Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, June 15, 1895, Image 3

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P£Rf EOTED , viirsmii'SE! \ joint? First ud Always. * •: mk 9 cfm t ftJRSt a BBS r fvj.; P'Hef£M-'e!c-br>!e't Drn>rirP^ r j l ,a * , *" ,, Glu-s i. ^#1 [.■,,,„] th;' factory Mrw-re. ; |i on I v i.p ira' ptV K « Atliini Ga ,, iiu ri ’ !> it ! i KM j'p. nsurance. TILLEY AGENT. fi repr< sent the BEST com Sesin iUUlLi the woidd. _ Sumnii CITATION. jpG*V IIoCKOAl.E County.—T o all fcTexLutD : Whereas W. \V. of the e-tate of Icoiirtof Wit deceased, having applied ordinary for leave to set Wb.el<mYmgh>thees ateo saw lu-uDaid the application first Monday will mJu- be ...... on . ’j-bis 2-'th of May, 1M>». 0. Shamans, Ordinary. IVAN TED 9 if hides. 1 J. I’,and A. Hu will pay iad 5 c fo MP ’ reen liidcs. ■JUST F0II FUN. A gentleman hands us the foi¬ ling for our readers to solve IffiiT the correct answer, ac K-tu the rules of arithme [Insgoing with lo SI. lies wTvi pa wife man had seven s. Bit seven eats; ITf»t luvd seven kits. ►Ailsam) wives pffiiojy were going to St. Ives? TO QUEEN El BERTA . pty riii};. in lier name Mi known in mines of u ndo; pwava sung by Iliou-ai dA p-reypr she lias s'ra\ k!. PWi-n, f'hruses dainty beauty; in her cheeks, p'liililu’t poweet Liberta love tie peauli orchard ? qneon— N r oi yers Man—(referring to P}—Did she get in all O. K? pdConyers k,8n0 Man—Yes; all was everything moved liteclo k ['■ musn’t miss any more. * [*C.M.—No, poff today. [ won't; I just could I'l 1 J 3 -veil advertised name, but Plotting ku-.vr, made by Wanamaker A require no further adver or recommendation than “ f| r stamp. Their names are ootterknown than Trilby. Mr. bus. A. Argo, ijjeir agent here, 1131 !u ;' a,,d co ^y li,le of sam - pies. Among oilier bargains few! are stainless colored kese * Dd kah hose for 12 1-2 cents a f "r, coats made to order for CO ““H trousers $1 23, etc. Come * e kryourself. Just think of a ic Kmade to order for n l p FOR SALE. bt e V' aj'iit au notice ba 7 from lumber of all us at L. ^South R’-WS. Miffs located 2 1 . . of Conyers. Goode & Huff ^[J: . . _ b W ° rh _ V '^ O'W OH E A P! ■ ROUND TRIP $ 21 . GREAT EXCURSION ■ FROM ATLANTA TO CUA11LESTON ! | OX THE 22l). IXST. This will be the greatest ex nursion j|l‘ the season, here 10:30 p. m. Saturday, 22d, md returning Tuesday morning, /lino 25. You may enjoy the ex¬ hilarating pleasure of surf bath ing, and experience a ride on steamer. The fare from Con¬ yers is only $2 90. Mr, Norman has tickets on sale. Call and get one, and visit the great city of Charleston for little money. WHAT AILS YOU ? If you have sudden darting pains in the joints or muscles, and it leour-s ev¬ ery time yon get cold, and appeals in new places without leaving any of old ones, the best thing to do this is to sand live dollars to the Drummond Medicine Co., 48 Maiden Lire, New York, for it month’s treatment of Dr, Drummond's L'ghtning Remedy l'or Rheumatism. They will send you two large bottles of : heir remedy by return e xpress. If you have the above symptoms you have the Rheumatism, 'and should begin at once with the known cure. Delay with any disease is dangerous—with Rheuma¬ tism it is simply suicidal. Agents want ed. TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE. I will be at Sheffield district court ground the 1st Saturday’s in April, May and June, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district the oil. Sat¬ urday’s in April, May and June. Honey Creek the 4th Satur¬ day’s iu April, May and June, and at Conyers the remainder of the time, when not otherwise engaged. Office at Stephenson & Turner’s. Itespt., T.R. ni30. 3mo. R. L. Hudson, Children Cry tar Pitcher’s Castoria. No sugar required to keep your fruit with Miller’s preserv¬ ing tablets. For stile by 11. P. & D M . Almand & Co. OAK GROVE. V hooping cough is the fad in 6 qr community. Mr Paul A Hen returned lad week from a \isit 10 his brother in Ala¬ bama. Miss Jessi • M>D.mi< l le<vei Finns day for Carte sville, where she in tends spendin'i several u e ks with rclativts. Wt wish her a plo sant visit Mr II L Wii f, of At'anta, spent -al days of last week with f iends and rela ives here. Maud Allen returned Wcdnes day from a visit to friends in Coving ion. Miss Serena Hay good, cue of our sweetest and most accomplished young ladies returned last week from Miliedgevihe, where she has been at¬ tending Indus!ria college. The next meeting of the O- G. L society willbehdd at the home ot Mrs. Rosanah Plunk-tt Saturday evening, June 22 KliMYNXIlCDE. R-icklen’s Arnica Salve. .j,^ a a ivo iu tne wurlo f<T cuts Rruises.' Sores, etter, Ulcers, L bappe Salt Rneurn, Fever Sores. I ’ UonF'and’iiositively a cures 1 iles, or no ,,ay