Newspaper Page Text
J[iry is fpm m of England. Francis
Sty 3 with Ids uncle, Sir
and his cousin PetronUla, Sir
t,........ Winchester, daughter. pays Gardiner a visit to bisli- Sir
IP o and being a Catholic is dis
ufomy, bi who is at heart a
XU. Ke Franc'*, CIIAPTEK If.-Gardi
,'4 Francis and who informer, his father and is, offers that
a iri'tor man’s fortune if he
tun ike the youmr Francis
Lkgfnr will enter his service as a spy.
time to reply and runs away,
nhmlimr to carve out ids own fortune,
a _!ie is overtaken by Clarence, an
Ut.if Gardiner, telling against them wliom the lie man in¬
tend mob by and
kanrens tang leader, escapes on
Clarence’s lmise and witii bis dispatches
IV-Francis goes to an inn at St. Al
tas, and showing the dispatches is
thought to he a queen’s courier, da¬
Ufa te arrives, and lie escapes with tiie
waiting maid. V. and I f.— He
I Lumen. reaches London and and the renders aid to two in
He women Francis escape
itoat are attacked, and is stun
Lj YlL—They vessel bound are re-cued for Holland. and put
an board a to be the Puch
One of the women proves married
KofSnttdk, wh-> has a man
IniDed Bertie. The Brandon. other is a Bertie kinswo¬ is
man named Anne they
on bear 1 loo. Being ILotestants,
were fleeing from England. Francis
telli item his name is Carey. Y 111.—
They ascend the river Rhine in a boat
m l reach the house of a friend named
LM-Pont. 1N, X and XL C ar e y
nies Dymphna, Landstrom's daughter
I from the violence of a soldier’and kills
the man. They decide to bury the
|Spaniard, but Carey sees a ghost. Van
Tree, Dymphna’s lover, warns them
list they are discovered, -rich and t bv hey boat. flee.
XU,-They reach Emm
The Dutchman’s party go to Sauton,
While Carey, Bertie -tod tiie two women
pit for Wesel on horseback. XIIT.—
They are delayed by Hoods, and the
Sp numb, led by Clarence, come up
with them. Carey disperses ihem. The
livers being flooded, they turn toward
Sauton. Bertie by mistake kills one of
the Swton, town guard.' besieged XIV.—They in the reach
but are gate
bouse by Ihe townsfolk, furious at the
death of a citizen. Linistrom appears
rdgains release for the party, provi¬
ded the man who struck the fatal blow
be given up. To save Bertie, who is
hurt, Carey surrenders. XV and XVL
-Heis tried and condemned to death.
While being le 1 to the scaffold lie is
pirdoned by the Duke of Cleyes, who
opportunely arrives, and Carey’s real
name is found out.
The bitterness of that hour long past,
When ho iiad left me for death, when lie
ta played witii tho human longing for
life and striven without a thought of pity
to corrupt 1110 by hopes and fears tlio most
_Mfnl bice that mortals know, was in my
as I spoke. X rejoiced that vengeance
® como upon him at last, and that I
tasks instrument. I saw the pallor of a
treat feat creep into his dark cheek and
Win his eyes the vicious passion of a
till beast trapped and felt no pity. " Mas
“"Shed Clarence,” I said and laughed—
feed mockingly. “-You do not look
to seo your friends, or perhaps you
J? fester not Bertie! remember Maybe me. he Stand will recognize forward,
b>it though Master Bertie camo forward
W stood by my side, gazing at him, the
Main’s eyes did not for an instant shift
p® *? 1 mino. --it is the man!” my compan
E3 'H after a solemn pause, for the
®«r, breathing fast, made no answer,
do was a spy in the pay of Bishop Gard
? et ' "’hen I knew him. At tho bishop’s
r™ 11 heard that ho passed into tho serv
foof the Spanish embassador, the Count
toria. He called himself at that timo
NjjWoce. iio quiet I words recognizo had him. their ” effect. From
11 one-half of the savago crew round 11 s
eice murmur rose more terrible than
J loud outcry, yet this seemed a relief
doomed man. He forced himself to
w* awa J from me and to confront thedark
3 of menacing faces which hemmed
Hu- Tho moment he did so bo ap
ffW to find courage and words. “They
9 me for another man!” he cried in
ar «i accents. “I know nothing of
B,. a and he added fearful oath. “He
- a
mo. Ask him!”
