Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 17, 1895, Image 1

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III J‘p „ a h»aoV j y| j j 0:7 yj ■% l & ^ *' ^ £0 * 11 .<*. *{ Of pj Ml r 57^ Jlill. rip L v ** I ISTANLEY J. TVi,YUAN. Stit.ll-!, ! ;• 0 -i! ;i Fubliehmy Co All ri;lrts i-. n iv.n 1 i r;i.vH'::;: x:-:u. I havo Jiccr-1, m: : the afternoon p-fltK-H A : riding between fel and V> orce.' 1 ■ r v.iiii the news of . EpspsV neat J ea of the gate t Which Ejgpy at Co ton i d 5 s plainly bfnei the r;:J. T-..mgii lio had al R'j..,--;!; (1'i.v liita vi for umol) week -ale whan as a l^wstrell, pit.-:! !i0 (’.ill .Tt'f. much linio wants to stop more. and (Ao siatiro's brewing, which bo L [„,5,'tin. look of tho tower, might his newts aril ho rodo through C ea sil railed at his nag for stum Btaj Es-.y, acrcss tho gentleman chase ho mot walk- Sir E’ttfli Tho eld was hia staff in his hand and his Eftiml E, him, to take the ho air still before Eiijipaces The mail, iv/iiJo was a off, began to wave his hat Elctt Ent somothing which ale and ex Kjrtbthofliattcri” aaicntl nnintoiligible. Egdf, raid Sir Anthony ami lie stood still. Kioqueon is dead!" shouted tho mes t K graying in his saddle. Liio blight; stared. lA c.i.-.cniatcd bark after awhile, took oS his “Is it true, hstraens r London that I Fffc yost-cr |tafternoon and Jiavc never drawn rein pe!"swore tho knave, who hart been todays on tho roart and had drunk at Bhostel find at half tho manor-houses (irA.i London and Ox ford. *{:«!rest Bur soul!” said Fir Anthony still in somewhat of a maze, iiil do you come in! Como in, man, ptok fe:;!,tiio something.”' mi’s.sci)<;t i* had get his formula pCuit find was not to ho defrauded of Bpsrf of it. pGo:lsave B(f tho for queen!” tho knight he shouted, he slipped and respect Bin his sriddle and promptly fell on his pin tho read. "Ate. to be sure. God save the queen!” pi Sir Anthony, taking ctf ]:is lmt (jiii. feiedon, "You fli'oright, man!” Then lie not noticin'* the messenger’s m -a | fil'g Fi#WM i H® : 1^, item V i/OK)!'? a rcri; 'singular ornament sus I ] 111 dal i ; f i < • c /f cr l a 11 / cc. Pwip Tlie tldin:;?; ],<_* ii;ul heard Fcomecl i&chiihportajicn. |GI and he yes s 8 anxious tm.'iit to liis licuvt: i-ohl —for the pi’ft men have weaknesses, r.-ul news P as this conn*:; FA’idom in a liL time— pile strode on to the house and over the gf-Jridgo Paiiij? l.icMnd into him. tho courtyartl without |H? ptbsro loved orfler end decent nhs' rvaacc, nrc tiuios wiicn a cut, to get to r rcain P ; * n - will wot its feet, l ie stood F 1: Hho lnitUiio of tho courtyard, r.iul voice siiokle*.! for hi:-, daughter. ? c. r mronilla-, hitlrn do you hear, girli Fa j‘i’ hmlsa Carey! Martin Luther! on until half thchouse ^eroCollected. “Do you itear, all cf Iko queen is dead! God rest her inicn!” snnl F;it,*:cv Garcy, as bccnr.ia Putting in J,is v.-nad a:ni;l thy v.-oa RSfbnco Pwtlicrand which Baklivi?], followcJ, vylio while vossh- JMar wore E , !l5 l 'lv‘at the ijuu’-p, stood with Ol'ippil);. tiiwr JllOIitllS pill’ll!” echoed tho l'.r.ight. “And P 110 ,‘li° qivjcn! live Queen Md:;! lioconliiuiod, having now g -t a giWDDla by heart. And he swung his dhere vr.vs a .cheer, a fairly loud cheer, p there was one. \vh-> di-.l not j* in in it. ^ that was IViTonilla. She, listening “her ... lattic e Bp stairs, began at onco to »nk 33 was lier habit when any matter PJw p^tho small fortune;! foil avtf cf whether certain this would far r\ It might, n person ^ it might, not. She did ® 0v: ' But the doubt so far enter itH t ^ KU ' s he caino down to supper k-Ightencd , color, thinking in ,?