required. It is guaranteed retandci. to give satisfaction or money Price 2a cents per box. - "’’y* 3 * ■*“ SSliTZEFv An exhilarating, pleasant, reft ebbing drink— a com'-i natiou of Bro slides, Celery Lemon and Seltzer. Con¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous dings- Very thing for headache O: sick stomach. F‘*r sa l e Whiaker & Stewart, ______ _—- & C Ce.’s E f or book on “ng. TH E WEE K’S NEWS. Miss Susie Argo is quite sick. ^^™"“" visi “ ■ Jeff White is visiting friends and rtlatives here. W. E. McCalla, of Decatur, n the city Saturday. Judge A. 0. McCalla visited Atlanta the first of this week. Mr. L. IT. Still, of the Banner, ‘ ias been oil .a. \*isit to relatives 111 Walton county. Prof. .J. A. Clotfelter returned last Saturday from liis extended and pleasant trip to relatives in Alabama. Rev. M. L. Carswell is succeed ing m his new field in Brooks Ills health is greatly . Messrs. John II. and Luther Almand attended the bankers’ at Brunswick this Mr. James Hollingsworth and wife went to llayston to-day on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Mattie Greer. Quite a number of our citi/.cns down to Oxford on last Wednesday to attend the com¬ mencement exercises. Miss Sadie Fowler returned to her home in Covington yes¬ terday after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Van nie Quigg. Dr. Henry Quigg preached the commencement sermon of the Lawrenceviile school last Sun¬ day. lie will preach in McDon¬ ough tomorrow. The tent meeting, which has been running two weeks, has closed One young lady was biptizedinto the fellowship of the church. The Madison and Greeuesboro military companies passed through Conyers on Monday night’s express, on route for the encampment at Griffin. Prof. Johnson, wife and two daughters are visiting Dr. Quil liau and family. Dr. Johnson is a teacher in tH% LaUraiige Fe¬ male College. Rev. LoJtoy G. Henderson left yesterday evening forHays ton where he will fiil his first appointment iu the Presbyteri¬ an church at that place. Rev. B. D. Ragsdale will be¬ gin a meeting on the 5th Sun¬ day, this month. Rev. J. T. B Anderson, of Eatonton will as¬ sist. Everybody is invited to attend these services. Mr. Shelton, of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Co., of New York, was in the city this week looking after the claim of the policy on the life of Mrs. Swann, who died last week. Mr. John M. Day who attend¬ ed the reunion of Confederate veterans at Houston, Texas, and after spending sometime in the Lone Star State has returned home. He had a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Almand left Monday evening for Dahlon oga, where they spent the week attending the closing exercises of the school there, which their soil, Walter, has been attending sometime. Miss Ellen Cook, sister of Mrs. M. M. Langford of this city, died on Wednesday morning at her home in Newton county. Mrs. J. J. Langford and Mrs. J, N. Hale attended the burial Thuus day. Dr. W. II. Lee loft last Tues¬ day for St. Clair Springs, where lie will snend been'there , 1 ^, for some time. We wish him a pleasant trip, and improvement in heaRh. The enterprising firm of mers & Hudson still keep on hand goods up to date. They have everything in dry notions and clothing. Call and see them and they will give you satisfaction if bargains will sat¬ isfy you. Head dieirad. In Rockdale cotton has been chopped ; corn planted, and is growing; peas are planted; wheat is being cut; spring oat s are fine; melons are doing well; June apples are ripening ; veg etables are beginning to he pirn ;lll(1 th « P ( -’ ;U:h crop is prom * sll1 8 The Conyers Volunteers left on last Tuesday’s accoinmoda tion train for the encampment at Griffin. They were forty strong, and well equipped for a ten days’ stay. They are all young and active, and equal to the duties of a soldier’s camp life. Rev. B. D. Ragsdale left Mon¬ day for Rcrehmart, Ga., where lie holds a Bible Institute for several days. He will be at dif¬ ferent places for his special work until July 15th, at which time he goes to Jefferson, Ga , and will be met there by several oth¬ er prominent ministers. At a meeting of the board of trusees th«> following teachers were re-elected for the next school year beginning with the fall term: Prof. W. P. Fleming, principal; Miss Sallie Trenholm and Miss Milly Posey,assistants. Mrs. Lewis Leo and Miss Linda Holder were elected to fill the vacancies. Miss Annie Etheridge, of Ro¬ anoke, Va., is visiting relatives m town. She is a gradu.itcof Vassar college, and is now a teacher in the female college at Roanoke. Miss Etheridge is an accomplished scholar, and has won reputation in the literary world. She writes both prose and poetry. This week was the commence¬ ment at Oxford. Last Monday Dr. Candler read the awards of prizes offered by different par¬ ties in the different departments of the college. It is very grati¬ fying to his many friends in Con yers that Mr. John S. Glcaton won the Palmer gold metal for excellence in mathematics. Wo extend congratulations. Rockdale county must have an exhibit at Pie great Exposition. A large number of the counties in the State will be represented, and Rockdale can’t afford to be left but. If this county is to bo represented preparations should begin at once. There is no rea¬ son why our county shouldn’t make as good show as any other, and—-ohe must. An Elm and Live Oak Club has been formed in Conyers. Mr. H. Y. McCord secured quite a number of members last Satur¬ day. Each member agrees to set one or more elms or live oaks on his own premises, on the street or on the premises of another. This is a novel and, we think, a splendid idea to secure the much noeded shade for our town. It is enterprise in the right direc¬ tion. Wc publish the following with l ,lc;lSLU ' e • Kings, Ga., June 10, ’95. Editor Conyers Weekly, Dear Sir; Please iqsert inyour columns an announcement of the 4th 4tl of oi July lulv eelehratinn ceiebrat on at -it 0 ,,l Hiil Opens promptly at 9 a. m. Mr. Liviagston expected to be present. Yours truly, Erwin Perry, Sec. The communication speaks for ' Itself, lf and , - enough . to IS maure a lar ?° «' r °Md and an enjoyable !?o«^ time at Kings on the 1 ■ i I -SUCCESSOR TO Dr, W. H, Lee Son, -DEALER IN ! an Drugs i Medicines, ii Paints and Oils. —A LSO — Spectacles, School Rooks, Fishing Tackle, Base Balls, Rase Ball Bats, Etc., Etc. ......ICE COM) SODA WATER. LEMON VUE, COCA-COLA, Ac ...... ffiSr PRESC HI P TIG NS CA RE FUL LY COM POUX DE D jrj DR. W. H. LEE. I JL B «• ) ■ t: t 4 means so much more than you imagine—serious and t fatal diseases result from { trifling ailments neglected. Don’t play with Nature’s greatest gift—health. j" If you ar- feeling \ Jjf / nut ot sort -. weak \ Browns and general'; y ex* hausted, i e vous, $ } have no apiH tif e ^ and can’t J begin at oncetal;- a ble ing strengthening* the most n-lia medicine,which Bit- is V Bt>rs. Brown s Iron Jf A few hot ■:B * | “ties cure—benefit Jf * tiers .won't teeth, very comes first stain and fro dose- in your i t tho ’ it s Jf ]L j, pleasant U take. X It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, i Constipation, Bad Blood f Malaria, Nervous ailments Women’s complaints. lines only the genuine—It All bp*= others crossed jed on wrappr r. me sub stiiutes. On receipt of twnac stamps we will send set » i 1cm CituutiliJ Worid’b Fwir Vi-Wtf and book—free. < 7T Bf^OWN CHCM'CAL CO. BALTIf/ICFiS. fFD. ‘i ^ —' . Jib For sal ^ by I)r. W. 11 T.rr. Rev. J. W. Quillian is in re eeipt of the following postal card from Rev. R. W. Bigham, pas¬ tor of the Methodist church in I* atontoa: Eatonton, Ga., May 30 ’95. Dear Bko : Please get your paper to announce meeting at Eatonton, ,Iunt 21-24, of dele¬ gates from the woman’s and ju¬ venile missionary societ ies of t he Oxford district, llev. Dr. Gallo¬ way to deliver the anniversary sermon Sunday, June 23. Urge your societies to send full dele¬ gations, assuring them of Eaton¬ ton ’s host welcome and concern for their comfort. God guide and prosper you. Yours truly, R. W. Bioiiam. It is hoped that the above invi¬ will bo heartily v< sp mdo 1 to, and that a large delegation from Conyers will have the pleas lire oL enjoying the genuine hos¬ pitality which has made Eaton¬ ton famous. AMAH. AUKNl’S JSXPKKIENCE. Louis L. Brenoeeke, WnlliaBa, P.C., bad Rheumatism for fifteen years, and during that time had never been free from pain. He tried the Hot Springs and physicians without benefit. After taking two bottles of Drummond’s Lightning Bemedy he wrote that he was free from pain, and able to take several long walks, if you want a cure SPnd $ r> to tae Drummond Medicine Co 48 Maiden Lane, New X ork, an. •' will shvp to your express address ^ bottles-one month’s treat ment gent8 want , d . Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. a u.u .,„ i v Y . V n . ^ . Djukvv.kk, Ohio.- After four month'•« ° Of the rest, and we pro¬ pose to stay there if «•«»»•••• ■..■••■■••■•■•la COOP GOODS —r-'--.------------ , — T — - ---■ -w - And a lot of them count for anything 11 is a Fact • • That we are here to please the public and sell g’oods. Dry Goods, Clothing E Shoes are our spe¬ cialties. ■ *$ 1 . 05 . * Pays for this i aper and the tvvice-a-week New York World for one year. This is a most liberal offer, and you should take advantage ot it before it is too late. This paper comes once a week, the World comes twice a week; you get three papers each week for one year for only -*$1.65.*-