Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 03, 1895, Image 5

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f fire insurance. TILLEY j. p. AGENT. repreb cut the BEST com panics in the world. ^ L AiLLkA COAL. g e > us befoie buying youi coal. We cat) save you mon ey. TILLEY & QUIGG. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES E A Quality TRADE First MARK. aid Always. 'Igfiifkjl JPA mwmm DR, W. II. LEE, Druggist, lias the exclusive sale of these celebrated Glass esin Conyers, Ga. From the factory of Kellam & Moore, Atlanta, the only Ga. optica! plant in tee South. GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who ap¬ plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. the best patents for clients, We secure our and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright the public ideas. the At the that same time v/e wish to impress upon fact IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window” which can be easily slid up and "sauce-pan,” down without “collar-button,” breaking the “nut-lock," passenger’s “bottle* back, stopper,” and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way that of improving; and these simple the inventions are the ones bring largest returns to author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in in the interests of inventors. Wc furnish a year's sub* scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients, We also advertise, free of cost, t v; invention each month which wins our Sj.50 prize, and hundreds of thousands Of copies Of the “ Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, waibe scattered throughout the United States among S!r,hTirrf&nt^ btWSW6to,he “ Ali communications regarded strictly confidential. AdJress JOHN WERDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N._W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. ^Reference—editrrr cfthis paperIVrUeforaur re so-pagefeimp i et, i. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and. Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. ANNOUNCEMENT. John W. Almand announces to the voters of Rockdale that he is a candidate for the office of ordinary, to. fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Seamans. Mr. Almand asks-the support ises, of the peopQ.and prom¬ if elected, faithful perform¬ ance of duty. We hope the cit¬ izens of the county will give him a hearty support Many Voters. NOTICE. I am a candidate for the of¬ fice of ordinary of Rockdale county, subject to Democratic action. Respectfully, A. M. Helms. NOTICE! The registration book will be open each day until the fith day of Augost, 1895, from 9 o’clock A- ir. until 4 o’clock sp. it, Ail par¬ ties desiring to vote for ordinary in the special election should register before the time expires. E. F. Cook, T. C. aud Reg’t’r, at Stephenson & Turner’s store. X’.A.XXT'X'. We have made arrangements v,'ith manufacturers to sell Paints at wholesale. Tilley & Quigg Children Gryfm Pitcher’s Castoria. A-POPULAR LADY IN BLOOMERS Creates quite a stir. So does Summers & Hudson’s great mid summer sale of Dry Goods, Shoes ftttd Clothing. Children Cry for Pjteher’s Castoria, Base bkii Items. On the first page of today’s pa¬ per we print what the Lawrence ville News said about the games of ball between Lawrencevillc and Conyers. After we printed the outside we saw the following notice in the Gwinnett Herald* the other Lawreuceviile paper : ‘•On last Wednesday bright and early the li-iseballists left for Coiiyer-, \x here they hail au engagement, to pi a v two gann Thurshat s, one W'edutsrlay evening the nih pl or evenin'?. The games were iye . an I resulted in a complete vic¬ tory for Conyers in both gano's. BolL games former we editor e umpiieu hvCol. J. N. Hale, of the Conyers Weekly. " 'ule Conyers beat Lawrenceville pret ty badly in both games, onr boys were elegantly entertained by them while in rl etr city, both bv the citizens and play “VS. The boys are unanimous in their words of praise tor our sister city which extended to them the utmost courtesy. Conyers week will come and up the in boys the course of a or so will give them another tussei.” We thank the Herald for the pleasant things said