• not P° or girl, that tho event might ir o eonsequcziccs fer others almost i, r to her ^ and nearer homo, ftcr?, Iom * VCar I’ / r 5 *.Leis Lce iii Cluddo j * sudden had departnro a * come to Py "j-a h many meager hands letter, which had passed rP»°w and reached Sir An P°eli through ono channel, now Clover another Tho otters” l inUit erumWc-d i ! Edited these whh-h never >> an audreos to which an answer "e l* forward.d r « wW much s I writer lUedore^inrU was weM and sent hIs Jovo ! L ana being “'*«WOR> ,i Lut, inaager as they were P"0 loud flyaway rn-... in .1 cUe^Mn , * m — -Uor ’ X S'va’Vuw’s K ^sTn^ablv P** tiny „•'» ”.T* feat! ™ " *i N” n»VM. rJ-J^hn neante^of . * ^ neither its ’ ^ ff r, follow 'gnlar htraKrnt with blfeyM, 1 ',* • in biddin.- I'urtieular her attend in him : V and mere iiUmioint Eeciug ■ - e ~iaame ----^ c — I.OTK' 1 ,qg' f 3 !_. ¥ r- o zm <> CONYERS, GA, SATURDAY, AUGUSi ' 17, a ) - o. Lor Patron lita, Tc cannot n c salcr, Clioti'-Ci I think in after times she would kayo liked to inafco some one be li.uvo it. t!:r;t flio ivast-w! away. But she did take a more ^erionn and t*bo«gklfnl air in there (lay a, v, ’* 1 * c ^ i S K: ::ovrr God bless her, lest sitter * > There camp from Woniton WV.wers nnd from lienley in Arden and from rjokbiil gentlemen of excellent estate woo is or. but they all wont away diwon solato after tlriiikltjg very deeply'-of Amho.’iy’s ale and strong waters. And some wondered that the good knight did not roundly take the jade to task ajul see her settled. Hut ha did not. So possibly even in these days lie had other views. I have been tedd that, going up once to her little ebauibor tu seek ho found a very sin* gular ornament suspended inside her list *iee. It was r.o other than a common clay house martin's nest, but it was so deftly hung in a netted bag and so daintily swathed in moss always green and the Christinas roses and snowdrops and violets ami ihiiiX'dils which decked it in turn vserc always so pure and fresh and bright—as the knight learned by more tlnm ono stealthy visit afterward—that, coming down tiia stoop steps, he could not sco clearly and stuuihled against a cool;boy and beat him soundly for getting in his way. To return, however. Tho news of the queen’s death h.-. d scarcely been well di¬ gested at 1,'oton, i.or tlie mass for her soul, which Father Casey celebrated with inner, devotion, been properly criticised, before another surprise fell upon tho household. Two strangers arrived, riding, late one evening, and rang the great boll while ail wore at supper. Baldwin and the perter went to see what it was and brought"back a message which drew the knight from his chair as a terrier draws a rat. , '‘Yon are drunk!” ho .shouted, purple in the face and fumbling for tho stick which usually leaned against his sent ready for emergencies. "How dare you bring cock and bull stories to me?” “It is true enough!” mattered Baldwin s’, a stout, doin’ man, not much afraid of bis master, but loving him ex¬ ceedingly.. "I know him agin myself.” Sir Anthony strode firmly out of tho room, and in the courtyard near the great gate found a man and a woman standing in the dusk, lie walked up to tho former and looked him in tho face. “What do you here?” ho said in a strange, hard voice. ‘ I want shelter for n night for myself and my wife, a meal and some words with you—:io more,’” was tho answer. “Give mo*this,” the stranger continued, "which every idle passerby may claim at Colon iimi. and you siiail sco no more of mo, Anthony. ” For a moment tho knight seemed tc hesitate. Then ho answered, pointing sternly with hit hand: "There, is tho hall, and nipper. Go and cat and drink, or stay!” ho resumed., And lio turned and gave some orders to Baldwin, who went swiftly to the hail, and in a mdmentibame again. "Now, go! What you want the servants wiil preparo for you.” “I want speech of you,” said the new ccii'.cr. glr Anthony Eccir.ul nl.