Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 31, 1895, Image 4

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* NEWSY PARAGRAPHS. Mr. M.I Mr.. Ourrlo rented tho house and jo m which Mr. Y. 0. MeC.ulu •.•cui, suid ho has moved just across tho si n et. Mr. (Juftiu r.iidfiim jly will board with Mr. Ourrio. Ca|/t. Weaver, of the revenue departineiit, visited his family last Saturday and Sund y. J)r. i’,. I), llajisdnlti did not preach at the Bapti-t church Sunday, as was.exspoetcd. JB‘ ; tto.'ulcd the Association near Athens, fhv. r rii seriiiou of J? v. l.ei’ov Henderson last Sabbat’i was a g od onC, and much enjoyed by coiigie^ation. li •. leaves Mian with tlm prayers and kind ot wishes of his friends atten ing 1dm ])r. Melton lost last Friday evening, near Almon, liis line filly, Maude. This was quite a loss, for tho animal was a good one and h- rd to replace. Mr. Mabry, a nephew of Win burn, after a visit to his aunt, returned last week, to homo in Newnan, Ga. Bcv. H. F. Buchanan preach¬ ed for several days last, week tit Union, and also at Salem, lie is a zealous preacher. Mi's. W. N. Wallace and (laugh ter, Mrs. Ella Bailey, visited Mr. John Donnard’s near Gee’s mill, last Sunday. From LaGrippe. L A- u * "s-N How Dr. Miles’ Nervine Brought One ! of Kentucky’s Foremost Busi^ ! ness Men Back to Health. 4 A, m ham i m JP» i h ia.,,' > X#! r (j i sjkt NR*?? s* Jlklbu'iZg.' S Ipll i> *1 |! >i , | tv Wmim, m y It r'i ! to 1 e 11® m I .71 V 5 M 'W V \r m v L> X' A t 3 r NT wfmmm A is v s a i K P m 1W|W 1 N-\ ,\(CG sx; Y7 O DISEASE has ever presented so many peculiarities, developed so XU many aggravating symptoms and baflled so many physicians as \\ LaGrippe. No disease leaves its victims so debilitated, useless, sleepless, nerveless, as LaGrippe. It is a disease of the nerves, it uses up the tissue, the vitality, the life-giving nerve force that feeds the brain, There is one remedy that will replace this worn-out tissue; that will re new this lost vitality and restore health. Read what Mr. D. W. Hilton, st ate agent of tho Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Kentucky, one of the best known Insurance men in the south, and whose portrait appears above, says about how Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restored him to health when all else had failed. “In 1889 and ’90 l had two severe attacks of LaGrippe, about eight months intervening between them, the lust one confining me to my bed for four months and attacking my nervous system, with such severity that my life was despaired of. I had not slept for more than two months except by the use of narcotics that stupefied top, but gave me no rest. For more than eight long weeks 1 was only conscious of intense mental weakness, agonizing bodily pain and the fact that I was hourly growing weaker. When in this condition, it seemed like a providential circumstance that I learned of Dr. Miles’Restorative Nervine, for in two davs after I commenced «r» and very «• much I («t« to •» the ‘“I”™ surprise »“V” of everybody - who «*• knew I of - my vw»»nr condition; cured, for none of them believed I would ever recover. I have been in excellent health of whom has 7tTTto«^mSdohf failed to thank me for doing so, 09 t0 when “ a ? I j have : 0f my met ! ri t them l ndS,n0t again. ° ne But the best remains to be told. Mrs. Hilton had suffered with severe nervous troubles for thirteen years and had been treated by several physi cians, who stand high in their profession, without any perceptible improve ment. Seeing how the Nervine