Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, May 25, 1895, Image 3

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PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES trade mark. Ijility Fust aid Always. ■ , Sfe,J§k mp&qg '4 tm & m Sn!ii by Dr- W. H. Lee, Conyers, Ga. UUM. Ilk 9 I K £ m IRE INSURANCE, TILLEY j. P. AGENT. ^1 represent the BEST com niesin the world. W“ I ■[-<r ¥ J. rREDMflN JEWELER, iffe -FINE— if! WATCH a REPARINT A SPECIALTY. GIVE ME A TRIAL — At Almand’s Bunk. m trasEMTs (BPS SIM JUNE 4; 1895. ithe first Tuesday in June next be sold before the court house door onyers, Rockdale county, a certain tor ' parcel of land lying and being id county and town, known as once esidence house and lot of the late l. Stewart, Jr., containing five Is of an acre, more or less, in the lenth district of said county, and «part of land lot No. two hundred ninety -four : said lot, being or the beast side of church street and ided now on the west side by lot ot 1. Helms and on the northeast side it of Dr. J. A. Guinn, which lot formerly owned by 15. I). Urosley. ed on and to be sum under an ex— [on issued from Rockdale Superior agains: t in favor of if. D. Cro.-ley [). Broadnax, said lot now being in tssion of R. H. Cannon as tenant I May ii, 1895. Sheriff. \V. H. M. Austin, IX MKMORIAM. Is. G, H. Owens died May 2d, 1295, 12 years. She leaves a husband (line children to mourn the loss of bd and devoted companion anu [er. [odist she was a member ot' She the church for many years. Led well and her loved ones will [where jiving to find her. bod bless the husband; also the childien lire now left without a mother’s iiuland tender care. loiee I of God at evening came, meet thy Lord prepare.” I sUe to teat voice did heed. ■ spirit wit a a bound to that caii I did go. fcr dear, no love like thine, liiful, |ou unselfish aud true. watch us from you heaven — public golden, echoless shore. Bin lie Jesus, mother dear. on the still’and lifeless breast pil worn hands are folded, led at last from toilsome care. lulled I ; the conflict is past; iwaveu born spirit has tied •miens of glory abjve, ■ her body is entombed wyh the ■deal. a cousin. was sick, ave gavo her Castoria. ’She was a Child, she cried for Castoria. i she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. I tbe had Children, she gave them Castoria. UiE A GREAT RAILWAY “itsbranches running in every ‘ le ar! “ ries an '* ' 61 ! nvey the blood to every part Of " !den ° °* lv e, „ ma c use acidsto w circulation, and then comes „ Beware. ’ ,“ If you value remove the obstruction with fummond’s Lightning Remedy, D to the Drummond Medicine s -Maiden Lane, New York, and till *end you two lame bottles by ... enough , , for month’s treat- » a "vitn full special directions, 8 ^ranted. Alu able chest. *‘! have used your ty'•’l Nn«. consider nd rn^Line nuiv I Ra [k Ksut itself. "—Geo. w. Jackson sell, it in powder or li PIS" “ W Children Cry for Her’s Castoria* her’s Castoria* COUNTY NEWS. THE NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS. Personal Items From Rocky Branch— The People At Veal’s Store Want the New Railroad, and Say They Must Have It—Other Items. ROCKY BRANCH. General Green with all his force has stiuck us full in the face. 'the farmers are busy chopping cotton this w< tk. Friend Floyd Morgan spent Saturday end Sunday in our community. Several eases of whooping cough in the neighborhood. On a recent visit to Butts county we notice that there is more corn, peas, po¬ tatoes, etc., planted than has been in ten years. The farmers everywhere have reached the conclusion that they must live at home. There was a light frost last Monday morning. The patrons of Rockdale have elected Mr. Willie Grauade to take charge of the school at that place this summer. We wish him much success. He is ca¬ pable, and is a Christian gentleman. Rockdale is fortunate in securing him. Mr. T, F. Owensby is suffering very much with rheumatism this week, We hope soon to see him ready for duty. Bicycle riding seems to bo the popu¬ lar amusement now, and the old wail, “Papa, buy me one,” often goes up from the small boy. Mr. Henry Weaver, from near Litho nia, visited in our neighborhood last Sunday, the guest of Mr. John Rice, SANCHO, VEAL’S STORE. After a long season of hard labor'.the farmers have about caught up with their work. “I’atrick” has bad the blues on account thereof, and could not pull him self into the proper humor to contrib¬ ute any news at all. Crops looking exceedingly fine considering tbe late spring. The