Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 31, 1895, Image 2

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OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY.' J. 15. & ,T. II. Kkkbe. i Enlcird si »t cood-i'liifS thu portofliw; mail at mat Conyers er. us j Saturday, Auc. :u, 1895. — A DVERTISIXG RATES. 3 mo. (') mo. 12 mo V-i.Si) j $ 0.'0 • « 1.00 10.00 7.50 I 20.00 column 10.01 j {25 55.00 00 k 18.00 y i.oo ICO 00 Locals 5 cent,a per line fur llr-t inner tion ; 2U ewita for eauh aubaupieut. in seition. Hegular adv. 5'le. per Inch for firs'. inwrtiori; 25e for each subsequent insertion. « U BBC RT P IT ON It AT KS: One year, in advance ................ . 41.(0 Bix months, In advance.............. .50 The talk of Cleveland for a third term amounts to nothing. We do not believe the President wants the office any longer. Two terms arc enough,and have satisfied all of the President’s predecessors who were elected twice. In accordance with the law, Gov.Atkinson has set apart next Monday, Sept. 2, as Labor Day, a holiday for all working peop’e and business men. The Govern¬ or requests that all places of bus¬ iness where laborers are employ¬ ed be closed, and as far as prac¬ ticable, opportunity be gi\ en for a befitting celebration of the day A pamphlet, “The Pi eduction and Price of Cotton for 100 Years” by Jas. L. Watkins, of Washington, D. C., is a very in¬ teresting uook. The tables of production and price each year from 1701 to 1895 are well worth perusal by those who are bite 1 ' ested in the history of the fleecy staple. In fact the information is good for any one. Last Sunday tit High Shoals William llayne Wood railed against religion, His tongue was suddenly paralyzed. He was alarmed, and began in writ¬ ing to ask for prayers. On Tues¬ day night his voice was restored. Ho got up in chuich, confessed his sin, was converted and joiu ed the church, Beople should not make light of religion, even though they do not profess it. Rev. Sam Jones in his recent discourse seems to think it. the proper thing to attack both the Republican and Democratic par¬ ties. He says nothing of the Populists. We suppose that he thinks that the two old parties are corrupt and need sound drub¬ bing, and there is not much of the new to be noticed by so dis¬ tinguished a personage as him¬ self ; or else ho is in sympathy with the Populists. A death from the sting of a “yellow jacket” hornet is report¬ ed from Belief onto, l’a. This is the second occurrence of the kind that has been chronicled this season, It ought to serve to maKO people more cautious against exposure to the attacks of these and similar insects. In the earlier case death came in¬ stantaneously and was ascribed to a direct and vital injury to the nervous system, In this later instance blood poisoning and a considerable interval of time in¬ tervened.-—Constitution. The murdering of missionaries by the Chinese is a terrible thing, but we fear the has not yet come, We must thiuk that if we would all stay on our own soil and attend to our own business that every thing would finally work out all right. Christianity can only fol and civilization . ... low civilization, forced by commerce, must be ami often times, by the clash anus one natim with another. , America bad uever attained her y “1m~ the French, English and Dutch wars, and finally the Rev niutionai y V ai of 76. It seems (hat it is tile plan of God fhat the cross shall he established in the nations through blood. When people are obliged to take medicine they want that it shall give quick relief and not add discomfort to their suffer ings. Three reasons why peo¬ ple who suffer with Constipation and Biliousness should take Sim mens Liver Regulator : “It is bet ter than Pills, it does not gripe ; it gives quick relief, and does not weaken bub strengthens and refreshes the whole system.”— J. R. lliland, Monroe, la. Jones asked his wife, “Why is a. husband like dough ?” He ex¬ pected she would give it up, and he was going to tell her it was because a woman needs him ; but she said it was because he was hard to get off her hands. Then the Domestic entente cor diale vvas ruffled.—B ostou Globe. We would like to look into the pleasant face of some one who has never had any derange meat of the digestive organs. Wo see the drawn and unhap¬ py faces of dyspeptics in every walk of life. It is our imional disease, and uearly all com¬ plaints spring from this scource Remove the stomach difficulty and the work is done. Dyspeptics and pale thin peo¬ ple are laterally starving, be¬ cause they don’t digest their food. Consumption never de¬ velops in people of robust and iioimal digestion. Correct the wast ing and loss of llesli and we dure the disease. Do this with food. The Shaker Digestive Cordial contains already digested food and is a digester of food at the same time. Its effects are felt at once. Get a pamphlet of your druggist and learn about it. Laxol is Castor Oil made as sweet as honey by a new pro cess. Children like it. PiilHT, We have made arrangement!? with manufacturers to sell Paints til wholesale. Tilley & Qitut YOUNG o WIVES WE OFFER ft REMEDY WHICH INSURES SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD. “Mothers’ Friend” ROBS CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN. HORROR AND RISK. “My wife used only two bottles. She was easily splendidly.