Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 03, 1895, Image 2

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COBYERS WEEK LY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B. & J. H. Rbtsk. Entered at the ('onv«*r> :»>» 8<oond-elii^s mail nu-t t r. Saturday, Afii. 3, 181to. A PRIMARY OdDELED. The Democratic Executive Committee of Rockdale county rnet in the courthouse pursuant to a formal call. Present, John K. Maddox, J. P. McDaniel, B. F. Tucker, W. S. Veal, <). A Blake, B. H. Graham, B. 11. Summers, E. II. Alunuul. Alter c msnUation it is esteem ed , advisable , . ,, fur , the , last , political .... , party l" cult primary election. This, i> i« believed, will most fully meet the wishes of voters; and the fol Jowing resolutions contain the ad vice and prescribe the time, man per, and regulations necessary to direct iu the management of the p iruary auction for a Democratic candidate to fill out the unexpired term of Ordinary of ltockdale county, which said office was ren dered vacant recently by the death of Judge Seamans. There¬ fore be it Rr'.'T 1 ,!, T,iat tl,Prel,e hf M . ltockdale county ( . in a primary election on August 8tb, 1895, nn der and in accordance with the acts of the Legislature of 1890-1, governing paity primary elecfiom Resolved 2, That all Democrats qualifi and d to all vote otberR at regular who pledge elec tions, themselves in conformity with the directions of the managers, t • support the Democratic nomine* o' such piimary election he onli tled freely and fully to partici¬ pate in said primary election, and that all electors be required to vote in their respective distiicle. Resolved 3, That the managers of the primary electiou at the several prescints in the counts shall consist of one Justice of the Peace, or Notary with Public, iu free and tor each district, two holders, or three be free ho ders, sc tliat there shall at each and every prescint in the county three managers, one of which managers shall be a supporter of the caudi dates seekiug the Democratic nomination Resolved 4, That ad Voters par (imputing in such primary elec tion are advised and urged by tin patty representative loyally to stand the Dem¬ up faithfully and to ocratic noafiuee at the regular e betion for Ordinary. This se Curt s the eud desir d by all A: is uppearaut to all, pft’ty fealty Is proven by manifested interest in the primary election. as well It is, us therefore, iu the regular do Urged upon the party to its duty pntriotical y when the inter csts o f the put ty are at stake. Resolved 6, That it is desired that the passions or interest of the cnmnnigti will not become so HU used oi intensified over per¬ sons or candidates ns to destroy I’tvt., loxnltv, and allegiance dut to the party. Resolved 6, That the countv papers are requested to publish these resolutions. Jno. R Maddox, Uhr. Dem. Ex Com. E. H Almand, See. Conyers, Ga , July 27, ’95. tu accordance with the above n primary election is hereby or¬ dered »o b« held ou Thursday, August 8 It, 1895. Jxo. It. Maddox, (.'hr. Dent. Ex. Com. R C. E. Ii. Almand, Sec. Conyers, Ga , July 27, ’95. Mr. Cleveland does not want a third term. ——-v— —~ 7 T Dr. Hawthomo <vst Sunday . gave the women bicyclist a heavy blow. But it is a question whether auy good was accom pUshed, Just as well let oh ,up The Dalton Argus says The "Wkekiy is a silver organ. We the country We hope the Ar It appears fioui the Macon Telegraph's showing that there are 81* Democratic papers in the fcfate Opposed to “free silver.” 43 Democratic papers, 11 Popu list, Independent and Prohibi tinn papers favor it Six are v aiiii g fo see which way to fall tiff lhe f< nc$ MBM HW MB To- llmio k Indian aregiv ing trouble in Idaho. United States troops have been sent to look aft it these warriors. Military companies from all parts of the United States will be in Mlautathis fall. rations will l,.e made for their entertainment. The hotels in Atlanta will not raise their prices (hiring tire Ex position. The Atlanta Journal’s account of , Hoke ,, . Smith .... s reception at , Lor ,, ^ lw !000 . , " ‘ ' "T thor,. lo listen,” and tliat Smith s speech was a telling one; only a few hoar d Mr. Livingston. Liv ingston’s account in the Consti tutiou is that the “free men held the fort,” and that Ids crowd was larger than Smith’s. The man Holmes, of Chicago it seems Iras been guilty of sys¬ tematic murder for eeveraiyears. The po ice are winding a chain of evidence that will yet bring him to