Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 28, 1895, Image 5

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’’■j » • A IT' m Z m fire insurance. J. P. TILLEY AGENT. Ijpq represent the BEST panies in the world. «5 *» * 'Si C O A L- > See us before buying your coal. We can save you mon ey- TILLEY & QYIGG-. LE6E ADVERTS!® Georgia, Rockdale County.— To All Whom It May Concern: T. G. Swann has in due form applied to the dersgned for permanent letters of ad un of Mrs. M. ministration on the estate X Swann, late of said coun.y, deceased, aiid I will pass upon October, said application 1895. on the first Monday in Given under my hand and official sig¬ nature this Oth day of September, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Eockdai.e County.—T o all Whom it may Concern: Airs. Alice II. p a ir,] has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of W. R. Laird, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in October, 1895. Given under mj hand and official sig nature. This 12 th day of Sept. 1S95. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale Co. Georgia, Rockdale County, io all Whom it may Concern : T. J. & W.E. Treadwell, administrators of the estate of John Treadwell, deceased, have in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the iands or place known as the home place belonging to the es¬ tate of said deceased and said applica¬ tion will be heard on the first Monday in October next. This 12th day of Sept. 1895 . A, M. Helms, Ordinary. GssmciA, Rockdale County.—F an¬ nie Grier, col., having applied lor a twelve months’ support out of the es¬ tate of her late husband, J. Wesiey Grier, eol,, deceased, and the appraisers appointed having filed their return in my office, and this is to cite all persons concerned that I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in October next. This dept. 12 th, 1895. A. M. Helms. Ordinary Rockdale Co. Georgia, Rckdalk County.— Mrs. M. V. Cushing having applied for a twelve montlis’*support out of the es¬ tate of her late husband, C. D. Cushing, deceased, and the appraisers appointed having tiled their return in my otlice, and this is to cite all persons concerned that I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in October Dext. This .Sept. 12th, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale Co. Georgia, Rockdale County. —To al) Whom it May Concern : John H. Al mamt has in due form applied to the uadersigaed for permanent letters ot administration on the estate of J. Wes¬ iey Grier, col., late of said county, de ceased, and 1 will pass upon said aupli ptiou on the first Monday in October, te. A. M. Helms, Ordinary of Said County . Georgia, Rockdale County.—B y A. K Helms, Ordinary for said county: ky a special agreement between J. B. M. H. Reese, publishers of The Con [fits Weekly, and T. D. O’Kelley, pub Psher tesszxzfz of the Rockdale Banner, it is or tjz::' ping for sail countv shall be done in p papers, towit: The Conyers Ieekly Ipers and the Rockdale Banner, both to receive only the regular legal P 6 s for advertising, that is to say, on I the same paj' that one would receive l e ta the advertising done in one paper, PLhe fees or pay for such advertising l al 'be equally divided between said ■° Papers, each receiving or.e-half. Phis Sept. 18, 1895. A. M. Helm?, i Ordinary Rockdale County. [Dorgu, f Helms, Rockdale County.— said county, By sit- A. Ordinary of I? Ned for county purposes: It is hereby that fifty-eight cents on the one N r ed dollars of the taxable property ffid ceunty, as per digest of 1895, be P the same is hereby levied, and that PERFECTED % CRYSTAL LENSES TfiapE 7 AARX. ifm i tality ?',:A asd iivt-3. m ! ■■ ■ yJH J$ Sms®k . v> ’ : m k ||| DR. XV. II. LEE, Druggist., lias tbe exclusive sale of these celebrated Gla-s es in Conyers, Ga. Kr«>:« the factors of Kellain & Moore, the onlv optica! plant in toe South. Atlanta. Oa. the same be collected by tbe rax .ollect or of said couniy for fie following pur¬ poses, towit: For general county pm posey 32 cents; for jury purposes 2(> cents; for pauper purposes (i cents. Making in ihe aggregate tiie said sum of fifty-eight cents on the one bund efi dollars on the taxable properly of said county, for county purposes for,tin yea", 1895. This sept. 14th, 1895. A. M. IIrims, Ordinary. executok’s sale. Agreeably to an order of the court of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will be sold at auction at the court house door of said county on the lirst Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours sale, the following property, towit: Four hundred acres of land, more or less, known as the John L. Scott home place, and bounded north by lands of Richard Hailey, Mrs. Watson and oth ers, south by Z. T, Zachry and South River, east by E. Lee Scott and Mrr. Alary Jane Bailey, west by Lelioy Ogles by and South Eiver. There is on this iaudgood, barns, orchard, pas¬ ture and three good tenant bouses, about one hundred acres of good bot¬ tom land in cultivatable condition and 125 acres in