Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 07, 1895, Image 3

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i "TruW agent. I | represent the BES T com- ; j I panies in the world, % ‘ ; i L L h ft* rT* S I . COAL. See us before buying your coal. We can save jou mou- 6y ' TILLEY & QUIGG. PERFECTED k CRYSTAL LENSES ? trade mark. ability first and Always. fflk, ■ w .ft .* dr. W. H. LEE, Druggist, has the exclusive sale of these celebrated Glass esia Conyers, Ga. From the factory of Kellam <fc Moore, the only optical plant in tee South. Atlanta, Ga. BAL ADVEBT1SEMKHTS bEOBGSA, Rockdale County.— To AH Whom It May Concern : T. G. Swann has in due form applied to the nndersgned for permanent letters of ad¬ ministration on the estate of Mrs. M. T. Swann, late of said county, deceased, ind I will pass upon said appliea'ionon the first Monday' in October, ISOo. Given under ray hand and official sig¬ nature this 6th day of September, 1S95. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Atlanta National) No. 7. Complaint Building & Loan 'In Rockdale Su | Association vs. f perior Court—Re John I. Rosses. J turnable to the Oe tober Term, 1895. To John I. Rosser, Dfc., Greeting. Byonler of the eosrt ir, the case above stated I hereby notify you that on the Stddiyof August, 1895, The Atlanta National Building an! Loan Associa¬ tion filet! an action of complaint, e‘c , •gainst you, returnable to the October term, 1895, of said superior court under j Iwtgoing caption.* You are further no I tided to be present at said court, to be held on the first Monday in October, 1895, to answer plaintiff's complaint. In default thereof the cotlrt will pro i eeedas to junico shall appertain. W h | ness the Hon. Kioh’d II. Clark, judge I si said court, this 5th day of August, 1895. \V. T. II csON, Clrrk S. C. Rockdale County, Ga. NOTICE TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. We have moved across the street, where we are better pre¬ pared to give bargains to our customers. Please call and see our goods before you buy. 2t. Street & Lackey. A Good Foot Rule —Buy your 'shoes of Summers & Hudson. i tel M .if Ms Has been displayed by Miss Emma Riley in the selection of Hats, Bonnets and Millinery. Therefore slie leads the trade in 'Layers in this,‘(the latest out. 7) Dome earlier and get your Jour choice. far Store room :Post-office building. 9-7-4t. Mibv Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. was a Child, she cried for Castoria, she became Mias, she clung to Castoria, she had Children, she gave them Castoria. U, i guarantee to sell paints for p® s thaa they can be bought else TOere. Get my prices before FBag, and save monev. p'-12t Dr. W. H. Lee. \ e keep a nice line of all of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. ^wNiuralfiia? Dr. Miles’ Pain PUlfc Tie Cfliiy lews , i SHADY DALE DOINGS. I Fodder pulling is about over j King Cotton will soon be on j So there is no rest for j the yoor farmers. Six widowers attended the! conference last week. AIexauder Pi P 0V visited our ; neighbors last week. j The Atlanta district ence of the Congregational | churches that convened at Lib- j erty Chapel last week was well represented in every particular, j Dr. W. L. Jones, of Macon, preached at the Congregational church last Sunday to a large congregation. Misses Carrie King and Annie Hutchinson, two of Kiverdale’s fairest daughters, attended the conference at Liberty Chapel last week. These beautiful Christian young ladies won the respect and esteem of the whole community. May they ever live to let their bright lights shine, as they wield such an in¬ fluence for good among young Christians. We had the pleasure of meet¬ ing our old chum, Reuben, at In¬ dian Spring last week. Rev. J. C. Forrester, of Hosch ton, Ga, is assisting Rev. R. C. Manley in the protracted meet¬ ing at theCongregational church. SMYRNA LOCALS. Doc Rodgers wears a broad smile—its a girl. There was a large congrega¬ tion at Smyrna last Sabbath, Prof. J. A. Clotfelter conducted the meeting. Miss Violet Walker is visiting relatives in Henry county. The entertainment at D. T. Olotfelter's Saturday night was very enjoyable to the large lium her present. Misses Zippie Potts mud I eona Wright, of DeKalb county, vis¬ ited in our community recently. Miss Wright lately graduated at the Nashville Normal College ; she now goes to teach in High School at Carnesville, Franklin county. veal’s store siftings. Fodder pulling is about com pleted. Cotton picking is now commenced by several of the early farmers. The