0 .Pointed to Walter Kingston, who
^sitting and who moodily alone on had a tram not risen outside under the
Wr! te T Ctot my challenge. On being
tjj appealed to he looked up suddenly.
htterte t0 choose Between you,” he said
re I’ "and say which is the true man,
“Wh- V li 1 shail P lck -'’
“Wvu hSM <:iarenc murmured.
m This time bis tone was differ
at V tains ,. voice
rrl waa the ring of hope.
too 8ive my yote for you ’” King '
tan ?, ’ lookin 8 contemptuously at
1 QW * omethingaboutyou buti
otner gentleman I know nothing;”
<W D ?f wucl1 o£ the P crsou y° u call
I 'Jr“' 1 retorted fiercely, “since yon
re, tapping TucK”’‘ the young man
his boot with his scab
carelessness, “that lio
me mo ney ancl eecniCf I » good
aiit one that , hated amass priest,
ifchU, W"w4 Deh y P r for hapS me V As for CaU his ym,rSe namo ' f ’
- °“
tauJ^ to not know I T know a good many heard Careys, of
you, norover
I sn . Bg roMdo with hot cheek,
S Ba» ebaUenge , ' 1 him a
which vras upon my
j,--was a! W anticipated Ly Master Bertie,
te Y Ule forcibly back. “Leave this
he said, “and do you
Master Kingston and
/jpfp ■OWT
c m <>
to them sna caawing MmFou
height as he addressed them, “listen* if
vou please! You know mo, if you do not
know my friend. Tho honor of Richard
Bertio has never been challenged until to
nieht, nor ever will he with impunity,
Leave my friend out of the question and
put me in it. I, Richard Bertie, say that
tliatman is a paid spy and informer, corny
here in quest of blood money, and he,
Crewdson, a nameless man, says that I
lie. Choose between us, or look at him
and judge! Look!”
Ho was right to bid them look. As tho
savage murmur rose again and took from
the wretched man his last hope, as the
ugliness of despair and wicked, impotent
passion distorted his face, ho was indeed
tho most deadly witness against himself.
The lights which shone on treacherous
weapons half hidden or on the glittering
eyes of cruel men whose blood was roused
s it on nothing so dangerous as the livid,
.ospairing face which, unmasked and eyed
by ail with aversion, still defied us. Trai¬
tor and spy as ho was, he had the merit of
courage at least. lie would die game.
And even as I, with a first feeling of pity
for him, discerned this, his sword was
out, and with a cureo ho lunged at me.
Pcnruddocko saved me by a buffet which
sent me reeling against the wall, so that
tho villain’s thrust was spent on air. Be¬
fore he could repeat it four or five men
flung themselves upon him from behind.
For a moment there was a great uproar,
while tho group surrounding him swayed
to and fro as he dragged his captors up
and down with a strength I should not
have expected. But tho end was certain,
and we stood looking on quietly. In a
ininuto or two they had him down, and
disarming him bound his hands.
For me he seemed to have a special hat¬
red. "Curse you,” he panted, glaring at
me as ho lay helpless. "Yon have been
my evil angel! From the first day X saw
you you have thwarted me in ovory plan,
and have brought to this! ■ ’
now you mo
“Not I, but yourself,” I answered.
“My curse upon you!” he cried again,
tho rage and hate in his face so terrible
that I turned away shuddering and sick at
heart. "If I could have killed you,” he
cried, “I would have died contented.”
“Enough!” interposed Pcnruddocko
briskly. “It is well for us that Master
Bertio and his friend came here tonight.
Heaven gr ant it bo not too late! Wo do
not need,” lid added, looking round, “any
mare cvidenco, I think?”
The dissent was loud, and, save for
Kingston, who still sat sulking apart,
“Death?” said tho Cornishman quietly.
No one spoke, but each man gave a
brief, stern nod.
“Very well,” the leader continued;
“then Iproposo”— Master Bortie, in¬
“One moment,” said
terrupting him. “A word with you apart,
with our friends’ permission. You can re¬
peat it to them afterward.”
