Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 05, 1895, Image 4

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The Weekly, OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B. & J. H. REESE. Euteic<l rtt the postcffic; mail at Cuiiyers as second-class matter. A Saturday, Our. 5, 1895. ADVERTISING HATES. 3 mo. G mo. 12 mo. 1 1 ij.OiJ iljtftl K .>4.00 i 2 •* 4- 7 50 10 0 » 4 “ C_'l 12.00 •20 01' q coliini n g 15.0 ) 35.00 >2 GC §5 HO. 00 55.00 * i » 50 00 1 ( 0 00 Locals 5 cent* per line Dr fir't i riser tion ; 2cent* for each substquent in aertlon * Regulsir a lv. 51c. i er inch for first insertion; 25e lor each subsequent insertion. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .....$ 1/0 One yeu, in advance ..... .50 Six month-, in advance.... Cotton is up, and the silver dis¬ cussion subsides. Democrats ail right in the 10th; in fact, they are all right throughout Georgia. Only the dailies can now take time and space to make feeble attempts to keep up the discus¬ sion on finances. The Macon 'Telegraph might no w whisper to the Sparta Ish maelite concerning that “tidal wave of prosperity.” The Columbus Enquirer-Sun issued an Exposition edition on last Tuesday, which was credit¬ able to Columbus and Editor Richardson. The cold wave reported on its way south last week, was inter¬ cepted and halted, but arrived < < right side up with care” last Sunday night. The burglars began early to put iu their work at the Exposi¬ tion. The first scoop was from the Russian exhibit. They car¬ ried away $1,000 worth of goods. The planters get gold, silver and greenbacks for their cotton. This makes everything easy and all right with them. They’ll take anything that will pay debts or buy clothing for wife and babies. The Exposition continues. The Atlanta papers report satis factory receipts for the days since the 18th of September. Everything will soon have on the finishing touch, wneu the big show will be in full blast. The Tribune and Hustler ot Rome have been making the at¬ mosphere blue in the Hill City, by expressing their opinion of each other in no very mild nor uncertain language. However, everything now appears settled. The Atlanta Journal has purchased a new press which cost $15,000. It is a wonderful machine. It prints, cuts, pastes, folds and counts 18,000 papers an hour. The Journal is one of the best equipped papers in the South. The subject of recognizing Cu¬ ba by the United States as a bel¬ ligerent is now being very gen¬ erally discussed by the papers. It seems, as Cuba is struggling for independence as did this gov¬ ernment in 1770 to 1783, she should be recognized. The organization of the Irish iu Chicago, to free Ireland at all hazards, does not meet the ap probation of the Irish in Geor¬ gia. All Irish, everywhere, want to see their old country free, but do not thiuk it wise to resort to force of arms. The Democrats in the 10th are again triumphant. Col. Black is elected by over 1600 majority, Watson’s majority in some of the Populist counties was reduced. Richmond and Hancock gave Black handsome majorities, overcoming the Pop¬ ulist vote iu the other counties. We hope the matter is now set¬ tled leml mm Georgia, Rockdale County.—'T o Alt Whom It May Concern: T. G. Swann has in due form applied to the undersgned for permanent letters of ad¬ ministration on the estate of Mrs. M. T. Swann, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in October, 1895. Given under my band and official sig¬ nature this Oth day of September, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County .—To all YVhom it may Concern : Mrs. Alice II. Laird has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of W. P. Laird, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in October, 1895. Given under my hand and official sig¬ nature. This 12th day of Sept. 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale Co. Georgia, Rockdale County.— To all YVhom it may Concern : T. J. & W.E. Treadwell, administrators of the estate of John Treadwell, deceased, have in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands or place known as the home place belonging to the es¬ tate of said deceased and said applica¬ tion will be heard on the first Monday in October next. This 12tli day of Sept. 1895. A, M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County,— Fan¬ nie Grier, col., having applied for a twelve months’ support out of the es¬ tate of her late husband, J. Wesley Grier, col., deceased, and the appraisers appointed having filed their return in my office, and this is to cite all persons concerned that I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in October next. This dept. 12th, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale Co. Georgia, Rockdale County.— Mrs. M. V. Cushing having applied for a twelve months’ support out of the es¬ tate of her late husband, C. D. Cushing, deceased, and the appraisers appointed having filed their return in my office, and this is to cite all persons concerned that I will pass upon the same on the first Monday iu October next. This Sept. 12th, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale Co. Georgia, Rockdale County.— To all YVhom it May Concern : John II. Al¬ mand has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of J. Wes¬ ley Grier, col., late of said county, de ceased, and I will pass upon said appli cation on the first Monday in October, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary of Said County. Georgia, Rockdale County.