Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 21, 1895, Image 5

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BBS AG-EN1. I i' s P resent the BEST com bni f in the world. cS < its k b 3L oOAL. S Bee vis before buying your [coal- We can save you mon TILLEY & QUIGG. ,,***** —j. 1: legal urn mm Gkokgia, Rockdale County. —Toj G. Whom Xt May Concern: T. ill iu due form applied to the jniiiin Has letters of ad yersg neci f° r k ermauent Ljstratioa on the estate of Mrs. M. Swann, late of said county, deceased, , j w j]i pass upon said application on .first Monday in October, 1895. under my hand and official sig I™ this (5th day of September, 1895. ‘ M. Helms, Ordinary. / \. [. .x-t i National 1 No. 7. Complaint \ perior Court—Re" To John I- Rosser, Dft., Greeting, order of the court in the case above to that the ssted J I hereby notify you on day of August, 1895, The Atlanta jutional Building and Loan Associa tjon tiled an action of complaint, e'e,, gainst you, returnable to the October 1895, of said superior court under foregoing caption. You are furtherno bed to he present at said court, to be held on the first Monday in October, 1895, to answer plaintiff’s complaint. Jadefault thereof the court will pro led as to justice shall appertain. *”i Wit sees the Hon. Rich’d H. Clark, judge «f said court, this 5th day of August, m. W. T. II us ON, ■ Clerk S. C. Rockdale County, Ga. Geokgu, Rockdale County —To all Ifhom it may Concern : Mrs. Alice the H. La'ml has ia due form applied to uudCTugYied for permanent letters of administration on the estate of W. I’. Laird, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application o:i the first Monday in October, 1895 Given under mj hand and official sig¬ nature. This 12th day of Sept. 1895. A. XL Heuis, Ordinary Rockdale Co. i Georgia, Rockdale County. —To all Whom it may Concern : T. J. & VV. E. [Treadwell, administrators of the estate of John Treadwell, deceased, have in Idue form applied to ilie undersigned for pave to sell the land# or place known is the home place belonging to the es Iteof said deceased and said applica¬ tion will be heard on the first Monday pOdober next. This 12th day of Sept. 15. A, M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County. —Fan e Grier, col., having applied for a pelve months’ support out of the es >teof hor late husband, J. Wesley pier, eo!., deceased, and the appraisers (painted having filed their return in poffice, and this is to cite all persons kerned that I will pass upon the peon the first Monday in October k This Sept. 12th, 1895. All. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale Co. 0 Georgia, Rockdale County.— Mrs. A. Cushing having applied for a (five months’ support out of the es M her late husband, C. D. Cushing, (ceased, and the appraisers appointed jfiog I this filed their return in my concerned office, is to cite ail persons KI will pass upon the same on the si Monday in October next. This 3>t. lath, 1895. A. M. 11 ELVIS, Ordinary Rockdale Co. pEoRciA, Rockdale County. —To all PM it May Concern : John H. Al M has in due form applied to the feigned for permanent letters of poistration feier, on the estate of J. Wes col., late of said county, de fe,aud feon I will pass upon said appli the first Monday in Oetobei, f- A. M. Helms, Ordinary pf Said County. | F 0 »gia, Rockdale County.— By A, Nms, Ordinary for said county: special agreement between J. B, P' 5 *' Reese, publishers of The Con- PERFECTED m \ CRYSTAL LENSES 1 TRADE MARK. ... • . ; -i G'alitySj-stsadAlways. [VL . () K 1 / ' l m ■ S* ■ ' CVthlf. ...ALM: i DR. w. it. LEE, Druggist, has the j exclusive sale of these, celebrated Glass j es in Conyers, Ga. From tliy factory ; Of Kellarn & Moore, the onlv optical I plant in tee South. Atlanta, Ga. 1 ykrs Wj KFci.Y,;inT T D. O'Kelley, pub iisber of the Rockdale Banner, it is or¬ dered that from and after this date and until further ordered the legal adver¬ tising for sail county shall be done in both papers, tow it: •Inn Conyers Weekly and the Rockdale Banner, both papers to receive only the regular legal rates for advertising, that is to say, on¬ ly the same pay that one would receive were the advertising done in one paper, and the fees or pay for such advertising shall be equally divided between said two papers, each receiving one-half. This Sept 18, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale County. Georgia, Rockdale County.