Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 03, 1895, Page Supplement, Image 3

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SUPPLEMENT TO THE CONYERS WEEKLY, AUGUST 3, ’ f> ■ T ’ W J m M USICAL I NSTEUMEH'TS . We can furnish you the best Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments to be had, and we can do it at prices other people can’t touch. See us before you buy. Sin MACHINES AND BICYCLES. We handle the famous Domestic and other Sewing Ma¬ chines, and sell them for cash or on time and are selling them cheaper than ever known before, We are also agents for the highest grades of Bicycles, and can furnish you a good wheel low down. Stoves* Stowes! When you want to buy a cooking stove, heating stove, rano-e or stove of any kind call on us and we will save you good money on every order. We are going to knock the bottom out of prices on stoves, and don’t you forget it. "' If you contemplate buying a stove soon call and see us and get prices. Hale db Sigman Big PrOlitS SMALL INVESTMENTS, —JKSSST5 Stock. INVESTED be made by o ur $10 FOE EACH DOLLAR can SYMATIC PLAN OF PECULATION orinated It is by well-known us. AU successful fact that tbeie '-'or^ ,\re t operate on a regula^eystem^ ^ ^ a systematic tr ' n ? , chic igo brokers, in ke lari'' United States who, by *' Lav t.h t:l , w |,o in amounts every year, ranging trom a M.OOl) f 1UU, uu or ( y j ,*< hundred two hundred dollars up to to vests a or who invest a few thousand. who J^*** larl 1 *^ re«t profits from comparatively It is also a fact that those away from Chicago and in sirall investments on tln^ plan aie pm-oiK SSZt&Um • f , trulin* v .•MMwh ‘"‘•"L'&'gSfijl wk .”** "“'VrNTeVTr SiviraHVffioFs, - >'.»»•' “/r’iufs Our Manual explains margin trading fully. Highest refere .te „ statidiu"’ and success. For further lulormation aaure-o THOMAS & CO. Bankers and Brokers 241-242 Rialto Building, Chicago, HI. SAVJ MILLS. $160 TO $900. ENGINES&BOILERS To suit. 100 in stock. Large stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA, GA A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEYt Th« times are hard, bnt here is a good show. Jn Gish the Washers. last month I I have made anything $175 selling take Climax like they do. When never saw wash the din¬ any women see me ner they dishes, buy cleau and dry them in one make minute, $6a day right one home right away. Anyone ran canvassed, 1 at easy. I have not so anxious are the people for the Climax they send for them. Write to the Climax Mfg. Co., Coluin pus, Ohio, and they will send you circulars. It I «s easy selling what everybody wants to buy. *•11 make $3,000 this year easy. P'nilKChel n 2Q*^* are e "Q^ atee t< do*e?> t DEAD STUCK Will kill beT bugs, roaches, ants, moths, mosquitos and beet’es ; in fact, every con¬ ceivable kind of vermin ■which infests human habita¬ tion, if not the money is re¬ funded- Try it ! Mate & Swart. This office for neat, up-to-date job work, € a 'y 7 W/ aitr aim , A m p|^L? KNOWLEDGE Hrin-3 •„ comfort and enjoyment improvement end .1,™ 3£'x.s»s’i,s~"s adapting the world s best products wdl to th e needs of physical health being, the liquid attest the value to of pure laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. due presenting Jts excellence is to its in the form most acceptable and and pleas¬ truly ant to the taste, the refreshing perfect lax¬ beneficial effectually properties cleansing of a the system, ative ; dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. and It has given satisfaction to millions met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid¬ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak¬ ening them and it i3 perfectly free from every objectionable Figs is for substance. sale by all drug¬ Syrup of and SI bottles, but it is gists in 50c man¬ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed Syrup on of every Figs, package, also the name, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. PHILOTOKEN I« Woman s bate and Uehabie Friend. Believes monthly pai»>- cures nervousness ai>d hysteria and restores to perfect bealtti. Sold by druggists and dealers for fl a bottle. Pare phlet mailed on application. If you can’t get It from y« nr drug gist, send %i to the proprietor and be will send to you pre p»id by express. Charles F. Bisley, Wholesale Dru 6g et. 62 Cor* iandt St., New York. C- QI Jt Will restore Grsy Hslr and Whiskers to A brow| ^3 C, » I or Mack iu a fe w miaatei $1 a bottle. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria, 20,000 Last Year. Sold PEERLESS and Light NoiielM! Runnliy ABSOLUTELY THE BEST! The Result of 20 Years of Sewing Machine Building, HIGHEST FINISH. LOWEST PRICE. , o •‘3©. 10 AUTOMATIC Attachments BOBBIN WINDER consist of— ( (ELF-THREADINO 1 TUCKER. SHUTTLES. 1 RUFFLER. fly. 4 HEMMERS, 1 BINDER, 1 BRAIDER, K I THREAD CUTTER. We 6UARANTEI MACHINES 10 Tear*, in wrltini. With Walnut or Antique Oak Woodwork, in eight styles. SATISFACTION GUflHBNTEED. shipped on 30 days approval RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED in Unoccupied territory. Write for Catalogue. Chicago Sewing machine Co. LAKE AND HALSTEO AND FULTON STS. Chicago. Neaf Job \\oi4, at this Office.