railroad from Snapping Shorls to Conyers seems to be unanimously en¬ dorsed, several proposing to grade and put down cross ties free. The people are enthused, and we must have it! Miss Dovie Lewis, a noted music teach er, and Mr. Bob Hark ness visited the family of Mr. Frank Glenn last Sunday, and came out to our Sabbath school in the afternoon. Hope to have them vis¬ it us again soon. Your scribbler went to Honey Creek church Sunday, and heard Rev. Rich¬ ard Fioyd preach an able sermon. Mr. Charlie Swann, of Smyrna, call¬ ed on one of our belles last Sunday. Mr. Jas. T. Stansell led the singing at Liberty Chapel last Sunday evening, lie is a splendid singer. * Rev. Mr. Bhillips, of Atlanta, preach ed at Liberty Chapel to a large congre¬ gation Sunday night. After conclusion of services Mr. Jas. McDaniel of Reach stone Shoals, and Miss Russell of Hen¬ ry county, were happily married. It was a surprbe to toe crowd. May their pathway through life he free from .horns, at;d be strewn with the sweet eat of flowers. PATRICK HOW IT ACTS. After using Drummond’s Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism, according to direction, for ten days, Mr. John W. Boyenton, of Hamptioli, Ya., writes that he can walk and attend to business which was more than he could do bcloie. This Remedy has a remarkable record of cures—not only relieving pain, but restoring all tire f unctions of the crip plel limbs. If you want a cure, send $5 to tbe Drummond Medicine Co,. Maiden Lane, New York, aud they will ship to your express address two large cutties of their remedy, with full direc¬ tions for use, Agents wanted. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. A. b. C.— In answer to your quss tion, “Do printers eat?” 1 will say that it has been proven that printers eat in very much the same way as people do, only not quite so often, nor exactly the same kind of food. They very ol ten devour contributed poems, eoagres- 8ional €tc Thil ig why the average printer is so pale. This taste butat is said that the at mosphere 1 ot , a-pnnting office creates it. Making of printers . and , the printing , V jskkly. Among other jobs this week is the commencement piogramme for Oak Grove academy, which is a typo graphical mcee.-s. A ou will do well to befl , rj 1) a ing J0ur onSers for job work. Nice Black Hose for ladies and children at 5 cents, aud Nice ladies’and gentlemen’s Hand kerchiefs at-.cents. Nice Jap ^ 1 ™ nU ‘, llne G e “ tlemen s Suits worth ten do.- , F A VP “J? JT —-7-r~T“ , oh ‘ lJ - ,u nr wlwrh r-n t $10 originally, * cheap. Apnly at this office, ^ BOUT PEOPLE __ IN AND ABOUT THE CITY. The News In Paragraphs, Tell liug You What Is Going on In Our Little City. Dr. Quigg went to Atlanta last Thursday. Benj. Bostain, of Gainesville, is visiting Ills sister, Mrs. Eakes. Mrs. Reynolds, of Inman, is visiting relatives in the ci:y this week. Mr. Glenn, of Social visited the family of Dr. this *eek. We learn that Dr. Quigg will preach the commencement ser mon at Lawrenceville. C. D. Martin, traveling audi¬ tor of tbe Ga. R. R., spent Mon¬ day in the city. It will not be long before veg¬ etables and spring chickens will be plentiful. Otis F. Adair, who has been two weeks in Atlanta, returned home Monday afternoon Dr. Pharr and wife, of Deca¬ tur visited Prof. Fleming last Thursday. Dr. Lewis held quarterly con¬ ference at the Methodist church early last Monday morning. Eight cars filled with colored excursionists passed Conyers last Sunday going to Greenes boro. Jas. B. Whitly and estimable lady, of Lithonia, were in 'Con yers Sunday last visiting rela tives. Miss Jessie ITnshaw one of Social Circle’s most young ladies, is visiting Mrs. T E. Broadnax this week. Robt. White, wife and their two little girls, of Atlanta, ar¬ rived in the city Sunday, and are visiting relatives here. Maj. Ed Almand went to Mad¬ ison last Wednesday to attend the examination of the military officers of his regiment. A very heavy rain fell in Con¬ yers last Tuesday evening, and for a day or two following the atmosphere was rather chilly. R. W. Tucker with several friends went this week to Peach stone Shoals. They will fish and hunt. Fine sport this pleasant weather. Col. White says that the rain in the eastern portion of the county on Tuesday last was very heavy and washing. There was no wind. The tent meeting continues notwithstanding the unfavorable weather. Keys. Wood and Ir¬ vine are deeply in earnest in their appeals to the people. Mr. Chapman, of Rutledge, did the work last Thursday at the depot, in the place