had so effectually cured me, she commenced using it and is now in excellent health. We never fail to recommend it.” «» Louisville, Jan. 22,1895. D. W. niLTON. Dr. Miles’ Nervine l\65lOF6S ^ Health . a-v LIOClO?. j S _ 25«L g _ „ j* Biiiousand IntermittcntFever, aMcbpnr*^ fe*i«ns«k tj-icts are Invariably accompan led . - by , derangements , /- the .5 cl Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret o? deliver is the great ''driving wheel” m the mechanism ana , when ... it is out of r order, 1 man, :ho 111 whole system .1 becomes dc- i c.n^CO 1 ana _ n( .l aivCdjt. ,]' |5 „ r « ;= 15 > the uie rcou result u Tiiii’o k Utl *2> I 1-Bfl sv.;B>rv VvrS B flalS r vUlC t irn clll r»tl J Lit Etinr W Tlfllh a ltlULsbt). W ' i • • l’ioii'.i t -pr n» several days with her '•■ittM Mrs. Bay, at . Union., • while age. A speaker in a prayer meet in;' iii Now Jm’ocy startled the WOIIK'H in tiio congregation by quoting a part of tit*.; 18 verso, of the li chapter of Ezekiel .-“And say, thus s:iu!i the Lord: Vs ot to tho women that sew pillows to nil arm-holes”—aiul declaring that tho text applied to the pros ( ,, lt! fashion of big sleeves.—Ex Whon Baby wnn si”V, v. d pave tier Cortona. she was a Child, i\ho eri -tl for Castor!a. ■VVJicn she b'-camo Jtias, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, sho gave them Castoria rio morp )!i;no or o plum in Hr. Miles’ PAIS J'n.i.s. ('i i:i: All J’ii m. "One cent, a dose.” A Squirrel's Bold Strategy. There G In the rear cftm r»t:;to InBos toa a four tiuswteie SSSTir,’S eight Leaurtfiil'pray 7^;&j^.'£SrSli535 rwi rwntt;»«w«v.t t.r r„r wito a number nf rw r-( cti fii<i .'.(.'joining flic estate.. A t- n-r; -to tim-,.. k day, when the 'SXS .-.a «.-r ri-i mi om- the 1 ^ ct (imw venturi:.'-: out to tin:'cry rml t;f the: ual! ;.,. : i cy, j,m s..- to mmtbcr t.r .1 A f' 'v (levs ;tgo, v iiiio they were on .. ;!)iI f . lif , cf . ,..,. t w .. s rnn »W nlou.’J tho feue-■ when t.ppmncbrd n largo him ent, nllt f:ir c . r ,i;»j,,,,; >.y In tv.i'.wat fnchiun evidently intend od to ntnko n meal of the li;tic fellow. Tho squirmi faced iho cat. and when iun! rhijo: r roai in’d i.iai lie yo n Hidden - i:i;r mid jumped dear over tho cat’s l/a.d nail back nnd found .a safe retreat, Tho astonishment of Cm eat as sbo looked ar.iind for hi r intended victim was os tranniy munsing. Wdh a taul and dojrot Qd ice!;, me! with a drooping tail, M.» dourly wa’.hod away, while tho littlo «iulrr< 1 . at a «ifo distance, looked on mid seemed to say, ‘Try it Tagaic.*’—Poston Transcript.___ A 110-1,1 Kebnke. It appears that on the death of Alexan¬ der III (lie Countess fitroganoff wished to drape her painco in crepe, etc., Invt tiio au¬ tocrat of the city, Lieutenant General Yon Will:!, sent word that nobody was to drupe his or her house in crape, or anything. Lie, until ),e issued orders. Notwithstanding this very blear order, tho resolute, zealous and loyal countess ignored tho wishes of the all powerful Von Wald, and, in fact, calmly sent word to him that she intended doin;; exactly ns slid pleased in the matter of draping her palace And she did so. Knragcd at being set- at defiance in tills way, Von Wahl sent a posso of constables to ilio Stroganoff palace to tear down tho emblems of mourning. This was exactly what the indy wanted. Sho at once let the young czar know what was going on and painted tho outrage in tho most, glow¬ ing colors, and the result was that young Nicholas promptly ordered the great gov¬ ernor of tit. Petersburg to remain at his residence for three days. One must know ,St. Petersburg well to understand how much Von Wahl is detested there, and, moreover, tho childlike nature of the Itus sians, to form any conception of tho in¬ tense delight that this episode caused in all classes, from prince to moujik.