Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 27, 1895, Image 2

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C FFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. j a. & j. n. kkkhr. a l>vKlfTlsi KATKS. a n o. fi inn. 12 mo 1 lorni ! *2 .ill *1,00 » 0.00 2 “ ; 4.01 7 SO 1O.0.) 4 “ i 7. SO 12.00 : 20.0 > L ! 10.00 15 . 0 " 25.00 Vi r I 18.00 80.00 j 56,00 - ! H ■ OO I SO 00 too Oft Lo-'ls .M-etft* I'**'- lire* f« r Hr-t, irixer tio-’: 2'.j eeiitH fur toit-li -uhm quern. In h rtl'iri lt»'(fii!«r a iv 5 ’u. p«r litr h for fWt iu*erlton; 25' tor ' itch M,b*«*<]oeni i u-. rilori. -linrtcPIPI If>N T RATE Ol,P i e r, io Rdvanen .. Six 11 , 01 , lo, I'I ndvaoce. •• J5ii, cm d hi, ihe oo,r, filer a, c„Mv«r, hii . hi rond-dnss iohII inat'er * Sa7Tki>ay, .July 27, 1897), THE GRIFFIN CONVENTION. The resolutions introduced by Capl. Ilovrell, and adopted by the Griffin convention did not use the phrase, “free and unlim¬ ited coinage of silver.” Wo were glad to see this. The conven¬ tion favors himetalism—the coin age of both gold and silver free of mintage, as the platform of M2 puts if . We stated from tho beginning that the matter would work right so that by MO Hem ocratscould he agreed,and could stand without division on the same platform, We have seen the manipulations of the keen and far-seeing politicians- in quietly not allowing the J’opu hsts active participation in their proceedings, and snubbing the man from l’ike, who wanted to be open and above board in let¬ ting the world know that no one was allowed to affiliate with them except simon-pure J)emo¬ t-rats. The county politicians, not willing to he responsible for any offense that might he taken, appointed Populists as delegates from some sections to the Grif¬ fin convention, which when as¬ sembled felt, its importance and dignity t.o such a degree that the recognition of Populists, as such tlrire, would be detrimental to Democratic interests. Bo that, as first stated, the whole subject was deftly and delicitfly ban died, that Democracy might re luain inttiei. and the Populists in all the charity of their good n atures might not he offended. Thu wiry wax s of the shrewd politicians are some times be y ond the ken of the ordinary man. )et in aft< r days workeih womleis to perform Let UH |,„pe Hut all this gatheiing at Ontliu with its managemenl may prove beneficial to couiilry when the proper time comes for action. Meantime we wish to say that we” are not free and unlimited coinage i, * man, hut we do believe in the free mint<ge of both gold silver. In other words the plat form of Mi is On. r-rtiolos of Democratic faith, ami w* nor any other Democrat can „ ailord ..iv.-.,-a to depart , . from , the .. faith . ..l while Ihe country is patsi,,* through such a Severn trial and financial pressure. We believe, too, that much mucll of or the“trials tne Uiaisanupi and pressure” of the present conies from the fact. that, both cold and silver hues PUgS have Ud\t their intu hands nanus on the throais of the poor, laboring men, who realize but little for their work The could legislate against syndicate coni bines and corners ; tho State could enforce the law of 7 and 8 percent pertem-iuniwum interest on loans, knock iog out the banking institutions which evade this law, so as to make from 1*2 to 15 per cent, in ferret. No, gentlemen, the ad ministration is not responsible for all the ills of this country. Cleveland has made mistakes, Put I D mistakes would never have been noticed had not the baud of oppression already on the bugaB well as ihe goldbug will sap the life out of ever) thing arid every¬ body il by su< h they can swell their own pouches, and thus la) in supplies fiom which to sus tain life in days of luxury am 1 idleness, for which they look in coming years. Financially the country is in distress. Who pul |t ( | l( „ v u \\ | )0 can redeem it? Perhaps