Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 27, 1895, Image 3

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I ■ L Pu, agent. repl'CSC , lt the BEST com Liu the world XT' C PERFECTED j MYSTAL LENSES \ \ TRADE mark. Guilty Fust t&i Atoravs. $ i H 4 0 Iff H.LEK, Druggist, has. the !esale Leri, of 6a. these From celebrated the factory Glass L4 Moore, the onlv optica! in tee South. Atlanta, Ga. AWAY TO INVENTORS. {wrnionth given away to any one who ap jhus ior the most meritorious patent during K file best patents for oitr inventors clients, id of this offer ideas. is to encourage A th time to of their bright public the fact t e that same we mores upon the ■SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS 1 THAT YIELD FORTUNES, ■"car-window” which can be easily slid up In without ‘'collar-button/' breaking the “nut-lock,” passenger’s “bottle-' back, kl" ['and a thousand other little things that most nofind a way of that improving; bringlargest and these simple the bate Stylo the ones returns to think of something to invent. SNOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. men out through us receive special notice in Ibnai Recorder,” published at Washington, kb the inventors. Dest newspaper We published furnish in America teas of a year’s sub iio *lw:iQ,freeofcost, this journal, free of the cost, invention to all each our clients. month «$our$i5o “National prize, and hundreds of thousands lofthe Recorder,” containing a fdtewinner, and a description of his invention, acred throughout the United States among laud manufactures, thus bringing to their laments of the invention, manications regarded strictly confidential. inwedderburn & CO., is of Amer ican and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., S' mi—editor of Washington, thir. D. C. paper. IVrite Jar on? SO-pagcpauipi :t, FREE. Beep a nice line of all [of Lumber Tilley and & Shingles. Quigg. PNOUNCEMENT. if. Almatul announces (voters of Rockdale that he pdidatc fill for the the office of ‘A to vacancy pby the death of Judge IDs - Mr. Alinand asks the ir! °f the people,and prom Ielected, pf faithful perfovm duty. We hope the cit ef the county will give him fty support. Many Voters. NOTICE! [registration book will be W'h day until the 6th day lost, 1895, from 9 o’clock util4 o’clock p. m. Ail par ®nng to vote for ordinary f special election should ® before the time expires. f lC °0K, T. c. and Reg’t’r, F eD son & Turner’s store. fAIITT. ptve made arrangements Avnufaeturers to sell f at wholesale. Tilley & Quigg | fc a ie3s big itue, thing that to say but aae ' °fpeople a great have crown ? Clons Liver Regulator, of Liver Medicines.” * nothing like it for Ma pumatism, ^ °nstipation, Biliousness, Chills and ? dache, Indigestion and 65 ar isiug from a slug j^ased ofilator liver. is the Simmons 1 preven f ; e for these ailments - ‘ ^ retail lee to sell be bought paints for else et m y prices before baud save money. Lit. W. IT. Lee. ,Cf, Children Cry for 8 Castoria. NUGGETS QF Mm. Jack Summers and wife are on a visit to Indian Spring. Miss Ficholls is visiting Mrs. Mobley of Walnut Grove. Mr. Mabry, o; Newton county visited his sister, Mrs. Wiuburn, last Sunday. Dr. Ragsdale attended a Bi¬ ble study meeting down in South West Georgia this week. NIr. Thos. E. Brodnax’s fam¬ ily with Mrs. Davis are visiting for a few weeks in WalnutGrove. Dr. Ragsdale preached an able sermon on last Sabbath. It was clear, forcible, and well all¬ alyzed. Camp meeting at Smyrna will begin next Thursday night. A large attendance and good meet¬ ing is expected. The Bible study week will be¬ gin here in the Baptist church next Monday. It will be profi¬ table to attend Col. Peek has been sick for a long while but wc are glad to learn that he is now able to be up and going about. The investigation of the mar¬ shals failed to discover the per¬ sons who did the rock throwing against the Commercial Hotel. Mr. J. S. Johnson*gave us a few of the Bradshaw Plum last Sunday. They are very large and purple of the blue plum va¬ riety. The reunion of the 44 Ga. Reg iment will be this year, on the 15 of August at Watkinsville, in stead of Madidon, as first adver tised. There will be a general meet¬ ing held at Union church next week, beginning next Friday. Several important subjects will be discussed. Jos. Johnson