-out to refuse, but thought better of it. “Yon can come to my room when you have slipped,” he snici in the same ungracious tone, speaking with his eyes averted. “Aik! you—do you not take supper?” ‘ I havo finished,” said tho knight, al¬ beit ho had eaten lHtio. Anti he turned on his heel. Very few of those who sat round the table and watched with nstoni.-hnient the tall str.-iiigcrhi ontranco knew him again. IS was FJ years since Fei'dinai’.d Clttdue had Inst sat there—sitting tiwr.* of right;. And the Id yours laid w.-eked nnicii < h.'.r.gc in him. M'iica he found that Peiror.illa, obeying her father’s jnessago, had disap pea red, ho said haughtily that his wife would f i;j) i a her own room, c.iul with « fiii.-ddng eye and curling lip hade Laid win to it. h hen, Beating himself in a place next Fir Anthony”'., ho looked down (he board at wliich all sat silent, IBs sareas tie eye, his high hearing, his nar.ner—the in a inor of ono wlio had gone long witli his life in his hand—awed these simple folk. Then, ton, ho was a Cftiddo. Father Carey was absent that evening. IdarfiP Luther had one of those turns, half side half "sullen, which alternated his with his moods oi merriment and kept straw pallet in some corner or other: There was no one to come between the servants and this dark visa god stranger, who was yei “°nS C his way letter and hU talk with- into the Sir Author.-. the lasting far , right anti profiac-m, otl-1 r.-snlts. In tin lirh “ito place the unhidden «:tcst ami hie staid on over «r*t <!v ami ov.t to°grow mar v dr.vs to erne and seemed eradnallt i.usm ami more ft home. Tie. SS&’ga’iSWSSSt’S 2S fSSElKl Ad's .SvS't ANhArK: | 5”I Wi r - iho I'Kiv.go young wuntai Ad 1 whukiiow b'.Ad 1 1 will the .Tin i.-y moods of gloom, b hnt te’jzsix- i.ucle x . jujl m. . ■^•ss^ssjsssr « dice about this .. tunc, . am. , M .bat . vra. troubled father Carey i he good natured. easy priest received with joy and t...i.ikf«lncss , the news that 1 erdinaml Clmldc had seer. | his errors and re-entered the fold, bm when he had laid two or three interview, witli the convert his brow, too, grow clouded and his mind troubled. JR j learned to sots that the accession of th. Pron>«ant <n>een must hear fruit 1 f-.r which he had a poor appetite. Ho be i rr n to sn-md ir-i'v hours in tiio church, tbochurehwhtehho had known all hi- | life, and wresUod much with himself, il I | his kindiylnan. ra.-a were any index to ilia soul. Good, ho Nvr.s not of tho Tuff of j I in^hoso witi-welL ^ that days of many a gwjd ami iearued clergyman bred monocbarch and bidden suddenly, on pain of losing his iirgJLLCdMf mt his l.ifoe tft toi 6 rato to Tin vi.-itors had h :i its tho honso a niQiHh—ami ;:i that urolith an observant. ’ V70, cjo have noud much f •!*:? ?: tbanji ail things in arm in;.? went 10:11 before—when l!ie queen*:, of tiers ru joinin'* all 1 : ie; A- to i\ at! 1 1 , my\ ice, or a pr*. a: part of ir. in L;;«;lB:h, ca»:n» d»v-vn, beii:;: forwo; d< Ly t!;e .Aim ■ .V t-.i FlGl r Cor- y. Thee ,.;sive rived t :s a 1 'iiday and Ine.i been Indeed Km.;? ex poked. j ' What Hi-all you Qo:" Foriiinainl abked Sir Anihony. ‘A: i >: fort'!” the tall old man readied, : gripping PC Aon inom brody. It was no ! new sui.-jeet bet we? u them. A ini 11 tired ! ! limes they had diremsed it. already, even os ihcy v:viv now dhseuss iug it, out Uv ter race by the tiCino.