Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 06, 1895, Image 4

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IN MEMORY OF MARTHA WOOD. Mrs. Martha Wood was born in Jackson county, Ga., Lent. 13, I«33, and died at her borne near Cony ers, Rockdale county, Ga., January 27, 1895. Her maiden name was Hunt-r. She was united in marriage to Rev. Leslb* Allen Wood on August 24, 1854. Of this union was born six children, four sons and two daughteis, all of whom sui vive. Hhe was converted and joined the Baptist church at Lawreuceville, Gwinnett conn ty, Georgia, in the year 1853 Since that time she has led a true Christian life, never fa 1 1 ing in any duty which she could perform for the cause of the Lord. She united herself by ter with Salem church August, 18(58, where her membership re¬ mained till her death. Her hus hand took his flight to his re¬ ward in the faiier land, October 21, 18(58, but she w ithstood this trial, and was faithful to the re¬ sponsibilities of rearing her chil¬ dren like the true Christian wo¬ man that she was. She was most devoted to her children, and spent her life in trying to rear them in the ways of right¬ eousness and truth, and her la¬ bors and prayers have not been bestowed in vain,for all her chil¬ dren, save one, have beconn members of the church, and all are leading lives of piety and truthfulness, following onward in the toot prints of their moth¬ er towards the peaily gates into which she has passed. About two years ago her life began to wane; her Christian experience grow sweeter ; hei failh stronger, and her Hopes grew blighter. Fora longtime before her death her suffering was intense. For moio than eight mouths the lights in hei home were never extinguished at night. Her life was real practical and spiritual It is sublime to live as she lived. She ■was adequate to the responsibil ities oflife ; for her death had im terrors. A/ter death she is ■w ji.h the Lord forever. We shall Imr among the children of Light in the city of God. While we all deeply deplete the death of Sister Wood, let strive to emulate the many vir¬ tues that shine out so conspicu¬ ously in her character, and U pet pel nate the principles to v hid) the memory of her life j ointeas an abiding inspiration. Resolved, 1. That a copy ot this tiilmteof respect he furnish¬ ed the family of the deceased. Resolved, 2. That the county papeis be requested to publish, and 'hat. they be spread on the chuieli book. J. V. Sammons. Isa. c Eubanks, R. F. Fanner, J. M. Day, T, N. Skelton, com¬ mittee. Adopted by Salem Baptist church in conference June 22, 1895. M. H. Westlev, Moderator proteni. T. X. Skelton, G. C. IN MEMORY OF MAUY SiGMAN. We, the committee appointed tc write a tribute of respect in memoiy of Mary Sigraan, de¬ ceased, submit the following : Sister Sigman, the subject of this sketch, was horn Fell. 15th, 1827, and died at lier , , ... \\ sou s, m. Si gm a us, at Mulberry, Ga. , ou March 20th., 189.). She bale m u.m'ie Baptise rihinvh D bv exoer- -P . ience Julv 245th. 1845. 1 hus “ one of r our oldest nit mbtis has f alien asleep ' in Jesus. She was a Consistent member with us, be ing in her place around the camp ■whenever she could. O, how we shall miss her! But should not weep for her as for O ic who had no hope, for we vel she is with her blessed Lord. She leaves several children and grand children to mourn her loss, but we say to them'.Veep not; your mother and grand mother is not dead, but etli. > f in .Jean? — b*es<otl uletfp, Kr**f»i vehith n noG\or wake lu wtej>. Therefore be it resolved, 1st. 'I hat Salem church ha not only lost one of irs oldest members, but one of its best members. 2nd. That the church ho.ebv extends to the bere.-.ved its most sincere and Du-vent . s\ m athv, pointing to them the faCt that their ."/id loss is hei gain. 3rd. That a copy of those res¬ olutions he furnished the family. , " 11 * 1 * 10 c>ul,!lt v papers 1)0 l'C’ - T 1,1 pohlish tm-m. 4th. That a copy of these res °^ ut, * ons * >e s h rea d upon the church book. Isaac Eubanks, ■}. M. Day, J. V. Sammons, K. F. Farmer, T. X. Skelton, com¬ mittee. Adopted by (lie church in con¬ ference June 22, 1895. M. H. Westj.ey, Mod. protein. T\ N. Skelton, C. G. Children Cryfoi Pitcher’s Castoria. LUMBER FOR SALE. Parties can buy lumber of all son h on eliojt notice from us st the owest prices, Mills located 2} miles South of Conyers. in30 3m. Goode & IJ v i'F | I?.' & V !