— and quickly relieved; is now doing- J. Morton, Harlow. C. S. N. Sent by express or mall, on receipt of price, $ 1.00 per Lottie, Bool; "TO MOTHERS” mailed tree. BIUDF1KLD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, GA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A» exhilarating, pleasant, refreshing drink—a combi- • nation of Bromides, Celery Lemon find Seltzer. Con¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous thugs. Very thing for headache O' sick stomach. For sale bj Weaker & Stewart. PH1LOTOKEN I* Woman * and Reliable Fiknl Reheveg monthly Ini* and i re store* to perfect alerafer : a bottle. Pam jtblel nailed •in application. If you can’t gvt is from »-mr dru*. SEP! SEXSiSVtST* k "" t This office for neat, up-t o-date , j• »b work. i Burning Or Freezing. f I Whether you’re scorched with fever or chilled with a deep seated cold, the same medicine will cure you Dr. C. CROC’s %■ IN 0 5; For The Fiver and Kidneys. ' Pleasant to the Taste. It does not cause constipa tion, but breaks chills, prevents fever, purifies and thickens the blood, corrects the liver, clean ses the stomach and improves digestion, creates an appetite and quiets the nerves. At all druggists and general stores, CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tennessee. Hue’s medicines for sale by:— H. P. & D. M. Almandit Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga VV. Ti. King, Kings, Ga. OBITUARY. Sam F. B. Scott- died near At¬ lanta, Ga., May 8, 1895. Mr. Scott was born Aug. 17, 1*861. At the age of sixteen he united himself with the Method¬ ist church, and lived a consist¬ ent member of the same until iiis death. In 1889 he was most happily married to Miss Lola Ozburn, daughter of Thos. 0. Ozburn, at whose home lie died. For months he was a great suf¬ ferer from that dreadful disease, consumption, but through all that time he was ever patient, gentle and thoughtful of those whose office of love it was to ad¬ minister to his needs. He was not afraid to die, only the pang of separation from his loved ones, the thought of leaving his wife and two little innocent daughters to go through life with out the love and protection of a Christian husband and father. How strange to our mortal vis¬ ion seem the ways of Providence, and how hard to realize that I ( All is for the best, J ) And how often are we reminded tha' Death loves a shining mark.” All of these oft repeated quota¬ tions Hi; through the mini in connection with thoughts of a man, who, like Mr. Scott, was ever kind and gentle to those with whom ho was brought in contact in the daily walks of life. We wonder why little girls, who have and need such a father, should be deprived of him ; and why a wife who lias such a*lu:s band must be left desolate. How desolate, only those who have experienced the love and loss of a husband, tender and true, can understand. But with faith in the wisdom of God may they be able to be¬ lieve that He knows best, to bow submissively, though with bro¬ ken and bleeding hearts, and say, < i Thy will, O Lord, not mine, be done ! i ” A FRIEND. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tili.ey & Quick;. PAINTS. 1 guarantee to sell paints less than they can be bought else where. Get ray prices before buying, and save money. i -21 -12t Da. W. H. Lee. 1 The address issued by the lit¬ tle caucus of silveriles that met iu Washington last week has received little attention and, first and last, will probably have no appreciable effect, but it would be interesting to ascer ain where the authors of this document get their authority for the assertion that “The constitu¬ tion names silver and gold to gether as the money metals of the United States.'’ We have searched the constitution in vain for any declaration of that sort. That instrument gives congress the power to coin money but names neither gold, silver nor any other metal in that connec¬ tion.—Atlanta Journal. “Jigger” Quito Respectable. “Jigger” is not a modern term. It I' used by cabinet makers, potters, miners printers, for certain machines or instru monte used by them. A * ‘jigger sail” is J small mast and sail placed in the stern o a fishing boat. It is also the name of t small insect, common in the West Indies which lodges under the too nail, causin, great irritation and in (lamination, and, n not speedily extracted, mortification. A person suffering from the irritation caused by this insect would say, “I am jiggered.” This expression would easily pass into a metaphorical use.