He drew Sir Thomas aside, and they re¬
tired into the corner by tho door, where
they stood' talking in wbispors. I had
small reason to feel sympathy for the
mau who lay there tied and doomed to dio
like a calf. Yet even I shuddered—yes,
and some of the hardened men round mo
shuddered also at the awful expression in
his eye, as, without moving his head, he
followed the motions of the two by the
door. Some faint hope springing into be¬
ing wrung his soul and brought the per¬
spiration in great drops to his forehead. I
turned away, thinking gravely of the early
morning three years ago when he had tor¬
tured me by the very same hopes and fears
which now racked his own spirit.
Penruddocke came hack, Master Bertie
following him. tonight,” he
“It must nob be done an¬
nounced quietly, witii a nod which meant
that he would explain tho reason after¬
ward. “We will meet again tomorrow at
4 in tho afternoon, instead of at 8 in the
fit &
1 a t m
\ r !.. ;
I \
; /
i 1
“lie must be saved. Do you hear?”
evening. Until then two must remain on
guard with him. It is right I 10 should
have some time to repent, and ho shall
have it.”
This did not at onco find favor.
“Why not run him through now?” said
one bluntly, “andmeet tomorrowat some
place unknown to him? If we como here
again, we shall, likely enough, walk
straight into the trap.” ’
“Well, have it that way, if you please,
answered Sir Thomas, shrugging his
shoulder "But do not blamo me after
ward i£ you find we have let slip a golden
opportU nity. Be fools if you like. I dare
sa y it will not make much difference in
jj.f, en( j! ! ’ knew how
He spoke at random, but he
to d eal with his crew, if seemed, for on
this tboso who had objected assented re¬
luctantiy to the course he proposed,
“Barnes and Walters are here in hiding,
so him,”‘he thcy had better be the two to guard
continued. “There is no fear
they will he inclined to let him go!”
I looked at the men whom the glances of
their fellows s ip g l c d ont and found them
har’tefL^remaike^Mk^stSrnien! fightipg,
worth J if the matter ever came to
aJ1 tb( rcst of tht , bami put together.
"At 4 tomorrow, then, we meet," Sir
, "Then will
Thomas concluded lightly we
deal with him, never fear! Now it is near
midnight, and we must he going, but not
ajt together, or we shall attract attention.
Hall 8a pour later Master Bertio and 1
rode softly out of the courtyard and turned
our faces toward the city. The night wind
sweeping acress tho valley of Lie
Timmcsund met 11 s full in tho face as we
reachcAhu brow of the hill. It seemed The
, adeD with meianeboly whispers.
wretched enterprise, ill conceived, ill or-
'*‘ UCil ^ V c
nonorcomnircreCT, \roc:n
havn accounted of itself for any degree of
forobodlll S- liut Ul ° scpne through which
' vo ” ad jusu passed, MHi on my part tho
knowledge that I had given up a fellow
bei,! S to d « atl >, had their depressing imiu
? leuco. ncl ' s - which f° r u s l I 015,e was distailco ihe first wo to break, r ' ld « in s >
“Why did you put off his punishment!’
I asked.
“Because I think ho will give us in
formation in tho interval,” Bertie an¬
swered brioiiy. “Information which may
help us. A spy is generally ready to bo
tray his own side upon occasion."
“And you will spare him if he does?”
I asked. It seemed to mo neither justice
nor mercy.
“No,” ho said, “there isnofearof that.
Those who go with ropes round their necks
know no mercy. But drowning men will
catch at straws, and ten to ono ho will
I shivered. “It is a bad business,”!
Ho thought I referred to tho conspiracy,
and he Inveighed bitterly against it, re¬
proaching himself for bringing mo into it
and for his folly in believing tiie rosy ac¬
counts of men who had all to win and
nothing save their worthless lives to lose.
“There is only one thing gained, ” ho said.
“Wo are likely .to pay dearly for that, so
we may think tifti more of it. Wo have
been the means of punishing a villain.”
"Yes,” I said, “that is true. It was a
strange meeting and a strange recognition.
Strangest of ail that I should ho called
up to swear with him. ”
“Not strange,” Master Bertio answered
gravely. “I would rather call it provi¬
dential. Lot us think of that and be of
better courage, friend. Wo have been
used; wo shall not bo oast away before our
time. ’ ’
I looked back. For somo minutes I had
thought I heard behind us a light footstep
more like tho pattering of a dog than any¬
thing else. 1 could seo nothing, hut that
was not wonderful, for tho moon was
young and tiie slty overcast. “Do you
hoar some ono following us?” I said.
