Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 17, 1895, Image 3

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m »• a ffl II u ' agent. jfl repres sn t the BEST com Lies in the world. I ix.' ; ® is A I See «s before buying your u We can save you mon- 16 TILLEY & QUIGG. ..... PERFECTED \§ k CRYSTAL LENSES m ■ Quality TRADE First MARX. and Always. 3 mM kff.H. Live LEE, Druggist-, celebrated has Glass the sale of these |CConyers, k Ham & Moore, Ga. From the only the factory, optical ■ti! in tee South. Atlanta, Ga. iiil wwrnm hat ELECTION FOR ORDINARY OF BOCKDALE COUNTY, GA . [Br virtue of the authority vested in LClerk of the superior court of L L jiinty, Thereby orcDr an election held on Tuesday, tlie 27th day of L f (, 1895, for the office of Ordinary Ifcckdale county to fill the vacancy Uaanexpired Lon term caused by the July 3rd, 1895, of Hon. Obe Seamans, late Ordinary of said pty, [awitness whereof I have hereunto jui; official signature. This 8th day Hsgogt, 1895. W. T. II us ON, hi of Superior Court of Rockdale County. National ] No. 7. Complaint ioraG & Loan (In Rockdale Su fc'CIATION VS. f perior Court—Re k.< I. Rosser. J turnable to the Oo tober Term, 1S95. Iiohn I. Bosser, Dfr. , Greeting. i«4» of the court in the ease above l il 1 hereby notify you that on the iityof August, 1835, The Atlanta lisa! Building and Loan Associa i -fied an action of complaint, e*c., ia-tyou, returnable to the October *, 1895, of said superior court under :ng caption. You are further no¬ li io be present at said'Court, to be '■on the first Monday in October, G) answer plaintiff’s complaint, ! ‘ UiU thereof the court will pro- 13 . to justice shall appertain. Wii } De Hon. Rich'd II. Clark, judge court, this 5tli day of August, I W. T. lit’ son, J l p rk S. C. Rockdale County, Ga. 'XEET L exhilarating, pleasant, fi freshing- drink—a combi Bition of Bromides, Celery Union and Seltzer, Con hius no morphine, or any dangerous drugs. Very Lngfor headache or sick taiach. For sale bj Wfjiaker & Stewart. ■W — ^ Fur more than a hundred • the Shakers have been Shi r IQ S the remedial isc - plants. proper * discoveries, They have made • but their great achievement was made last R is a cordial that con ^ already digested food and ‘ gester of food. It is effec tic :J removing distress after 6 and creates an appetite Ei «efood so that eating be '■ :a pleasure, Pale, thin become plump and under its use. It ar fc ne w asting - of consump fti. re aever has been such a r®ward in the cure of in m ; a as this Shaker Cordial. ! dl ' u ggist will be glad to '' ljJ a Httle book descript-1 ^ hie product. •if - babies Laxol, which 8, ’ r Oil made as palatable n -y, THE NOMINATION. By order of the Democratic Executive Committee, we have this day met and consolidated the votes polled at primary held Thursday, Aug. 8,1895, ?.nd de¬ clare the following result: That A. M. Helms, having re¬ ceived tho highest number of votes, is hereby declared to be the Democratic nominee for tlie office of Ordinary. By order of committee. John R. Maddox, Chm. Dem. Ex. Com. Rockdale Co. E. II. Almand, Aug. 9, 1895. Sec. BASE BALL NEWS. The ball club went to Social Circle Friday of last week, and, as was expected here, did the Covington and Social Circle clubs combined up in great style, tlie score being 17 to 7. Thursday Gus Harper, John Carter and Charlie McDonald went to Covington to play with Richardville against Covington. However, rain prevented the game. The boys will leave the first of next week for a ten days tour to Lawrencevillo, Winder and Harmony Grove, Two games will be played at Law renceville, three at Winder and three at Harmony Grove. We feel certain that the boys will sustain the reputation which they have made for themselves. CAMP MEETING NOTES. Last Sunday in company with J. P. Tilley (whokindly gave us a seat in his conveyance for which we are thankful; we at¬ tended Salem campmeeting. Dr. Candler preached one of his char¬ acteristic sermons to about 1500 people. We return thanks to Luther Almand and family for their hospitality and kindness, and to others who showed 11 s courtesies. The camp ground is a most beautiful location, and is well arranged for the annual meetings of the Methodist breth¬ ren. Dr. Candler’s sermon on the “Coming of Christ” last Tues¬ day at Salem campmeeting is re¬ ported to us as being a powerful discourse—one of the best the Doctor ever preached. Then it was certainly a good one. There was no preaching at the Methodist church last Sunday morning nor at night. Dr. Quil lian, the pastor was absent , at¬ tending Salem campmeeting. The father of Col. Livingston was at Salem campmeeting this week. He is 92 years of age, and has attended every camp meeting at this place for 67 years. He is sprightly and his mind is clear as in his younger age. Quite a number of our citizens attended Salem campmeeting last Sunday. There in addition to those who “pitched their tents” there for the entire week. The camp meeting at Salem closed yesterday. AN INTERESTING LETTER. Hiawassee, Ga., Aug. 3. ’95. Bro. Almand: We are having just a royal Our trip over tlie moun was a little rough and tire but the grand