--!, with the church, whieli adjuins the Ji»uise full in view ncruss the garden. “I will have no mush room faith at Coton Kid,the knight, cent,in Tied warmly. “It sprang ..up under King Henry, and how long did it last? A year or two. It came In again under ]\in% ltd ward, and how long did it last? A year er two. So it will be again. Jt will not last, Ferdinand. ” | “I am of that mind,” the younger man answered, nodding his head gravely. ‘ Of course you are!” Sir Anthony rc joined as he rested one hand on the sun¬ dial. “For ten generations our forefathers havo worshiped in that church after the old fashion, and shall it be changed in my day? Heaven forbid! Tho old fashion did for my fathers. It .shall do for me. Why, I would as soon aspect that the river yon¬ der should flow backward as that tho chureh which has stood lor centuries, and nioro years to ilicbaek of them than I can count, should bo swept away by these hot gospclers! I will have none of them! ] I ■ id ii.TVc- no new fangled ways at Coton j idiidr ‘wrd. I tiiln.k you arc rjgnt! , ’ tho ror.r: r J-rofur Faid. By what nrans ho :)a ‘! l^'oc-Kht t ii'. 3 .,ki;:ght* to this mind wltn out conim:t ;ing himself more fuliv I can •;ot tcih \i t.-mH. war. i- erdiuand shenjed | oL.iisc.i always tho cjuitJour. doubler, ha- ! m r { avey oven must have done him that ms two. But and this was strange tho \ioyo uoubtt i;i he - sow .1 nun ;cli i ho more 5 t notion) € T3 ' Vi 'kJ * breaker. r i here a.rc men o slirewd as to pass^oiT f cones for bread, ,o:u men : o •'? n;p;*- minded as to take some filing less t! an i i>c word for the deed. "Yfhy should io come in our Bme?” Tric’d Sir Anthony fractious!}’. ‘•Why i’/.d-jed?” quoth the su!)tle. one. “I sey, why should it come now? I have heard and read of the reef,called Lol¬ lards who gave trouble awhile aye. But passed, and the. church stood. So will those gospcilorH ixiss, and tho church ■vii 1 »iand.” “That is cur expericnco certainly,” said Seed-Lend. “I hate change!” tho old man con¬ tinu’d. his eyes on tho old church, tho old imbared house—for only tho gateway mver rt Colon is of stone —tho old rmv ii.-jj in the cliurciiyard. “I dc not believe a it, and, what is more, 1 will not have t. As my lathers havo worrdjipod -go Wiil !, though it cost uu every rood of land! A for the order in couucli!” “if you really w’ili not change wiAi the ,’oun£cr {'c ner.iti<;ns”— “i will not!” i- piled tho old knight diarpiy. “There is iva end of it!” Today 1 he reformed church in England has seen many an anniversary and grown stronger with each year, ami wuean a fiord co ko.iyh ut Sir Anthony’s arguments. VVc •snow hi ttov than ho did, for the proof cf the pi’d'.iin;; i > in the eating. But in iiim ami his felJowa, who had only t!ie knowl jdgo of their own day, nn.’h arguments were natural enough. All time, all ex perienee, ail J'.i.sto^y «::d custom e.nd habit u; known to them were on their t-idc. Only it was on t*o again to he the ha file of David and. tho giant cf Latii. F i r A n - thoiiy hud said, “There is an end of it!” But his companion, as ho presently strolled up to the house with a smile bi) his satur¬ nine face, well knew that this was only tho beginning of it. This Friday. On tho Aim day, a rumor of tho order having gone abroad, a larger congregation than usual streamed across tho chase to I church, prepared *o hear some new tiling. They were disappointed. Fir Anthony stalked Hi, as of old, through tho double ranks of people waiting at the door to re¬ ceive him, and after hi in Ferdinand and his wife and Fctronilla. and Baldwin and every servnuC ffom tho house save a cook or two and tbo porter. The church was fall. .Seldom had such a congregation been seen in it. But aii passed as of old. father Carey's band ebook lml-M ami Ms voice quavered bu„ ho wont through the ceremony of tho mass, ami nil was done m Latin, a little ehatigowmtW havo been p easant, some thought hut no ono a this country place on the borders of the orest held very strong views . No bKnop S.