Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 03, 1895, Image 6

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BESCY'S MONEY. - a ft >ry in two ohapfpis f-.r ciiil !ren L ' h ''" u 1 CHAPTER II. (Continued.) “Brother, if you w il! come with me ]’ll tell you wnat I'm going to do with my bank,” raid Bes cy. Charlie was not anxious to g^fc in a ‘pickle,’' as he phrased it lie laid his hook down slow )y, gave her a searching look and a prolonged w histio Ik fore answering, “'I hat depends 011 " her./I’m to go, Miss Whi I wind?” “Only to Mr. Tinner’s, <ud at the mill. 1 ou see, hroth er, papa said he would nevci be happy until he owned the mill again, and I have been liiy money, every cent of it Now papa bas bought the mill again, and because be can’t | as some on it that horrid Mr. Tur ner is going to keep it for him self. Oh, do come with me, brother, for I never intended to tell any one of it—do come!” Charlie had been listening with interest to bis little sister. His eyes were wide with astonish ment; bow could Bescy e\ei have kept her secret so w ‘ Come with me, please. Jhen her curly little head bent o\ei on the bank she bad in her t ight folded arms, and she sobbed aloud, ’1 bis was too much foi her etalwait brother, and be said, “Come; we will have a splendid walk anyway, and if Dr. Burton scolds me tomorrow I will tell him your secret” Then the tears vanished in Bescy’s apron. Charlie took the bank and held it under his coat Bescy took his hand; then they went down stairs past mania and . papa. , <WhMW Where are Hr „ vou joi and a j Bescy going?’ papa asked, and Charlie answered, It is such a. fine night we thought we would take ♦ a walk w-nlk ” Charlie Chai held the bank very lightly to kcq from shaking- Bescy was niuc i delighted over her success of ting Charlie to go with her. Their brisk walk soon brought lhem to , \t Mi. m....hnaiitifnl luinei suburban homo. .dial ie iang the hell. Mr. Turner came out and met them, and aftoi the us Ua) greetings were over Charlie Sit down, and Bescy put bank on the table, fitted the key and said, “Mr. Turner, please fount my money ; I have come to finish buying papa’s mill.” She was much composed. Turner loved children very much, ami smilingly counted the els, dimes and quarters. denly they came across a roll of paper. Charlie opened and read : ■ Dkah lUscv.-l send you this be cuu*v l h«\o too much, hovinglj. t ousirt Uhnky. Bescy bugged Ibo big 200 dol¬ lar ^il ! « v er>’ closely- AY hen they finished counting she had, be¬ sides the “big money,” $98.78. when »r,e“ ,e t^“t» won’t be cross to little Bescy any more, will you,dear papa? Her papa headLdsaid.'Ko Stooped down, patted her ter. He kissed went to bed. Mr. Bennett toyed with the bank a long time, and finally rose from his desk and went to her room, and looked at the quiet sleeper. Her little kit tens were on their own bed,snug aud w arm. lie set the light aside, knelt at the bedside of the angel sleeper and thanked God for his little daughter, who would do- A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease ^ Tutt’s Liver Pills, an abso lute-cure for sick headache, dys¬ pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious¬ ness and all kindred troubles. The Fiy=Wheel cf Life 5? Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills sre the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them tony notice.! feel as if I had a new lease of life, J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tit ft’S LlVCf PHIS __________________ pj .- vo j ) hiH( |f () f chi’dish pleas urpfJ k e fior papa happy, (_)p p ow happy Mr. Bennett wat! r J'laoro is a power and beauty, £ ma y n a y ;l divinity i;i pure (;j )r j, s tj aIi j,,ve like little BcscyV. • THE END j WOMEN TREATED FREE. Female Troubles Treated Free by Correspondence by the Renown cd Dr. Hartman. Dr. Hartman, (he renowned gynaecologist, bas announced his willingness to direct the treat m ent of as many cases of fe male trouble as make applica | j on £ () pj m duiing the summer m0U £i, Sj without charge. The £ rea | ment will be conducted by corr pgj )on dence. The doctor will p re8cv ji )a medicines, appliea £j onS( hygienic and dietary reg u i a tj 011 g necessary to complete a cure. 1 he medicines . prescribed ... can be obtained at all drug stores. This offer will hold good only during the summer months, Any woman can become a regu lar patient 1 by sending a written 8tatement of ; lier , history an( j symptoms of her derange njeufc and condi(ion 0 f ]jf e . All ca8ea 0 f female diseases, inefud - nienslrual irregularities, dis