about our town and people. The gentle¬ manly manner in which the Lawrenceville boys conducted themselves while here will ever insure them a hearty welcome to our city. Conyers and Covington have crossed bats four times thisyear, two of the games were played in Covington; two in Conyers. The last game played between the two teams was played in Cov iugton and resulted in victory for Conyers ; one of the games here was won by the home boys. Thus it will be seen that the two teams have scored an equal num¬ ber of victories. Now Coving¬ ton wants Conyers to lend her half of our team to play the oth¬ er half. The refusal of the Con¬ yers boys to do this probably in¬ spired the following work of fic¬ tion : ‘'Now that Conyers has defeated our. boys in die game of ball it seeing iill oossihle to arrange other gam-s with their cldfo. Having Suflere i Something like eleven defeats at the hands of the Covington players within the past three vein s and 1 1 having • achieved . • 1 only . one vie t)rj T , Mid tbilt when OUT team WHS CI‘ip p | e( j \ )V tl , e o^ence of five players, £ wh-i'Se places were tilled with boy to tally tillable to play the positions HS signed them, tbc Conyers club desires 10 rest upon its laurels and boast a vie tory won. Although issuing a cbal lenge to any amateur team in the State they have positively refused to meet (Joviugtotl on the diamond, knowing by past experience what they can ex¬ pect to receive. Onr team is only too anxious to meet the delegation from Com ers once more, and administer the most severe drubbing they have yet re¬ ceived at <ur hands. Come, Conyers; give us a chance.” Conyers scored another victory yesterday. The Jonesboro hoys were the tinlucy team this time. The score was 14 to 5. The same team will try Die boys an¬ other round today. A delightful party composed of a nuuioer of Conyers’ society loviug people indulged in a moon light picnic at the paper mills, near the residence of Capt. Bar ber’s residence Tuesday night. Mrg. Barber greatly enhanced the pleasure of all present by her elegant entertainment, and for any of the party to speak of the affair is to speak words ot praise for Mrs. Barber. The straw ride back to town was a feature of the evening, and was enjoyed immensely. Moonbeams laughed from skies of blue j Zephyrs wuz confidin’; Whispered love to me an’ you When we went straw-ridin.’ Down in guides, over rocks— Now we’re joltiu,’ slidin — Broken sliin-bones, bumps an’ knocks— straw-ridin. , A jolly time— Moon is slippin’ (Ah, what bliss!) slidin Under clouds it’s . Now’s the time to steal a kiss— ’Tis sport indeed—straw-ridin . Kissed sweet S’mauthy’s blush in’ cheek ; ’Spected lot ’0 chidm.’ (Would’ve felt more like a sneak Ef I hadn’t been straw-ridin.) \ T ot a word said S’manthy dear, 1 ^fpec’ly '°t when strau'-ridin.’ * mem’ry,now,(by-gone days) In my heart abidin, To light up life’s dark by ways. > A blesspi' sweet-v-straw-ndm. HaGGE-FS OF NtfdbS. Elder J. F. Almand went to Atlanta Thursday. Col. J. N Hale was very un¬ well a day or two of this week. Dave Vaughan spent a few days this week with relatives at Haystou. H. P, <& D. M. Almand & Co. will be ready to buy all your cot¬ ton. Read their card. B. F. Greer, of Haystou, spent a few days with friends in our town recently. Parish Smith, a clever young man of Athens, is visiting rela¬ tives in the city. Miss Ethel Price returned this week to her home in Flippcn, after a pleasant visit here. Dr. Lewis will be here Sun¬ day to hold quarterly meeting. Will preach at the Methodist church. Miss Ida Walker, a very pleas¬ ant young lady, of Newborn, is in the city visiting relatives and friends. Last Saturday and Sunday J. T. Greer and family, of Hayston, visited Mrs. Janies Hollings¬ worth. Miss Bailee Fosey visited in Decatur this week, and attended the Sunday school celebration while there. Dr. M. H. Melton went to south west Georgia last week to visit his children. He will be gone for two weeks. Miss Pinkey Gray has been spending quite awhile with her brother, John Gray, at Carrolls, Newton county. Always look out for Summers & Hudson. They are ever ready to make you bargains. Read their handsome advertisement. Miss