—Now York Advertiser. Carpets. Carpets were used in tiio cast from early times. They are known to Imvo been made in China ns early as IX. 0. 2100 and in In¬ dia 11. 0. 1100. They aro represented on tho Egyptian monuments at a dato not later than li, 0. 8C00. In Romo and Athens they were used on stato occasions as luxuries. They were first made in Franca in 1589. During thetimoof Henry VIII, and even as late ns the days of Eliza¬ beth, the most common carpet in tho rooms of the English middle classes was a layer of straw in winter and of mown grass in' summer. One of the charges made against Cardinal Wolsey was that in ins state apartments he had fresh supplies of grass or straw every day in the year, re¬ newed at considerable cost Those primi¬ tive carpets in tho dining rooms uf tho English soon became very filthy, as the bones and fragments of food wore thrown into tho straw, which was ulso used as a sleeping place by tho family dogs. An AnHollt SiEU. This is tho announcement on annneiont sign, said still to bo hanging at Falmouth, England, Parish Clark & "Roger Giles, Surgtn, Ho Sknlomaster, Groser A- Huudortaker, spectably informs iadys and gentleman that hedrors teef without wateinga minit, applies laches every liour, blisters on the lowest tarsus ansi vizieks for penny a peace lie cells Godfather’s kordalcs, huts l.orns, bunyons, dooters osses, clips don kies waiieo a musith and undertakes to luke after every bodies nayts by the ear Jo sharps, penny wissels, brass kancl sticks, fryin pans and o*hcr Bioor.iknl bin strumints lust grately reydoooed tigers Yeung Iadys and gentlemen lams their grammar en d laagemlgo in tho purtlest smusnar, ssiso o care taken off their KiiOTieis and rpt l'in Ai-o zarm-zinging, taebyii*g the Ijrasavial, and nil other zorts of fancy work, srjudils, pokers, weaz/.els, and all country dances tort at homo and abroad at perfeksh un Perfumery and snutf in nil its branches As t imes is cruel bad, 1 begs t» tell ee that I has just bo ginned to sell all sorts of stashonary ware, cox. liens, vouls, pigs and all other kinds of poultry, llkn-ktn brishes, herrins, coles sombbin biishes, tarykeland godley hukes and billies, mise traps, brick dist, whisWer seeds, morrcl pokkuranterohors, and all sorts of swntu-maits, including tatrrs, sns sages and other garden stuff, bakky, ziznrs, lamp oyle, lay kittles and other intoxzi gatiii likkers, a dale of fruit, lints, songs, hare oyle, pattins, lmkkUs, grin dm stones and hothcrnitnblos, corn and bunyon salvo and all hardware 1 as laid in a largo az zortmeut of trype, dog tmito, lollipops, ginger beer, nnueiies and otlter pikkles. such as hnpsbm salts, hoysters, and winzzer zow , 0 po. nnzetrar.—old rag- bort hero ami now! oro else, newhiydo iioggs by mo Hop'r Giles, zinging burdes keeped. ®^j! k( f. s s stock of a colcbratcd'bray ,-q. r . ■ -p, S —t faychca geography, rithmetic, cov."sticks, jiinnastics and other chynces tricks. ’ Now York Tribune. FrR^ile Wfdding Gifts. “I hope, sakl the expectant bride, ‘‘that my friends will remember my fond m '- for tiuo cut fdas® n ^° I lcil ^'- \mo of* t'h’Aow \n l ; j thatJwo s things this world perfectly beautiful I never tire -of braking at u.” Hon t siai. au injudicious wish s lo escape the futo of all young mar rkd people in having careless and ineom that vou v , ;v! .