Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, June 01, 1895, Image 3

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tmmSm ' TRADE MARK. - aid L\v m Qsaiity Tint ays. «gs A m» ■ ms. S' I'll w, H. LEE, Druggisr, has the cx * V ’sail. Kr-, i,i those calibrated the factory Glass ; (•«. Ga Kvmh ofK.ll. m A Moore, (lie only optical p|,nt in ice t-oi'th. Atlanta. Ga. 1 ifC r- 1 s n m FIRE INSURANCE. J. P. TILLEY AGENT. represent the BEST com¬ panies in the world. \r § 1 legal MTO15EKWS. iiJEHTFS SALK FOB JUKE 4.1895. On tlie first Tuesday in June next will be sold before the court house door in Conyers, Rockdale county, a certain tract or parcel of land lying ami being in said county and town, known as once the residence house and lot of the .late J. A. Stewart, Jr., containing live e/bts of an acre, more or less, in the sixteen ill district of said county, and h.j D « part of land lot No. two hundred and ninety-four: said lot being or the southeast side of church street and bounded now on the west side by lot ol A Jl Helms and on the northeast side bv lot of Dr. J. A. Guinn, which lot was formerly owned by B. D. Or os ley. Levied oil ami to he sold under an ex¬ ecution issued from Rockdale Superior court in favor of li. D. Orodey against \V 1). Broadnax, said lot now being in possession of B. H. Cannon as tenant This May 3,1895. 11. M. Austin, Sheriff. W. CITATION. Gfoxoia, itoCKpALB Counts-.— To all whom it may concern : Whereas VV. W. Scott as the executor ot the estate ql John L. Scott, deceased, having applied to the court of ordinal ;, lor leave to sell the lands belonging to the estateof said deceased, and said application will be passed upon on the hrst Monday in J u iy next. This 2 sth of May, 1895. O. Seamans, Ordinary. ROCKY BRANCH. Mr. Ramin, from near Atlanta, visit¬ ed the family of Mr. John Rice last Sat urdav and Sunday. Mr. Frank Owensby and lady visited relatives near Honey Cieek last Sunday IVe were visited by another heavj rain and hail on last Sunday evening. There will he an all day singing at Ma¬ cedonia the first Sunday in J une. All are invited to attend and bring well lin¬ ed baskets. We visited near Honey Creek Satur¬ day and Sunday; found the crops lock¬ ing well, SANCHO. OAK GROVE. After ah absence of two w eeks lure we are again, and hope that you will still give us a little corner somewhere, Hr. Fditor.—[Indeed we v ill, ‘‘Errnyn trude,” but you must promise never to depriveof your interesting letters for a single week in the future.— Editor. J Owing to the inclemency of the weath¬ er our Sabbath school was not very largely attended Sunday afternoon. 8 i>. Irene, llie pretty daughter of Mr. Kehert Ivwir. of your city, visited in OMtotmnunity last week, the guest ol [Miss Jessie McDaniel. 'Veh&cl qhitc a refreshing little (?) ihouer 011 c day last week. I Miss Ophelia Plunkett, who has for l^u-ral months been in business in At¬ lanta, spent last week with relatives and llrieuds here. We regret that her stay [rrith us was not more lengthy, I l’rof. Clotfelter and Miss Jessie Me If'ariiel \ i-it. J friends in Lithonia last ISunday, I The 0 .0. I,, society will meeton next Y Saturday evening at the home of Mr. O. Haygood. it has been said by seve j - * li) at our last meeting was the best f I'ili - f he prospect is that the meeting? coiitniue to improve. Lie closing exercises of l’rof, Clot feter s school at Oak Grove were held s * *at place on last Tuesday night. 61 re six o’clock the crowd had begun 40 gather, and by half past eight there about one thousand people on the r’ an 'l? to witness the exercises, which P ,ov sd to be excellent. Under the care pi . training 0 f their instructor all the r pU! '-'id their parts well. The stage, r was artistically decorated with | “ atl( f ivy, was indeed beautiful. I ^ JIaud Allen left Wednesday for tm friends in Covington. We wish r' 1 Pleasant visit. KliMVNTRVDK. j Children Cry for Etcher's Castoria* IT WAS A SUCCESS. OAK GROVE EXHIBITION Was the Event of the Week In Rollie Ryan Vernacular, “The People, They Wuz There From Sixteen Miles.” Prof. G. T. Clotfeltcr’s school at Oak Grove had its closing ex¬ ercises on last Tuesday night. There were present about two thousand people, and every one felt repaid for going . The pro¬ gramme was an excellent one. and every pupil was thorough¬ ly drilled up to his or her part. Though rather lengthy the en tire programme was interesting The stage was artistically defco rated, and was very beautiful. was furnished by Litho nia’s string band ; Prof. Thom¬ as Deal, an old Rockdale boy, played the violin. The pro¬ gramme consisted of recitations, dialogues, dramas and farces, and was as good as the travel¬ ing shows which'often visit our town. Good order prevailed throughout the whole of the ex¬ ercises, with the exception of a few crowing boys, who, as it was said, “Were entirely too young to crow. ) > We congratulate Prof. Clot felter in his success, not only in giving the people an entertain¬ ment of rare enjoyment, but al¬ so as an instructor. We do not hesitate to say that one of these days lie will rise to do honor to his people in a higher capacity, and that soon he will be one of the best teachers in the land. HOW IT ACTS. After using Drummond’s Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism, according to direction, for ten days, Mr. John W. Boyenton, of Hamption, Va., writes that he. can walk and attend to business which was more than he could do beloi e. This Kennedy has a remarkable record of cur es—not only relieving pain, but restoiing all the Junctions of the crip pled limbs. If you want a cure, send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co,. 