™ s' “SsS &S SSmmM’ !-v ’ one way or tho other. To tnem Mr An S°«^A“a 0 t“^t iSuLi“ i be i j a-auft jiis own free will, I fancy, would havo i winked. But ho wa3 conmiitteu to tho ! Protestants and bound to stand or fall I with them. Tbo choleric knight sent back I an answer by the same messenger The i I ehcnft rapi.eo, Iho knight rcjomcd-hav- ! mg ins brother always at his elbow. The upshot of tho correspondence was an «n nouncomont onth,. the part of ,b« tho sheriff sher. that he should son a hisollicws to tho next serv, ice to see that the queen s order was obeyed and a reply on tho part of .fir An- i tbony that he should as certainly put the | men in the duck pond. Homo inkling of this state of things things got got abroad and spread I as a September .er fir« hre (lies (lies through through a a wood, wood, so that t hero was like to bo - such ' a cangre- j ' ^y’s gathering altogether into the It was iter at last that Fir Anthony j himself «td not thins, that tnero was the | end cf It, for on that Saturday aftecnoon fca r^i 0 -tt^collca. l eu \ -r ;i j her hw>d m\d ocoo vFl!i hi:n. ;.tk! ! «iri. who h«id Fcr.i so Jitth* of her fall.or i;i t hi* mvajib, and who, what w;D> >■■>:.;ari and am: s n ?;. i • . v..\ t-atin;; 1 ; r heart t nt, ubuyed hi:n v. i:]» jny. 1: wm; a li:io ii\>.--iy day near th- close o£ Deeeu Jr-r. Fir A.ntb-my 1 - .1 too way over ?h • plank hviupo which r:*o.-.-rd ; !so moat, in Cm roar of i::o i;«»i:sea;n! omiipui j tendily ti.rt'li;di t .ho bwno J:v; in 1 A.arjJ n JJil en)*- U Co Wocdnm.j’s View, w J j : • 01 uiaria d Urn f.c: der of the fore?.;, lie did mo talk, ! ;:: neither w.ioim and; ?.i reverie. A a ir ten d cr.: !i ih -Id hvtiiond ami sr:u);:oi :,c times mwe!;/ nodding, as times mniiing: or i.gain nr.strering a lew words, nidi ns, * Thetkree aer.- jjjeee! Aly i':nb«T iamltv'd it!'’ cr, - -'J’iiaL is wSiere i erdinnud Idled the old inarm" or, ‘The best land for wheat* on this side of the house!” The hill climbed, ho-stood a long time gazing over the landscape, eying first tho fields end meadows which stretched away from his feet toward the house, tho latter, sis seen from this point, losing all its stateli¬ ness in the mass of stacks and ricks and burns p.nd granaries which surrounded if. Then his eyes traveled farther in tho same line to tho bread expanse of woodland— Coton Chase—through which tho road passed along a ridge as straight as an ar¬ row. To tho right were more, fields, and hero and there amid them a homestead with its smaller ring of stacks and barns. When he turned to the. loft, his eyes, pass : i}Z over tho shoulders of Brant hill and }!:J 1 ilor.d copse and Beacon hill, all bul¬ warks of the forest, followed tho streak of river 03 it wound away toward Stratford through luscious flood meadows,here groyn¬ ing wide and there narrow as tho wood land advanced or retreated, “It is all mine,” ho raid as much to himself as to the girl. “ i t is nil Cimldo land r.s far as you enu see. ” There wore tears in her eyes, and abo ha(1 lu Uim aW ay to conceal them. Why ,«i>a. hardly know, for lie fftid nothing more, j ie talked down the hill dry eyed, but a l! theway homo ho still looked charpjy about, noting this or that, as if lie were bidding farewell to the old familiar oh¬ tho spinneys and copses—nyc, and the very gates and gaps and tho hollow t rG( >g where l he owls built. It was the sad* dost and most pathetic walk the girl had ovor taken. Yet there was nothing said, [TO Eli CONTINUED.J Whim. La' r was*k!:. wo pure her Caetonr.. WOira slic w:is a CIiiM. Hie cried for O.H.oria. When k!:c became UTiss,: lie clanpf to Castorla. When she had Children, slio gave them Cautoria A BAT :ii OF NEWSY NOTES. Corbett and Fitzsimmons Mix. - Better limps are Felt. Snake Story.