original forest. The land is well terraced and well watered, and a valuable home. Sold as the property of John L. Scott, deceased, Terms ea-y, and will he made known on day of sale. This 2oth day of September, 1895. W. XV. Scott, Executor. GATHERED BY A FAIR REPORTER. o Measles and whooping cough are going the rounds in the city The number of pupils at tlie Conyerslnstitute increases daily. The attendance this week is 156. Dr. Baily, of Athens, is Mrs. A. J.,Pierce’s attending physi¬ cian. Miss Viola Bostain spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Lakes, this week while enroutc to At lanta. Rev. Asbury Ragsdale preach¬ ed at the Methodist church Sun¬ day. Messrs. Floyd Plunkett and Walker Glenn visited home Sun¬ day. Glad to sec these hand¬ some youug men have not for¬ gotten us. Dr. Asbury Quillian, of Ath¬ ens, visited his brother, Dr. J. W. Quillian of this place this week. Miss Linda Holder visited her home at Almou last Sunday. Misses Holder, Posey and Tran holm chaperoned the children of Conyers Institute muscadine hunting the other afternoon. Perry Griffin, of Oxford, was Sunday to “fair maid ” up see a Come again, Perry; she is al¬ wavg “ glad to see you. i ru t- r' • Messrs. R. O. and L. N. tuu f visited CoVIDgtOll Sunday. w Bob i*»g*o» ^ «> atives in the City SuncioA . j> ev Mr. Craig preached two very impressive . SCimons ___ to at teiltivc congregations Sunday . LADIES. Should bear in mind that Miss Emma Riley is the leading Mil¬ liner in Conyers and carries a complete stock of everything in that line, in the store room of the post office. 9-7-4t. pitcher’s Castorfe, Children Cryfot COTTON REPORT. Previous receipts 123 This week’s ( i 340 < i Total to date 460 bales. Price for middling, 8]c to PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pointedly Penciled for Punctual Perusal. Thursday, the 26th, was gala day for the 38th Ga. at Decatur, Mr. C. M. Taylor, of Foray(h was in the city last Thursday. Tomorrow Rev. J. T. King will preach at the Presbyterian church. W. T. Stewart and family re¬ cently visited their relatives in Newton county. Mi's. Shipp is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Posey, who is very sick at Mrs. Chick’s. Mr. Reagan, who has been quite sick with a bilious attack, is much bettei*. According to the weather re¬ port the cold wave was expected Monday evening, but it has not yet arrived. Mr. J. B. Moseley, of Henry county, brought a load of cotton to our market last Thursday and it sold for 8.27c. Mrs. Smith, of Gainesville, is visiting Mr. Pierce, her brother. She came to the bedside of Mrs Iherce, who has been very ill. Mr. W. T. Woody and Miss Jane Nelms were married last Tuesday. We join their many friends in wishes for their hap¬ piness. Mr. Thos. Kennon, of Jasper county, Mr. Len Kennon and Mrs. Langford, from Oconee county, visited their mother dur¬ ing her late illness. The Madison Association of colored Baptists will meet with Macedonia Baptist church in this city on Wednesday before the 3rd Sunday in October. Rev. A. J. Beck, of Lithonia, spent Wednesday night with us. He conducted the prayer meet¬ ing at the.Baptist church, giving a line talk upon some verses in the Psalms. The roads in this section are in a comparative good condition, except the deep dust, which when stirred, rises like a cloud and all but stifles those who walk behind, Egad! On last Wednesday the cotton market here went from 7 : | to 81 cents in about one hour’s time. We hope that it will continue to jump until the entire country can rejoice and “jump” with it. A colored woman, Sou Mays, was arrested by Sheriff Austin and brought before Justice Al mand yesterday on the charge of assault and battery and at¬ tempting to burn the house of auother.woman. She was com¬ mitted to jail, waiting trial at coming court in October. Mr. S. J. Glenn, who was wrongfully treated by the At¬ lanta police in making a false arrest, we understand, has insti¬ tuted suit against the city for damages. We do not believe the Atlanta police perfect; if it were it would be in striking ^contrast with the balance of the city. We are informed that it takes $27 to go through and see all the sights on the Midway at the Ex¬ position. How much then, af¬ ter paying the gate fee, will it take to see all the sights on the grounds?But side shows. you need If, however not visit all the you expect to ^ee the world in 'ninature, you will iiave to pay for it. The public well near the court h °«se is one never failing, giv ! ing drink to many' hundreds of I | Conyers thirsty ones as well as t0 visitors who come and go ev¬ ery day. What a luxry this pure, I cold water is ! What else should j ra;m want to drink besides this c U -8tol wi,ich c01 " cs in “» j purity from the hand of our ! Maker? Mr. Millard George, cf Thom asville, and Miss Mattie Harde¬ man were married in the Pres¬ byterian church at Madison on last Tuesday evening. Mr. George is a brother of Judge George, of Madison, and Miss Hardeman is a-sister of Mrs. Os born, of our city, The happy couple, envoute for Thomasville spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Osborn. We wish them a hap¬ py and prosperous life. DEATH OF MRS. KENNON. After a week's suffering from dysentery and fever Mrs. Ken non died on Thursday evening at the age of 78 years. She was a kind, Christian woman, and for many years a member of the Methodist church. The funeral services took place yesterday from the residence, Dr. Quillian conducting them. His remarks were appropriate, and comfort ing to the sorro wing ones, We sympathize with the bereaved ones, who have lost one v bom they loved. Her remains were laid away in their last resting place in in the old cemetery. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. T!ie PlisliGst Pries For Mr Cotton II. P. & D. 51. Almand & Co. want your cotton. Don’t sell un till you see them. They will pay the highest market cash price for it. 28-4t NOTICE ! All parties indebted to E. C. Hart will please call on me and settle their accounts. 1 havi his books in charge for collection 28-4t. W. V. Almand. > II i % Poor t [Health J i i . means so much more than * I you imagine—serious and 1 * i fatal diseases result from* ? trilling Don’t ailments neglected. ‘ 3 play with Nature’s * J greatest gift—health. Ifyo-J -srt fhi^ ' br ut ct sorts, weak T fr.nd generally ex* T(M l'g*» Sliausted, iieivous, & IB I have bo appetite • |begin land can’t work, J i j I nt once tnk - ft ing le strengthen the most rviia iron I medicine,which mg; is s ’j y Sters. Blown s Jro.i Hi: A few bet- t Bitters l ties cure—benefit j conies from the f v t ry fi rst dose- it j ‘won't stain your J teeth, and its* j jf pleasant to tuke. ^ It Cu i res \ Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, f Constipation, Bad 3ioed <( jf i'lalaria, Nervous ailments I Women’s complaints. i Hues Get cnly the frcmiine— it has crossed red l # <Hi th-: wrapper. All ethers ate cub- > i s»i ous. Or. rccehA of two 2C. stamps v e J * * y V-kir '! s* VLv,s set slid < ( lex fcoolc-~fi< Besut-fci World's f Showr: omfll-'L co. iad. < «CT3> LOOK OUT! I’M AFTER YOU! Sot to harm vou, but to <lo you good. You want to buy cheap. [ want your trade. You are trading elsewhere. I want you to trade with me. You won’t do it if I dont under¬ sell the man you are trading with This I can no, because— My goods arc new. Exp:nsts > re small. No bad debts. No old slock. I will do this because I must to get your trade. My stock comprises everything in Dress Goods, Notions, Cloth¬ ing, Shoes, Hats, and every¬ thing else in the Dress Goods line. Don’t bay a cent's worth till you have seen my stock . C2r *^3& «an^5 It? m THE BLUE FRONT. « 4 Dmco^ -atim atseasai jvutrrrrA ^>al aaK-s \J mbm ScaP W|WK.^ tjuuvzatd m*i*r*l J^st mryp-p iJxa Afcmiri tJmx&'l *«V An exhilarating, pleasant, refreshing 1 drink —a com fi¬ liation of Bro nidep, Celery Lemon and Seltzer. Con ¬ tains no morphine, or any dangerous dings. Very thing for headache oi rick s’onmch- For sale hj Weaker & Siev/art. t A *v GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. plies $150.00 through every month for given meritorious away to any one who ap¬ us the most patent during the month preceding. W e secure the (jest patents for onr clients, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the feet that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window ’'which can be easily slid up and “sauce-pan," down without **collar-butt* breaking the passenger's hack, n,” “nut-lock," “bottle^ stopper," and a thousand other little things that mosQ any one can find a way of improving; and these S2Q»pk> inventions arc the ones that bring largest returns »u th<s author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in the ** National Recorder," published at Washington, D. C., which is the of inventors. Dest newspaper We published furnish in America in the interests a year’s sub¬ scription also advertise, to this journal, irejz of cost, invention to all our clients. We free of cost, the each men t tv which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousand* of copies of the “National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention* will be scattered throughout the United Statesavaong capitalists and manufactures, thus bringfe^ to then: attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Addres> JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO.. Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 018 F Street, N. W., Box 385 . of Washington, D. C. Reference—editor pamphlet this paper. FREE Write /or cur 50-page , . PH1LQTOKEM Ii V< lilAfi » >*t«" *U«t UeUthtaitt ITlWlvL Br«U«'Vi»8 thl mi* OPnltU. cbit-« nervowoc-M and by* , and •tor**# t„ MnKi Irri hold by ih tijr.triwtn ami 1 a-. alefft lor : a Lrdila. /*»fi • *ntel ro*ue«t r»r. Application. If you can't It fiotn >onr dr*i^« Hut, *eu<i $1 to the proprietor and be will e«*n<! to p-** •» .i.i by exp 1 - 0 * Chari** F. Sisley, Wiiojeaale Druggj*t, 62 Co** »tvlt St.. N*w York r PI A w’iil rettore Gray Hair and Wbiakem to a brow# y C- « IM or iu % f*w BU&cie* (l * botUc.