and children vis¬ ited bis father in Newton coun¬ ty last Saturday. He reports the finest crops lie has ever seen iu this county. D. M. Almand dug 75 bushels of Irish potatoes from one acre. He will make 500 bushels this year, besides what lie expects from a fall crop. Rev. M. L. Carswell, after do ing missionary work down in South West Georgia, has return¬ ed home to spend a few T weeks witn his family. Rev. H. F. Buchanan preach¬ ed a good, sound, and sensible sermon Sunday night. The preaching of the old ministers always makes good impressions. Squire Helms resigned the chairmanship of the Democratic Executive Committee on last Saturday, and Col. J. R. Mad¬ dox ivas elected to fill the vacan ey To the person bringing us the largest watermelon or a peck of the finest peaches we give three months’ subscription to The Weekly. Contest will last two weeks. Talmage Richards, wife and daughters, Misses Mamfe and Helen, have gone to Warsaw, Ind., to visit relatives and friends. They will begone one month or more. The street committee, which has charge of the cleanliness of the town, cannot be too.diligent in looking after the old vegeta¬ ble matter thrown around, and the places of filtli in nooks and corners. Mrs. Reese, of the Commercial Hotel, is placed under obliga¬ tions to Mrs. H. A’. McCord for a most acceptable gift of nice ap¬ ples, grapes, tomatoes and snap beans. Such presents are time¬ ly and greatly appreciated. jzzxzzix morning. Preaching began Thursday night by Rev. T. l r . Burgess, of Madison. The Lord’s Supper , nil) be celebrated tomor row at 11 a. m. The question as to the school building is exciting interest. If die building is sold, and is bought by some gentleman who will make a private residence of it it would make a beautiful home, but what will become of the school in the meantime? A Mr. Warbington who said his home is in Gwinnett county was in Conyers last week. He claimed to bo an artist, and was without money, and asked for board at the Commercial hotel, promising to pay as he got the cash. He taught two or three lessons, got the money and left without paying his bill. Please hand him around. The Oentreville S. S. Associa¬ tion celebrated at Pleasant Hill last Wednesday. A young broth¬ er Smith made the welcome ad¬ dress. The children competed for prizes, but we did not get the names of the successful ones. Mr. Ileagor, of Winder, was the orator of the day, anTl made a fine speech. There were nine schools represented, and about 3,000 people present. The din¬ ner was bountiful and elegant. Col. M. R. Hudson, assistant general passenger agent of the M. G. & A. road, was in the city Tuesday on business connected with the great excursion under his management which will run from Milledgeville to Atlanta on Friday, August 9th. ‘The fare for the round trip from Conyers is 85 cents ; children go for half fare. Those who go on the ex¬ cursion train will get cheap rates on the street car lines in Atlan¬ ta. Besides the many attrac¬ tions offered by Atlanta Mr. Hud son has secured two of the best amateur ball clubs in the State tc play a game for the amuse¬ ment of the crowd. lie also ex¬ pects to have a balloon ascension. To avoid the usual unpleasant¬ ness of a mixed excursion train, Mr. Hudson will divide the train in two sections ; one section ex¬ clusively for white people. We got the following items of interest to our citizens from the Covington Enterprise : “On ihe night of July 12th Rev. Dr. Henry Quigg oeliveroU a most instruct¬ ive amt interesting lecture upon “Pal¬ estine,” in tee Covington Presbyterian church. For nearly two hours he charmed his hearers with an account of his travels in the Old AVorld, and what he heard and saw there, it is always pleasant to have the Doctor visit our city, but doubly so when he consents to give one of his eloquent and entertain¬ ing lectures.” At theNetvton county Sunday school celebration at Covington : “Rev. Dr. duigg, of Conyers, address¬ ed the parents, teachers and youth in his inimitable and pleasing way.” “Miss Clyde Hays lias gone back to Rockdale to take up her school at Ebe nezer.” “Mrs VannieQuigg, of Conyers, and interesting children, have been visiting our city as the guests of her faiher, Mr. M. B. Fowler. These pleasant paragraphs from the Lithonia correspodence in the