-- C out a Ac. * anting.— Other News. i Corbett and two or three of 1 1 his flii nds were iu a j’iuiadel- j | phiasaloon drinking, a few days ago, when Filzsimmons aceom panied by his boxing partner I entered. Corbett attempted to pull Fitz’s nose, and a general! fight followed, Which was stop-l ped by Ibe police. It is not known which o' the parties: came out second best. No ar rests were made. Tiie lumber industry is recov ering rapidly fi on, the hi ,w i. recieveo from the hard tunes j , Many of the mills have order:- for several months ahead. W, W. Scott came near being i bitten i y a rattlesnake last week I while on his way to the forest to chop wood. Just lie ; some as went to cross a rail fence he hap U ok down before be placed bis foot, on the opposite be! I aide. Had be not done so would SOOll have rested Oti a big four-foot rawer. Bill was scared doesn’t express He jumped back, craned the I at filiothpr dIafo 3 . 11(1 with *r«s t« bead - _ r|pen 1 into tliO ° *>TOUDd. ’ It _ has I made quite a change IU Bill.! y. Next Tt Cli.nilav DUnaay Vio ne was woe at nt Ihp ine j I church house long before any body else arrived and when the niiniRtw minister nnueorefi appea.ea anil ana finished Iimsiiea | ---------- “* *------ ----- I [jjg sermon Bill didn’t Wait Until the , Contribution basket Was pie beutefl ^ 1 » 0 ° Dim, him hut out went » t ire U» t vol- j , uiltarily * and ’ gave freely ^ „ for the suppoi t of the ministerial cause. Dah lonega Signal. CottOtt took a beautiful jump a lid futures IU New \ ork dosed 15 to 17 poililF - o.iiCS i ^ Of .. } .. , > ** •' • J; t b ‘S preti V KOOd for tl ’' * c 11; (1 ‘ l •' 0-* !ji . Tj ^ UIGSS. C u jvur:; • i> 1 • 1»L tJilJ't*: *, 1 . , 1 t.eau.stwl repoi it. it ^ ,vo «». av . e)’<l £0 Of 77 . 1 ) for COlliOII ’ (ho !,. -( , August 1)0 l' 0 |)t)l t ill ' J \ r»j ’ m j m, , ' 1 ° c vl * ' i5 ‘ 00;::^ h.t\o \ j crawled dOo f | j#-*ir IcnOS ill 111 pu.led iN.’C . af 'llcill. ‘ tU 0 C|")( | . () H OM n ] Qn ^ P i • « ‘ c ‘ ‘ - ,l#1 ' * ‘ illl! ^ is {) > ()' ed ill Ali^USta ** \ a 7~ 1 1 . , JUdt iNcw 1 O) K J'H’U^OS a • e ru 1 ark 0(1 Lest year at IGL time midtUing was selling at 7c , with a downward tendency ' ... 1 Ins . had' year 1- is neai'iy a < e it higher, with an lil) 1 wird ' tendon- ' “ c ' and the outlook for the farm ers is very promising.—Sunday • ' AugUSta Clu'Olliclo. A veteran who testifies that his ago is 105 has app iet! to the State fur a pension under tho indigent pension act. lio id W. A. Kilpatrick, and his hurin i s ; iu Bartow county. ! Tiie waternie'ou Im-iiipss in south Georgia lias been, if not ai failure, a complete tlisippoint- ; mciit. Cars which sold for $100 were eaten up with freight and commissions. Some of the beys , played good joke last Tuesday night on some of oiw cii/ifiens, who were expect itig to entertain memhers of the confeieiice, by impersonating the vi iiors, and getting t heir would-be hosts out of their beds in the wee small hours. A gen¬ eral massacre was barely avert e l.