Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, June 29, 1895, Image 2

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CONYERS WEEKLY OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COU NTY.; ,T. H. <fe J. H. Hkkhk. A 1 1V K RT1SI NO KATK8. 8 mo. li n o. 12 m>) 1 i f 1,00 » II.* 0 . 4 4 7 >n lli.O!) 4 “ 7 1 1 no 2o. or onlunin | Ift.iHI w.0.1 -*• 1 *• 20.00 | 55.00 1 ' 3 ft 0 0 I J II'O no IjoohIh a petiti* I"' 1 ' tine fl r flr-t, Inner tion : 2!., font* for *>acli sul>«< qnem in¬ sertion. HojrnSir a iv ft in | c im li for 0 rut inmrion; 23c .or each .ub-iiquent insertion. MmSCPIPTTON HATKS; On® u) r, bi ndvitnee ... ....*1/0 Six month-, In 1 <h im.-e.. .50 Lnleicd »f die pn.t.ftii-*- a' Omer® up m foml-eUo' inM'1 mi'to r. SaturJ) \y, Junk 20, I HOT WHAT JSTHE STANDARD? The Covington Star gets elo¬ quent discussing the silver ques¬ tion, clamoring for both gold and silver, state banjos, etc. The Georgia Enterprise is deliberate in opposing free coinage, and wants bimetalism. We took the position from the start that ac¬ cording to the arguments of both sides throughout the countr) there is no difference,unless one or the other is purposely decep¬ tive. It appears that when the) speak out in school everyhod) wants both gold and silver. As to the 1G to l,the weights of the metals show that we have that now, and the figures ot the mon¬ ey in circulation in the woild, and in the U. S. tieasury show i l all countries where there it gold silver abounds. Then it can not he that the gold men want to vuh out silver, or the sijvei men want to destroy gold, un¬ less it he true that the knowing ones me insincere in the posi tii.ns they take and the aigu - meets used. The troubles in this country do hot come from a defect in the monelaiy system so much as from years of extravagance and a wild policy on part of pioduc ers, coupled with reckless spec¬ ulations, the cornering of the necessities of life l>v the soulless millionaires, who liavo made fortunes in a day, squeezing out the life blood of I lie poor by d« grees until it has leached an alarming point, in the history o! the country The remedy has already been applied, and is working wonders in Hie uiver i fled agriculture, and economic administiatJon in the home cii cles of the masses. Already the wages of the working classes have'dieon increased; ahead) tH4Vepbrts of (he commercial HgencieH show increase in bnsi liess and a demand for better prices a id the price of cotton is envying up with a prospect ol i even or tight, cents by the 1st of October. Already we can imagine the gold and silver hells hanging from the harness of the Itorses and moles ae they pul! into market t he wagons heavily laden with the fleecy staple, ringing in joyous salutations, •'Peace on earth” once more,and ••good will” to the poor people in this country. The “fear and trembling” part having passed, the wool hat boys at home are working out their i a va’ion with joyful hearts, anticipating prize which awaits them. We want no ag.l.t.onof financial question, t»ul the ralh * le fi lslal * “«•“”* ,“ U » n f ", turee. the deals of railroads aud speculations of millionaires. Now that „ Georgia .., 8 abundant ,, fruit crop is getting ready to be shipped the railroad authori ties have got the old scratch in them, and have raised tie freight rates. Put your freights back. If you could carry at cheap , rales , - last , year, when , was littlo to ship, why can’t you do the same this when there is so much to do V Ah! Corporations taking ad vantage of the producers'neccs -itiea again ! Tlie Madison Advertiser very properly and timely suggests Hon. Tims. G. Lawson as sena¬ tor to succeed Gen. Gordon Lawson would be a safe and " ise senator. GEORGIA AND OTHER ITEMS. THIS SJ’ICII>T OF I11KSI’IOV GFOliOLA NEWS, ANI) ITEMS OF 1NT1SK K«*l' FHO.M 0Til Ell STATUS. We me glad to note that the governor slid improves. He vvih soon he able to take charge ol .fate affairs again. A preacher in North Georgia prayed for his absent members, for those “Prostrate on beds oi sickness and sofas of wellness.’ Clark How el Woodward, of Atlanta, won the appointment to the U. S. naval academy for this, the 5th congressional dis¬ trict. A hoy near Jacksonville, Fla., was so anxious for water melons that he attempted to haul in some floating down the river. IH slipped in the water and lost his life. Representative Owens, who holds the place of Mr. Breckin¬ ridge, of Ashland district, Ky., was bitten by a spider not long since. It is said that his leg has been amputated. The teachers of Georgia met at Cumberland last Tuesday for several days in convention. The subjects discussed were man) and varied. The teachers had a splendid time recreating, suit bathing, etc. Cumberland is an ideal summer resort. A negro named Green was ai rested last Sunday near Augus ta, charged with healing an old man, named Disnmkes, nigh un to death and robbing him. Dis makes is very low at the hospi tal, and Green is in jail waiting identification by the little boj who was