DeKalb New Era: “Miss Tucker, a charming young lady of Conyers, spent part of last week with her cousin, Miss Sadie Almand. ’ “Quite a crowd came out to hear ‘Bet¬ sy Hamilton on the 16 inst,, and so far as we can hear, none went away dissat¬ isfied. All in all the occasion was a piesant one. The music was rendered by Mrs. Davis’ class here, and from Con yers, and they paid to themselves and their teacher a very high compliment. Grant us space enough to say that Conyers should feel as proud of her pretty little musical Misses as Lithonia does of hers. Little Miss Brodnax was very sweet in rendering her paitof the program.” Children Cry fot pitcher’s Castorig# I fiie coil? ’ lows. SHADY DALE DOINGS. Miss Jimmie Christian has turned from a visit to friends in Henry county. j Prof. Jas. McClelland lost spectacles last week. The finder will be liberally thanked by re¬ turning the same to the profes¬ sor or ye scribe. Friend A. L. Veal has about recuperated from a recent case of oak poison. Mr. Henry Swann was stop¬ ping with Mr. Tom Stowers last Sunday. Miss Thornton Zachry, the beautiful daughter of Col. C. T. Zachry, of Peachstone Shoals, visited Miss Bertie Graham last week. Bub Harkness, of Ola, was in our burg this week. Green Hollingsworth, one of Smyrna’s best young men, was circulating among friends in our vicinity last Sunday. Noah Bcird, one of Henry county’s best citizens, paid us a pleasant visit last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Richard Floyd preached at Midway academy last Sunday evening. Mrs. Stephens, of Newton conn ty, is visiting the family of J. F. Piper this week. We have another barber in our town. Three shaves for a dime. “Competition is the life of trade ’’ . INDEPENDENT. OAK GROVE DOTS. The weather lias been a lit tle Avarm for the past two Aveeks, A family of gypsies spent two days of this week in our midst. Oak Grove Sunday school will picnic at McDaniel’s mill pond Friday, July 26th. Andrew J. Plunkett, of Jack son, is visiting friends in our community this week. R. L. Wlnt* and family, of At¬ lanta, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. White, this week. Misses Willie and Addie Stew art, two pretty young ladies of Atlanta, are visiting the family of J. W. McLung. There Avas quite an enjoyable singing at the home of J N. Mc¬ Lung on last Saturday evening, given in honor of their guests, Misses Willie and Addie Stewart Little Miss Odessa Love, who has been spending some time with relatives here, returned, to her home in Atlanta last Satur¬ day. The O. C. L. society will meet at the schoolhouse 011 next Sat¬ urday evening. Some of the farmers in out community Alabama are contemplating a trip to soon. ERMYNTRUDE. SMYRNA LOCALS. Miss Pearl Seamans, of Atlan¬ ta, is visiting J. T. McCollum’s family. Miss Violet Walker. Miss El lie Hollinsworth was visited this week by Misses Lot¬ tie Hall and Beula Hollinsworth, of Atlanta. J. H. Maddox and wife have returned from a visit to Clayton county. A large number of people spent last Tuesday very pleas¬ antly at Smyrna. Hon. F. Wimberly on the issues of the day. J n , r pr; Ills 'Hienmirsp discourse was A\as lengtlij-, Inmrtliv instuctive, and was listened to Avitli great interest. Tent holders are repairing tehts and getting ready for the annual meeting, which begins next novt Friday Frida v nifdit mgne. Dr Lir. Onirrfr QUlgg has secured the services Ot able ministers. Our people look for ward 7 With . . great . inteiest . . , to . ,1 the time of goiug up to this gospel feast. veal’s store siftings. i There was an ice cream festi- j val at A. L. Veal’slast Tuesday! night, in honor of Oak Hill and Richardville string band. Some anonymous character li.t-s reported J . is . 