Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 06, 1895, Image 2

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rnNVFR^ U-J1N I WFFlfl VY LLIVL V OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY.: J. I!. & J. II. Kkkhb. Al'VKHTISIMi HATKH 3 mo. <5 mo. 12 mo yi .VY ' 0. 0 1 li»tl l *i.oo f 2 •* • 1.0 • 7 >0 I in 00 4 7. 12 00 20. OP i 4 ' column 10 . 0 ) lfl .00 25.00 i <• IS.Ot on.OO ! I’fl.oo 1 a on r>o in 1 100 00 LcichIh fl cenfs fier line for rir-t, inser tin I; 2'4 cents for each -nils* queol, in •.•rtioii Itcgulnr ftov 5 ic | c■ inch fur first insertinu; 25 tor each *ub«f|uerit inserdoo. fslIKSURimoN UATU-H One re r, in alliance ............... *:.'0 Six inooiii in «d‘ Hni e............. .off , r— Kulcud l, I lie pin-lt-ittci- a' 0*>t,vcr„ »* second-cl* 88 imiil in*,t cr Sail'HI) vY, Jit.y t), JH'.io. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. As the business season is fast approaching we wish to say a word to advertiser?—to the bus¬ iness men of Conyers. During several years in the newspaper business we have observed that those who do the mo6t adver¬ tising are the ones who make the most money. There are but few exceptions. Where men do model ately well without it. it is evident they would have done better with it. Ten years ago a drug clerk on small salary organized a firm with $3,000 paid in. This year the firm’s profits are $754),000 divided among the stockholders. That clerk is now a New York millionaire. He says, “Without newspaper advertising I might have made a living, but it Mas advertising that made me lich. Another firm began by $10,000 That firm s busi¬ ness has so increased that $1, 000,000 will be expended this year for advertising. Dougher t,y, cf Atlanta, was at one time one of the most extensive ad¬ vertisers in the btate, but he ?topped advertising, and about a year after he went out of the newspapers he went out of bur- iness. Scores of likoillustrations could be given, showing the great profits which come from advertising* Try it. Now, or by the first ol August is t-« time to coni¬ Ineuce fer I lie fall trade. Let us have your “ads,’ thus helping j ourselves and us. These blfuldei -w !k oleil bicy¬ cles arc diabolical devices of the Demon of nark ness, They are contrivances to I rap the feet of the unwary, and skin the nose of the innocent, They are full of and deceit. When you think you have broken one to rid*' and subdued it s wild and Sa¬ tanic nature, behold it bucketh yon off in the road and teareth a great hole in your pants! Look not upon the bicycle when it blowerh up its wheels, for it I ucketh like a broncho and hurt «th you like thunder 1 Who hall I skinned legs % f Who hath a bloody nose ? Who hath ripped breeches ? They that dally along with a diabolical bicycle.—Ma rietta Journal. Should Georgia evei adopt a new constitution, and she oue the office of Governor should be created. Hot). L. L. Middiebrook, of New ton, has more than once called the attention of the legislature and the people to very ques tion, for in the ®'®“ ° death of the o lint w t he present p au ,> i ( j onl of the Senate as^ - t)ie q u _ office foi 60 days, . a ties of the forced the special election is on people and an extra meeting ot the legislature has to be called to count the vote and declare the result. There are several other reasons, unnecessary to mention why Georgia should have a lieutenant Governor.— V’oviugton Enterprise. We call attention to the no tice for meeting of the silver men of the county to meet at the court house 011 next Satur¬ day, for the purpose of electing deb gates 1 o life silver convni tion at Griffin, Ga , on the 18th, met. If- is desired that every¬ body favorable to the objects in view will come to the meeting on the 13th. Bradstreet says that the free silver interests are waning in Life South and ot ti'ral West GEOffifl tSii OTHER IMS. xlIK FPICIICST OF IT IK SPICY GKOUOIA >KWH, AM) ITK.MS OF JNTJ5K UsT Flloil Oil I LB STATES. Dr. Wang Gum Sing, a doc¬ tor from China, has opened a drug store in Atlanta, He will sell herbs and roots. Gen. P. M. B. Young, U. S. Minister to Guatemala, is at home on a vacation. Jle was in Atlanta Tuesday last. The Fruit Carnival is now in progress at Macon, It is a dis play of the best and finest fruit ever exhibited in Georgia. Valdosta, Ga., was visited by a cyclone Thursday and .much damage to property was done. No personal injury nor loss of life is reported. It now appears that Dr. Hop¬ kins, w ho resigned the presiden¬ cy of the Technological school, lias reconsidered the matter and will remain. Judge Hart has sentenced Myers to hang on 2d of August. This will hardly he done, as a motion for a new trial has been made by Myers’ counsel. J. B. Curti ’, of Maine, has a pasture iu Nebraska eight miles long and five miles wide, It is fenced in. How many yards of w ire or rails did it take to fence the field ? 