conference and protract¬ ed meeting at Liberly Chape) was a success in many particu lars. We had the pleasure of listening to several able divines. Miss Lena White, of Conyers, visited in our community this week, guest of Misses Keren Hardin and Fanny Kiuuett. Prof. James McClelland closed his school last Wednesday. The professor gave satisfaction and will re-open the school in winter Clarence King left last Thurs¬ day for Atlanta, where he will live for awhile. Mrs. O. A . O Neal, of Atlanta, is visiting tier mother, Mrs. W. S. Freeman. The majority of farmers re¬ port cotton off from 25 to 50 per cent-as compared with last year. CORA CULLINGS. Good rains for the past week. Cotton picking has commenc¬ ed in this section. The crop is thought to be far behind the average. The recent rains have done a great deal of damage to the corn crop on bottom land. ' J L King hadthe misfortune der and cotton seed burned, Cause of fire unknown. Road working is now in order. Prof. Tom Cowan has a large) attendance at bis writing school, j What has become of the dutu-i my line so much talked of? Y\as, D. W. Wilson had ^ a fine pig 1 , to so mad. It was bit by a dog: SOme ' ee U eek , a&0 - : James Waits has moved „ back , ; 0 Atlanta, where he win go on : tho P 0,ice forco * j Col. Livingston and wife, and j grand daugnter, Miss Ophelia | King, are on a visit to Savannah, j LADIES. Should bear in mind that Miss Emma Riley is the leading Mil¬ liner in Conyers and carries a complete stock of everything in that line, in the store room of the post office. 9-7-4t. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pointedly Penciled for Punctual Perusal. Subscribe for the Weekly. Court week is approaching. Cotton is late in this section, The price of cotton still ... looks , , upv aid. Irish and oyster season "ill soon be here. Miss Mary White is visiting Misses Fannie and Bert Norton, of Lithonia. Mrs. R. L. Hyer, of Orlando, Fla., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Marbutt. Mrs. Marbutt spent a few days this week in the country with relatives. Rev. A. .J. Beck opened liis school at Lithonia last Monday morn iu*g with 20 pupils . Last Tuesday night between 10 and 1 o’clock the moon was in total eclipse. The early accommodation from Covington to Atlanta lias secur¬ ed fine coaches for their daily run. As was announced kst week. D. \V: and Robert Almand left last Monday to attend school at Dahlonegr. S. B. Broduax, of Yi’almit Grove, spent last Wednesday aimit with his brother, T. E. 0 Brodnax. J. L. Norman visited Atlanta Wednesday. Munch Morgan,of Greenesboro, took his place at the depot during his absence. An excursion to Mi.fledgeville from Atlanta passes through the city today (Saturday.) The round trip fare from here is 85c M. D. Irwin attended the farm ers alliance meeting in Coving¬ ton last Saturday. Col. Wimber¬ ly made a speech and reorgan¬ ized the alliance. Charlton Melton , of Abbeville, Ga., is visiting his father, Dr. Melton. He has just recovered ! from a spell of sickness, and is up on a vacation recuperating. The registration books are now ready at the office of G. P. Tilley, city clerk. The election of mayor and councilmen in De¬ cember. Street work is now in order. Persons between the ages of 16 and 50 years of age are subject, and must work or put some one to do it or pay $2.50. Dr. Quillian has been on the sick list this week resulting bom over work in meetings. We trust he will .he able soon to resume Ins work. Mr. Wells, an old army corn- day. He was prospecting for a country home in Rockdale. Mr. Hawkins, of the Coving ton Enterprise, was in our city “ / ^y-d] ’ * IlVif- Si* ’and but ^ . .....* lively “ ‘ Middle Ga. ft Atlantic has secured space m the State bulk . ... - mg at the Exposition, and will exhibit the products and rcsour eeg of U)e count through ,- t runs< Judge Helms has received his oommig9ion| and has assumed colUrol of tho Ordinary’ s office. H t to Atlanta on UYdnes day last on business connected with the office. Dr. QuiHInn closed his meet¬ ing last Sunday night, 'but the members have been liaving ser vices through this week. atteddance is good and good and good will result from the meeting. Ed Almand, son of W. Y. Al mand, has a good position in At¬ lanta. He too^ the place last Monday, and will go every day and back at night during this month, after which lie will move permanently. J. C. Crumley brought in the first bale of cotton brought to Con vers this season yesterday. Jfc ; ejghed m pounds> Mr . sold it to the highest bid c ] e r and it brought 10 cents; D. M. Almand was the buyer. "We give you a good paper and will improve. Show your ap¬ preciation by prompt payment this fall. Renew your subscrip¬ tion, and tell your neighbors to subscribe—only 25 cents from now till the first of Jan., 1896. Prof. Fleming opened the pub¬ lic schools of this place last Mon¬ day.. The attendance is very good, though not as good as it might and should be. It is prop¬ er that everybody should rally to the support of the school. Summers & Hudson have their store literally packed with goods. The shelves, counters and under the counters are filled, and still they come from Mr. Hudson, now in New York. “Wherewill you keep,your goods ?’ ’we asked. “We will not keep, but sell them.” replied Mr. Summers. Mr. C. D. Cushing, of Shef¬ field district, died at his home on last Thursday night, and was hurried at Salem cemetery yes¬ terdayevening. lie suffered for several days with typhoid fever. He was in the prime of life, making his death the more sad. We sympathize with the bereav¬ ed family. The Covington boys, after so curing Knowles, Smith, Calla¬ han and Wilson of the Atlanta team, came up to play the Con¬ yers team Thursday. For rea¬ sons best known to themselves the Conyers boys refused to play. However, Irb Norman made up a club and played the Covington team a game, which resulted victory for Coving* on by a score of 11 to 5. Next week we will enlarge the Wekkly to an eight page paper. We true, this be appreciated by our patrons, and that they will rally to our support, thus helping to make a journal of which they may justly be proud. Our promise was m ade last spring to improve t i ie paper this fall. the patronage we risk the ditional expense,and shall uo pains to make its bright and entertaining. A Confederate museum is posed in which ,to keep and war relies. That noble old veteran, C. B. Rouss, of York, who has made his lions since the war, proposes to donate $100,000 to start the work Richmond wants the mu¬ seum, so also Atlanta, The , {jl , old soldiers’ home budding, and we'think the idea a good one. | The donations of the soldiers’ home building by the contribu tors to that work, who are scat tered all over Georgia, could and would easily bo made, This would secure nearly the required I amount to establish at once the Confederate museum. JL 1 -gr gj" mean# so much more than you imagine—serious and ’fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. Don’t play with Nature’s gift—health. IB nrAlirtTC . , Drowns , , V 91*011 9 XI UJLI i-C # >44 U1 S »111 UCi flfC 3 It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Bad Blood Maiaria, Nervous ailments Women’s coirpiaints. Get only the centime—it has crossed red lines on thc wrapper. All ethers aieoub* stttulcs. will send On receipt of Ter of Reautifcf two ac stamps World'* v c set Fair Vicwp and bool:—free. BEOWM CHctfl'CAL CO. BM.T 1 M©**. I.ID,. For sab by Dr. W. 11 Lre. ifirGYirBTirinnnnroTnrff inr# ystsysysy a jnr<nn» r, > —w. S A A Winchester Repeating i ---■» Rifles ° Our Model 1893 Shot r Gun is now used ——— % by all thc most advanced trap ^ Shot-OllflS o and game shooters. Single SllOt-RiflCS **• ASK YOUR DEALER TO SHOW YOU THIS GUN. 1 o Everything that is Newest and Best in Repeating Anns as well as all ® kinds of Ammunition are made by the if 0 * WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., Winchester Ave., New Haven, Conn.' ° l’o-nil Card with address for our 11 S-paice Illustrated Catalogue, 03- Sen <1 a your 11. P. & H. M. Almand Co. Will be in the market to buy all your cotton this fall, having made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in tbs South to buy for them. COTTON. R-‘ 5:; 7 §.\¢1sz‘§; 22:1 , _ l fa~ yrs. Ill!!!» 3%»: COTTON- ..... _ H. P.&D. M. ALMAND & CO. TILLEY & QUIGG, -vWAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In-: j LviraTssr, Coal, Siuiiag'loss j all >V kinds ' e keep of on Lumber, bind at Shingles, all times eto. Doors, We carry Mantle?, a full Sash, line Blinds of nice aod Faints. AIwuijh nee ms before buying. We can save you money. jo a are weak g out of sorts, Ihausted, § and generally cx* nervous, begin at oncetak - ittg the most iclia-. medicine,which ble strengthening* is Brown s Iron Bit ters. A few hot ties cure—benefit comes from the very first dost- it teeth j?*'* and us t pleasant to take. K3 §£-~ a Is hid behind the veil of po¬ litical obscurity. Tho firm of Summers & Hudson, however, is not bothered by any political drapery, j and politics may come and politics may go, but we soil ou forever. Sum S; Hub.