Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 21, 1895, Image 4

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CONYERS WEEKLY. OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B. & J. H. REESE. ‘ Emeied at tlie poatoffice mail a. Couycr* an second-class matter. ______ ___ Saturdvy, SKi*r. 21, 1895. — ADVERTISING RATES. ti ino. (1 mo. 12 riio 1 mu *2 ,.V i if i.OO * o 2 . i ! 4,0 ) | 7 AO lo.oo 4 12.01) 20.00 ]. A colilltl II i HI.!) I 15.00 25.00 2 , is .0 1 i SO .00 5.1.00 / »t j a >.o > j oooo j loooo Locals 5 cents per line for lir-t loser lion ; 2 1 cents (or each >ubsi<jue n in¬ sertion. Kegular adv, 5do. | ci null lor JirsL insertion ; 25c !or each subsequent 1 user lion. SU BSC HI PIT ON KATES: One year, in advance ................ .$!.( 0 Six month*, in advance.............. 50 Those prosperous times have arrived ! The hours for opening and closing the Exposition will be <S a. m. and 10 p. m. No one will be permitted to enter the grounds after 10 o’clock at night. The visitors on the grounds will be notified when the hour ar¬ rives, and will bo expected tore tire at once. The mysterious murder of Bass in Atlanta two weeks ago is about to develop against a de¬ tective named Conn. However clandestinely a murder may be committed, there is always, in the providence of God, a clue to discover the guilty one, verify¬ ing the old phrase, “Murder will out.” The Exposition opened last Wednesday with 25,000 people on the grounds. The opening program was lengthy and inter¬ esting and the citizens of Atlan¬ ta feel encouraged at the pros¬ pect of success. The poem by t tan ton and the speech of Judge Speer were the taking cards of the day. The publisher of (lie Christian Index told us last winter that lie expected to raise the sub¬ scription list during 1805 to 10, 000 bona fide subscribers. Bro. McMichael has now the desired number. The Index is a great denominational paper,filled with religious reading aud all tire news from the churches through out the country. There is no reason why the Index should not have 50,000 suoscribers, for the Baptist denomination is a strong one. This week has been one of stir and interest upon the grounds of t he National Park, located upon the battlefield of Chicamauga. Soldiers and citizens from every section of the Union were as¬ sembled by thousands. The oc¬ casion was the dedication of the park, bought and beautified by the National government at a cost of nearly one million dol¬ lars. The park is for the na tien, irrespective of blue or gray; the Confederate and the Union soldiers taking pa' t alike. Many ol the large crowd there went t. > the great Exposition in Atlan- 4a. The Covington Star makes se¬ vere charges in an article head¬ ed, “An Outrage at Conyers.” V o know nothing of the partic¬ ulars, but we think that egg and rock throwing should be stop¬ ped. It is dangerous, whatever the provocation. Judge McCalia, our worthy mayor, will spare no ell’ort to bring the guilty par¬ ties to justice. The boisterous conduct of the excursionists, yelling and jeering at our peo pie is indeed provoking, but we trust our young men will here¬ after prove themselves manly by treating all such with silence, and forbear the throwing of any¬ thing likely to hurt parties. TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. ■ I will be in Conyers, towndis i trier, Sept. 28th and from the 7th to 19th of Oct. Alter November j 1st all the remainder of my time, 01J j v w p en : ,t the preemets. Sheffield , , district, , , a Sept. cti.i 27tli, : Oct. 18th and Nov. 15th. Hon ey Creek district, Thursday, .Sept. 2Gth, Oct. 17th and Nov. | ]4th. Lorraine district, Sept, j dOtl'i, Oct. 21st and Nov. 18th. My office will be at Stephen¬ son & Turner’s store when in town. Very respectfully, E. F. Come, T. C. Rockdale Co. J'JRCRS FOR OJTOBER TERM ROCK* DALE SUPERIOR COURT. | GRAND JURORS John C Fanner, Hugh L White, A J ()gletree, John II Maddox, Josiali G Ray, J (> Bohunon, 11 H Cannon, J J Cowan, Tbos J Deal. J S Albert, H H Allen, .J 51 Day, G W Cain, E II Al maml, Win T Stewart. G T Smith, A V Sims, Sr., J W McClung, Win 15 Par¬ ker, 1) il Bowen. C A Blake, Itobt F Farmer, J C Browning, S A Helms, M I) Irwin, J VV Johnson, J G Jackson, J K 1* Hester, J II Peek, J T Plunkett. TBAVERSE JURORS—1ST WEEK. J F King, R VV Tucker, N M Almand, Littleton Long, Wm F Stanley, T K Norton, F I) Lard, J S Johnson. Wm A Cowan, Wm B Jackson, J I) Kay, J J Langford, W A Costley, C G Turner, J T A McCollum, Wm F McDaniel, J W Mize, J S Francis, D M Almand, J 8 Gramme. Goo M Kennott, J 1) Lyon, I) F Jones, b S Graham, J VV Jones. Win IT Brisendine, J T Denard, E J McDaniel, Wm L Peek, John J Farm¬ er, John II Scott, J I> Maddox,Sr., Wm S Veal, K N Day, J P Tilley. TRAVERSE JURORS—2ND WEEK. T C McCalia, J A Lifsey, J t’ Adair, Joseph Plunkett, L II Sigtnan, F M Cnandler, D T Clotfelter, A P Gain, J 1’ Wheeler, Arthur[Whitaker,JD NHml son, Geo W Weaver, David B Johnson, Warren Head, G W Ivey, J F Harris, A D Summers, Barton Walker, J A Lowe, J M Williams, It M Gallops, Itob ert L Guilin, Ben 11 Summers,It K Kovv an, J J Peck, J L Pate, Wm A Scott, Win T Spinks, Eugene 15 Palmer, L e Almand, Geo VV Walker, VV V Almand, 15 D Whatley, Jesse T Weaver M L Wood. (crowded off local rage Besides A COLUMN CROWDED OUT.) Large stock of furniture at II. P. & 1). M. Almand & Co. Shoes, Shoes', Shoes ! Cloth ing, Clothing, Clothing ! Jeans, Jeans, Jeans! Domestics Do¬ mestics and everything you need at II. P. & D. M. Almand & Co.’s Mr. Chas. G. Cain, special agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., received a check tliis morning (No. 07,720) for $1,000 in payment of policy held by Mr. Jonas 0. Cain, who acci and proves that the Mutual Ben¬ efit company is one of the best and most prompt companies do¬ ing business in Georgia. It is old, having been in active busi¬ ness for 50 years, and it writes the plainest contract of any com¬ pany. Any one wanting insur¬ ance will do well to consult Mr. Cain before insuring. H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. are now ready to buy your cot¬ ton. Don’t sell until you see them. Mrs. Anna Gap, wife ol Ex Deputy 0 , S. Marshal, 6o£umbii5, Kan., says: “I was delivered rV* of TWINS io less than 20 min¬ utes and with scarcely any* pain after using only two bottles of ® iLT'MOTHERS’ A 1 m C j FRIEND DID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. S3S2 or B ra o a oll’ BUADFUmi) IlKGrUTOR CO.. ATLANTA, CA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. r ’i 1 v** • A » ^ - o Do You See Spots jjk'G *• before you in the Rheumatism, air ? That’s A J your liver’s fault. Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Head- »j ache and Billiousness are all A ^ pS * your liver’s fault. 9*7 Symptoms of a Disordered Liver: fi A Sfc'N Pain in back, side and shoulders, a bad taste in the mouth, coated m ffipi tongue, general drowsiness, diges- if | tion bad, fullness in the stomach, loss A of habitual appetite, costiveness, sour and dots sick before stomach, the fi ^ ff eyes, s :in sallov/, eyes yellow, ner- A vousness, cough, confused pimples mind. on the face, dry pt ^ At the first appearance of these symptoms call on your merchant for a bottle of cs Kif Bheum&tlc (UR& ? it goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses this organ— s I makes it active again—purifies cured. \ ' yout blood and you’re . Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For It. 1 CULLEN & NEWMAN, ’ ^ Sole Proprietors, i Knoxville, Tenn. 1 Hoe’s medicines for sale by :— II. P. & D. M. Alman.l & Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga VV. E. King, Kings, Ga. .J C/2 Carto-Dwtive m '! IS. Positively the one .Remedy ‘ for the treatment of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, Simple nnd aggravated forms of ! ! - DYSPEPSIA and-- Palpitation -of-the-Heart. -.o:-- Does your food sour af'er eating? Are you'easily confined and excitm? Do you get up in the morning tired anil unrefreshed, and with a bad taste in the month ? Is there a dull, cloudy sensation, at¬ tended by disagreeable feelings in the head and eyes? Are you irritable and restless? Does your heart thump and cause yon to gasp for breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress you to lie on the left side ? Have you impaired memory, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomy forebodings? These symptoms mean that you are suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remedy extant that has done so much for tnis class of trou¬ bles as Garbo-Digestive Goffipeufiel. If your capo Inis resisted the usual methods of treatment we are particular ly anxious to have you give this Com¬ pound a trial. We guarantee relief in every ease and will cheerfully refund your money should our remedy fail to produce the most gratifying results. Please remember that the appellation Patent Medicine does not apply to Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a prescription put up by a lead¬ ing physician who has made stomach and nervous troubles a specialty lor years We court investigation and earnestly urge ail physicians to write us for tlie formula of SCOTT’S CAKBO DIGESTIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail on application, that they may satisfy themselves of its harmless char¬ acter and excellent virtues. Scott’s Garbo-Digestive Compound Is the most remarkable remedy that science has produced. It has succeed¬ ed where all other medicines have failed Sold by all druggists everywhere. $1 per bottle. Sent to any address in America on receiot of price. Don’t forget that we cheerfully re¬ fund your money if results are not sat¬ isfactory. Order direct if your drug¬ gist does not have it. Address all orders to “5 [t | BROWN S IRON bitters I . cians it«trade recommend aad it. All dealers sell it. Genuine aarS crossed red lines on wrapper. w'E miliL go 80 •' 5 s s / B $ i T^rE learn that Stephenson & Turner / ( * * bought the first new*bale of cotton raised in Rockdale county this year. They stand at the ) head in the commercial business of our little city, ! as cotton buyers and general merchants. Go to them for your goods they can undersell anybody on Bagging and Ties, Meat, Flour, Corn, Meal, Syrup, Molasses, Seed Rye, Fresh Turnip Seed, Sugar, Coffee. Salt at Cue. for large size sacks. They are selling nails for less than anybody else. as they bought large quantities when they were very cheap. Get your Hardware from them, Shoes, 0!0 Clothing, ~Rocking Dress Chairs Goods, almost Trunks, give Furni- ] ture. to away. / ffiPTus best place in town for Tobacco—smok ing and chewing. Cigars, Fine Cream Cheese at 121c. per pound. Harness and Saddles, Lace Harness and Sole Leather at a bargain. Horse S Collars, Brooms, Rope, Buckets, Tinware, Lard, s : Hams, Steelyards, Crockryware, Sheeting, \ Checks, Hats, Caps, Books, Laces and thous ands of articles not herein mentioned. Come everybody ; everybody invited to come ! You shall have our best attention. Don't fail to come , as you will lose money by \ staying away from tevhecssn & Timer s B EL P. I . Almand Co. Will be in the market to buy all your cotton this fall, having made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in the South to buy for them. COTTON. Tlie time is here, and cotton is coming in. We will give you the highest market price. H. P.&D.M. ALMAND & CO. yy s .v T ; ’" p = 1 SUCCESSOR TO— a y j •DEALER IX H Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils. —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books, Fishing Tackle Base Balls, Base Bali Bats, Etc., Etc. ......ICE COLD SODA WATER. LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, Ac. ^^PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY 'COMPOUNDE DR. W. H. LEE. Neaf Job \voiT, at j this Office. V M.§>. J* I P ,N % 4 0|V^mSiu1 ijlll i >j COTTON.