Clifford Zacliry, of Peach stone Shoals, returned home last Wednesday, much to the regret of her friends and admirers here. Fitz-Hugh Penn, of the Jas¬ per County News, was in the city this week. He is spending his vacation in riding through the country on his “hike.” Prof. Guinn aud Mrs. Lee have each opened a summer school. Boys and girls who can, should take advantage of the opportu¬ nity thus offered to acquire learn ing during vacation mouths. Arthur Langford makes beau¬ tiful gold wire jewelry—watch chains, initial pins, etc. Very thing for birthday presents. Be sure and see him when you want anything of this kind. Mr. Smith and family, of Ath¬ ens, are visiting Dr. Stewart and family. Mrs. Smith is the daugh¬ ter of Dr. Stewart. We know their visit to the old home is pleasant. Rev. M. L.-Carswell and fami lv have moved from Conyers to Ingleside, where they make their home for a time. We extend to them our best wishes for their success and happiness. Hale & Sigman are headquar¬ ters for everything in their line, and offer inducements to buy from them, For particulars read their advertisement on the sixth page of this paper. All the young ladies of Rock¬ dale who desire to attend the Georgia Normal school at Mil ledgeville, should meet 0, fe. C. McElvauy at the courthouse nextSaturdav. August, 10. Mrg Q u qq au an d children are visithig relatives iu Columbia c unt ' During their absence ^ v kes his '?£ nial gentleman. £ ^ Qi pffi an delivered the ad ‘ Wednesday 0 f the day last uUO'C lllC SlinuaV school to.i vention of DeKalb county, held at Decatur. The people of that town and community had a treat from the Doctor. Salem camp meeting will em¬ brace the second Sunday in this month. Everybody who attends and so desires will have ample accommodation at the hotel at reasonable rates. A good feed stable will also be on the grounds Thompson Stewart has moved to the store between the Banner otiice and Stephenson & Tur¬ ner’s. Marbut & Reagan have put a stock of goods in the store vacated by Mr. Stewart, and will now run two houses. Dr. R. J. Bigliam, pastor of Trinity church, Atlanta, has been elected secretary of the board of education of the Meth¬ odist church, located at Nash¬ ville, Tenn. He was at one time presiding elder of this district. On last Wednesday night a negro boy attempted to board a freight train, to steal a ride to Covington. His foot slipped, and he fell. One foot was badly cut, the ankle was broken and parts of his leg were injured. Dr. Guinn dressed the wounds. Rev. A. J. Beck, of Shady Dale, Jasper county county, has been called to the Baptist church as pastor, and elected principal of the school at Lithonia. The church and school have made a fine selection for preacher and teacher. He is a highly educa¬ ted and cultured gentleman,and deserves the united support of Lithonia’s citizens. Rev. Henry Quigg preached two able and instructive sermons at the Presbyterian church Sun¬ day. Dr. Quigg in addition to being a scholarly man has trav¬ eled extensively, having made two tours through Palestine. We hope some day in the near future Dr. Quigg will give his many friends here the opportu¬ nity of hearing his lecture on Palestine.—DeKalb New Era. M. R. Hudson, of the M. G. & A., says that the excursion to Atlanta on next Friday, the 9th, will he the last of the season. The round trip fare from Con¬ yers will be only 85 cents, and children go for half fare, which is something unusual for excur¬ sions. Special attractions have been secured, and a pleasant time is assured all who go. At the session of the district conference in Lithonia last week four young men were licensed to preached. They are: H. D. Pace -and J. H. Pace, of Coving¬ ton ; U. G. Hardeman, of Ox¬ ford, and E. B. Smith, Jr., of Monticello. We extend our best wishes for the success of those young which gentlemen, and trust the field they have chosen for their life work may prove a bles¬ sing to them and many others. The Bible Institute at the Bap¬ tist church this week has not been very however, largely attended. have been The services, very interesting and profitable to those who were there, Bro. Wynn, of Marietta, preached at night from Monday to