of Mr. Norman, who went on a visit to Norwood, Ga Mr. Grauade, who lives in soutll-west Rockdale, reports the rain which fell last Tuesday evening . the heaviest . iu . thirty .. years ill his section. ' Mrs. Susan Marks, who has been . Visiting . ... her x u brother i near Junction, returned to her home ill NcwiOU county last Wednesday. Dr. Quillian went Wednesday evening to Madison, where he assisted the minister there dur in „ tlie wce b j n holding pro , . ‘...... " The remains of Mrs. have been reinterred at Rock dale cemeter Y• Tllc T "ere “«> day - On account of the weather, ser vices at the tent will be discon tinued until Sunday night,when they will be taken up again continued through next week. E. M. Dabny and Prince Al¬ in and went last Thursday to Snapping Shoals for several days fishing. We wish them much enjoyment and abundant success. Today is the appointed time for all who favor free silver to meet in the court house and dis¬ cuss the subject. Everybody is j n vited to attend and participate if SQ i nc ] iuet p We understand that our base ball club challenged the Coving ton dab foT a o£ baU , but ls yet thc Covington boys have n * t answered. Let’s have a game —„ . i On account of the very dis¬ agreeable weather the exhibi¬ tion which was expected to oc¬ cur at Oak Grove academy last night lias been postponed till Tuesday night. Rev. M. L. Carswell left on the 15th for his mission and colpor teurage work within the bounds of Mercer association, with head quarters at Quitman, Brocks county. We wish him success. The following named old sol¬ diers and others left Monday to attend the Confederate reunion at Houston, Texas : Jos. Huff and son, J. M. Day, A. D. Sum¬ mers and mother, Mr. Marbut and wife, Judge A. C, McCalla. After several days’ sickness W. P. Laird died at his resi deuce in Sheffield district in this county last Sunday. He was ov¬ er 70 years old, and was for many vears of his life a consist out member of the Methodist church. Truly a good man has fallen. We regret to learn that the M. G. & A. R. R. has ued one of the daily trains from Covington to Milledgevillu. Man ager Thomas says that the bus iness does not justify thc pense, but just so soon as it does thc two trains will run as tofore. Today is the excursion from Union Point to Atlanta. Thc train will arrive at Conyers at 8.10 a. m., and leave a few min utes later ; will leave Atlanta at lip. m., giving all an opportu¬ nity to visit places of amuse¬ ment in tbe city. Round trip tickets from here is only 05c. A well, ,, known . lady . , of , Conyers ,, was paying J ° strict attention to a good , ot ,. our ° sermon in one churches . last , Sunday , , when , she , was stricken with a burning sen¬ sation caused by the sight of a sewing thimble on lier Evidently it was a case of ‘‘an in the ditch. f 1 ox entertainment at Almand UU" s Hall last Saturday night. The ence was small, but the boys young folks seemed to enjoy the jokes and music. There seemed be - lack ... of interest l , by tie i to a troup in their own performance ; but for this the show would have been more creditable. Misses Zacliry and Graham, Peachstono Shoals, are visiting Mrs. Dr. Guinn. They are, in¬ deed, charming young Miss Zacliry is the daughter Col. Thornton Zacliry who tinguished himself with Gen. H. Colquitt at the battle of Olus tee, during the late war tbe States. Mrs. Perry, wife of Col. Perry of Atlanta, died at their home in the city ] ast Thursday. The remainri wcre brought to Con L on Friday morning and bur 1,1 ccmctciy. M,-, Perry was a sufferer for many yers. She bore her affliction with patience, and submitted to the summons of death with is guaranteed for ail that is claimed for it. Ofiristian resignation. She leaves many relatives and friends to mourn their loss, which is her gain. The anti-barroom convention last, week in Athens resolved to petition the next legislature to of pass liquor a bill in prohibiting the State tbe allow sale j ; to j counties which are selling by li¬ cense now to have a store of de¬ posit to sell for medicine. If one county is allowed this privilege, why not grant the same to all the others? How ever, if this was the case affairs mi S ht reach thc sfcat0 t,u ‘- v dld 111 the town whcro lk l uor was sold for rattlesnake blte onl U Avery tlursty , individual who was passing through the town inquired if there was any possi¬ ble chance to be bitten by a rat¬ tler. He was informed that the only snake in town was three weeks behind engagements. The Conyers oil mill has shut down at