Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 17, 1895, Image 2

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CONYERS WEEKLY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNT /. Af. B. <fc J. I/. Rkkse. Elite!<-i! :tf. lhe p»*t<»AicP at Conyerr h, M-cowt-viais lull'd matter. Satukimy, Aug. 17, 1805. ADVERTISING RATES. 8 mo. 0 mo. 12 mo 1 fi.od *4,00 > * <i E 2 . ( 4.0 ) ? 50 ? 4 “ i 7. .0 12.00 20 = u column i 10.00 15.00 r 'y. *• ! : 8- is.tin .00 J to 01 j i S S Lorain 5 rents per line fir fir-t Inner tlon ; 2!j rent* for racli *nbsiqnonl In r f i < ■ 11 Begul.’-r ivlv. r,('c | er in, Ji for fn >• ineerdou : 25c for < nch. subsequent in~( rdoi>. M issy mmos rat i:s : One } 1 1 ,r, fn arh arice ... Hlx month?, In nlvaiiee. ... .fO Wo predict, that when next year comes the Constitution will bo left, and “Brer ’’ Carlton will not -‘get thar” as acme of his friends so fondly expect. The .Savannah Press favors the appointment of Hon. Hoke Smith to the Supreme Bench as successor of Justice Jacxson. Mr. Smith would make a faith¬ ful and conscientious justice. “Putnam” in the Journal of the 14th defends Judge Lawson against the attacks of the Con¬ st, itution and the Hon. II. H. Carlton. He writes with wise an I becoming dignity, criticising jn caustic style the critics of the Judge. The editress of the Rome Hus¬ tler Kid has been to Washing¬ ton where she saw great piles of gold and silver going through the mint and made into beauti¬ ful, bright coins. Looking on these would indicate gold and silver enough tor this country. Some ono has found on old law in tho statute hooks of Geor¬ gia, prohibiting men from wear¬ ing dn sees, and women from wearing breeches. Tins law has never been repealed, so it might b c well for the bloomer women to be catefu), for they might he brought before the criminal side of the court. The bull fight advertised for the Exposition is causing a great deal of discussion. Though harmless as to its blood letting, wo think it very much out of place. The scene would be as degrading and immoral as that of tho theatre troop in San Fran¬ cisco, dramatising Durant’s mur¬ der of the young ladies at the church. On last Wednesday the Dem¬ ocrats of the 10th congressional district unanimously nominated Hon. J. J. C. Black, ot Augusta, to oppose Hon. Tom Watson in another tilt for congress. The registration will be completed Sept. 20th, and the election is ordered for Oct. 10, at which time Mr. Black will heat Mr. Watson just about 4000 votes, fair count. Now, see! The silver men have changed the discordant and grating sound of “free silver” to the more euphonious one of ‘bimet alism. We have seen nobody who objects to bimetalism, though there may he a differ¬ ence of opinion as to what that word means. From our staud point we can’t conceive how free and uulimited coinage of silver can mean bimetalism. It is very probable that Secre¬ tary of the Interior Smith and Congressman Bryah, of Nebras¬ ka, will speak on the money question at the annual fair of the wiregrass section, to be held at Hawkinsville in October next. An invitation has been extended be to Secretary Smith to speak and has accepted. An invitation has also been extended to Con¬ it gressman is highly Bryan to speak, and *lso probable that he will I accept.—Grifliu Suu. WHAT IS THE MATTER? It appears that three or four men worth all Hi way from 25 to 50 millions each have control of the meat supply, making pti eos to suit speculative Another gi oup, possessing many millions, secure the monopoly of the mineral oil supply, running up the price to the consumer of light in the households all over tiic land. Another group of con¬ spirators have recently arrang¬ ed to combine on the coal sup¬ ply, running prices up on the consumer. Another small group of millionaires have control of the sugar and are entrenched in their monopoly. Thus the tax is imposed upon every consumer In the land to still further till the coffers of these men, who exhibit insatia¬ ble greed. Now in regard to these spec illations and millionaires, how can the people help themselves ? Will the government’s issuance of free silver help them ? Will the gold standard work to the remedying of the evil ? Let be what legislation there may, the silver and the gold men will still he on top, and the government cannot protect the poor man un¬ less these combines can he sup¬ pressed. But it is a question whether any legislation can reach them upon the principle that iusta' tiug out in life every man has an equal chance for wealth, and if some outstrip oth¬ ers in securing the thousands it is given to their credit in man¬ agement, wisdom and energy, so that no law can touch them. What then is the hope of the country ? It is hard work and economy with an abiding faith in the government and God, striving to get higher on the lad¬ der of wealth and intelligence. While all cannot hope to be rich, yet all may aspire to this end, and thus serve their sphere in life with credit and honor, leav¬ ing behind a reflex iulluence for good. WE ARE COMING. When ther leaves all gold nn'ci itn°on Bid tker aoMter trees g ;«.d bye, An’ autumn breezes croou sweet songR of love; Earth, clothed in beauteous languor ’Neath a soft an’ hazy sky. from Yields lo tlier soft caresses above. 