48 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will ship to your express address two large bottles of their remedy, with full direc¬ tions foi use, Agents wanted. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve iu the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup¬ tions, and positively cures I iles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give nerfet satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per hox LUMBER FOR SALE. Parties can buy lumber of all sorts on slunt notice from us at the lowest prices. Mills located 21 miles South of Corn ers. m30.3m. Goode & Huff A WISE CONCLUSION. Wjcst Corinth, Maine.— ‘I doctored for years for Biliousness, but nothing ever helped me like Simmons Liver Regulator. I shall take nothing else hereafter.”—N. M, Oakman. Y'our druggist sells it in powder or liquid; the powder to be taken dry or made in¬ to a tea. 2D * • Fit. That sui; of clothes you have is made of beautiful goods, but it doesn’t fit you, and conse¬ quently you don t look as w ell as you would in a cheaper suit that fits you well. Now, there is no excuse for you to wear ill fitting clothes when you can get those that lit just as cheap. Mi. Chas. A. Argo has just received fifty or more books of samples of gentlemens , clothing f intbjno - from lio n Wanamaker <t Li.o , adelphia, the largest merchant tailors in America. These sara pies nips embrace ennj. everv style f and ‘ quality, am v , 1 •> ” ] t from them it is ju~t 1 ^ lecting from Wanamaker <x Brown’s stock in Philadelphia, Have your clothes made to or der and they will fit. Mr. Ar ,r 0 will take pleasure in showing you through his sample,. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Gaston*, AS ’TWAS PASSING WE REACHED AND GOT IT. We Refer to the News.—What Our People are Doing, and How They are Doing It. G. W. Cain went to Atlanta last Tuesday. J. J. Langford went to Atlan¬ ta last Wednesday. Judge II. T. Helms went to Covington last Sunday. Mr. Robert A1 maud spent sev eral days at Decatur recently. Call at H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co.’s for book on preserving, Several citizens attended the ball game at Covington Wed nos day. Streets and sidewalks have been worked. They are in bet¬ ter condition. Dr. Gibson of Kings, Ga.,vis¬ ited Atlanta this week, and stop ped at the Markham. After ton days visit Mrs. Ros¬ ser returned to Atlanta last Tuesday. II. P. Almand spent last Sat¬ urday and Sunday With his son in-law at Inglcside. Mrs. It. II. Cannon has been sick for several days. We hope she will soon recover. Mrs. Brooks of Sheffield return¬ ed Tuesday from a visit to rela¬ tives in Putnam, near Godfrey. Keep your fruit by using Mil¬ ler’s preserving tablets, For sale by H. P. & D. M. Almand. Mrs. Tilley’s music class gave a musical Thursday night. It was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. Dr. Quillian preached an in¬ teresting sermon Sunday night upon the subject, < i Ye are My Witnesses. ’ ’ Rev. Chastian arrived in the city Tuesday and preached at the tent Tuesday and Wednes¬ day nights. Jim Galey has a pet which is fearfully and wonderfully made. Tis a gopher, and is a curiosity to most of our citizens No sugar required to keep your fruit with Miller’s preserv ing.tablets. For sale by H. P. & D. M. Almand & Go. Dr. Williamson, of Atlanta, arrived in the city Thursday, and has been assisting in the meeting at the tent. This week Mr. C. A. Argo or¬ dered jeans pants and negligee shirts for the Volunteers, which they will use while in camp. The Conyers Volunteers are drilling pretty regularly, so that they may make a good showing at the encampment at Griffin, for which place they leave June Uth. Mr. Glenn, son of Dr. Glenn, returned last Tuesday evening from Alabama and Mississippi, where he has resided for four II Y ' McCord’s new home is about , '* completed. Tt It is is a o model mouei in the latest style. The location is ■ beautiful, 1 « nnd and i the ho home home a a de llglltful one. In season. Just arrived— Grain Cradles, ScoUl Hoes, Scrapes Heel Bolts and Palm Fans. „ . P. * Heavy rains last week did some j ^ tQ the gmaU cottou and C orn but the sunshine this week ’ v 1 BO ° , ‘ „ everythin,*' ° ” * and in growing con i ion. ' gra ss has somewhat the advan tage'now. ° The ball game . between r IJ i ‘ yers and Covington resulted in victory for the