justice, J and then he will have to pay the penalty for the murder of several young women within the last three years. Horr and Harvey have con¬ cluded their financial debate. Mr. Johnson, of Greenville Ohio, won and wedded a beau tiful woman. They lived togeth er two years, when Johnson fail ed. He left for parts unknown in 1883. His wife heard noth¬ ing from hint, and eight yearf after mart ied another man. This week Johnson returned with a fortune, and found his wife an¬ other man’s. All parties are in trouble. South Carolina has a negro girl only ten years old who is a preacher. She is a prodigy Both whites and blacks are con¬ verted by her preaching. Shi has a wonderful memory. In Selma, Ala., a little girl on¬ ly eleven years old went into a dark room, and stumbled against a clothes basket, inflict¬ ing the concussion of the brain from which she died the liex* day. Clark county will have a rplot did exhibit at Lite Exposition tin¬ foil. The horrible murder of Mist Williams by Durant in HanFiau cisco a few months back lias been dramatized, and on tin night of July 29th the company proceeded to play at the theatre. Just as they were in the third act, and Dubois, who imperson¬ ated Durum, was dragging hi. victim to the belfry of the church, the sheriff and possee entered the hall and arrested the entire company. This was a most worthy act by a sei of brave officers. The crime itself was terrible enough without re producing it before a depraved audience. Dr. Edgar Rogers, of Waco, Ga.. has been arrested foreoun terfeiting. He did the work we |j j„ ma king ten dollar gold co ins. In default of bond he was carried to the Atlanta jail - nC UL | IPATp 8 if ft 8 WSIEU Should .»«, Use XmAI7 FIEL E,- 8 J *g y JullTlxX O Tt/f A T I TTi th i regulator. 45 it ic a qiipfrr TGNin and strtngthemug her system b\ driving through the proper clian nel all impurities. Health and strength are guaranteed to result fpouj jr^ ygg. afA Latoh ^p imirtiis. r israrivn petiiuc e ‘-'’ l tor two h »cr. nIumFIi , s»;4 t>r »u Erarfim«si,oo p.r , Arc You SicK Of Being SicK? Then let us suggest a cure. Ten to cne the trouble started with your liver. A torpid liver causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head acheand a dozen other ailments. mes VUheumalic Ju 'UYfer P goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again—the acid leaves you’re blood and you're cured. Testimonial below: I cured my wife of neuralgia of of seven years' s'.anriinz by best the doctors use In vo'ur medicine after the Cincinnati lciilcd. B. W. PAJtKEK. 453 W- Fourth Street, Cincinnati. Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For It. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn. Roe’s medicines for sale by II. P. & lb M. Almand& Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga VV. E. King. Kings, Ga. On the night of the 30th of Ju¬ ly there was a riot at Brookside, near Birmingham, Ala. Two deputy sheriffs and five negroes vote killed. The other negroes lied to the woods, but will be taken dead or alive. The occa¬ sion was that a lady discharged a negro employed ; he refused to leave the premises, and was wrested, resisted the officers, wl ich resulted iu a riot. The yellow fever in Cuba is io creasing. EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN “The Ladies’ Every S ituvday,” >f Philanelphia, Pa , desire wo¬ men of ability, everywhere, to write for their high class, illus¬ trated, thirty-two page newspa¬ per for women. A lady of ener¬ gy in each city or town can se¬ cure a permanent income by presenting the Ladies’ Every Saturday and assist in introduc ng it in their locality. A beau bifnl illustrated weekly journal hr women, with an entirely lew plan for securing circula r ,ion, which is meeting with sac tess everywhere. Send three avo-cent stamps for sample copy uidfull particulars. Address: Ladies’ Every Saturday, 36 So. Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. The difference between Fills and Simmons Liver Regulator is just this : Pills don’t go down very easy with most people, and you feel the m afterwards. While Simmons Liver lUgula tor, in liquid or powder is very pleasant to take, and the only feeling that yon have after aifis .,1. jo IS Hio the iriW gieat relief lehfct that, taut it it gives from Constipation,Bilious ness, Sick Headache and Dys pepaia. r * It is a mild laxative and a tonic. IS YOUR BABY PRETTY? The publishers of Ladies’ Ev¬ ery Saturday, of Philadelphia, Pa., will deposit One Hundred Dollars ($100) to the credit of the prettiest baby whose por trait is received by them for pub lication ; Fifty Dollars doO) to Donats ($lo to the louith, K.i's! ,-j resg 0 f tpe parent must be plainly written on the back of the photograph before forward ing. Enclose three two-eenl stamps for sample copy with full particulars. Address : “Pho tographic Contest,” Lames’ Ev ery Saturday. 