scenery it very enjoyable. We all quite well, and my wife children are already much I think. Our camp is in a beautiful grove iu the yard of a y&- cant house, which gives shelter when necessary. There are about 60 persons in this yard. Camp life is fine enough. We all agree that we never did see such good eating. We buy chick eus at 7* cents, aud the finest honey at 7 cents a pound. Our neighbor just across tlie street has a fine cider mill, and hauls up the apples by the wagon load. So we keep the mill grinding on full time and drink cider to our content. This neighbor esti¬ mates tliat ho has ten thousand bushels of apples now wasting. We are having fine meetings The crowd on Sunday was esti¬ mated at from 15.00 to 2000. You ought to hear Dr. McConnell’s sermons. This valley lias a fine citizen¬ ship, intelligent and thrifty. We see here but few of the rough mountaineers, that we think about. We are only 3 miles from the North Carolina line. The corn fields in these valleys are a sight for the eyes. Hope you are getting on well. Hope you had a fine time with the children and the melons. B. D. Ragsdale. DEATH OF MISS WALLIS. Miss Nannie Wallis died on Wednesday morning last at the residence of her brother. She was a sufferer from abscess of the liver for a long while. She was forty-two years old, and had lived a consistent Christian life. Dr, Swanson, of Covington, preached the funeral at the Bap¬ tist church on Thursday, 9 o’clock a. m. His remarks were appropriate and touching, from the tbxt, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” and several following verses, selected by the deceased before she died. The remains were buried in the country at the Almand burial ground. We have made arrangements sell with manufacturers to Paints at wholesale. Tilley & Quigg, SMYRNA LOCALS. Fruit dry ng is iu order. Crops are doing well since the recent fine showers. Messrs. Stokes and Hammond two accomplished young men, of Atlanta, have returned home after spending a week with their college mate, Prof. J.A. Clo f -iter. Visitors are on every hand, too numerous to mention. They claim to be hospitably enter tained, aud are enjoying them¬ selves. There is much interest mani¬ fested in the protracted meet¬ ings in our community. The re¬ cent campmeeting at Smyrna was one of tlie most successful ever held here. The attendance was good ; the order was never better, and the preaching was excellent. The Spirit was pres¬ ent in great power from the first service . Christians were strengthened in the Faith, and quite a number of unbelievers “chose the better part.” 1 . c. u. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Qligg. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. I guarantee to sell paints for less than they can be bought else¬ where. Get my prices before buying, and save money. 7-27-12t Dr.W. H. Lee. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Oglesby Is very sick. The rain fall has been dant this week. We thank Dr. Glenn for some fine tomatoes. Miss Laura Penn has been vis¬ iting her sister, Mrs. Hays, at Hays ton. Elder John F. Almand intends to erect a handsome residence this fall. Mrs. Dr. Travis and son,Rob¬ ert, of Covington, have been vis¬ iting relatives and friends in Conyers. Misses Whitehead and Shipp with a friend, of Social Circle, haae been visiting Mrs. Chick this week. Dr. Lewis Leo, Hon. A. J. Smith, and Mr. Barton Goode attended the convention of Agri cultunsts at Cumberland this week. C. M. Taylor returned last Sat¬ urday from a three weeks’ visit to relatives and friends in Mon¬ roe county. He reports crops fine in that section. Miss Mamie Edwards, one of Covington’s most attractive and accomplished young ladies, was the guest of Miss Nellie Lou Gal¬ ley Sunday and Monday. Miss Emma Riley will move into the post office store room about the first of September. She will have the latest styles in millinery for the ladies of Con¬ yers and Rockdale. Services began last Saturday at the Rockdale Baptist church, Rev. M. DeFoor preaching. The meeting has continued during this week with increasing inter¬ est. Several have been received into the church. M. R. Hudson’s excursion to Atlanta Friday of last week was quite a success, both financially and socially. Over 900 people went to the Gate City, and en¬ joyed themselves to tho fullest extent. A young gentleman was riding from church tho other night, lus horse found a “mare’snest” right in “de middle of de road.” The animal jumped to one side, a id down came the young man in a mudhole Sunday clothes and all. O S. Haygood left last Wednes¬ day for Watkinsville, where he attended the reunion of the vet¬ erans of the 44th Ga. Regiment on Thursday. We regret that we could not go. It would have been a pleasure to see again our old comrades. Mr. Ayers showed us six Moun¬ tain Rose peaches this week. Four of them were ripe and very large, which are of the first crop ; the other two were green and as large as hen’s egg, and are of the second crop from the tree which bore the others. Walter Adair will leave for New York in a few days. He will buy a stock of fancy dry goods and notions, and will open up this