placements, , , ulcerations, , , mflam- • mations, disci arges, irritation () f ovar j eS) tumors and drop g y tJ(e a i K j on5ei|i Hhou |d a pp|y OUC() anJ beeome registered h , licnt3 All cone will be held .... strictly < oufideiitial. No testimonials of cu ,. eg vv j|j [>e given to the publii PXce p£ (, y (j J0 e x(>ress wish of thjj pa)i( nt Book on female diseases sen) Y.' if m fj f m SIT^SS ■ BR ii i g in*] ggsi i lie above is # a good rep reseutation of the sewing machine offered by us for cash,or given as a pre iniuin to the person get TillUS .. . i i ~ lOll^ CUSil Sll OSCl’l • b er8 a t v . .. ^ each. , If . ,, you rail ^ ,, , 4-^-v tU OC CIO Hlflfl 111 Cl * V > Qfi ‘ TI*T \7 J ^ jlSOrib^rS ^ AY G AVll 1 ^i^'G Y O 11 L AfinTmicscrnil 1/ Ill 111 lOOll/ll V# II Aonll Cl L-11 Cf SllDSGri])TI011. on hc/iTM I’ltt Alt *--- - -----------------• ChUdisn Cry far Pitcher’6 Castoria- bus Ohio. , , , , ] f I ITP Oil CHllCOr (i(I— dress Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ofn< ?. KSROB OVFl: THUEB MILLIONS S! ■. V K 51 <'() i N p 1) I V 'I'M E 11 H.ST HIE MONTHS OF ’95. From Til * ArlniUa ■l<*nrn«l. Got iiiiAN, (>a., July 25, 1895 To tini Editor of the .Journal : Several of the leading silverites have boon claiming that no s 1 ver iiero has recently been coin¬ ed by the United States govern me nt. Simply to show their cr rof Mr. J. L. Overby, a promi ncnt sound money man, wrote to Secretary Carlisle and receiv¬ ed this answer : “Treasury Dkp’t Mint Bu¬ reau, July 17 1895.— Respeci fully returned with the informa¬ tion that from 1st January to 1st July, 1895, the amount of silver coined lias been as foJiows : Sil¬ ver dollars 852,470; subsidiary silver or halves, quarters, dimes aud smaller coin $2,251,612.75. R. E. Preston, Director of the Mint. It is the purpose of the man¬ agement of the Cotton State and International Exposition to make September 18th, the open¬ ing day of the Exposition, a not¬ able occasion in the history of Atlanta and of the country. It will ho the notable event of the Exposition, and all business houses of the city / will close at noon on that da f and Atlanta, Georgia) and t i, e whole South. together with thousands from all quarters of the globe, will be present. crowd will gather This immense and await with eager expectancy , he signal that will open the Ex position to the sight-seers of the The wire will be con nected with the throttle of the twil * mnnunoth engines, all of the belts will be placed on the pu)]ev | , s> the flags wiJ1 struggle v ith the breeze, in their attempt to free themselves,/lead like silence the will reign, and then lightning’s stroke, the flash will come, and with a Belike move ment. the wheels will slow! v turn , l|ld ,j J(1 doors of the buildings will lie opened to the world. Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfoi nbuo i in- : 1- ,\ n Ml 1 H EART DISEASE, nuo many other ailments when they bare taken hold of the system, never gets better of its own accord, but Constantly grows worse. There are thousands who know they have a defective heart, but will not admit the fact. They elen'fc want their friends to worry, and I>cn't know what to take for it, as they have been told time and again that heart disease was incurable. Such was the case of Mr. Silas Farley of Dyesville, Ohio who writes June 39, 1604, as follows: “I had heart disease for 23 years , my heart hurting me almost continually. ^J^*g£U?ZiZ2. told only until my last doctor mo it was a question of time as I coold not be cured. X gradually grew worse, very weak, * aDd completely ais couraged, until I lived, propped half up in bed, because I couldn't lie d«irn nor sit up. Think Ing my time had y F IP come I told my fam¬ ily what I wanted done when I was gone. But on the first day of March on the recommendation of Mrs. Fannie Jones, of Anderson, Ind., I commenced taking i>t*. Stiles’ Aero Cure for the Heart and wonderful to tell, in ten days I was working at light work and on March 19 com¬ menced framing a barn, which is heavj* work, and I hav’nt lost a day since. I am 56 years old, 6 ft. 4!4 inches and weigh 2501bs. X believe X am fully cured, and I am now only anxious that everyone shall know of your wonderful remedies." Dyesville, Ohio. Silas Farley. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists: sell prepaid it at. $1, 6 bottles for of $5 price or it by will the be Dr. sent, Miles Medical on Co.. receipt Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health *$1.65. A 4 Pax’s for this paper and tlie twiee-a-week New York World for one year. This Is a most liberal offer, and you should take advantage ol it before It is too late, This paper comes once a week, the World comes twice a week; you get three papers each week for one year for only CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor, A. C MtCalla. Mayor oro tem, J. K. Irwin. Cn-rk, George F. Tillev. Treasurer, J. C. Siepenson. Onief Folio-; W II. M. Audin. Marshal, E A- Harper. Street Overseer, W. B Smith. OOXJNULMEN. J P. Tilley, 51 Jones, O. Summevp, L. J. Al- J. R. I win, ,f. W. maud, J S. Johnson. STANDING COMMITTEES: Street: L. J. Aimand, J- B. Irwin Finance: J. P. Tilley, J W. Jones Sanitary: J. S Johnson, M- C. Summers. School: J. R- Irwin, L. J. Aimand Charter e c.; J. W. Jones, J. B. Irwin. BOARD OF HEALTH. Dr J A. Guinn, J. P. Til'ey. J. .4. Johnson. County Diretory, Ordinary, O. Searnarhs. c lerk, W. T. Huson. Sheriff, W. H. M. Austin. Treasurer, Jobu E. Whiti.ker. Tax Collector, E F. Cook, Tax Receiver, R. L. Hudson, Surveyor, R A. Guinn. Coroner, L. T. Farrill. Ordinaries Court first Monday in each mouth. Superior Courts first and secoud Mondays in April and Octobtr. JUSTICE COURTS Town, 4'h’Monday, each rnoDlh Sheffield, 1st Saturday each mouth Honey Creek. 2nd Saturday, each month Lorraine, 3rd Saturday, jjj each month. Church Directory PbimitiveBahtist: J. F. Aimand, pastor. Preaching second Saturday is L B . nBwBd> ,, Preaching 1st and 3rd Saturdays and Sundays. Saturday before the 1st Sunday conference day. Sunday ^P’-° ' ‘ a ' ' Methodist: Dr. J W. Qaiilian P^r- Preaching every lit. Sunday, -undav School 9:45 a H. Y : McCord, Hunt, ‘ u B TTE , L t n l, andTh j paslo r proaohing 2n l Sundavs. Suudav Sd 0 J 9:30 a. m. t. d. o Kelley, s Ui ,t. f That MEANS A* Columbia £ THE BEST BICYCLE. On the steering-head of every Columbia bicy¬ cle of this year’s make that name-plate appears. It is unique, handsome, and indicates much satisfaction and highest enjoyment to the rider. No other bicycle has ever equalled a Columbia. No other bicycle ever shall equal a Columbia. The greatest bicycle factory in the world says so. New Price $ | f|f) ’ S’T"*"V’5~ HARTFORD Bicycles, next best, $80 $60. $50 for Boys’ and Girls’ sizes. An Aft Catalogue BRANCH STORES I cf these famous Boston. wheels free at New York any Columbia Chicago Agency, or will San Francisco be mailed for Wj Providence in-0 a -cent Buffalo stamps. DO YOU RIDE A VICTOR ? *£SZ SrrS b± /> In / // V. i \W i * . ..... --wg.vSsvS- A)* The grandest outdoor sport is cycling; the best bicycle is a Victor, iade in the largest and finest bicycle plant in the world. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Maker, of Victor Bicyc!e3 and Athletic Goods, BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICACO. PETROIT. CCNVER. PACIFIC COAGf. ^AN P-RANCISCO, LOS ANGELES. PORTLAND. MIDDLE GA.& ATLANTIC R. R. o Effective Jan. 2nd, 11 a. m., 1895. gWREAlt DO WN. £3 &-RKA U UF. No. 101. No 103 i STATIONS. Xo. 102 No. 104 A. M. P. M. §• F. M. P. M. 6 50 1 15 ■r. I.y. Milledgevilie, Ar. 7 50 1 00 0 55 1 Eaionton dune. “ 7 15 12 f>5 7 20 h “ Meriwether “ 7 20 12 32 P.M. t- 1 SSggSiSS.Sag “ Dennis <( -1 1215 00 to 1 Ar. Katunton Lv j Ci 11 40 ro US Lv, Vatonton Ar. Ct 11 45 GC |20 “ Willards C 3 11 15 ; 35 “ A'kenton (« O * 10 55 15 3!: “ Mat hen 4( Or 10 XO in “ Shatiy Dale L • O ’ to 30 Ci 41 “ Kelley Or 10 15 [10 00 40 “ Broughtonville “ Or lu 0(1] 10 03 51 “ Newborn “ Or 0 45 | 10 18 * S 1541 “ Carmel •Tunc. “ ; 5 00 9 39 JO 25 . S jnO loll “ •* Starrsvil’e Havston “ “ 4 4 45 53 9 9 20 05 c = 1 o 04; “ Covington June “ 4 30 8 45 10 55 :65l Ar. Covington Ly. “ , 4 23 8 40 •Flag Stations. £16?“Connect with all day trains on Georgia Railroad. Trains connect at Ylaclwu with Macon A Northern lv. R. for Macon, Madison and Athens. Connect at Mjlledgeviile with trains for Augusta ila con ond other points South and East, W. B. THOMAS, General Manager; CLARK & CO., General Produce Cenfimissief} Merchants, Smttai Fruits ad %iaUn a Specialty, 20 Little 12tk St,, New York Are headquarters and agents for tbe Georgia Melon apd Vegetable Growers’ Association, Shippers of fi aits and vegetables will do well to correspond with «» before shipping to our market. All correspondence regarding fruits or vog etables answered promptly. Wife refer to Newton & Brinson, Rocky ford, Ga., J. B, Epperson, Willinon, Fla, Hoc. N. A. Blitch, Phoenix, Fla. E ’ W ' A ^ ew - B * aker ' 0oala > P»- «■ F. Dutton * Co, Gainesville, Fla., Bradstreet’s or Dnn’s agency, N. V., and our shippers in ad seetjons. Correspondence gnlicited. SteccRs and stamps furuished on application