—Clarkesvilie Advertiser. The Eastman Times-Journai office lias a pot king snake. A thief made a raid on Jeff Osborn’s crib and smoke house, near Sparta, Thursday night,get an g [ vvo or three bushels of corn and about twenty pounds o laid. He ran bis hand through a chick and raked the bird from a jar with bis fingers. There arc about a di z-m dis¬ tilleries in full Inast in r.kecoun ty now. They me mnshiug up wormy peaches and turning 0 "* ! ,Ie u ' atcr ” ii! a !i,I,1 T me , County Journal. At a family reunion in Jack son county at the homo of •Judge M. M. Pitman there we if ve members w ho weighed ovti 200 pounds each.-Henry Ooud ty ... vYeekly. , , t. John L|. Illii(u|net J i'b in 1 r cr, Gonycus, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accommodations, cons stent with safe banking, extender.. Special a ttcn now civfu to collections of all kinds. K [ 0‘ j, P |Y}(j|S ON ‘o A SMALL INVESTMENTS. Lt t uni. g ikosp-aity will make many rich, but nowhere tbev make h* ."*• ■ ............. -»—............... can ............. . $ \ n our °rinated by u>. Alt siicttossful s,>eeuIators ope -uro o 1 :i reguhtr system. it it is is a a well-known well-known fact fact that that there there are are thou thou >-i*icU ,an«U <«f •<( mei men in all pares of the United States who, by sy.-eem;Uic trading tbr .ugh Ciixn" i brokers, in ske large imounC hundred hundred * « v ery year, ranging btmdretl hundred from dollars dollars a few thoanu .......... I ildilarsVoi- Me man who in¬ vests ves %s a a or or t.vo two up nn to tn > <s(» 50 1 (s>’i ) 0 ) to $10),“0) sin. /«.»r. or m >re by those who invest few thousand. , a It is also a fact that those who make the 1 !o”ive'vvav irgn-t pr *lits from nthT: eoaiparativriy i''oaad'ii7 investments on tins plan are |«jr,ong w fro ve#t * hrwu ? h b rokeM vvh *. tno»v«*ly systmintic trmlin,'. Our plan do. , not the whole . th out <le«, |ii»ii uu.» that 8 ir.i nsa riss iuc wuuic si sinom noun-, invested on any trade, hut coves h ° 6, so whctlic.- the .-.iirket rises it fails it brings a steaiy profit that pil&s up enormously in a short time. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, «1 liX'iif Mft iiw< cn sue j.ssful specu * ,,d 0 ar ,*! ’ &i!irke t 11 l ’ jrL ’ t,,n ot «jii -y ,ki„ a pjiutj.-y. ALL FRE r Our Manual . explains margin , e fully. Hi Uiest ^fe . n cs n i earci C-> oi r . stenlirg and success Uor furthe. nfo uviou address THOMAS & CO , P-AXKERfi a :i> JJrukers, 21 !- 2 f 2 Rialto Build ig ( 'aii ago, Ill, NO. 33 y'y:. "M c-JH l yyy ■ m-: A- EGUl ATOfB B Bfe. mm Are you taking SiMnoNS Liver Uko iTLATOE, the “Kino of Liver Mkdi cinkb?” That is what our readers* wan h al 'd nothing but that. It in the same old friend to which the old folks pinned their fait)) and wore never (lin¬ appointed. But another good recora mendation for it is, that it is better than Pills, never gripes, never weak cn f> b f werka in such an eaay and natural way, just like nature itself, that, relief conics quick and sure, and one feels new nil over. It never fails. IJverybody needs take a liver remedy, iind ovoryono should take only Him mons Liver Regulator. 15c sure you get it. The Red Z is on the wrapper. ,T. II. Zeilin «5fc Co., PiUladclphia. n, i3Y i&ilje. to Way P ! 6c.i\c Ai;i'_ hodr H?P r yC l/ni) Lf A-' <A% fjf /iA; 1 iCfi6 t’Or S /V1H1S6 P I1C v'.V-f) Li ijtrc-wbTed v/i'Mj oi* iTg-flb- •t’wiilpojihiVeiy edre. all by W STUCK Will kill boJ bugs, roaches, Sins, iu it!is, inuotjuitoa uud bcotVfi ; ia fa ;t, every con ceivable kin 1 of vo min whirl* iuiiista immitu lmbila* Imn, if no', the money if ro* futuUd. Tty it l ffiiMw I Stewart SAY 1 HILLS. $160 TO $900. ENGINES&BOILERS To suit, J00 in stock. Large stock of -mU TiXO. PULLEYS, BELTING AND SUPPLIES. k CO., AUGUSTA, (U CStn^MI| |{H . p jJj MATI j/| n ‘ t ,i, ‘ voa