along this line. ! VVe got the following sensible article, headed. “A Friend to the; from the Covington En | ■ ‘ P„u- out of t o lieh members io I'ri hid u t ( Rvi-Liml’-* Cabinet are South ern men, ami Ihe majority of embassa¬ dors noil consuls io the principal coon tries abroad are not only Soutbe n men, hut old Confederate soldiers; anti yet, there are Democrats in Georgii and hern iri Newton county who abuse the President and say that he is an < nemy to lb i South and no friend to onr pro- 1 ,le. Time will prove that Grover Cleve¬ land “is the very soul of honor and ev¬ ery inch a man.” On the money <|ue-< tlon lie Inis de eiverl no one—ho weal into the l’resiilentiol chair as a gold Standard man, although Ir ond'y to sil¬ ver so long aH it can he kept up it oqua 1 purchasing and debt paving power with gold, and stated his position clear!, be¬ fore the nomination, so it is ttsilsss, il not childish, to curse and abuse him now.” We have no hesitancy in say¬ ing that the accounts of speech¬ es delivered and the meetings held upon finances given by the Constitution and the Journal are very much unlike. Each has its own interpretation and col oring—hut “sicn is human na tur.” “Democrat in the Banner gi^os some wholesome advice to the party, coming in at an oppoi tune time. The slightest divis¬ ion may work disastrous results to the entire country. The Thomasville Advertiser says that Judge Lawson is one of the soundest Democrats in Georgia, and should he induced to speak in every county in the State. ’ ——-——-—-—* loday , J Hon. L. E. Livingston and , ,, lluke Smith speak , in . Cor K _ WEEKLY PRESS ASSOCIATION, - Gaule8V,lle 18 R ro P er, Y cal,ed ‘'heQueen Cityof the Mountains ^ is a city of (5.000 people, and lH !ocate ' 1 " ear the m0Ullt ' {il " luI1 K (3S "’hose t ugged peaks can seen in the distance. The pen P*d ei’e intelligent and refined, aD(1 haVB lin ° elec,ric lights and \\ ater works. Here Ihe Weekly Press met on the 16th, and weie royally entertained, every committee discharging their duty. The con¬ vention met in the Female Sem inary Hall, where Col Hubert Esces delivered the address of welcome, chaste and eloquent, U,o Bates of tiie city D © Georgia editors. To this P. l. McCutchen, x , of , the Franklin ’ “»»» BalinCT ; r<K r oudea "* “ aPP™pnste ’ * ' - 1 he papers read by the differ nt editors ' were all 1 o-nnd ‘ Out s I ,ace _ 11 not permit us to re MB ■* RAnfhprn’ il . . fTriQnji . , .. ^ IIIUI.ICIO ■ i iCIIU ^UreS 1 ■ - ** & I | 11 B I T , have , boon a midwife for many years, ERS and in each case where “MOTH FRIEND" was used \\ scoonwRshed won xnS ^EAst known, and worth the price Mrs. AI. M. Brewster. Montgomery, Ala. ft * e - BRAOFIELD ftEGULATOtl CO.. ATLANTA. Qa ' SOU! BY ALL DBOOGISTS. Burning Or Freezing. Whether you’re scorched with fever or chilled with a deep seated cold, the same medicine will cure you — Dr,CCROC’s taw f Mi 1 C^) \ For The IJvcr and Kidneys. Pleasant to the Taste. It does not cause constipa¬ tion, but breaks chills, prevents fever, purifies and thickens the blood, corrects the liver, clean¬ ses the stomach and improves digestion, creates an appetite and quiets the nerves. At all druggists and general stores, CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tennessee. Uiu s medicines for sale by :— II. I\ & I). M. Almand* Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga YV. E. King, Kings, Ga. produce the program and give a synopsis of the articles,though such would be entertaining to our readers. The speech at the conclusion by H. W. J. Ham, the Georgia Cracker, upon the “Country Editor—His Mission and Peculiarities” was the one of the day, For a time he kept the audieuce in an uproar with his anecdotes, illustrating many strong points ; but when the at¬ tention was fully at command he went off in a most brilliant and eloquent address, displaying a knowledge of