- to k 4 p ail your ufo as sou yentrs of that important event, gradually cracked and chipped off the facoof tho 0i!r!h Don't say-that you will tafco care Au "< ;>iv TAnn -i th&t ami 't'HMTnie'tbiims'oro broken is in dusting brushing quickly by them, ami not in the mere use. which woniu mvreety injure them in a hundred years. Take my advice ami pray for more substantial woddiog gifts, even If they ore asr”"'"' I I m t , W^gaM , r TM - n fra* ^ HaBl mf w[ S"®S»L 4rJ® MHi tP&W //«fcr- -A* Jffil. ^gU ^dMaK^KHr^ Mfm SBgBm R iwm W 1 a£|f% JnraBafil ii.- ‘.J ' §WM0z t j Mrs, Z r ,P.Rett, Ossatcatctnie,Man, | ■ ^ii 0 of tlicc'lltoroi 1’h® Graphic, the lcad I j.,g local paper of Miami county, writes «jf teas fro«M«» w«fc Jhwt.aM#** short t I j or R j s yoara, severe pvisitations, n089 c f breath, together with trome norvousness, that, at times I would - lV;; ]] c tho floor nearly e.ll night. Wo consulted tho host medical talent. ! gZtep ^ had organic there disease teas mo of help tha for heart me, for j that I read w hi c h there was no roiflcfiy. I had your advertisement in Tho Graphic and ayearago, as alast resort, tried one bottle of ’s^s£ssrssisss^ bottles each of tto merit la It. I took three Heart Cure and Restorative Kervino and » completely cured r>-. X sleep well at night, my heart boats regularly and I have no more smothering spoils. I wish to say to all who arc sufTeriiig a 3 X did; there’s relief untold for them if they will only give your remedies juat one trial.’’ Hr. Miles Heart Cure ia sold on a positive Dr. Miles’ Heart Care Restores Health $ 1 . 65 . 6 6 Pays for this paper and the twice-a-week New York World for one year. This is a most liberal offer, and you should td;r advantage ot it before it is loo law. This paper comes o> ec a week, tha World envvi.i twice a week; you il ! tiiiee papers each week fo' cue year for only «IJ5c CITY DIRECTORY, Mayoi-, A- C MoO»31a. Mayor pro iem, J. H. Irwin. O ’ lk, fleorgo I’. Tilley. Treasurer, J. C. .S-< itenfon. Oaief Holie s W II. 11. Au4m Marshal, E A- Harper. Street Overseer, VV. 13 Smith. OOUNV ILMEN. J V. Tilley, M. 0. Summers, 3 U. Iiwiu, t) W., L. J. A! m mil, J S. Johnson. STANDING COMMITTEES: Street: L. J. Almand, J. B. I< wi» Finance: J 1*. TtHey, J. W. J ne> Sanitary: J. 3 Johnson, M. C. Summers. School: J. R- Irwin, L. T. A’onanr Charier e'o.: ,5. W Jones, J. E Irwin ROAD D OF HEALTH. Dr J A. Guian. J. P- Til ev, J. S. Johnson. County Diretory. Dr.liuto-y, O. Sctmams. < lerk, VV. T. Huson. Sheriff, W. IT. M. Austir., # Treasurer, Johu E. Whitaker. Tax Collector, E. F. Cook, Tax Receiver, R. L. Hudson, Surveyor, R. A- Cuino. v'oiouer, L. 1. Farrill. Ordinaries Court tils. Mot dry 'in each month Superior Courts first and second Mondays in Apiil and OatcbtIN¬ JUSTICE COURTS Town, J hlM-uiday, each month Sheffield, Is. Saturday each month Honey Creek. 2nd Saturday,.each month etch Lorraine, Std Saturday, mouth. Church Directory Pkimitive Bavtist: J. F. Almand, pastor. Preaching second uni --uucbv. j ■ t‘ L & hJ tf j s v . Saiurdav Vfore ' the 45:15.. pj-iv M.' Srciw m. D Alumna, Sllt 1 ,, : MevosjuI'T:’ < ,T. W. Qun I Ft. an. j Preacho g ev ry F nod ay. ' ^ C J ° ^ 145 a. m. H. Y. ’ M Cor bnpL i : « L fl iffi’cnw i iv.-rA T t‘..... ... * ' • ' " . j pastor. J’mvHOi-g bud end 4 ! >i Sundays. Sunday SttOal 2:30 a. vr. 1 *• u - 0 s »p l g 3* . 652?“; é, Pgfi'ié G 1 ‘ g; MEANS __' i ' W “ ~ 35m ma .5 m ; : r D ‘ “ THE BEST BECYCLE. E ‘ i ; On the steering—head of every Columbla . blcy— . g ‘ :7 de of this year’s make that name-plate appears. a - It is unique, handsome, and indicates much~ > satisfaction and highest enjoyment to the rzder. 