Master Bortio drew rein Suddenly, and
turning in tho saddle we listened. For a
second I thought I still heard the sound.
Tho next it ceased and only the wind toy¬
ing with tho November leaves and sigh¬
ing away in the distance camo to our cars
“No,” ho said, “I think it must have been
your fancy. I hear nothing. ”
But when we rode on tho sound began
again, though at first more faintly, as if
our follower had learned prudence and
fallen farther behind. “Do not stop, but
listen!” I said softly. “Cannot you hear
the pattering of a naked foot now?”
“I hear something," he answered, “I
am afraid you are right and that wo are
followed. ’'
“What is to he done?” I said, my
thoughts busy.
“There is Caen wood in front," ho an¬
swered, “with a little open ground on
this side of it. We will ride under the
trees and then stop suddenly. Perhaps
we shall be able to distinguish him as ho
crosses the open behind us.” We made
the experiment, but as if our follower had
divined the plan his footstep ceased to
sound before we had stopped our horses.
He had fallen farther behind. “Wo might
ride quickly hack,” I suggested, “and sur¬
prise him.”
“It would be useless,” Bertie answered.
“There is too much cover close to tho road.
Let rather trot on and outstrip him. ”
We did trot on, and what with the
tramp of our horses as they swung along
tiie road and the sharp passage of the
wind by our ears wo heard no more of the
footstep behind. But when wo presently
pulled up to breathe our horses—or rather
within a few minutes of our doing so—
there it was behind us nearer and louder
than before, I shivered as I listened, and
presently, acting on a sudden impulse,
I wheeled my horse round and spurred
him hack a dozen paces along the road
I pulled up.
There was a movement in tho shadow
of the trees on my right, and I leaned for¬
ward, peering in that direction. Gradual¬
ly I made ont the lines of a figure stand¬
ing still, as though gazing at me—a
strange, distorted figure, crooked, short
and in some way, though no lineament of
the faco was visible, expressive of a
strange and weird malevolcnco. It was tho
witch! The witch whom I had seen in
the kitchen at the gatehouse. How, then,
had she come hither? How had she, old,
lame, decrepit, kept up with us?
I trembled as she raised her hand, and
standing otherwise motionless pointed at
51” out of the gloom. The horse unde?
mo was trembling, too—trembling violent¬
ly, with its ears laid back, and as sho
moved its terror increased, it plunged
wildly. I had to give for a moment all
my attention to it, and though I tried in
mere revolt against the fear which I felt
was overcoming me to urge it nearer my
efforts were vain. After nearly unseating
me tho beast whirled round, and getting
tho better of mo galloped down the road
toward London.
“What is it?” pried Master Bertie as I
came speedily up with him. He liad rid¬
den slowly on. “What is the matter?”
“Something in tiie bodge startled it,” I
explained, trying to soothe the horse. “I
oould not clearly sea what it was. ”
“A rabbit, I dare say, ” he remarked,
deceived by my manner.
“Perhaps it was,” I answered. Scope
impulse, not unnatural, led me to say
nothing about what I bad seen. I was
not quite sure that my eyes had not de
ceived me. I feared his ridicule, too,
though he was not very prone to ridicule.
And above all I shrank from explaining
the medley of superstitious fear, distrust
and abhorrence in'which I held the crea
ture who had shown so strange a knowl
edge of my life.
We were already near Molbern, and
reaching without further adventure a
Hipest inn near the Bars we retired to a
100,11 ' % . e had c , n ,” a = c ' and o^onr lay telk'' 4
!V Ye;
s nt well for deo-e«sion goes better
"’‘h^^a fwas auUri
’ fating uD Cariv and down in
to the horses before Lon
d on was well awake. As I entered the
Jnan Ivin „ curIei ] up j„ the straw
, oT(jr ’ and cbiM ]i na lli3 ,. yPS
' ■
^ ^ A rcntlv j )0 recognized
for he HE got slowly to bis feet. “Morn
. |‘ “„ Mal m T
n^de tari misfake a t him, wondering if I
had a
.csy bal BZS rinino here, mv man?” I
said sharply wnen x* r.air j/ra 7* certain r
knew him, and that ho was really tho
surly hostler from tho Gatehouse tavern
at Highgate. “Why did you come here?