■ :! m I £v.iia zi&Ss i* lb f pf ■p M iMfcm A . ■:,£ ' m m ? -;vl ... gSf m m ' m m % \v K m Us •m H i <■> A m Convulsions for 19 Years! Cured By Dr. Miles’ Nervine! Convulsions have bafllcd the medical world since the time of the Hippo¬ crates until within the last few years, when Dr. Franklin Miles discovered his Restorative Nervine. This remedy is^hc king of all medicines for the herves. It soothes, quiets and restores. It has cured thousands of cases of convulsions, epilepsy, spasms, fits, St Vitus dance, ects. Mr. ffm. Hearkless of Kennard, Ind., whose portrait we give above says: “I want to express my gratitude for the miraculous benefit I have received from the use of your Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. I had been affleted with epilepsy Nervine nineteen years in very severe recommended form. An acquaintance, who 1 had used with excellent results, it to me, and purchased a bottle, beginning the only one I have used so far. Its effect lias been wonderful, as, since its use, I have bad but two spells, and those were so light my wife scarcely knew that I had them at all. 1 shall continue the Nervine until completely gratification cured. My general health is now excellent, and 1 sleep well. My over my now assured cine is so great that I can scarcely find words to express it. If my statement can do humanity any good I am mo - A than pleased to give it.” From Forty Spasms a Day to Complete Freedom From Them. Mrs. .T. Gardner, of Vistula, Ind., wrote six years ago: “For eight years I was subject to spasms. Some days I would have 40 to 50 spasms and would remain unconscious for hours and my joints would become stiff. I was long subject to severe headaches, dizziness, backache and palpitation of the heart, and was unfitted for work for many years. After taking one bottle of Dr. Miles’ Nervine a while ago, I was entirely cured of my spasms and greatly im proved in all other respects. This was after having been treated by eight physicians )une 3d 18<J3: without any benefit,.” The same lady writes from Goshen, Ind., ’ > " J havc not > hild a s Pasm since being cured five years ago.” Dr. Miles’ Nervine is not a chance discovery, but the result of 20 years study and careful investigation. It is the marvel of the age, and the Dr. Miles Medical Co. will cheerfully give $10,000 for a better formula. It is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee that the firs; bottle will benefit you. Should it not you may return it and obtain your money. This allows you to give it a fair trial without any risk. This proves our confidence in the medi G n .°.- This prove that it is made to cun- and not alone for the profit there is in it. fins pro;es the merit of the remedy, if it was an ordinary medicine this unparalleled offer could not be made. Remember, Dr. Miles* Nervine is sold on a Positive Guarantee! A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are sofne of the results of the.use of Tutt’s Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head¬ ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver all kindred diseases. g U"tt’S LSVCI* RlSSS M WHEAT. The Rockd/ile Mills Co. on Yellow River are prepared to grind you new wheat in first class style. Guaranteed satisfac¬ tion and 40 pounds to the bush¬ el. Give us a trial. G-22-4t. D. M. Ai.mand, Manager. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. a GOOD RECOMMENDATION La Fayette, Ind.—“A Mrs. Jag. Fay, living near this city, claim* to have been cured by the me of Sim¬ mons Liver Rogu’ator after five or six of the best physicians had pro¬ nounced the case hopeless.”—Albert A. Wells. Tour druggist sells it in powder or liq '.id ; the powder to be token dry, or made into a tea YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. jyr. J, JBT. Watts, druggist and physi¬ cian, Humboldt, Nub., who suffered with heart disease for four years, trying every remedy and .all treatments known to him¬ self and fellow-practitioners; believes that heart disease is curable. He writes: “I wish to tell what your valuable medi¬ cine has done for me. For four years I had heart disease of the very worst kind. Sev¬ eral physicians I consulted, said it was Rheumatism of the Heart. It was almost un¬ endurable; with shortness of I; breath, palpita¬ tions, severe pains, unable to j sleep, especially ■ the left side. on Xo pen can de¬ scribe my suffer¬ ings, particularly ■during the last “months of those four weary years. DR. J. H. WATrS, I finally tried Lr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and was surprised at the result. It put new life into and made, a new man of me. 1 have not had a symptom of trouble since and lam satisfied your medicine has cured me for I have now enjoyed, since taking it Three Years of Splendid Health. I might add that I am a druggist and have sold and recommended your Heart Cure, for I know what it has done lor me and only wish I could stato more clearly my suffer¬ ing then and the good health I now enjoy. Your Nervine and other remedies also give excellent satisfaction.” J. n. Watts. Humboldt, Neb., May 9, ’94. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it at 81. 6 bottles for $5, or it by will the be Dr. sent, Miles prepaid, Medical on Co.. receipt Elkhart, of price Ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health *$1.05. A. ; Days for this paper and tlie twiee-a-week New York World for one year. This is a most liberal offer, and you should take advantage ot it before it is too late. This paper comes once a week, the World comes twice a week; you get three papers each week for one year for only -*"•*$ 1.05 CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor, A G McCalla. Mayor pro tern, J. R. Irwin. Obrk, George F. Tilley. Treasurer, J. C. Stepemoi. Chief t’olice, IT H. 31. Austin. Marshal, E A- Harper. Street Overseer, W. B Smith. GOUNC ILMEN. J P. Ti ley, M C. Summers, J ft. Irwin, J 'V. Jones, L. J. Al maud, J S. Johnson. STANDING COMMITTEES: Streei: L. J. Ahnand, J. Ii. Irwin Finance: J F. Tilley, J W. Junes Sanitary: J. 3 Johnson, M C. Summers. School: J. R- Irwin, L. J. Almand Charter em: J. W Jones, J. It. Irwin- 130 AR DOF HEALTH. Dr J A. Guinn, J. P. Til ey. J. S. Johnson. County Diretory. ;;; Ordinary, O. Seamams. Clerk, W. T. Huson. Sheriff, W. H. M. Austin. Treasurer, Johu E Whitaker. Tax Collector, E F. Cook, Tax Receiver, R. L. Hudson, Surveyor, It- A. Guinu. Coroner, L. T. Fan-ill. Ordinaries Court first Monday in each month Superior Courts first and second VI on day s in April and October. JUSTICE COURTS Town, 4ih‘Monday, each moniL Sheffield, 1st Saturday each mout h Honey Creek. 2nd J'aturdnv, each month Lorraine, 3rd Saturday, each month. Church Directory Primitive Baptist: J. F. Almand, pastor. Preaching second Saturday and Sunday. Baptist: B. D. Ragsdale, pastor. Preaching 1st and 3rd S-uurdays and Sundays. Saturday before the 1st Sunday- conference day. Sunday School 9:15 a. m. D. M. Almand, Sup). Methodist: Dr. J. W. QniUian, pastor. Preaching every Sujadav. -uudav School 9:45 am. H. Y McCord, Supt. Prsbyterlvn: Rev. L. G. Henderson pastor. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. T. D. O’Kelley, Supt. ii C 2 ALMOST FLY. !: i Dieting V. >=•' li T. r l wopt I - - *> k m THAT PLATE Cure m 0(^P^ MEANS I"*! you '■W / j ® S Neither will medicine. VSI * Bicycling will. ka,\ J & i All you need is to get outdoors and let the tonic of rapid motion put new blood into your veins and tissues. Buy a. ■7? .99 r£ -i Best • • • ^olurpbia Bicycles -—-$100 4 $80, $60. Or a HARTFORD - 4 Boys’ or Girl?’ Hartford?—$50. 4 4 G?t a v "2 Colunjbia BRANCH STORM, ■"S Catalogue Boston ■*§ /Sew Yorq Free at any Col- Chicago ■«§ umbia agency; ■Ay-! San Providence Francisco by mail for two Buffalo ^ 2-cent stamps. I DO YOU RIDE A VICTOR ? c * 2 ‘T* The grandest outdoor sport h cycling; the best bicycle is a 'Vi:(cr, tade in the largest and finest bicycle plant in the world. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. BOSTON. MEW YORK. CHintCS PETROIT. DENVCFt, Pacific COasT. *AN FRANCISCO. i.cs Angeles. V MIDDLE GA. & ATLANTIC R. 11. o Effective Jan. 2nd, 11. A. M. , 1895. £®-kf;ad down. £3grRUAI> ur. No. 101. X<» 104 ^l!K STATIONS, I No. 102 N’>. 1i'4 A. P. M. ' P. M. P. M. . 1 15 I.v. Milleclgeville, Ar. | 7 50 ' 00 1 “ Eiitonton .June. “ 7 45 12 n> Si ii Meriwether. “ I 7 20 12 32 V \{. SSSSSSfeSgS '3 “ Dennis <t «J-(I 1215 '21| Ar. Eaton toil Lv 11 40 3 to ■ Lv. Katonton Ar. OlCiOC 5 11 45 129 'Willards : 11 15 35 “ A'kentou : 10 55 9 ,39 “ Mai hen t S 10 40 j401 44 ‘‘ “ Kelley Sha’ly Dale ^ - Of iJ* in 10 30 15 4!) “ Brougbtonville “ I 10 00 ] ! 51 “ Newborn < . Of 9 45 70 18 l ; S 154 “ Carmel .June, . ( CT C: JO 25 ■ 8SSS 56 H Iiavston “ , rfk. C5: 10 35 - 159 Starrsvil’e . f 4- ~ 4 rr, 10 50 04 it Covington .June I 10 55 4 ^ 65 Ar. Covington Lv. 4- rfj •Flag Stations. £j@“Conneet with all day trains on Georgia Pai! road £4p^Trains connect at Mieben with Macon & Northern K. K- tor i Madison and Athens. Connect at Milledgeviile with trains for August.* con ond other points South and East, w. B. THOMAS, General Manager. CLARK & CO •9 General Produce GorriFijission Merchants, !kth Ms d fspiilss a Sjuiiji 26 Little 12th St., New York Are beadqu-irters and agents for the Georgia Melon and Vegetable Association. Sliippers of market. fiuits and All vegetables correspondence will do well regarding to correspon^ fm^ 0 us before shipping to our Brins--., ^ etables answered promptly. CsTWe refer to Newton & _ Ford, Ga., J. B. Epperson, Williston, Fla lion. N. A. - Elite!', I , t E. W. Agnew, Banker, Ocala, Fla., II. F. Dutton & Co., Gaiue-' Bradstreefg o r Dun’s agency, N. Y., and our shippers in all sections. ’Correspondence solicited. StencLs and stamps furnished on apt ' - '