day, inclusive. He is a good preacher, logical and forcible in style. His lectures during the clay were very clear and instruct¬ ive. Rev. W. H. Arnold, of Li¬ thonia, and Rev. Stovall, of At¬ lanta, besides others wl ose names we did not get, were pros ent, Services at the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Burgess,of Madison, doing the preaching. Continued during the week, night and morning uutii yesterday. was unfortunate that meetings were held at two churches at the same time, yet both tl0U were good, and we trust JKjfflsfs.iJSLsr 1 »?. the right words in the right place,.expressing himself with energy and force. Ho F. I D. M. Almand Co. Will l>e in the market to buy all your cotton this fall, having made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in the south to buy for them. COTTON It will be only about six weeks until wo will begin to see cot¬ ton coming in. We will give you the highest market price. H. P.&D. M. ALMAND & CO. DR. W. H. LEE. SUCCESSORTO Dr. W, H, Lee $ Son, -DEALKll IN )JJ U Drugs Paint's i Medicines, .. and Oils. —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books Fishing Tackle, Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Etc., Etc. ......ICE COED SODA WATER, LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, Ac. ^^PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED,^ DR. W. H. LEE. TILLEY & QUIGG, ^-WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In-> L’CLmloer, Coal, We keep on band at all lime* We carry a full line of nice all kindaof Lumber, Shingle*, etc. Door*. Mantle*, Paints. Ha*h, Blinds and. Always see us before Imyiny. We cun save you money. ASAD ANDTRAGIC DEATH. About 9 o’clock Wednesday night last Jonas C. Cain shot and killed. The sad event is unac¬ counted for. The young man was of good character, and was clerking in the store of his broth ers, G. W. and A. P. Cain. He attended the Sunday school cel¬ ebration at Decatur Wednesday and returned at night, It is said that ho was cheerful just be¬ fore ho went to his room to re tire, soon after which a report of the pistol was heard, and going to his room the family were greatly shocked to see the young man lying upon the floor a corpse* He did not carry the • tol with hin , duriag the day . His sister finding it upon the mantel-piece in the morning,and tearing that some of the young er children might get hold of it during the day, placed it under the pillow oil the bed. It is thought by some that after un¬ and the pil¬ low he picked np the weapon to place it away, and just at that time he, being sick already, be¬ gan to vomit and rail to the win¬ dow, and in the agitation for¬ got for the time the pistol, and it was accidentally discharged, the ball entering just under the nipple and penetrating , the heart . In view of his life and wiec ^ k of his own lift. I n as theie was ixj ct.Uuice t tat it was dope acc ideQt^lly . ftod^one HP m W 0 m 0] 9 JL that it was done purposely the coroner’s jury with R. W. Tuck or, foreman, rendered the fol¬ lowing verdict: “ We, the jury sworn to investigate the cause of the death of Jonas (Jain, now ly¬ ing before us, find that that the decased came to his death by a pistol thot from his own hands, and we are uncertain as to whether it was accidental or with suicidal intention.” Mr. Gain’s death is a shock to our town. The remains were taken to Lilburn, Gwinnett coun ty for burial. The Weekly ex¬ tends sympathy to the beroaved. CAMP MEETING. Salem camp meeting will be¬ gin on Friday night, the 9th of August. Let everybody make preparations to attend, and go expecting great things from the presence of the Lord. Many of us need fresh strength for the daily conflicts with sin and satan^ Others need to be quickened,and born into Divino life. May this not be the time for such gracious blessings? For this let us pray and look. J. W. Quilli vn.JI THE ROAD COMMISSIONERS Of Rockdale county are re¬ quested to meet at the court house in Conyers at 1U o’clock Friday, the 9th, for the purpose of attending to business pertain¬ ing to the public roads of tiie J. M. B. Goode, Com. ACts«.«*mJ uHn MAtiHii ralh vett t>y Lx, Mites' Nerve Fluster* Vv «r ir. . ^ k.tU + uitl COTTON