— By A. M. Helms, Ordinary of said county, sit¬ ting for county purposes: It is hereby ordered that fifty-eight cents on the one hundred dollars of the taxable property of said ceunty, as per digest of 1895, be and the same is hereby levied, and that the same be collected by the tax collect¬ or of said county for tiie following pur¬ poses, towit: For general county pur¬ pose 5 , o2 cents; for jury purposes 20 cents; for pauper purposes (i cents. Making in the aggregate the said sum of fifty-eight cents on tiie one hundred dollars on the taxable property of said county, for county purposes for the year, 1895. This Sept. 14th, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. 7UJ Should bear in mind that Miss Emma Riley is the leading Mil¬ liner in Conyers and carries n complete stock of everything in that line, in the store room of the post office. 9-7-46. m We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. RICHARDSON Rim,ES. The musical entertainment at J. F. Willingham’s on Saturday night last was quite a success, Music was beautifully furnished by Miss Dovie Lewis and Bub Harkness, ot Ola. Miss Violet Walker returned to her home last Wednesday, after several days’ visit here. Why so sad, boys ? William Faulkner is slowly recovering from an attack of rheumatism. Prof. Frank Mann left for Ox ford last week. Misses Kate and Ludie Sims and Deuie Powell were the guests of Miss Josie Morris Mon¬ day last. Allen Cook, of Clayton coun¬ ty, is the guest of G. W. Morris’s family this week. Bill Simpson, of McDonough, visited relatives here last week. Prof. Dow Hammock’s school closed Friday. He has given perfect satisfaction as an m - structor, and the well wishes of our people go with him. SEABE. veal’s store siftings. Egg peddlers are numerous. I gness they are making great preparation for the Exposition. Ml’S. Robbie Dillon is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, I Graham. Miss Lula Manning a most. Lvely young laay, of Atlanta, returned home Tuesday, after spending a few days in our com¬ munity as the guest of Misses Mamie Scott,Berta Graham and others. Geo. Spinks has moved in the house with his brother. J. M. Spinks. One more added to the population ot Birmingham ( eal StCie) , , , * S OU!g m Tom S. Tr IvlLUiett - ., \\ .-it ill also i be another in our town in the near future. We learn Mr. Clarence King, who left our community recent¬ ly, has secured a good position in Atlanta. 0. Locke Graham left for At¬ lanta Tuesday, where he has a position. While T. II. Hardin was hav¬ ing his ginnery repaired Monday part of the press department fell and came very near killing Jas. Treadwell. He was badly bruised but no bones broken. We hope he will soon recover. Rev. Wm. Shaw, of Atlanta, will give a Sunday school lec¬ ture at Libertv Chapel the first Sunday in October at 3:30 p. rn. He will probably exhibit some Stereoptican views, illustrating parts of the Bible. It will be a treat to all who will come to hear and see his manner of teaching the Bible. Patrick. LORRAINE LOCALS. Locals scarce. The weather is fine for gath¬ ering crops. G. W. Simmons and his beau¬ tiful daughter, Miss Genie, at¬ tended the celebration at Con¬ yers last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E, Ray visited in your city a few days last week. Willie Simmons, of Atlanta, visited his parents in this dis¬ trict Saturday and Sunday , SH