Why have you followed us?”
"Como about your business," he an¬
swered. "To giro you that.”
I took tho note ho hold out to mo.
"From whom?” 1 said. “Whosout it by
“Cannot toll, ” ho replied, shaking his
“Cannot or will not?” I retorted.
“Both,” ho said doggedly. “But thcrcl
If you want to know what sort of a kernel
is in a nut, you don’t shako tho tree, mas¬
ter—you crack the nut."
I looked at the noto he had given me.
It was hut a slip of paper folded thrice.
Tho sender had not addressed or sealed or
fastened it in any way, liad taken no care
cither to insure its reaching its destination
or to prevent prying eyes seeing the con¬
tents. If ono of our associates had sent it,
ho had been guilty of tho grossosfceareless
uess. "You are sure it is for me?” I said.
“As sure as mortal can be,” ho an¬
swered. “Only that it was given me for a
man, and not a mouse! You are not
afraid, master?”
I was not, but ho edged away ns he
spoke and looked witii so much alarm at
the scrap of paper that it was abundantly
clear lie was very much afraid himself,
even while he derided mo. 1 saw that if I
had offered to return tho noto ho would
have backed out of tho stable and gono off
there and then as fast as his Iamo foot
would let him. This puzzled mo. How¬
ever, I read the note. There was nothing
in it to frighten me. Yet, as 1 read, tho
color came into my face, for it contained
ono caoio to which I had long been a stran¬
“To Francis Cludde,” it ran. “If you
would not do a thing of which you will
miserably repent all your life, and which
will stain you in tho eyes of all Christian
men, moot mo two hours before noon at
the cross street by St. Botolph’s, where
you first saw Mistress Bertram. And tell
no one. Fail not to come. In heaven’s
name, fail not!”
Tho noto had nothing to do with tho
conspiracy, then, on tho face of it, mys¬
terious ns it was and mysteriously as it
camo. “Look hero!” I said to the man.
“Toll tno who sent it, and I will give you
a crown.”
“I would not tell you, ” he answered
stubbornly, “if you could make mo king
of England! No, nor king of Spain tool
You might rack me, and you would not
get it from me!”
His one eye glowed with so obstinate a
resolve that I gave up the attempt to per
suado and turned to examine the message
itself. But here I fared no better, I did
not know the handwriting, and there was
no peculiarity in tho paper. I was no wis¬
er than Before. “Are you to take hack
any answer?” I said.
"No,” he replied, "the saints be thanked
for the same! But you will bear mo wit¬
ness,” ho wont on anxiously, ‘ that I gavo
you tho letter. You will not forgot that
or say that you liavo not had it? But
there!” ho added to himself as ho turned
away, speaking in a low voice, so that I
barely caught tho sense of tho words,
“what is the use? She will know!”
Sho will knowl It had something to
do with a woman, then, even if a woman
were not the writer. I went in to break¬
fast in two minds about going. I longed
to tell Master Bertio and take his advice,
though tho unknown had enjoined mo not
to do so. But for tlio timo I refrained,
and explaining my absence of mind as
well as X could I presently stole away on
sumo excuse or other and started in good
timo and on foot into tho city. I reached
tho rendezvous a quarter of an hour before
tho time named, and strolling between tho
church and the baker’s shop tried to look
as much liko a chance passerby as I could,
beeping the while a wary lookout for any
who might turn out to bo my correspond¬
Tho morning was cold and gray. A
drizzling rain was falling. The passers
were few, and the appearance of the streets
dirty and, with littered kennels, was
dreary indeed. I found it hard at once to
keep myself warm and to avoid observa¬
tion as I hung about. Ten o’clock had
rung from more than one steeple, and I
was beginning to think myself a fool for
my pains when a woman of middle
height, slender and young in figure, but
wearing a shabby brown cloak, anil wi<h
hor head muffled in a hood, as though she
had the toothache or dreaded tho weather
more than ordinary, turned the corner of
the belfry and made straight toward me.
She drew near and seemed about to pass
me without notice. Rut when abreast of
mo she glanced up suddenly, her eyes the
only features I could see.
