the old world to the school Thursday. The lec¬ ture was a good one, and was greatly enjoyed by all who were so fortunate as to hear it. Beautiful “Ermyntrude” re¬ quests us to say that the O. G. L. society will meet at the home of AV. F. McDaniel on Saturday at the usual time. These meet¬ ings are edifying as well as pleas ant, and a large attendance is expected. Let the business men of Con¬ yers take advantage of our col¬ umns to advertise their goods in handsome display “ads.” It will help the advertiser, the buy¬ er and the paper. If you don’t believe what wo say try it, and see for yourself. Everything has its day, so with bills scattered broad cast, nailed to pos;s and trees at the cross roads. Advertisers are begin¬ ning to see that newspaper and circular advertising is the best, the only way to advertise. AVe are in the printing business. The crop reports show that corn is doing well, and cotton a good stand. Pears throughout the State are almost a failure ; apples will be scarce ; peach and berry crops abundant in every section. Rain fall the past week not so great, though heavy in some sections. Our energetic and polite rail road agent, J. I, Norman, went last Saturday night to visit Ins mother at Norwood and thence on a flying visit to Augusta on business Mr. Morgan of Greenes oio, i e . 1 ' * or man s place at the depot. He too is one of the nicest and most pleasant young men. The Confederate Veteran is a monthly published in Nashville, Tenn., in the interest of the old veterans, giving each month in cideuts of interest of the late war, besides other interesting topics. It is an excellent jour ^ fr °m which to get a conect Mstory of the late war. Only $1 a ye ar; with The Weekly ^ job work %n city The Covington Star says that Col. Livingston will leave in few days for Venezuela, lie will spend a month. He will likely take Mr. Scruggs, of At lant, with him. Mr. Scruggs was once minister to that coun¬ try, and will be a valuable help to Col. Livingston in understand ing the South American citizens. Mr. Johnson, who has return¬ ed from Washington, has much to say about what ho saw on the trip. He got a glimpse of the President as he was shaking hands with the immense crowd that called to see him. He says Mr. Cleveland is smartly sprin¬ kled with gray which did not appear when he visited Atlanta some years ago. l ( AVhat do you most desire?” is a question asked in the long ago and the response was, “More light.” So it is now ; the people of Conyers need more light these dark nights,that they may better make their way to church and back. It would be economy to have more lamps along the streets leading to the churches. Drummers who stop at the Commercial report that there is a better feeling in the business world. Their sales are greater, and at better prices. This argues that better prices for goods will bring more money and more prosperity. . If everything can get on a boom by fall the discus¬ sion on the money question will cease. George Lyon, Esq.,died sud¬ denly at his home in DeKalb county near the line of Rockdale on last AVedncsday. He fell from his chair into the fire-place and expired in a few minutes. He was a gentleman seventy-five years of age, and esteemed by all who knew him, having lived a long and useful life ; his ex¬ ample is worthy of imitation. Dr. Quigg went up Thursday to conduct the funeral exercises. Miss Cora, the beautiful daugh¬ ter of our fellow townsman, Mr. IT. C. Penn, was happily mar¬ ried to Mr. Charlie Mitchell, of Atlanta, last Sunday evening. The wedding took place in At¬ lanta, where Miss Penn has been engaged in business for some time past. Mr. Mitchell, we learn, is a nice young man, and has before him a bright future ; while Miss Penn is in every re¬ spect a worthy bride. AVc wish them much happiness. The Gospel meeting began in this place Sunday morning. Through the kindness of the members of the Presbyterian church the first two services were held in their house . On Monday night J. J. Irvine came down and has given us three good sermons, ITc is a forcible speaker and a good singer. All are invited to attend these ser¬ vices. There will be two servi¬ ces per day. 3:30 and 7:45 p. m. Bring your Bibles. There were two c8 of , )a]] ^ g week between thetown nnd tea the first rc8ulti _ n a yi {or ^ school boys> and tll0 othcr {or tho town boys, Inthe ]astgame Fed Almand re - ceived a blow from aba 1 thrown the itcher on the school dub which carae very near suiting seriously. There were two balls in play. Fed had knocked a foul ball, and while was watching it Hie pitcher delivered the other hall, striking him on the chin, stunning him for awhile, The oW tleman wag sick . , q fafit> he expectpd to dio> He wife and Willie to his bed and gaidj „ ril have to g0 . aH that troubles me is> leaving you and AVillie. I can’t see how are to got along.” ••'-N i t t Mnl ■ I • Poor i i i * * t * means so much more than ' 'fatal 'you imagine—serious and' diseases result from • ’ trifling Don’t ailmt nts neglected.' play with Nature’s' ■greatest gift—health. & ’ If you are fating > Brown's out of Sorts. T. enk . Hud generally 1 handed, ha\c no; t otis, . * t anil no a|>!>etil* f begin can’t woik,. .Iron at once tak¬ ble ing: the most relia¬ 4 medicine^ strengthen its jj iron hirh is tles tors. Brown cure—benefit A s few bot¬ Bit* > comes from the - very first (lose—#/ UfOM't stain yet xr . terth^ and i I ' » ^ pleasant u take. , It Cures > » » i i Dy.epepsla, Kidney and Liver i Neuralgia, Troubles, l , 'Constipation, Bad Blood I > Malaria, Nervous ailments < Women’s complaints. , C ct onl ly the genuine—it hwscrossed red 4 Hues on the the wrapper. wrapper. Ail others m e svb- ' si iiuies. On receipt of twoac. stamps we i ’ will send set «»t le i Beautiful World’* • H Fniir View.* and book—free. » * BROWM CHrM'CJL CO. BALTIMORE. 1 MO. For By Dr. VY r . If Lee. hearted little woman was touch¬ ed, and softly replied: “Dou’t you where worry—rest easy • go along you have started, and I and Willie will take care of our selves.” The above actually took place not a thousand miles from Con* yers. WHEN THE HEART IS AFFECTED. 13y Rheumatism or any of the mur. cles near that organ, it is like tam¬ pering with an electric wire, for death may come at any moment. If life is worth it, do not hesitate, but get Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy. Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co., 4S Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send you two large bottles, enough for one month s treatment, by litst express. It is not as quick as electricity, but it will save your life if you take it iu time. Agents wanted. SPECIAL NOTICE. All good citizens arc urgently requested to co-operate with us in keeping hot our city clean during the weather. Any nuisances such as hog pens, privies, ponds of water, water in old barrels or tubs calculated to create filth or sickness should be repotted to the undersigned promptly. Wt: will take steps to abate the same *t once. J. S. Johnson, J. P. Tilust, Board of Health. J. A. Guinn. M. D., Clmt. Bd. Health. Ill '«iimnnM»minm»Mim m «i A BARGAIN FOR YOU. We offer you a fi no Singer sew¬ ing machine and this paper one year for twenty-three dollar* cash or ice will yioe the machine as pre¬ mium to anyone hrinyiny ux for¬ ty subscribers with forty dollars. Now let the person who wishes a good machine free go to work and make up the club, or let the person who wants a machine cheap for the cash pay twenty three dollars and get it, also The Weekly one year. The machine is guaranteed for all that is claimed for it. Will kill b6l bugs, roaches, ants, moths, mosquitos and beet'es ; in fact, every con¬ ceivable kind of vermin which infests human habita¬ tion, if not the money is re * funded. Try it! Unfair & Stewart,