—Notes and Queries. n ) OT2 Mo-DiMiye i> s Positively tlie one Remedy for the treatment of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, Simple and aggravated forms oi -DYSPEPSIA and- Palpitation of the-Heaet. Does your food sour af er eating? Are you easily confuted and excited? Go ) on get up in the morning lire 1 anil unrefreshed, and with a bad taste in the mouth? Is there a dull, cloudy sensation, at¬ tended by disagreeable feelings in the head and eyes? Are you irritable and restless? Does your heart thump and cause yen to gasp for breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress you to lie on ilie left side ? Have you impaired memory, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomy forebodings? These symptoms mean that jou are suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remedy extant tha' has clone so much for tins class of trou¬ bles as Scott's Garbo-Digestive Gonfipoagd. If your ca?e has resifted the usur.l methods of treatment we ai e particular ly anxious trial. to have you give this Com¬ pound a We guarantee relief in evert- ease and will cheerfully refund your mo ley should our remedy fail f> produce ih° most gratifying results Please remember that ihe appellation Patent Medicine does not apply to Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a prescription who put up by a lead¬ ing physician has made ft- m icl. and nervous troubles a specialty lor years We court physicians inveuigation and earnestly urge all SCOTT’S to write us for the formula of CARBO DIGESTIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail on application, of harml that they may satisfy themselves its ss char¬ acter and excellent virtues. Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound Is the most remarkable remedy that science has produced. It has succeed¬ ed where ail other medicines have failed Sold by all druggists everywhere. $1 per bottle. Sent to any address in America on receipt of price. Don’t forget that we cheerfully re¬ fund your money if results are not sat¬ isfactory. Order direct if your drug¬ gist dues not have it. Address all orders to I 111 9 •f TOPEKA, KAS. SAW MILLS. $160 TO $900. ENGINES&B0ILERS To suit, 100 in stock. Large stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA. GA —----------- Wanted To Rent. —A good horse for light road work. Good pay. Call on E. P. Guinn, oppo Banner office. 7-20-tf. smau A ;rr ; i © i 4 I for Infants and Children* lyjOTHERS, 171 Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s PQ- Cordial, Y quJ many so-called 1 now Soothing thatParegoric j s. ru;,- aa( most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Do Votr Know that opium and morp’ :;;eare.stupefying narcotic poise.? Do Yota Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons ? Do Yon Know - that 3 ’cti should not permit any medicine to be given v our j,m c unless you or your physician know of what it is composed? , Do Vou Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of 1 its ingredients is published with every bottle ? Do Ye n Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined ? Do Von Know that the Patent Office Department of the United states, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word “Castoria” and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? Do You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absniistely Iiarmless ? Do Vail Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 33 cents, or one cent a dose? Do Von Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest? Well, these tilings are worth knowing. They are facts. The fac-sinnie is mi every signature of wrapper. Children ©ry for Pitcher’s Ca§t©?ia„ mmms® 20,000 Last Yea/. Sold PEERLESS and Light Noiseli Runnl ABSOLUTBLIT TUB BB&T! The Result of 20 Years of Sewing Machine Building HIGHEST FINISH. LOWEST PRICE.] mmm v IB Attachments * AUTOMATIC BOBBIN WINDS consist of— r W-AV. •EIF-TKR5MINI 1 TUCKER, SHUTTLES, 1 RUFFLER, ) « HEMMERS, \ 1 BINDER, t 1 BRAIDER, I THREAD CUTTER. We GMARANTI MACHINES 10Year in writing. With Walnut or Antique Oak Woodwork, in eight styles. SflTISFHGTIOH GUARANTEED, shipped on so days approvai RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED in unoccupied territory. Write for Catalogue. Chicago Sewing machine Co. LAKE AND HALSTED AND FULTON STS. Chicago. DR. W. H. LEE, SUCCESSOR TO Dr, W. H, Lee Son, -DEALER IN J Drugs Paint's Medicines, and Oils. j —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books Fishing Tackle, Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Etc., Etc. ......ICE COLD SODA WATER, LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, Aw.....■ PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded^; DR. W. H. LEE. jNeaf Job J oJj at this Office, j V