latter, the score being 14 to 6 . Another game wi]I be played soon after the bo , s return bom the ment. The music class taught by Miss Mamie Davis gave a musi¬ cal last night at the home of Mrs. T. E. Broadnax. Quite a treat was anticipated by'hhe in¬ vited ones and they were not dis appointed in the least. The meeting which was tc have been last Saturday for the discussion of the silver question was postponed till the second Saturday in June. Everybody is invited to be on hand at that time, which is one week from today, Last week Mrs. Stowers and daughter, of Honey Creek, were throw'll from their buggy, dislo eating Mrs Stowers’elbow, and knocking Miss Stowers uncon scions. Dr. Turner was called in, and reports Mrs. Stowers do¬ ing well this week. While returning from Oak Grove exhibition hist Tuesday night Mr. Stewart Yarbrough’s mules ran away, throwing Mr. Yarbrough, Mrs. Hicks and her baby from the buggy. Mr. Yar¬ brough had several ribs broken. Mrs. Hicks and baby were not hurt. Dr. Turner attended Mr. Y arbrough. Rev. Henderson, who has been chosen to fill the pulpit at the Presbyterian church at this place, will preach his first ser¬ mon here toiuo r r o w at 11 o’clock. He is said to be a for¬ cible and earnest speaker, and, no doubt, our people will be in¬ terested. Go and hear him. We note from the Christian Index that Rev. B. D. Ragsdale, who was elected some weeks ago to the position of superintendent of ministerial institute work,has accepted the place, and will en¬ ter immediately upon his new work. In taking charge of his new work Dr. Ragsdale gives up his church at Lithonia, but will still retain his pastorate at this place. Rev. LeRoy G. Henderson, who has been engaged by the Presbyterian church of this place to preach for them this summer, will preach at that church next Sabbath, June 2nd, both in the morning and at night. The reg¬ ular preaching days will be the first, second and fourth Sundays in each month. Mr. Henderson is quite a young man, but comes highly recommended. Judge McCalla and others who went to the Confederate reunion in Houston, Texas, have return¬ ed home. Notwithstanding the rainy weather the “old vets” had a glorious time. There was a larger number in attendance than ever before. There were over 3,000 soldiers in line. The blue and gray walk side by side. The reunion for 1890 will be held in Richmond, Va. We again call attention to the advertisement of Clark & Co., of New York. They will have Messrs H. I & D. t M. , r Almand 1 . & Co. to represent them at this place, 1 , who will receive and ship the fruit of the farmers. J lus opportunity should not be neg Feted Dr it is a chance for even the ® ma , . rm . gro ™ _ rs , 0 1 e l ‘ lze handsome piohts 111 1 ie midst of summer when pocket change is so greatly needed. It „ 00 industry thalshouM ,« »■ couraged. Our lai mere need di versified crops to utilize the ad vantages ^ this section over otiiers ' Do not fad to take vantage this year of the opportunity of your life to make something out of everything raised on your farm. Clark & Co., of New York, quote this we ek to shippers of vegetables the fol lowing prices: Beans, ***■■— *’|j; cueumber#, good con. *1.25 and $i os. CUT TO DEATH BY AN ENRAGED FARMER. A Father and Son Go to Field Where Riley Stewart Is Working, and Begin a Quar¬ rel, Which Results art’s Murder. On last Monday evening Mr. Riley Stewart, nephew of our fellow townsman, Mr. W. T. Stewart , was stabbed to death by Mr. Sanders McDaniel, both of the same community and members of the same church. The killing occurred on Mr. Stewart’s plantation, near Beth¬ any, Newton county. It seems that there was a dis¬ pute between Stewart and Mc¬ Daniel’s father about a land line. It is said Stewart made several propositions, first to pay half for having the line surveyed, where upon McDauiel refused to pay anything. Stewart then propos¬ ed to pay the whole, and that the county surveyor’s line settle the dispute. But this did not please McDaniel, and he Wont to his house, a short distance away, and called his son from the field. It is reported that be¬ fore the father and son left for the field where Stewart was working that young McDaniel ground his knife and put it in his pocket open. The father was first to reach Stewart, and re¬ newed the quarrel, and began abusing Stewart when Stewart knocked him down. Then the son sprang upon Stewart with open knife and.cut him to the heart. An inquest was held over the dead body, and the jury de¬ cided that McDaniel was guilty of murder and that his father was accessory to the crime. They arc in jail at Cov¬ ington. Mr. Stewart leaves a wife and several little children, for whom the people of Conyers have the most heartfelt sympathy, a. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. 