“Follow 1110 to tlio church!” sho mur¬
mured gentiy, and she swept on to tho
I obeyed reluctantly—very reluctantly,
my feet seeming liko lead, for I knew wiio
she was. Though I had only seen her eyes,
I had recognized them and guessed already
what he? husipess with me was. Sho led
the way resolutely to a quiet corner. Tho
church was empty and still, with only tiie
scent of incense in tho air to tell of a re¬
cent service. It was no surprise to me
when sho turned abruptly, and removing
her hood looked mo in tho face.
“What have you ilono with him?” sho
panted, laying her hand on my arm.
“Speak! Tell me what you have done
with him?”
The question, the very question I liad
foreseen! Yet I tried to fence with her.
I bald, "With whom?”
“With whom?” sho repeated bitterly,
“You know me! I am not so changed in
three years that you do not recognize me."
“No; I know you,” I said.
There was a hectie flush on her cheeks,
and it seemed to mo that tho dark hair
was thinner on her thin temples than
when I had seen her last, but her eyes
were tbo same.
“Then why ask with whom?” sho cried
passionately. ‘ Wbat have you done with
© man you called Clarence?”
: Done with him?” I said feebly.
: Aye, done with him? Come, speak and
tell me!’’sho repeated in fierce accents,
hand clutching my wrist, her eyes
probing my face with merciless glances.
“Have you killed him? fell me?”
"Killed him, Mistress Anno? I said
sullenly. "No; I liavo not killed him.
" He is a Gve?” she cried.
“For all I know, be is alive.”
m seconds
sure ncrseir r.—r r was -z:::r,g —urn
Then slio heaved a great sigh, her hands
fell from my wrists, tiie color faded out of
her face, aad sho lowered her eyes. I
glanced round with a momentary idea of
escape, I so shrank from that which was
to come. But before I had well enter¬
tained tile notion sho looked up, her face
grown calm.
“Then what liavo you done witii him?"
she asked.
‘‘I have done nothing with him,” I an
,Sho laughed—a mirthless laugh. “Bah,"
sho said, “do not toll me lies! That is
your honor, Isuppose—your honor to your
friends down in tho cellar thoro! Do you
think that I do not know all about thorn?
Shall I give you tho list? Ho is a very
dangerous conspirator, is Sir Thomas Pen
ruddocke, is iio not? And that scented
dandy Master Kingston! Or Master Crewd¬
son—tell me of him! Tell mu of him, I
say!” sho exclaimed, with a sudden return
from irony to a fierco eagerness, a breath¬
less impatience. “Why did ho not come
up last night? What liavo you done with
I shook my head, sick and trembling.
How could I tell her?
“I see,” she said. “You will not tell
mo. But you swear he is yet alive, Mas¬
ter Cluddo? Good. Then you are holding
him for a hostage? is that it?” with a
piercing glance at my face, "or you have
condemned him, hut for somo reason the
sentence has not been executed?” Sim
drew a long, deep breath, for I fear my
faco betrayed me. “That is it, is It? Then
thoro is still time.”
She turned from mo and looked toward
the ond of the aisle, whore n dull rod lamp
hanging beforo the altar glowed feebly in
tho warm, scented air. She soemod so to
turn and so to look in thankfulness ns if
the nows she had learned were good In¬
stead of wiiat it was. “What Is the hour
fixed?” sho asked suddenly.
I shook m v head.
“You will not tell me? Well, it mat¬
ters not,” sheanswered briskly. “Ho must
ho saved. Do you hear? Ho must he saved,
Master Clndde. That is your business."
I shook my head.
“You think it is not?" she said. “Well,
I can show you it is! Listen!”
Sho raised herself on a stop of tho fount
and looked mo harshly ill the face. "If ho
be not given up to mo safe and sound by
sunset this evening, I will betray you all!
All! I have tlio list here,” sho muttered
sternly, touching her bosom. "You, .Mas¬
ter Bertie, Penruddocke, Fleming, liarnes
—all. All! Do you hear? Give him up.
or you shall hang!”
"You would not do It!” I cried aghast,
peering into her burning eyes.
“Would not do it? Fool I" she hissed.