'Hie remains of the lamented Hon. It. W. Pattejson, who was Main last week at Enid, Oklaho ma bv liie marshal of that city, were buried in Macon, his old home, on last Sunday. The Georgia editors are hav¬ ing a grand old time traveling through the northern section of (lie United States and portions' of Canada. They are treated royally wherever they go. The teachers of Georgia had an enjoyable and profitable liter ■ting at Cumberland, l’rof. ). S. Stewart, superintendent of the Marietta public schools, was elected the new president. A Mias Wilkinson, of Rich mond, \ a., sboti liorself iu the Presbyterian church during ser vices. lt. was a tragedy which stars led the congregation. Un¬ requitten love was the cause. Rheims, France, the cater- , At pillars that fell on the railway stopped the trains, the wheels becoming too pasty and slippery for the wheels to adhere until cinders were thrown on them Miss Daisy Green, of Albany, Ga, is dead from the effects of the cite of some poisonous iu which occurred about a week ago while she was sleep ing. The bite produced blood poison. p r Buchanan, Ihe wife ,j erer wap electrocuted at Sing Sing prison, New York, the oth er day. The application of elec tricity by uieaus of batteries pro¬ duces instant and apparently ^y death, A strong move is being made in Macou to abolish every bar room iu that city.- The citizens will do all iu their power to Huenee public opinion to favor the anti-barroom bill which will be a feature in tbe next legisla lute. Chattanooga had a big thing on hand last week-the enter tabling of the Epworth League. It is estimated that there were 10,000 people in attendance. Next year tliat hospitable city will entertain the great Soutli ertt Baptist convention. The preachers of all life de¬ nominations, of Atlanta, have determined to make a crusade against Sunday concerts. As there is no law against these sa¬ cred amusements the ministers propose to mold public opinion mo as to secure the desired end. Mrs. Nobles, of Twiggs couu ty, admits that she gave ten dol¬ lars to the negio who killed her husband. Mrs. Nobles, the negro man, and cook with two other negroes will he tried for the murder of Mt. Nobles. The judge holds a {special term of the court to try these cases. The troubles in Spain contin¬ ue uncertain. One day the rebels are successful, and the reports favor the independence of Cuba ; the next telegrams say that Spain will surely suppress the rebellion. At all events the signs are that the war will con¬ tinue for an indefinite time. It will be long, bloody and expen¬ sive. WOMEN WHO SUFFER With Any Form of Female Com¬ plaint Should Read What Dr. Hartman Says. It would be impossible to pre¬ sent an exhaustive array of the symptoms caused by these trou¬ bles, for their name is legion; but prominent among them are to be mentioned smai ting, throb¬ bing, scalding, beating, burning, quivering, aching, trembling, bloating, Hashes of heat, trem¬ ors or cold, prickly sensations, sinking feelings, faintness, numbness, indescribable punc turing, piercing pains flying from part to part with provok mg uncertainty, mocking the victim with momeutar v lelief, to begin its tortures elsewhere. No two cases are exactly alike in number or severity of sytup toms, some being only slightly autu nod, others being actually confineu to the bed. III all of these perverted func¬ tions of the female organs take a tablespoonful of Pe-ru-na be¬ fore each meal and between meals, and enough Man-a lin at bed time to keep the bowels con tinually in a natural condition. Vaginal injections of hot water should he taken three times day. Book on female diseases sent free by the Pe-ru-na Drug Man¬ ufacturing Company, of Colum bus, Ohio. For free book on cancer ad (ll>ea8 ^ Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. A PLA'N STA TEMENT. Nkw Market, Minn.