fall in the store room now occupied by Miss Emma Ri¬ ley. He is a youngjman of fine business tack, and will make a live, pushing-merchant. C. B. Hudson, of the firm of Summers & Hudson, will leave for New York about the 22d., inst. He goes to replenish the already fine stock of the firm, who will let their patrons know of the many nice things they will have for the people during this fall and winter. Summers & Hudson are enterprising mer¬ chants, and keep apace with the times. Rev. Leroy Henderson per¬ haps preached his last sermon here, at the Presbyterian churchI II. P. & J). M. Almand Co. Will he in the market to buy all your cotton this fall, having made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in the South to buy for them. It will he only about six weeks until we will begin to see cot¬ ton coming in. We will give you the highest market price. H. P.&D. M. ALMAND & CO. TILLEY &QUIGG, ->WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In-: laMmo/teer, Coal, Slilngies We keep on hind at all times We carry a full line of nice all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Doors, Mantles, Sash, Blinds and Paints. Always see ms before buying . We can save you money , last Sunday night. He will leave in a few weeks to resume his course in college. He lias been hern three mouths,and has endeared himself to his people, and provoked the confidence, es teem, and good will of all with whom he came in contact. He is a young minister of more than ordinary ability, and gives an earnest of doing much good in afterlife. Pitcher’s Castoria, Children Cry for iS c;L SlSIP a f“'"L «Si ill ” 5’- iI - sale by H. P & D M. Almand & Co. > ea is means so much more than you imagine—serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don’t play with Nature’s 'greatest gift—health. > Town’s . ■ : Bitters It Cures ' Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ’ Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous aibnents Women’s complaints. linen Get only the genuine—it has crossed sub- red on the wrapper. Ail others ate stitutes. On receipt of two sc. stamps we will send set ct lei beautiful Fair ’View3 nnd book—free. BHOWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, I/O. For sab by Dr. \V. IT Lac. COTTON. ,c Mi é“ .‘ {m i) 5am , "‘J‘~-=é . . ; htt ~ I I 1234‘ ’w ii: __ ‘ *' "I l [is r ., mu COTTON. If you are feeling: out of sorts, weak tfuid generally ex¬ hausted, nervous, have no appetite and can’t work, begin at once tak¬ ing the most relia¬ ble strengthening medicine,which Bit- is Brown’s Iron firs, A few bot¬ tles cure—benefit comes from the very first dose—# won't stain your teeth and it’s pleasant to take. ■•BV THE FERtLOCK,” io stije Vo \Jr K?p^e. Ipn) \3 «§\7 D r 4s , n < & & * r .— IVchenors Anlise pjjc 'A/I)®D is> troy bled With C°UC oi» f'p lTlnlHL w'Hpositively !° s»l«. edrei all Tm. r QBuooIsr* by fcr:i ■ffl Will kill be 1 bugs, roaches, ants, moths, mosquitos aud beet'es ; in fact, every con¬ ceivable kind of vormin which infests human habita¬ tion, if not tbo money is re¬ funded. Try it 1 lifer & Stewart SftW MILLS. '$160 TO $ 900 . • ENGINES &B 0 ILERS To suit, 100 in stock. Large stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA, GA $ 1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. plies $150.00 through every month for given away to any one who ap* us the most meritorious patent during; the Wo month preceding. tlio client#, secure best patents for our and the object of this offer is to encourage inventor* to keep traj ck of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window" which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the passenger'* back, stopper,” “sauce-pan," and “collar-button,” thousand little “nut-lock," things that “bottla a other most any one can fiud a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author# Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. ' Patents taken out through us receive special notice in the “ National Recorder," published at Washington, in l). the C., which interests is the of inventors. best newspaper We published furnish year's in America sub¬ a scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month of which copies wins of our $130 “National prize, and Recorder," hundreds of containing thousand# the » sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists the and merits manufactures, the invention. thus bringing to their attention of All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 61 S F Street, N. W., Box 385 . Washington, D. C. r Reference — editor of this paper. IVrite for our 50-page pamphlet, FREE, PHILOTOKEM i« Woman‘a t*«f« ami Hoi 1 utile Friend. Relieves monthly pains, ctn- a netvouanesa And hyaterla and reatorsa to perfect health. Bold by di uggiata and ilraltis for $1 a bottle. Paw* phlet mailed on application. If you can’t get ft from jroor dm#* giat. *ct>d $1 to the proprietor and he will Send to pen prf p.tld by express. Charles F. Bliley, Wholesale Drugglat, 63 Ooi^ landtfit., New York. g“ I A Will restore Cray Hair end Whlakere to a brew# O U 1 I M or black in a few minatea $1 * bottle. This office for neat, up-to-date job work.