'VU n ther cotton's all picked over, Aid ther corn is stowed away ; When King Plenty lays discontent ment low, We'll take a dozen eggs er sick, (Jes’ four months old today) ther Au’ go ter see our kin lolks an’ show. We will s’e thet feller Stanton Es he sings his happy sonus. (He’ll set ’em up ter julep till were full) Ballou An' we’ll see Hosea ; He will tell us all the wrongs That’s a~ bein’ done to him tn' to ther bull. When we've done ther expedition, An' heads is whirlin’, tired, hot, (Caused by either expersition or ther beer) hie quiet We will us to ther Uv er beatitio spot— We will dream upon tLe.’ banks uv Clara Mere. EXPECTANT We RI-:rfEt>Y Offer You Which a MOTHERS, INSURES Safety of Life to .Moth¬ er and Child. “MOTHERS’ FRIEND” Halis Confinement of its Pain, Honor and Risk. My wife used “ .MOTHKItS' ntlKNh" l>0 forv birtU ot Iter first oUlM,she <!»<! not suffer from t ILUH’^or IMINS—wasqulebly relieved ut the critical hour suffering but little — sl*o hail no bums afterward mm her recovery wus rapid. K. J5. Johnston, KutauTii, Ala. Sent hj MnU or Express, on receipt of priw, fl.<M» per bottle. t Hook “To Mo Hi rrs" limited t ree. BiUI»TKf.n RKUUMTOR CO., All.nla, (ia. SOUS BY ALL DKDG6ISXS. Do You See Spots before you in the ait ? a hat s your liver’s fault. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Hcad ache and Biiliousness are all your liver’s fault. Symptoms of a Disordered Liver: Pain in back, Ride and shoulders, a bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, general drowsiness, diges tion bad.fullnessin the stomach, loss of appetite, sour and sick stomach, habitual costiveness, dots before the eyes, s -in sallow, eyes yellow, ner- dry vousness, pimples on the face, cough, confused mind, At the first appearance of these symptoms call on your merchant for a bottle of t, .V! i* #£vm\fjeurd|gio (jJREr it goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses this organ— makes it active again—purifies cured. your blood and you're Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For ft CULLEN & NEWMAN, Soie Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn. Boo n medicines for Hale by :— II. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga VV. E. King, Kings, Ga. Snit Rills I Clark county has organized a horticultural club. A new paper has been started at Comer, Madison countv, Ga. A nugget of gold worth $21 was found in Walton county re¬ cently. The first hale of cotton sold in Dawsou last Saturday for 8c. Hie first halo in Amerieus sold for 10c. Last Monday night in Atlan¬ ta, Maggie Cochran, a woman of bad repute, was shot and killed by John Carroll, her paramour. The “Liberty Bell,”of Revolu¬ tionary memory, will be exhi¬ bited at Atlanta this fall. Some of the citizens of Philadelphia objected, but it will be shipped. Notwitnslanding the recent murder of missionaries in China, ten Presbyterians departed on the loth from San Francisco for the Orient, to do missionary work in that heathen land. Last Sunday John Harris, a negro 18 years old, outraged an old lady sixty-five years of age, in Colquitt county. He was captured near Camilla, carried hack to Colquitt and lynched. Every effort is being put forth to have the Atlanta Exposition open on the 18th of September. Many buildings are being erect¬ ed, and the attractions at this great show will be numberless. At Cullman, Ala., Mrs. Bond committed suicide by drinking water in which matches had been steeped. She lost an idol¬ ized boy a year ,ago, and had grieved ever siuce until her mind was unbalanced. Sanford Wilson, of Harmony Grove, was made happy about fifteen mouths ago by the arri¬ val of twins—two girls ; a few days ago he was made more hap¬ py when he was informed that two boys had arrived. J. G. Thrasher, a bartender,of Montgomery, Ala., was convert¬ ed recently. He sold out his en¬ tire stock, commenced to lecture on temperance, and is now a preacher of the Gospel, IU the .Baptist denomination. Mrs. Nobles and Gus Families, j who murdered old man Willi¬ am Nobles, of Twiggs county, and who were sentenced to be executed ou yesterday, have lieeu respited till the 18th day af October I y the Governor. The coin crop this year is larg er thau ever known in this coun¬ try. 4,000,000 acres more were planted than any previous year, and the yield will be immense It is said that one of the North¬ western States, if the corn were equally distributed, would be five bushels for every inhabitant in the United States J. Henly Smith, of