Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, June 29, 1895, Image 3

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»•'_*"•? tCTED \ crystal lenses TRADE mask. Culity First asl Always. r) c *- y w & Ims n 0 CJRE insurance. TILLEY j. p. agini. represent the LEST com panics in the world. k k to ^ | ISr s Q _ IMl CITATION. GfOiiOtA, Rockdale County. -To all .hum it- may concern : W.iereas VY. YY . L tt as the executor of the estate applied of join’L. Scott, of deceased, ordinary for having leave to sell io the court belonging to the es ateo f saia the lands said application will b< deceased, “led and Monday Ju Ct, upon on the drst m This 2Sth of May 1895. 1 O. Seamans, Ordinary. « The Rockdale Mills Co. on Yellow River are prepared to grind you new wheat in first class style. Guaranteed satisfac¬ tion and 40 pounds to the bush¬ el, Give us a trial. 6-22-4t. D. M. Almand, Manager. LUMBER. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. Keep your fruit by using Mil¬ ler’s preserving tablets. For Dr. Biles' Palnl’ilJw, ''One cent n. aoso." TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE. I will be at Sheffield district court ground the 1st Saturday’s in April, May aud J une, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year 1895. Lorraine district the 3d. Sat¬ urday’s in April, May and June Honey Creek the 4th Satur¬ day’s in April, May and Juue, aud at Cony ers the remainder ol the time,- when not otherwise engaged. Office at Stephenson & TurnfFs. Respt., m30. omo. R. L. Hudson, T.R. Sudden’s Arnica Salve. The liest Salve iu liie wurio Hr cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, S<yt lilieuin, level' Sores, Telter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiu Erup¬ tions, aru! positively cures Hies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed lefnnded. to give ptrfetsatisfaction or money Price Zo cents per box . A GOOD RECOMMENDATION La Faystte, Ixd.—“A Mrs. Jas. Fay,.living near this city, claims to ltave been cured by the use of Sim ffious Liver Regu'ator after live or sis ol the best physicians had. pro so tweed the case hopele-F.”—Ateeri A Weils. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid ; the powder to be taken dry, or made into a tea. PAINTS. We have made arrangements Taints manufacturers to sell at wholesale. Tilley & Quigg t y ops -uniigiar 1'. Giles’ }*■'In Pill* . ielest SELTZEE An exhilarating, pleasant, refreshing drink—a combi¬ nation of Bromides, Celery Lemon and Seltzer. Con¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous drugs. Very thing { 0 r headache or sick Btouiach. For sale by Whiakpr Wffianu X IMLWcm. ^^hmeo^ogum hi Dr. muctmpai» MlsG&T'S Or Mm. PICXIC AND BASEBALL. Several members of the local Four Hundred intended having a picnic at the paper mills Thursday afternoon, but just as they -were starting we had quite a refreshing picnic shower. The baseball boys, however, were nothing daunted by it, and play¬ ed a game after the rain. The majority of the would-be picnic ers attended the game, and wit¬ nessed the defeat of the Coving¬ ton boys as follows: Co’yTs—1 Cl 0 o 1 o O Cl to — CO Cov’ton—0 o 0 o 0 O Cl o o — Csl A HAPPY MARRIAGE. On last Thursday evening at S o’clock at the home of the bride’s uncle, Mr. Humiicutt,of Atlanta, Miss May Hunnicutt and Mr. G. 0. Perry were happi¬ ly joined in marriage. We learn that Miss Hunnicutt is a very beautiful, accomplished and re¬ fined young lady, and in every way worthy of a kind and loving companion, while Oscar, as he is better known here, is a young man of honor, possessing many noble traits of character, and is worthy of the iove of a good and attentive wife. Mr. Perry was once a Conyers boy, and we heartily extend to him and lady our best wishes. A. ** AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY. Last Sabbath morning the Sun¬ day school was full to overflow¬ ing. The school is an interest¬ ing one, and increasing in num¬ bers and popularity. The church had been almost remodeled in¬ side during the previous week. The seats in front of the pulpit were rearranged, the organ mov¬ ed to one side and the front was covered with flowers rare and sweet, greeting the lovely and innocent children with charming simplicity, and with the smiles of old and true friends, dispel¬ ling a sweetness not* expressed. For this artistic arrangement the school and the worshipers are indebted to the ladies who made preparation for the enter¬ tainment by the Sunbeam Mis¬ sion Band on Sunday night, which was excellent. The pro¬ gram consisted of songs and re¬ citations on the subject of mis¬ sions. After the service a col¬ lection amounting to $3.52 was taken for missions. G. W. Cain went to Atlanta Wednesday. Mr. Smith, of Gainesville, was in the city Sunday last. Mr. John Almand, of Litho nia, was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Almand visited Ingleside last Tuesday. Mr. J. E. Whitaker was suf¬ fering from asthma this week. Miss Geneva Argo, of Litho nia, visited relatives here this week. Miss Lucilc Rainey, of Eaton¬ ton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Reese. Mrs. Waggoner is visiting her son, Jim Waggoner, at Union Grove. Mr. Jack Chandler visited W. C. Webb’s family at Union Grove last Sunday. Mr. E. Ilervey Reese, of Ea tonton, spent Thursday with rel¬ atives in the city. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Hart is very sick, We trust she will soon recover. Rev. T. B. Trenholm of Coy will preach at the Pres byterian church to-morrow. We received , , big • t lot + of f shoes a before the rise, and will sell you a t former low-prices. Get Mi'. K, O. Galley to tell you of the excursion to Charles¬ ton. He makes it interesting. Do you want a pair of suspen¬ ders cheap? If so call on G. W. & A. P. Cain. ( i They say” several young men indulged in a rabbit hunt last Sunday afternoon. Head the advertisement of Til ley & Quigg, who arc enterpris¬ ing business men, providing for the wants of the people. • We have received a new sup¬ ply of laces, and can supply you with what you want in that line. Mr. Judson Almand of Ingle side is at his father’s, H. P. Almand. We are sorry to state that he is in poor health. Mrs. F. P.IIeifncr and her lit¬ tle daughter Willa, of WestEnd, leave this week to visit friends in Conyers, Ga.—Atlanta Jour¬ nal. Miss Sadie Fowler, who has been spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. Grier Quigg, has returned to her home in Coving¬ ton. Dr. Mack delivered an address before the Covington Masons last Monday night—the celebra¬ tion of John the Baptist, 24th of J une. Berto, Harry and Mary Mc¬ Cord, Mr. II. Y. McCord’s bright children,are visiting their uncle, Editor Shaver of the Argus, in Dalton. The Oxford District Woman’s Mission Society were well rep¬ resented in Eaionton last week. They were well entertained by the citizens. Mr. L. K. Yancey, cf Coving¬ ton, was in the city Sunday. Some of the boys are about to make a “kick” against these frequent visits. Our baseball boys went toStone Mountain yesterday to cross bats With the boys at that place. We went to press too early to get a report of the game . Misses Ruth Almand and Flor¬ ence Austin visi.ed Atlanta last Tuesday. They met there Miss Powell, of Ala., who is now vis¬ iting Miss Almand. Mil Downs received it telegram from Col Livingston on Thurs¬ day, stating that he had return¬ ed from Venezuela, and would be home in a few days. Dr. Hall was billed to lecture Thursday night, but only two or three put in an appearance, and the doctor thought best not to lecture to so many—benches. Dr. Quigg left Tuesday for Cumberland, where he expects to spend a week or ten days en¬ joying the various pleasures af¬ forded at this delightful outing place. The celebration at Oak Hill will come olf next Thursday, the 4th of July. It is expected that many will attend. We learn that Conyers will be well repre¬ sented. Rev. and Mrs. Anderson of Eatonton, will arrive in the city to-day. Bro. Anderson will preach in the Baptist church to¬ morrow the beginning of a se¬ ries of meetings Prof. 0. T. Clotfeltcr left this week for Cumberland, where lie will enjoy himself for a few days. He will return in time to open his school at Oak Grove the sec¬ ond Monday in July. Mr. Dan Hudson spent last Saturday in Newaan. He rc * ports a most successful trip, aud Wl11 leave very S00U ^ acce P t a P ositiou 1,1 thatcit {’ We to lum our best wishes. Grand marriage in town Thurs *o , g iven to a Week . ly reporter. Oakes . y hortierau assav v. uh <.* young gin, much brighter in color than himself, and the twain were made one. On last Monday afternoon fire young men rode from Covington to Conyers, a distance of ten miles, on bicycles in little less than an hour. They cooled oil at Dr. Lee’s soda fount, and re¬ turned. Hale & Sigman handle the Story & Clark organ, bright and new, and the low nriccs at which they sell is what brings the lies and howls from the opposition. If you want an organ, and want it at fair honest prices, call and see us. . i There seems to be a want of zeal, and absence of interest in religion in these Royal Germa teur preachers.” said a gentle¬ man the other day. The hearers made no reply, thus implying that they agreed with the spokes man. Quito a number of our citizens with several from the county went to Charleston on last Sat¬ urday night, and returned Tues¬ day morning. This was a great excursion. Many people from all along the line went, and had a pleasant time. Last Thursday the Middle Ga. excursion passed Conyers going to Atlanta. We saw the famil¬ iar faces of many friends, and had short chats with several. They had a pleasant time. Familiar faces bring t > me Each a happy memory— My thoughts bold in sweet slavery, I live again the past. Mr. Gus Sigman, of Atlanta, arrived last Monday with the corpse of his little babe. It was taken to Bethany burial ground in Sheffield district, and laid away. We sympathize with the grief stricken parents, especially the mother, from whoso bofeom the rosebud lias been so ruthless¬ ly plucked. New lot of hats just received at G. W. & A. P. Cain’s. Latest styles and low prices. Tiie County lews. OAK GROVE DOTS. Oak Grove Sabbath school is going to have picnic July 25th. Place not yet decided on. The O. G. L. society met on last. Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Rosanah Plunkett. It proved to be one of have the most pleasant meetitg we ever had. Mrs. M. C. Benny, of Atlanta, visited her mother, Mrs. Matilda White, last Sunday- Her son, Mr. Gluts. Thompson was with her. Miss Kate Allen, of Covington, vifited in our community last week, guest of her cousin, Miss Maud Allen. Mr. Otto Ciotfelter, of Smyrna, spent last Sunday with friends in our community. Little Miss Odessa Love, of Atlanta, is guest of Miss Maud Tread well this week. Prof. Ciotfelter left Monday for Cumberland Island, where he intends spending severaldays. The school at Oak Grove be¬ gins Monday, July 8th. ERMYNTRUDE. veal’s store siftings. We are having some of the most refreshing showers which we needed so very badly. Crops are better, I think, than I ever saw them, considering the lateness of the spring. Mr. Henry Swann and lovely sister, of Smyrna, visited Miss Aurie Mae Piper Sunday. Miss Lula Estes visited Miss Fannie Kinuett Sunday. There was a singing at Zion church last Sunday evening, practicing for the 4th of July. The prospect 1* for a good and ea- joy able lime oil me 4 th at (Jura is more nattering than ever be¬ fore Hope everybody will come. Mr. Jas. T. Stanseli lectured the Sunday school at Liberty Chapel Sunday afternoon. PATRICK . LORRAINE LOCALS. We are having plenty of rain, and the com is growing finely. The fanners are busy harvest¬ ing their wheat. The yield on gray land will be good this year. Mrs. Will Almand, of Atlanta, is visiting her father, Mr. J. B. Simmons at Knot, Ga. Mrs. B F. Cook, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives in this coun ty. Some of our young people tended an all day singing Elmwood, in Henry county, Sunday. They report having a nice time. Shady Grove is to have an all day singing next Sunday, led by Prof. Jno. Graden, of Atlanta. Everybody is invited to come, and bring well filled baskets. A big time is expected. Misses Nora and Genie Sim¬ mons, the accomplished daugh¬ ters of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sim¬ mons, were in your city last Sat¬ urday. The Sabbath school at Union is very largely attended. Come out, hear good singing and be benefitted by the services. Mr. Oscar Ragsdale, of Henry county, was in our community last Sunday. Well, the chickens are getting large enough for big meetings to begin. Don’t you think so ? Children’s day at Mt. Zion in Henry county next Sunday. Quite a number of our young people expect to attend. They will have a spread dinner. | We thank the writer for giving us the news from Lorraine, and hope she will continue to do so. We want a good correspondent in every district in the county.— Editor.] SMYRNA NEWS NOTES. Plenty rain. Crops are doing well. Plums and blackberries are plentiful. Mrs. J. M. Left wick is still very ill. The school at Smyrna will be¬ gin July 1st. Let all who can take advantage of this session. We are glad to state that Mr. D. T. Ciotfelter is improving af¬ ter a month’s sickness. Bobbie Hollingsworth and his sister, Alias Haden, visited friends in Newton comity re cently. Misses Orrie and Ethel Hol lingsworth, of Atlanta, are vis iting relatives iu this communi ty. Our Sunday school Ims ap¬ pointed delegates to assist iu perfecting arrangements for the county Sunday celeoralion. OR. W. H. LEE 9! ! . SUCCESSOR TO Dr, W, H. Lee ^ Son I -DEALER IN Dtl Jfl m trarzj Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils. - Mi —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books, Fishing Tackle, Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Etc., Etc. ......ICE COLD SODA WATER. LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, Ac. ^r-PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED,*^ DR. W. H. LEE. The stores will be close I on July 4th.. A e hope, that a suitable tune, place and program will be ar¬ ranged, and that every school in the county will prepare good music, arrange for speaking and work -ogether for a grand occa sion. i. c. u. - •c U ZZI i 'i T Dpi It seems impossible, hut that’s what Sum¬ mers & Hudson have done. They have Reduced Prices oil DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES & HATS, :o: This genuine push¬ ing-out sale must bring quick trade during the coining month. Sunders & Hudson Can supply your needs. Will trill bi.l bugs, roaches, un 1 s, moths, mosquitos and lieetVs ; iu fa ;t, every con¬ ceivable kind of vmmin which infests human babita tion, if not the money ie re¬ funded. Try it! litate & Stewart.