36 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. GIRLS AND BOYS MAKE MCNEY We want an energetic and ambitious girl or boy in each city and town to assist us in in¬ troducing our high class, illus¬ trated newspaper for women. You can make money fast, or secure any article from a tent to a bicycle, for a few hours’ work each Saturday morning. If your parents consent, enclose stamp for list of articles given, sample copy and full particulars. Ad¬ dress : Ladies Every Saturday, Circulation Department, 36 South Seventh St.,Philadelphia, Pa. LORRAINE LOCALS. Picnics. Celebrations. Camp meetings. Rain much needed. Farmers are through work at last, and are ready to take in the meetings and everything in turn. John Simmons and his lovely sister, Miss Nora, spentlast Sat¬ urday in yom; city. The measles are raging in our community. They have almost broken the schools up around here. A. S. Helms has been elected J. P., to fill the unexpired term of Squire Cook. Quite a number of Union’s young people attended the cele¬ bration at Shingle Roof last week, and report having a nice time. We are glad to know that Miss Mollie Swann is improving; hope she will soon be well. Protracted meeting is now in progress at Mt. Vernon, Henry county. Miss E.hel Field of Atlanta is visiting Misses Nora and Genie Simmons of this district. Qtir section was well repre¬ sented at Decatur Wednesday. Those who attended report hav¬ ing a'fine town. We pay cash for cancel led Postage Stamps, Old Coins and Confederate Money. Send 4 cents in stamps for pricelist. We represent large manu f .cturers. Write us for anything you want. HOOK & BOWLING, Dep*. 4, Equitable Building, Memphis, l'enn. 8-3-iim LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, Rockdale County. —Will be sold before the court bouse door in the town of Conyers, said county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1895, be¬ tween lawful sale hours, the following described property, towit: One-ninth undivided interest in land lot No 287 in the 11th Distant of orig innlly Henry, now Rockdale, county. Said lot containing two hundred acres, more or lea-*, and bounded on the east by landa of J. A. Cook, north by Mar¬ tha Lyons, deceased, west by William Mitchell, south by J. If. Simmons. Said one ninth interest in said lot oi land levied on as the property of A. H. George by virtue of two ii fas issued from the ju-tiee court of the 536th l)ist., G. M., DeKalb county, in favor of Al inaud & George against the said A. II, George. Property pointed out by plain tiff in il fa and tenants in possession no¬ tified. This July 2nd, 1895. Also at the same time and p'aee will be sold one undivided two thirds inter¬ est in 50 acres of Lind, more <-r less, be >ng in the south side of lot of land No. (326) three hundred and twenty-six in theJth distr!ct of 0 ,i^i na iiy Walton, now Rockdale, county, and bounded as follows: on the west by lands of Lee Gr * h *' n ’ ° u \ be 80utb T Ia " d \ of /'E MoCalla, on the east by lands of G. P. Sigman and others, and on the north by lands claimed by Brazil bradfoid. Levied on as the property of W. D. Nichols to satisfy a ti fa in favor of A. McCalla vs. W. D. Levy made by me. W, H. M. Austin, Sheriff. This July 10, 1895, The other undivided third interest in said land will be offered for sale at the same time and place. J. N. Gj,knx, Atty. for Owners of Same. hotse Wfr for light „ T „ load work. Good ^ 7-20-tf. I guarantee to sell paints less than they can be bought else where. Get my prices before buying, aud save money, 7*27-12t Db.W, H, Lee. Ji :.Sr“-4T rl Ll r ■■ >■ -f Grilile For selling goods at COS is an old “chestnut,” as stale and threadbare aj the aged goods offered Our stock of Suits am Dry Goods are all new, la est cuts, styles and novel ties. YOU EXPECT US TO MA S We do sell on a smal margin, who and have the many tried oj j you i know this to be the truth We AWAIT YOUR JUDGMENT] Try us and learn that Live and Let Life” is characteristic of SUMMERS&HUDSON The leading 1 one-price dry goods and clothing nier chants of this section.