Atlanta, buried a dead cow in his back yard. He was ordered to disin ter the animal and carry the car¬ cass to the boneyard, where all filth should be dumped. He re¬ fused and was arrested. The mayor decided with Mr. Smith that the neighbors would suffer more from the stench in remov¬ ing the carcass thau to let it re¬ main for the resurrection morn. The Campbell County News says: “Those who do not advertise Might still more economize. Do not any salesmen keep— Close the doors and go to sleep!” The Lin coin ton News : 11 Do not kill the weeds, the pret¬ ty weeds, That grow upon our street, For they protect the gliding snakes That bite you on the feet.” There are a great many of the unfortunate ones in this world, greater in i umber tnan those who are blessed with good di¬ gestion. To some people the greatest misfortune i i not to be able to eat everything set before them. “I suffered for years with Dyspepsia, and everything I ate disagreed with me. I was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator and was cured, l now eat every thing.”—M Bright, Madison Parish, La. GZ3 } i •St era —s=l ► J ns foil! III. i Positively the one Remedy for the treatment of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, Simple end aggravated forms ot -DYSPEPSIA and- Palpitation of the-Beart. -:o:- Does your foo.l sour af er eating? Are you easily confused and excited? I)o you get up in the morning tired and unref reshed, and with a bad taste in tbc mou'h? Is there a dull, cloudy sensation, 1 1 tended by disagreeable feelings in the head and eyes? Are you Irritable and restless? Does your heart thump and cause you flight to gasp fur breath after climbing a of stairs? Does it distress you to lie on the lef side ? Have you impaired memory, dimness of vision, de uession of mind and g oomy forebodings? These symptoms mean that yon ar, suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remedy extant tha' has done so much for tu ! s class of trou¬ bles as Scott's Garbo-Digestive Goaipoagd. If your ca-e has resisted the usual of treatment we are particular anxious to have you give this Com¬ a trial. We guarantee relief in every case and cheerfully refund your money our remedy fail to produce Ihe gratifying results. Please remember that the appellation Medicine does not apply to Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a prescription put up by a lead¬ physician who has made stomach nervous troubles a specialty for We court investigation and urge all physicians to 'write for the formula of SCOTT’S CARBO COMPOUND, which we mail on application, that they may themselves of its harmless char¬ and excslleut virtues. Scott’s Carho-Digestive Compound the most remarkable remedy that has produced. It has have succeed¬ where ail other medicines failed Sold by all druggists everywhere. $1 bottle. Sent to auy address iu on receipt of price. Don’t forget that we cheerfully rc your money if remits are not sat¬ Order direot if your drug¬ d »es not have it. Address ail orders to L i TOPEKA, KA.S- SSSS5 £ -< AS. m §1 fJA Castoria is Dr, Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Mor-;V-?e nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas¬ toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil¬ dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. c. Osgood, . Dowell. Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which .1 am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. 20,000 Last Year. Sold PEERLESS snd UghiRunnliy Noisele* ABSOLUTELY THE BESTt The Result of 20 Years of Sewing Machine Building) HIGHEST FINISH. LOWEST PRICE. i ___. & -a h j Attachments • AUTOMATIC BOBBIN WINDER consist of— V 8ELF-THREAD1N9 1 TUCKER. SHUTTLES. f 1 RUFFLER, 4 HEMMERS, 1 BINDER. 1 BRAIDER, I THREAD CUTTER. Ws GUARANTEE MACHINES 10 Yean, 0 in writing. With Walnut or Antique Oak Woodwork, in eight styles. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, shipped on 30 days approval RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED In unoccupied territory. Write for Catalogue, Chicago sewing machine Ca - i LAKE AND HALSTEO AND FULTON STS. Chicago. H -SUCCESSOR TO Dr. W. H. Lee $ Son, -DEALER IN n Drugs Medicines, * Paint's and Oils. ill —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books, Fishing Tackle Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Etc., Etc. ......ICE COLD SODA WATER, LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, &c...... ^“PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED.*? DR. W. H. LEE. jNeaj Job w‘ < n : \\ a this Office. Castoria, “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., ii r So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the children’s depart¬ ment have spoken highly of their experi¬ ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wc are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, j Allen C. Smith, Pres. Boston, Mass.