last. It has had a long and successful run, though noth¬ ing else could be expected under its good an able manager, Mr. A. N. Blanket. He understands running machinery as well as any one, and lie is a man of whom our people should feel proud. He has a son who is a “chip from the old block,” and will some day be an excellent machinist. He has for some time been night foreman, and already handles the business with the skill of an expert. We are, indeed, proud of the twain, father and son, and wish much success. [The above was handed in for publication last week, but came too late. —Editor.] The services at the churches and the tent were well attended Sunday,morning and night. Dr. Ragsdale entertained his con gregation at 11 a. m. Dr. Lew is held his audience at 11; t h t we had thc pleasure of hearing him, and were impress ed with the importance of plac ing church obligations and work abov ' e tl,at of temporal af¬ fairs. In the course of his re marks he said that the city of Atianta is thc most re,i g 5oU8 of an Y P lace Wlthm lus ^"'ledgc. Most of thc business men belong to some one of the churches, but on a certain occasion 82000 could aot bo raiscd for religious work, but soon thereafter $200,000 was secured . for , the great , ° exposition out of which , . . Atlanta . t expects L lias . subor money, was dinating the religious to the temporal. SPECIAL NOTICE. All good citizens are urgently requested to co-operate with us is.*S!- Anv “ JL" 2 S 3Ucll as } )bg pe n 8 , privies, ponds 0 f water, water in old barrels or tubs calculated to create filth or sickness should be repelled to the undersigned promptly. We will take steps to abate the same at 0Qcei J. 8. Johnson, J. P. TlIJ.KY, Board of Health. J. A. Guinn, M. D., Chm. Bd. Health. TO SUBSCRIBERS. A BARGAIN FOR YOU. ^v e offer you a fine Singer sew ing machine and this paper one year for twenty-three dollars cash or we willgioe the )/uum to anyone brivrjirv) dollars. us for f subscribers with forty x ow let the person who wishes a good machine free go to work and make up the club, or let the ‘ d it, ahsoTifE tlirpe doIlar3 aQ get Weekly one year. Tbe machine { r w I Poor Health ■ means so much more than 1 ‘fatal you imagine—serious and 1 diseases result from' ’ trifling ailments neglected. ‘ ‘ Don’t play with Nature’s ’ ’greatest gift—health. -I . U vnu arc filing /Brown's °ut of *orf* weak * anil ptneTally e* hattsted, rtei \ »>us, * have no appetite ami cant uo»k, begin at once ink g :|Iron - ble ing the moat relia-. medicine strengthening* which i* Brown s Iron Bit ters. A few bot¬ ;Bitters t t<rth, very comes tles vou't cure— first Slain and from dose-,/ benefit your ifs' th* pleasant to Uk«. , It Cures . Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ‘ F Constipation, Bad Blood * Malaria, Nervous ailments < Women’s complaints. , Get only the genuine— ii lias crossed red Isnts on the wrapper. All others lire sub- < i atitutes. On receipt of two ac. stamp* we r will send Ret of Ten Beautiful World's 1 Fiiir Vl«:tva and book—free. BROWN CHEM'CAL CO. BALTIMORE. MO ' For salj Dr. W. II COMING SOUTH IN SEARCH OF HOMES, An Indiana Man Who Repre scuts Several Families Stops In Conyers On a Prospecting Tour—He Is Well Pleased With Our County, - Mr. N. II. Crum, from Cruro town, Ind., was in town this week prospecting,with a view of settling. He is the representa¬ tive of several gentlemen who to settle with their fami lies in Georgia. On Thursday Col. O’Kelley took Mr. Crum and showed him the lands in the vicinity of Conyers. He express¬ ed himself well pleased. We hope he may decide to bring his colony to Georgia and settle in Rockdale. In this county tho soil is fertile, and the lands lie well for cultivation. Churches of different denominations and fine schools arc located in intel¬ ligent communities. The farmers of the west and north-west seem to be in earnest in seeking homes in the south, and rightly so, we think. The climate, the soil and tho short winters all are more favorable to successful farming and fruit raising than in thc latitude where the summers are too short for diversified agriculture ; and here, in middle Georgia, every variety of crops, fruits and veg¬ etables can be raised for profit. Even this small space used judiciously would yield a hand¬ some per cent, to the investor. A word to the wise. BEAD EM Will kill bed bugs, roaches, ante, moths, mosquitos and beet'es ; in fact, every con¬ ceivable kind of vermin which infests human habita¬ tion, if not tbe money is re¬ funded. Try it! litato & Stewart