—‘‘S immons Liv cr Keiulntor cured me of Liver Com plaintand Palpitation of the Heart 1 used iiihuv other remedies, hut with no relief, until I began taking S. L. K. — Wm Schultz Your druggist sells it in bowder or liquid; the powder to be takeo dry or made into a tea. ) | All I We Offer You a REMEDY IN5URH5 Which Safety ITIU I HCIiOi of Life to Moth¬ C er nnd Child* { ^ MOTHERS’ ) ^ FRIEND” 5 Rjbs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk. ? Me wife "BOTHERS* FRIEND'* be¬ fore birih of Hue first child, she Old uot suffer from PAINS— was quickly relieved at the critical hour suffering but littie—site h.Ml no pjilns -Afterward ami her recovery was rapid. Kufauia, # Ala. i _ jfi. JK. JoimsTON. Sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of r/eT 0 " J,ol>k " T ° mi 4 n»iKi.i) imm.ATou <<».,AU»U, <■». SOLD B* ALL DRUGGISTS. c DEATH OF JUDGE SEAMANS. At&30 o . c , ock WednegJay eveDi ng jjtst j U( ] ge o. Seamans, ordinary of Korkda e county, died suddenly of pa¬ i»I . ai-i at the Lavwin Hovs*'. ne W»A in his usual health, and attendel the regular routine of hit oltiiial bu-ine 8 » through the day. Soon a 1 er gettini! home he bathed hi-. face an I bauds ; nd w s was dug hi- teeth whin rhe stroke c one. lie fell unconscious, \va- place i on a bed and expired in a few moment-. Uia icim n-* were huvieii on TUundav evening ir< iu the Baptist church wIipp toe funeral servic s were lo Id 'i h .Masonic fraiernity, of which lie was a honored nie.inl er, buried him wit'i the usual ci remonios. The members ed iu Uie lodge, marched to the r si dctice, and coiidu ted to ih« churctt, where, afier ih ■ u*ud pre iminary ex cr .ises, Lev, 11. F. Huchai an, Lr (piigg and Kev. B. l>. Kagsda e mad* appropriate arid touching leu arks up O » the life of the deceased. Bro. Buc¬ hanan read a short sketch of his life He was born in Halifax county, Virgin¬ ia, in Oct., 1811. 11 i„ father and m- tti cr both died when he was not yet seven months old. Hi^grand mother in South Carolina raised h'm, and she died i:> 1831 leaving the grandson alone at the , age of 17 . Having pluck and ambition he went to school a short while, worked and went to school again. When he ar¬ rived at the age of 22 years lie volun¬ teered in the service of his country,and served in the Seminole war, 18.56. ile taught school during different periods of liis youth, aftir his return from the war. In 1311, Newberry district. S. U'., he. married Aliss Annie T. lfaveuior , -ettled and studied survej ing, which he followed uniil he with his wife came to Conyers in 1853. In 1354 he was elect ed surveyor of Newton county (Con¬ yers then being in Newton) which of tice he held until 1371, when the county of Kockdale was made by an act of the legislature. In 1871 he was elected or¬ dinary of Kockdale, but did not till the office, the former officer holding com mission until’75. At this time Judge Seamans was emoted again to the office which he held till his death last Wedues day evening, a period of over twenty yea is. lu 1331, while in 8. C., he uni ted with the Baptist church, and was an acceptable member during tbi-se 61 years. For Ci years a member of the church, and for all this time living in happy w edded life with the chosen com¬ panion of liis youth. V AVNjfl J? L *• l A m I* ' N * It i t.i JUDGE OBEDtAH SEAMANS. Alter Hie remarks of Bro. B ichanan Dr. Quigg followed, not having ti ne to cake his lemarks lengthy, lie would, however, stop long enough io place a flower upon the bier. He had known Judge Seamans many years; two char ienristlcs stood out boldly in h’s life— that of firmm ss and charily, both of which go to make up a Irue manhood, elements found always in the noble and the great. ltev. B. D. Ragsdale closed . In Bro. Seamans lie found two other elements of character, not mentioned before— that of devotion to religious tenet 8 , and humility of heart. lie believed in sal¬ vation by faith, and “tha’ not of your¬ selves,’’ He had often exhibited hu militj, both in conduct, amt expression from the lips. The services, though somewhat lengthy, were interesting and profltab’e to the large audience in attendance, the business houses having all been closed that all might honor him