“If all tho world hut ho had one head, I
would out it off to save Ills! He Is my
husband! Do you hear? He Is my hus¬
band—iny all! Do you think I have given
up everything, friends ami honor and
safety, for him to lose him now? No! You
say I would not do it? I)o you know wlmt
I have done? You have n soar there. ”
Sho touched mo lightly on tho breast.
“I did it," she said.
“You?” 1 muttered.
“Yes, I, you blind fooll I did it,” she
answered. “You escaped then, and I was
glad of it, sinoo tho wound answered my
purposo. But you will not escape again.
The cord is surer.”
Something in her last words crossed my
memory and enlightened mo.
"You were tho woman I saw last
night,” I said. “You followed us from
"What matter? What matter?” sho ox
claimed impatiently. "Better bo footsore
than iieartsoro. Will you do now what I
want? Will you answer for his life?”
"I can do nothing without tho others,”
I said.
"But tho others know nothing,” she
answered. They do not know their own
danger. Where will you find them?”
"I shall find them,” I replied resolute¬
ly. “And in anycaso I must consult Mas¬
ter Bertie. Will you como and see him?”
"And lie looked up, too?” sho said stern¬
ly and in u different tone. “No; it is
you must do this, and you must answer
for it, Francis Cludde—you, and no one
else ."
“I can do nothing by myself,” I re¬
"Aye, hut you can—you must!” she re¬
torted, "or heaven’s curse will ho upon
you! You think me mad to say that. Lis¬
ten! Listen, fool! The man whom you
have condemned, whom you liavo left to
die, is not only my husband, wedded to
me these three years, but your fattier—
your father, Ferdinand Cluddo!”
TUhen Daliy was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorfa.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria-_
'jurfSk » _ 1 * %
,, HOT v- Wjf \' x x Winchester --- Repeating
!» Rifles
° Our Model 1893 Shot-Gun is now used
° by all the most advanced trap Shot-Guns
;S £ and shooters. Single Shot-Rifles
e Everything that is Newest and Best in Repeating Arms as well as all o
° kinds of Ammunition are made by the (0 :J 0
WINCHESTER REPEATING ARflS CO., Winchester Ave., New Haven, Conn. °
93 - Send a Postal Card with your addre** for our 11 Z-pagc Illustrated Catalogue. 0
NO. 30
Are you taking Simmons Liver Reg¬
ulator, tho “King of Liver Medi¬
cines?” That is what our readers
want, and nothing but that. It is the
same old friend to which tho old folks
pinned their faith and were never dis¬
appointed. But another good recom¬
mendation for it is, That it is better
than Pills, never gripes, never weak¬
ens, but works in such an easy and
natural way, just like nature itself, that
relief comes quick and suro, and one
feels new all over. It never fails.
Everybody needs take a liver remedy,
and everyone should take only Sim¬
mons Liver Regulator.
He sure you get it. The Red Z
is on the wrapper. ,1. H. Zeilin &
Co., Philadelphia.
The design for tho Official Sou
veilir Medal of the Cotton States
and International ^Exposition
was forwarded to Washington
last week, where themedals will
be minted from tho Government
coin press. The medals will be
made from bronze and will be
the exact size of a silver quarter.
On the face of the medal will bo
a bale of cotton, on which is
perched, with out-stretched
wings, a phoenix. Under the
bale of cotton are shown the
rays of the lire of 1805, with tho
year 1805 printed. Above are
are tiie figures 1895. Around
the edges of the medal are prin¬
ted tiie words “Cotton States
and International Exposition,”
and at tho lower side of the coin
are the words, “Atlanta, Ga., Lf.
S. A., September 18th, Decem¬
ber 31, 1895.” On tho back of
tiie modal will be a vignette of
Henry W. Grady, and around
tho edges will be,“Official Souv¬
enir Medal.” The medal will
be very handsome in design and
will bo coined by the million.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
W. S3 L SNOErl-’RJfSKs. Douglas
m ?4. s 3S? Fine Cal? iKANGMiOft
wm I $ 3.%? POLICE,3 SOLES.
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Over One Million People wear tho
W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
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The^pBceVare Pram $1 to $3 saved unh‘orm%--»tann^ over other , <f oriole.
supply boWby .. ^
If your dealer cannot you «on.
An agent wanted; as soon as one is
secured the name will appear hcie.