ADY DALE DOINGS. Mrs Annie Parker and her little daughter, Carrie, of Boaz, Ala., is visiting our family this week. We have just returned from a very pleasant visit to Butts Co. The cotton crop is about 50 per cent, short in this section The sweet potato, persimmon and muscadine crops are prodi¬ gious. I The Rev. Wm. Shaw, of At- ; lanta, will deliver a Sunday school address at the Congrega¬ tional church the first Sunday in October. God made the earth in six. days and then rested ; then he made man and rested again. Then he made woman, and since that time neither God nor man has had a rest. “Poor, helpless woman can never say Her work is done,until judgment day.” New stock of dress go,ads of ev* ery description cheap at Ii. P. ik I). M- Almand & Co, TILLEY & QUIGG, •-WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In— IIj’VILIGQ.TOOX, * We keep on hand at all times We carry a full line of nice all kinds of Humber, Shingles, etc. Doors, Mantles, Sash, Blinds and Paints. Always see us before buying ■ We can save you money. GATHERED BY A FAIR REPORTER. o Miss Kate Whaley, after sev¬ eral weeks'absence from the city, has returned and is attending the Conyers Institute. Her many friends are delighted to have this charming young lady back. Mr. Charlton Melton, a hand¬ some young man of Abbeville, Ga , has returned home after a pleasant visit to his father, Dr. M. H. Melton. Mrs. Allison, of Abbevilffi,Ga., visited Mrs. M. H. Melton last week. She had been to Man¬ chester to enter her daughter in the female college at that place. Seaborn and Walker Glenn are now working in Atlanta. Miss Ward Hardwick left Wednesday for LaG'Tnge,where she will attend college. She was accompanied by her father, Dr. H. V r . Hardwick. Dev. John W. Almand has built a handsome residence in the country. We like to see this. May more of it go on in our t be¬ loved Southland. Misses Gussie and LeVanche Davidson are visiting their sis¬ ter, Mrs. McNight. Mr. Bates Reagan is quite ill this week. Hope lie will be speedily restored to health. Mr. Jess Wallis lias gone to Dorsey, Ga., to go in the mer cantile business, Saccess be with you, Jess. Mr. Earle Quilliau spent a day and night with his uncle, Dr. J. W. Quillian, while enroute to Oxford this week. Mr. Mack Eakes spent a few days with his brother, W. J. Eakes, this week. Mrs. Henry Anderson and pret¬ ty little grandson, Avory Har¬ din, are visiting in the country this •week. Messrs. Joe and Charley Clot felter, two of our handsomest and cleverest young men, left this week for college. Joe will attend the Columbia(S. C.)The¬ ological Seminary, and Charley goes to the Normal College at Nashville, Tenn. We join their many friends in wishing them v profitable and pleasant year. New .goods at II. R. A D. M. Al¬ mand'A Co.’s CHEAP—at i-qcL; bottom prices. 20 pounds Granulated Sugar for one dollar at H. P. A D. M. dim and A Co.’s Our friend, John R. Hudson, Jr., of the U. S. Geological Sur¬ vey, spent a couple of hours with us yesterday. He was en route to Washington to resume his offi ce duties, after a vaca¬ tion spent in Eaton ton. COTTON REPORT. Rales received to Friday morn¬ ing, 20th, 123. Price for mid¬ dling, 7fc. Rev. C. C. White, who had been ill for a long while, died at his home in this county last Wednesday night, and his re¬ mains were buried in the ceme¬ tery hero yesterday. The fune¬ ral was preached in the Baptist church by Dr. Swanson, of Cov¬ ington. bereaved. We extend sympathy to ] the H—3 Tie cams Of £3?SKgq“* fn (lb ■ a ■ .... I am open to. « • • UNDERSELL DRY GOOD I, NOTIONS, SHOE', HAT >, t CLOTHING, ETC. I went east and bought a completelia i of these goeds and they m i >.t go right out. My desire is to introduce my¬ self to the trading public and I can do ii quickest by UN¬ DERSELLING. This I CAN and will do. I invite the public to examine my stock at the place formerly by Miss Emma Riley. Walter E. Adair.