facts in history pertaining to this great republic, surprising his most ardent ad nv.rers. All the old officers were re elected , . Jf for another , term, de , a compliment ,. for , the inter - , served , , est taken in the Georgia Press, and for having the most benefi cial meeting this year, ever held by the Association, The Seminary here is in fine condition. The patronage has grown to over 200 pupils, and the demand for more room has been responded to by the citi Z?U8 , who have subscribed $10, 000 to add more buildings. . The banquet at the Arlington was a success, although the mo¬ uu was plain, and there Yvas no champagne at had. Dr. Osliu was at, his best as toastmaster, and the responses were well timed and appropriate,and some of them eloquent. The response to ‘-Woman,” by Mr. Calloway, the governor’s private secretary, was somewhat too long for such an occasion, yet it was replete with beautiful sentiment I and chaste thought,doing homage to woman and credit to Mr. Uai loway. Genl. Longstreet’s appearance in ,i the hall i u v\ bile the association .. was in session was occasion for long and continuous applause. m, The gene. ,d is getting ... very old ,, ail d deaf, which deprives his friends of much pleasure in con versing with him. His auoe caused tho old soldier tors to weep, as thoughts of Richmond, Chancellorsville and b C1 13,1 l^hui'g . inVOllUltanly • , . sprang up, crowding out every other thiu « ltom the Ulind ' The ™eet mg of the old heroes of thirty >’ ears a £° revives a feeling of love and patriotism, which is ,Jof > nor canuot'be known to the young generation who have no experience of this kind. After the press gang visited for the last time No. 42 they left for the depot, singing with spir¬ it and gPe, “Good-bye, My Lov er. Quite a number of the editors with their wives and othess left for the excursion toCumberland, t.o indulge in the pleasure of surf bathing apd other sports. VVe suppose they have all re¬ turned home, and we know they all spent an enjoyable week. Mrs. A. II. Cox, chairman of t ie committee on Household Economies of the Woman’s He partment at the Cotton States and International Exposition, is enthusiastic over an exhibit in the form of an object lesson in domestic economy and culinary science. It is a part of the New York exhibit at the Exposition, and will be a model working¬ man’s home. A neat cottage, such as can he built for less than one thousand dollars, will be erected,and furnished on a scale of suited to the income of five hundred dollars, with a wife and four chileren. Eyery item of expense in the way of dress, food, clothing, etc , will be prescribed, and a real live fam¬ ily will live in the house. It will be demonstrated that they can live comfortably on this sum. The full arrangements of the house will be shown, and the bill of fare cooked for’ every meal of the year at market pri¬ ces. Port Townsend, Wash,July 21 —News of the fate of a well known Alaskan prospector nam ed Fitzgerald was brought oy the steamer Topeka, which ar rived this afternoon fioin Sitka. He was on a prospecting tour, accompanied by two Indian boys, when he fell through a deep windfall into a hear cave where two cubs were sleeping Fitzgerald’s fall scared the cubs, whose squealing attracted the female hear, which at once be - gan a vigorous attack upon the unfortunate man. Fitzgerald made a game fight, but the beast soou chewed and clawed him to death. A party found the mangled remains upon which the cubs '’-ere feasting. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, R-ickdalk County. —Will he sol! before the court hou-e door in the town of Conyers, said county, ot, the fir?t Tuesday in August, 1895, be tween lawful sale hours, the following described property, tow it: One-ninth undivided interest in land lot No 257 in the Uth District, of orig inally Henry, now Rockdale, county. Said lot containing two hundred acres, more or less, and bounded on the east by lands of J. A. Cook, north by Mar¬ tha Lyons, deceased, west by William Mitchell, south by J. B. Simmons, Said one ninth interest in said lot of lan 4 levied on as the property of A. H. George by virtue of two li fas issued from the justice court of the 53Gth Dist., G. M., DeKalb county, in favor of Al mand & George against the said A. II. Geor ” e - Property pointed out by plain tilt in fi fa and tenants in possession no tified. This July 2nd, 1895. - Also at the same time and plaee will be sold one undivided two thirds inter est 50 of ... land, less, be m acres more < r i j n g ; n t i, e south side of lot of land No j (326) three hundred and twenty-six in tUe4th district of ori ° ina,ly ' Valton , now Rockdale, county, and bouuded as M | 0W «: on the west by lands of Lee Graham, on the south by lands of j.l. MoCalia, on the east by lands of G. P. TrJfZt. Levied on as the property of w. d. Nichols to satisfy a fi fa in favor of A . c • ; 4c c aila vs. w. i>. Nichols, Levy made by me. w. H. M. Austin, Sherifl'. This July io, 1895. ‘ ‘ e jauie time and plaee , T x Atty. for Owners of Same. Wanted To Rent.— A good horse for light road work. Good pay. Call on E. P. Guinn, oppo site Banner office. %>: V. A 1 3 ® |*r- a! a r>i m for infants and Children. B^^ HIRTY years’ observation of Castoria with tho p atronap-o of millions c f persons, permit n» to speak of it withont, g nossing. It is nnqnostionably -tho best rem edy for In fant^and Children t ho -world has ever I son m, I t is harmless. Ch ild ren like it. I t gives them health. It trill save their lives. In it Mothers hav e something -which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as n. child’s medicine. Castoria destroys Woviua. Castoria allays Ycvcrishnegs. Castoria prevents vomiting Song Cnrd. Castoria ceres Diarrlitsa and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Tronblas, Castoria cures C ons tipation and Flatn lonoy. Castoria neutralizes the effects of carhnnio acid gas or p ol»oaan« air. Castoria doaa not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotio property . Castoria assimilates the food, regnlfttea tho st omach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. C astoria la pnt up in one-slzo bottles only, 3t ia not sold in bulk. Don’t allow any one to soil yon anything else an the plea or promise that it is *‘ jnst ns good ” and “ will answer every purpose,” Soo that yon g-et C-A-S-T-G-R-I-A, Tho fac-simile is on every signature of •JUk wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. 20,000 Last Year. Sold PEERLESS and Light Noiseler, Runnliy ABSOLUTELY THE BEST! The Result of 20 Years of Sewing Machine Building, HIGHEST FINISH, LOWEST PRICE. r V il AUTOMATIC Attachments BOBBIN WINDER Consist of— 8ELF-THREADINU 1 TUCKER, SHUTTLES. 4 1 RUFFLER, A HEMMERS, \Wr 1 BINDER. 1 BRAIDER, I THREAD CUTTER. We GUARANTEE MACHINES 10 Year*, in writing. ■With Walnut or Antique Oak Woodwork, in eight styles. SATISFACTION GUflBflftTEEQ. shipped on 30 days approval RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED to unoccupied territory. Write for Catalogue. Chicago Sewing machine Co. LAKE ANO HALSTED AND FULTON STS. Chicago. John 1|. iUcqqnd, ISanljSis Oonyei<s, (ja, Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accomiundations, consistent with safe banking, extends U • SPECIAL ATTENTION CtVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS. DR. W. H. LEE. -SUCCESSOR TO Dr. W. H, Lee $ Son, . -DiSALKK IX- 1 PURE Ulllj Dru Paints gs Medicines, and Oils. —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books, fishing Tackle, Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Etc., Etc. ICE C0LD S0PA *ATEB, LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, ^^ ^NxCBIPTIOXS Ac...... CAREFCLLY COMPOUNDED^f TJT) j T XT TT T y-^ jrf yy |