5 {g No No other bicycle bicycle has ever 3113.31 equalled equal a Columbxa. Columbxa. % g ‘3; other ever a g The grseigast bicycle factory in the world says 50. E ‘5 n. New m ré‘éeit‘: 2" 3} g fig ‘ . t .. 1 w , f g mxméflzeg’.f:3fl-KM ‘ 2 ‘ :73 g HARTFGRD Eicycies, $80 $60. ‘ merit best, ‘ {3 $59 for ans’ and Giris’ sizes. S; 5’ AH/ [103 ‘ 1"); :1“:‘_’\ fix {I . ‘ 2 Cdtamgue J < { ".; ~11ny *»€5‘.’s SEARCH 51mm: ' arches: wheels free famous at x " 3, .3 4§~. {fir " :52' £'é\ x Basiozz N??? 17021: . ! Columbia. fr Li Cmaago any .3374: ” 1‘ [$¥g- " f 1 ‘ I‘" EL Agency, 1’“ mfliled 0’ for WIH K J ‘ J"; a gfifiQ; f3? Of] San wa'dcnce Francxsm . stamps- two z-ce‘nt‘1‘"!""*’~‘f"ir,®'Y \K°£?;/ Baffin! ‘ .éégggggg M [5% An. 15 1k, 15 Aklkd MIDDLE GA. & ATLANTIC R R. 0 Effective June 12, 6 a. >r., 1895. £t?”TVEAD DyWN. jfcSjP’NEAD DJ\ No. 101. No, KIT zf S'i’ATJONtt. K'2 No. H4 A. at P M. » : 1>. M. 1 i' M. , 15 1 05 ■■ r.v. M ilodgeville, Ar. 7 5 > | 2 r-5 !H) 7 2 > i in i K dont.on .lunc. “ i 7 do 1 13 7 12 *. 22 s “ Me ri wuher. 7 v‘5 j 12 25 I’ M. 8 25 1 .50 Dennis “ i 7 05 2 0 8 80 j 2 15 t Bioutbn l.v 0 -10 ill 80 •a 15 i 21(1 Lv, I a'onton Ar. 0 9 >11 "5 0 80 *2 115 >20, -• V ttjards u ,5 1H)I tl!!5 *2 5.5 Aiketiton i i 5 NS 10 45 !l 4 * 3 05 M (when •- 5 45 >10 2.) u 00 '*■! 08 Slut ly Dale “ 5 4i) i 10 30 10 00 *3 20 Kelley 1 .>22 J i 0 15 [imW *3 82 V Rronvl.t' nviie l« C 07 jlii 00) 10 15 3 89 51 “ N -jwborn “ : O 05 i 1)45 I .0 22 *•! 18 >( Carmel •)uri", •• I 57 | 9 35 10 3') *3 54 Hat stop “4 5) | I 9 25 10 r.O -t *2 Starr>vil e 1 i Jfl i 9 ! i 10 52 4 IT < 'evinaron .f-i:t>: 1 3: S lit 10 55 4 19 051 Ar. (.'.nving'on i.v. •- : i to i 8 17 * Flag Stations, §0 *Conooet w ill> si! day uaii.s on Georgia P.aHrmul. P?*sr I'rain-- rotmirt at M e’xu '■ i’ll 5.1 aeon & Northern R H. 1V v Macon, Al j di.- >u Mid Athens. Co >.nrct uZ Milled^ovitlc ttiih luiius i»r Au^usUi Mu •• n on ! ether points Sooth and Fort. J. W. I BE Ti ON, Gtueral Mr.nagcr. r* i -1 k l> ill U iX >A f ”0 XJ % j Ve r 9 General Podtiee GonpiibaiOn Merchant, . h$m Mk nit If tali i lililif, 20 Little ]2tii St., New York, Are headquarters and agents for the Georgia Melon and Vegetable Growers Association. Shippers of fi nits and vegetables will do well to correspond with us before shipping to our market. All correspondence regarding fruits or veg¬ etables nnsw.'red promptly. CSTWe refer to Newton & Lrinson, Kockj Ford, Ga., J. B. Epperson, Wiliiston, Fia Hon. N. A. Blitcii, FineniX, U» » , H». E. W. Agnew, Banker, Ocala, Fia., H. F. Dutton & Co., Gainesville, liradstraet’s or Dun’s agency, X. X'., ami our shippers in all sections. S) S^Correspondenee talicited. Stencils and stamps furnished on application ~ ~ -------------------------- ■_ • "V,^ yjnrinnnrririnrir'irinnnrir^^ <( 3 —t . '.br. o g'-r -’ aap ’ w gk- ■ ; =* vik r, ♦T Winchester Repeating - >° ^ ar i i o — o( G Our Model 189 ^ , bhot-Uun lb notv used Shot-Guns __ a f F % by all the most advanced trap ” o and game shooters. Single Shot-Rifies O ro a ASK YOUR DEALER TO SHOW YOU THIS GUN. Everything is Newest and Best in Repeating Arms as well as all P that ° kinds of Ammunition are made by the ° WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., Winchester Are., Hew Haven.Lonn. [jo Z ss-Seml a Postal Card with your ZQStJUULSLSUUL5iJiJlXfLSL&&2-B-^^ address forourllS-paffe „L „ 00 n'no P_P 0 OOQqQO QOOOSftSS Gbdd^n Cry for Pitcher^ Castoria-