11 A BARGAIN FOR YOU. We offer you a tine Singer sew¬ ing machine and this paper one year for twenty-three dollars cash or we will (five the machine ats pre¬ mium to anyone briny iruf uh for¬ ty subscribers with forty dollars. Now let the person who wishes a good machine free go to work and make up the clulq or let the person who wants a machine cheap for the cash pay twenty three dollars and get it, also The Weekly one year. The machine is guaranteed for all that is claimed for it. LIKE A GREAT RAILWAY With its branches running in every direction - are the arteries and veins which convey the blood to every part of ,|j e system. A cold, sudden changes or exposure, may cause polgonous acids to dog the circulation, and then comes Rheumatism. Beware! If you value vour nf e remove the obstruction with Or. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy, Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co., 4S Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send you two large bottles by express—enough for a month’s treat full special directions. A^nts wanted. T| 11 P ft ft u I 11 J □ \||jj 1 U Ulk »( mm __. . ,. o! roaches ants, moths, mosquitos and beet' es; in fact, every con ceivable kind of vortnin " '“ . c 10 . 1 i,„ 1 m .,nha ' t >ita . « on ; ,f not m °f ey " funded- lry it • IITbitnlrnii 0 OtnTirnnt SlBWEft. f+*****+******~~^ ' *r < * I Poor : Health , 'means so much more than ' ‘you imagine—serious , , and' , ,’fatal diseases result from', , ‘trillingailments Don’t neglected.', ‘ play with Nature’s , ‘ /greatest gift—health. If you arc feeling Brown's out ot sorts, weak nucl generally ex* : haunted, ha\ i.e voun, anti e no appetite can’t work, > Ton begin at oncetak¬ ble ing the most relia¬ medicine,which strengthening is 1 Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few hot • tics cure— benefit I f comes from the d X V I v »*»»* * r y t first stain duse— it 1 teeth, d your ^ a n h ' s pleasant U take. St Cures ; l Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, { ‘Constipation, Bail Blood 1 Malaria, Nervous ailments * i Women’s complaints. Oct only the ranilne-il hasernswd red Imts on the wrapper, dll others air sub- < solutes. On teccipt of two r< stamps we will send set of lea Beantilul World's" Fair VU-ws nnd book—free. _ BROWN CHBtd'C.AL CO. BALTIMORE, ■ For gRb by Hr. W. II Lee. $ 1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. plies $150.00 through every month given sway to any one who ap¬ us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our client*, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the snme time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window" which can be easily slid op and down without breaking the passenger's back, "sauce-pan," am! “collar-button/* "nut-lock," "bottle, stopper, a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions arc the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice In the" National Recorder," published at Washington, l>. the C., which is the Dest newspaper published in America in interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub¬ scription We to this journal, free of cost, to all out clients. also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which of copies wins of our the $150 "National prize, nml hundreds of thousands Recorder." containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention. AH communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN VVEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents. 618 F Street, N.W., Box , 185 . nee—editor Washington, D. C. (y R c/ere 0/this paf>tr. WriteJar our 50-page famphlett FREE, The remnants of th no et nfeder ato battle Hags wtre cprr oil turn Nwvton county lo the rounion »t Housto 1 , Texas. Uioy were flags of the Third, Fourth and Fifty hird Georgia regiments, and all of them weni. through the groat battles of Yirgiui'i. Re doubt if therein aoy place iu the south where there are as many of thest old relics as there are here. And fhe hoys who carried ihern to Texas were the boya who carried them through many of the greatest bat'les of tie war. No braver or truer men attended the H mston reunion than those who we it from Covington.— Covington Star. Wbnn Baby was slclc, wo gaca hor Cantoris,. Whan tilm was a Child, she cried for Castoria* When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, »be gave them Castoria, a lady who visited onr city recent 1 , was inquiring where the leading dry goods house of the place was. She said she had loiked through both papers, and had filled to find the advertisement of a single house, bcores of others meet with like dis appointmont. The merchant who is alive to the interests of his business should profithy th a and begm ad vertisiug at on 3 c. We regret to learn of the illness of Mrs-Plunkett. ------ The trustees of Oak Grove to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Prof. C. T. Clot felter, who resigns to complete his education. We do not hea say that the trustees have made a wise selection in electing Mr. Hammock, He graduates this year with first honor at Dahlonega, and we feel confident he will retain the high standing of this school. made by Prof. Clotfelter. Oak Grove school is one of the best ^ th ® C J U ?f ’ a “ 1 gS f bl W