with Distnukes at the time of the beating. Near Hope, Aik, a woman went to tiie spring for water. A negro saw her, and seized her with rapist intent. She scream ed, and made her escape. Mean while the husband, who waf plowing in a field near by, h ‘arn Die screams of his wife, pursu d Die negro, and shot him dead The coroner’s jury justified the slayer. Lucy Cobb Institute, one of the most famous female col leges iu Georgia, will make a fine display at the Cotton States and International Expo sition. Wesleyan Female Col lege, which is the oldest iustitu tion for female education in the world, and the Ga. Teachers As sociation will , Iso make hand some displays at the Exposition. At Oklahoma on tho 20th, II W. Patterson and Marshal Wil¬ liams shot and killed each other Patterson shot at another with whom ho had trouble, Wil hams stepped between them, land received the load. As he fell dying he fired at Patterson, im Mfpalteison wos a promtaeut ^ in M and once represented Bibb in , he , egislatur6 . ™* tri ‘'rr « id Myors has been found god ty of the murder of Forrest Crowley. Judge Hart will pass sentence some future day. In the meanwhile Myers’ lawyer, Moyers, says he will move for another trial, aud wil! carry it to the supreme corn t . before , , ere shall be hung. He contends that Myers should at least have had a recommendation for rner cy. W. B. Thomas, who ha ; re¬ j signed his position as supeiiu tendent of the M. G. & A. to i take place 1st J uly, has been ap pointed superintendent of the Atlanta and Florida road, jus! bought in by the Florida South ern. This is a much longer line and stronger company than the ,V1. G. & A , hence Mr. Thomas’ appointment comes in as a pro motion in railroad work, which is a compliment to him. Seymour Keener, near Tallu !ah Fulls,committed a most dev¬ ilish murder Monday last. He wanted to marry Lillie Moore, who rejected him. Lillie and her cousin, Laura Moore, went visiting, and passed Keener's house, lie followed on and way¬ laid the girls, jumped out and shot both of them. Pie says he killed Laura by accident. This, however, is no mitigation of the crime. He is in jail at Clayton. United S tates Senator A. 0. Bacon has tendered the Board of Women Managers of the Cot¬ ton States and International Ex position the use of a beautiful lot on Peachtree street, near the corner of Wilson avenue, for the erection of a hotel, intended for the accommodation of wotuec, and to be conducted by the wo men of the Exposition Board. The lot is within convenient dis¬ tance of the main entrance to the Exposition, and has a de lightfully cool and pleasant lo cation. . Messrs- Steft r art and Chan dler, representiug the Knoxville organization for the entertain ment of tiie Sons of Veterans, who are to visit that city the third week in September, V visited Atlanta , during . the past , week, , with a view to biinging a laige body ol the Sons of Veterans on to the Exposition at ter the meet mg at Knoxville. It is expected that 20,000 members of the or¬ iel from all parts of the North¬ ern States, will visit Knoxville, iud a large proportion of them come to Atlanta. The second international con¬ vention of the EpwortbLeaguers met in Chattanooga last Thins day. The Epworth League of the Methodist church was organ ized about six years ago, and has grown to an immense mem bership. 1 hev have one million members ; 1500 chapters. The affair at Chattanooga was on a grand scale. A tent was r used, holding 10,000 people, and yet there were expected 15,000 del ogates. ° Chattanooga went . , to work to entertain , • tins , large , ° crowd which came fiom eveiy part of the United States, and some parts of Europe. It was a grand meeting of a large body of people who are working to maintain Methodism as in days of old, and to do good to their fellows. Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ei Geputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says: “I wasdolivi-red of TWINS in less than 20 min¬ utes and with \V> scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of eii MOTHERS SK’ '*».**&’ tKItNU hot .mrmrriEBWAsa. “WlfeSfcfi® brxufiuub beoclitor co.. atuxte, <n. sold nv ali. druggists. sa!e by H P. & D M Almand Gall «4t H tl. r. P fi D u. M. m Almand & Co.’s for hook on preserving. Arc You SicK Of Being SicK? Then let us suggest a cure. Ten to one the trouble started with your liver. A torpid liver causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head¬ ache and a dozen other ailments. [(Rocs #anANeUraWlO (jJREr goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again—the acid leaves you’re blood and below: yotl’XC cured. Testimonial cured ___my wife of neuralgia of seven years’ standing hy the use of your medicine after tho best doctors In Cincinnati failed. B. W. PARKER. 452 Fourth Street, Cincinnati. Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For It. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn. Hue’s medio ue» for sale by :— H. P. & I). M. Almand & Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga W. E. King. Kings, Ga. DISEASES OF WOMEN Will be Treated Free by Dr. Hart man During the Summer Months. ‘’Female diseases” ri a term which ^ come, by constant use, lo bo ap PM *» »'«“> ~jr «*"■«* class of attentions which are peculiar t 0 |j ie f erna i e organism. At hast thiea causes should be recognised. The cause which is perhaps most fre quent is displacement of tLe womb. The ® ec °ad cau * e is congestion of one or imre of tho P frlvic P assa ges rhe th,rd caus e IB kuown “ 3 maiicm . ulceration. , re>iu-na or sbould be takeQ in tabletipoonful j ( , st , s before each meal in all varieties and stages of the disease. This dose should be gradually increased after several weeks’ use of it to two lable spoonsful. Vaginal iujectious should be taken three times each day, two or three quarts at each injection. Any woman wiaking to become a regular patient of Dr. Hartman shouid send name, add e^s, duration of disease and symptoms at ouee, and specific dime ions fur tvery do inti oi uer treatmeuv. will he piompt ly sent. The doctor wilt diiect ev tiry item of the treatment lice of charge. Ttie patient can obtain ike necessary medicines at the ntuiett diug stun, and eve.y patient will be expected to report once a month luri givea every vvom.tu in ike Uni tcJStatisa cUuncc to receive the oeuetii ot ike ixteusive experience tLis renowned phyriemn in ail tun “ s of ft5Uiaiti Book on female diseases sent free ,, the l .. Drug .. MauuGotur- >r by e-iu-na iuy Company, .. of Columbus, Ouio. For iiee hook on cancer address jy, liartmau, Columbus, Ohio. ------------— A REW ARD OF $500 Will be given for any ease of Rheu¬ matism which cannot bo cm el with Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy The proprietor do not hide this of¬ fer, hut p int it in hold type on all iheit- circulars, wrappers, printed matter, and through the columns of new.-papers everywhere. It will ,iork wonder, one treatment curing any ordinary case. The two botths will be sent to any address by ex press on receipt of $5. Drummond Medicine Co, 4S Maiden Law, New lurk. Agents wanted. SAW MILLS. pmSJJ^do A rrn (hnnn ENGINES&B0ILERS 8 stock of , . T .. r vrT _ ' " asd SLPPHits. LOMBARD & CO., AUGDSTA,'GA _ K m K Wd. 3). Vvcv ' m Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitclier’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee i ; thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas¬ toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. “Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil¬ dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.” Dr. G. C. Osgood, Dowell. Mass. “ Castoria is the best remech* for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing’ S 3 'rup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.” Dr. J. F. Kinciikloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. John tj.* iUrqqnd, Banl'jSP, Gonyecs, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accommndations, consistent with safe banking, extended. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS. s TILLEY &QUIGG, WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In-> Xj"q.3^cl1o© 3:, Coal, JSis.iaa.g'lss We keep on hand at all times We carry a full line of nice all kinds of Dumber, Shingles, etc. Doors, Mantles, Sash, Blinds aud Paints. Always see us before buyiny. We can save you money. Lafl^Vea J PEERLESS and Light Noistletl Runnfnf ABSOLUTELY THE BEST! The Result of SO Years of Sewing Machine Building* HIGHEST FINISH. LOWEST PRICE. r. M - ./ ■> ©«!>©©©<£) i rw- S^ifT WMii \ v AUTOMATIC Attachments BOBBIN WINDlt consist ot— BELF-THREADINl 1 TUCKER, SHUTTLES, t 1 ItUFFLER, u < I] 4 HEMMERS. J 1 BINDER, 1 BRAIDER, We fiUARANTII I THREAD CUTTER. MACHINES lOTwr*. in writing. With Walnnt or Antique Oak Woodwork, in eight style®* SjmSFHGTIOH GlWflTEED. shipped on 30 days approvaG RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. Write for Catalogue. CO. _ CHICAGO SEWING MACHINE lake: and haisted and pulton sts. Chicago. $1,000 FOU NOTHING. Curtis Burtiu, President the eflottlo core . b.d e^eof 1. » ™L llnun moud’s Lightning Remedy helped him from the^tet, and by its use he was fully rested. It wdl do the aa “e for y«u if given a trial. Seud $6 to the Drummond Medico^ Co , 48 Maiden Laue, Newlork, and they wip send to your express address a Castoria. “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” II. A. Archer, M. D., lit So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “Our physicians in the children’s depart¬ ment have spoken highly cf their experi¬ ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among cur medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits 6f Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.” United Hospital and Dispensary, * Boston. Mass, Aixen C. Smith, Pres. vnth's treatment—tw > large b it lea m wanted. thrir remedy. ^Agents keep to L“ ,aMeL. For sale b> H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. Children pitcher’s CdStoriS* Children Cry Pitcher’S , Castoria. .