1'aiker has been excluded from the church, in order to slander him. The report is untrue. He with¬ drew of his own accord, much to the regret of the members. |The printer had the misfor¬ tune to “pi” the very interest¬ ing batch of news from Veal’s Store just as we were getting ready to go to press.) MARRIED. Mr. Alex. Currie and Miss Bos sie Foster, both of Lithonia, stole a march on their friends, and went to Madison and were married ai 8 o’clock Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. Cochran by Rev. S. A. Burney. We wisli them much happiness through life. NEWS FROM THE DIAMOND Our ball club is playing good ball; it has played twelve games this year, and has won nine. We said at the be¬ ginning of the season that we wanted cur boys to bold tbe State amateur championship when the season closed, and wo believe they could do it. The present team is a good one, and what is better it is made up of home boys, ex¬ cepting Messrs. Seales, Orillia and Means, who live at Oxford, otily ten miles from Conyers. The Lawrence* viile club was here Wednesday and Thursday and played two games, Con¬ yers winning both. The first by a score of 17 to 5; the second 1J to In the second game the Laivrenceville boys didn’t score till r,ho last inning. The pitching of Jones, Conyers’ pitcher, was excellent AVe wish to add Madi son to the list of clubs defeated by Conyers, and we will if Madison gives us a chance. ■sail KS: For shle by H. P & D M. Almand & Co. CELERY WoUjul Jr. An exhilarating, plea-aid, refreshing' drink—a com Hi¬ na t : on of Bromides, Celery Lemon and Sellzer. Con¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous dings. Very thing for headache or sick stomach. For salt) hj Weaker & Stewart. TILLEY &QUIGG, ^WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In*:* id'CLmCei, COal, Sj^LlZlgplCS,, AVe keep on hand at all times all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Always see us before buying. We can save you money. Big PrOfitS SMALL INVESTMENTS. Returning „ . prosperity . will make , many rich, but nowhere can they make so much within a Short time as by successful speculation in Grain Provisions and stook. $10 FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be made by our systematic ftm of sfaaumii oriented by us. All successful speculators operate on a regular system, it is a well-known fact that there are thousands of men in ait parts of the United States who, by systematic trading few through Chicago brokers, make large amount8 every year, ranging from a thousand dollars for tne man who iu vests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to 150,001 to f 100/KK) or mure by th >se who invest a few thousand. It is also a fact that those who mako the largest profits o from f'o-uparafcivelv stlJa q investments on this plan are persons who Jive away from Chicago and in¬ vest through brokers who thoroughly understand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but rovers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on successful specu litiou ami our Daily Mirket Report, lull of money-making pointers ALL FREE Our Manual explains margin For trading fully. Highest references in regard to our standing and success. further information adireis THOMAS CO. , Bankers and Brokers, 241-242 Rialto Building, Chicago, IU. •» ' *x ffiad) \ ^ ‘ you fatal means imagine—serious diseases so much result more from than and I 4, > * trifling ailments neglected. 4 Don’t play with Nature’s 1 « 11 greatest gift —health. 1 I? you are feeling 1 . Brown's out oi sorts, weak and generally ex* 1 haitsted, nervous, have no appetite and can’t work,, Iron itig begin at oneetak- 5. | the most relia¬ ; ble strengthening' Brown’s medicine,'which Bit-V is Iron ters. A few hot-. : Bitters ties cure—benefit . ; comes from the ' - very first dose— it ivon't stain your ( teeth, a 11 it pleasant to take., I St Cures < Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver , Neuralgia, Troubles, * Constipation, Bad Blood , 1 v Malaria, Nervous ailments < , Women’s complaints. Cet only Ihe genuine—it has crossed red 4 f lint s on the wrapper. All others are sub r.iiti uics. On receipt of two 20. stamps we ^ w ill send set of Ten Beautiful World's I Fwir GROWN Vicxva CHCM'CAL and book—free. CO. BALTIMORE, J MD. \ l'or sals by Dr. AV. II Lea. SAW MILLiS. $160 TO $900. ENGINES&B01LERS To suit. 100 in stock. Large stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA, GA Will kill bed bugs, roaches, tin's, moths, mosquitos ami beet'es ; iu fact, every con¬ ceivable kind of vermin which infests human habita¬ tion, if not the money is re¬ funded. Try it! ) t Hib MammaTcU Gratiottgl &HII \)n l)'Hr^ J|rij ■ilje ^out)d§b<L apply, j should P- r ficknors T Antiseptic. iTiMlje BEST 52g[ R£N\£pVir)1i]e World for WOUND§ or BRUI&E6 Miles' Pain Pill;;, "One cent, a AVe carry a full line of nice Doors, Mantles, Sash, BliutQ and Paints.