who had lived so long and so well in Conyers At the conclusion the body was turned over to the Masonic brethren, who took charge and marched to the cemetery where the burial ritual of that ancient order, pay¬ ing the last tribute to a deceased broth¬ er, was performed. Dust to dust, ashes the to ashes, the sprig of the acasia, funeral dirge, the Tilling of the grave, and all was over. There he rests. In concluding this article we wish to ad t our tribute ffi his memory. We had known him but a few months, and yet we were at first impressed with his ur¬ bane manners, bis kindness and h's smoothness of temper. Towards us he always showed that politeness and kiud □ess which can come only from a gen¬ erous heart and Christian gentleman. LUMBER FOR SALE. Parties can buy lumber of all sorts oa shmt notice from us at the iowest prices. Mills located 2^ miles South of Conyers m30 3m. Goode & Heir There can be no election for ordinary J until all the qualified voters register. What Is mi m m m m “ i m ... H K 00 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cores constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tlio food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas¬ toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. “Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil¬ dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good efieet upon their children.” Dr. G. ,C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. “ Castoria is the best remedy for children of which \ am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.” Dr. J. F. IClnchkloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. X : : John h[. iHn^nd, Banl^sis Gonyeus , Q - a . Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accommndations, consistent with safe banking, extender. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KIN0S 20,000 Last Year. Sold PEERLESS UghlRunnlnf and Noiselni ABSOLUTELY THE BEST i The Result of 20 Years of Sewing Machine Building, HIGHEST FINISH. LOWEST PRICE. tit I tmm*. % l automatic Attachments bobbin winder consist of—. irvk •ELF-THREADINS 1 TUCKER, » SHUTTLES. 1 RUFFLER. i u 4 HEMMERI, 1 BINDER, *r 1 BRAIDER, V/e GUARANTEE I THREAD CUTTER. MACHINES 10 Tetri, in writing. With Walnut or Antique Oak Woodwork, in eight style®, GflTISFHGTIOH GUARANTEED, shipped on 30 days approve RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. Write for Catalogue. Chicago Sewing Machine co. LAKE AND HALSTED AND FULTON STS. Chicago, $ 1800.00 OIVEN AWAV TO INVENTORS * plies $ through every month for the given meritorious away to any one who during ap¬ us most patent the month preceding. clients, tVe secure the best patents for ottr and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INV ENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the without “car-window" breaking which the can be easily slid back, tip and “sauce-pan," down “collar-button“nut-lock," passenger’s “bottle stopper," and a thousand other little things that most any cne can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive Special notice m the “ National Recorder," published published at Washington, in America D. C., which is the nest newspaper in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’s sub¬ scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wans our $150 “National prize, and Recorder," hundreds of containing thousands of copies of the a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufactures, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN VVEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. ry ** Ke/irtnct—editor firnfklti, c/thisfap'r. FREE* Write/ernr jo-f*£e Castoria, “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. D., iii So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “Our physicians in the children’s depart meut have spoken highly of their experi¬ ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we arc free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.” United Hospital and Dispensary, Allen C. Smith, Pres. Boston, Mass. SAW MILLS. $160 TO $ 900 . ENGINES &B 0 ILERS -p 1 0 • j. 100 in stock. Large . > stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMB \RD & CO., AUGUSTA,GA ;‘<by ib%W the, y a to 5«.i5e Yoi/r H?pbe \A/l)eo -fei be tetpovble-d Wit/) ° Hf rP T| r)40tj|[ ~ 1