— By A. M Helms, Ordinary for said county: By a special agreement between J. B. & J. IF. Reese, publishers of The Con¬ yers YVEKKi.Y,und T. I). O’Kelley, pub lis’icr of the Rockdale Banner, it is or¬ dered that from and after'this date and until further ordered the legal adver¬ tising for said county shall be done in both papers, towit: The Conyers Weekly and the Rockdale Banner, both papers to receive onlv the regular legal rates for advertising, that is to say, on¬ ly the same pay that one would receive were the advertising done in one paper, and the fees or pay forsueli advertising shall be equally divided between said two papers, each receiving one-half. This Sept. 18, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale County. Georgia, Rockdale County. —By A. M. Helms, Ordinary of said county, sit ting for county purposes : It is hereby ordered that fifty-eight cents on the one hundred dol ars of the taxable property of said ceunty, as per dige-t of 1895, he and the. same is hereby levied, and that the same be collected by the tax collect¬ or of said county for the following pur¬ poses, towit: For general county pur¬ poses, 32 cents; for jury purposes 20 cents; for pauper purposes G cents. Making in the aggregate the said sum of fifty-eight cents on the one hundred dollars on the taxable property of said county, for county purposes for the yea-, 1S95. This Bept. 14th, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. executor’s sale. Agreeably to an order of the court of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will be sold at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours s ale, the following property; towit: Four hundred acres of land, more or less, known as the John L. Scott home place, and bounded north by lands of Richard Ilailey, Mrs. Watson And oth ers, south by Z. T. Zachry and South River, east by R. Lee Scott and Mrs. Mary Jane Bailey, west by LeRoy Ogles by and South River. Tnere is on this land good, bams, orchard, pas¬ ture and three good tenant houses, about one h mid red acres of good bot¬ tom land in cufiivatable condition and 125 acres in original forest. The land is well terraced and well watered, and a valuable home. Sold as the property of .John L. Scott, deceased. Terms ea y, and will be made known outlay of sale. This 21tli day of September, 1895. YV. YV. Scott, Executor. executor’s sale. Agre able lo an orJer of the court of Ordinary of Newton county, will he sold at public outcry at the court liou-e door of Rockdale county, in the city < f Conyers (it having been so ordered by the court on the first Tuesday in No¬ vember, 1895, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, towit: Cwo hundred, two and one-half acres of land, of land lot No. 48 in the tenth district of originally Henry, now New¬ ton and Rockdale counties, bounded on the east by Eugene Hull, south by John Moseley and C. T. Zachry, west by C. T. Zachry, north by YV, J. Baker and W. A. Scott. Sold as the property of W- W-JScott, late of said county, de¬ ceased. Terms cash. This Sept. 30, 1895. F. O. Fielder, Executor estate of W. W* Scott. Georgia, Rockdale County —To Whom It May Concern : T. C. < or lev, administrator ot Tubal C. Cor¬ ley, deceased, has in due form ap¬ plied to the undersigned for leave to sell lands belonging to the application estate of said deceased, and said will be heard on the first Monday in November next. This first day of Oct, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County. —To Whom It May Concern : H. C Penn, administrator of Mis. E. J. Penn, deceased, has in due form ap> plied to the undersigned for leave to sell real estate belonging lo the es¬ tate or said dect as 3d, aud said ap¬ plication will be heard on the first Monday m November next,. This 1st day of Oct 1895. A. M Helms, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Rockdale County.—To All Whom It May Concert. : R. W. Tucker, administi a f or of A B. E. Hart e i an, deceased, app ies to me for letters of dismission ficm his •rust as such administrator of • aid deceased, and I will pass upon his application on the first office Monday in January, 1890, at my in Con¬ yers, said county. Given under my band ayd official signature this Oct 3rd, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary administrator’s sale. By virtue of an order issued from the court of Ord niry of Rockdale county, wifi be sold before the court house door in the city of Conyers within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November next the following described property, towit,: One hundred acres oi laud, moie or less, situated, lying and being in t Le lltli district of said county, the same being the north half of lot of land No. one hundred a’id four (104) Said land belonging to the estate of F ill, Weatherford Jr, deceased. Terms of sale, one half cash, the re¬ mainder due Dec. 1st, 1S96, with in¬ terest, from date at 8 per cent Bond for title given purchaser. Oct. 2nd, 1895. Jas. S. Weatherford, Administrator. ROCKDALE SHE LUFF'S SALES. Wi 1 be sold on the 1st .Tuesday in November, 1895, at the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, one tract of land ly¬ ing in said county. Forty district acres, more or less, in sixteenth originally Henry, now Rockdale county, parts of lots Nos. 337 and 354, bounded on the north by A. S. Fa; mer, on the west and south by John Neal and B. F. Cain and east by J -hn Moore. Said land levied on as the property of W. J. Tucker to satisfy two fi fas issued from justice court, 475 district G M. of said coun ty, in favor of G W. & A. P. Cain against W. J. Tucker Levy made by T. N. Simunton, L. C., and re¬ turned to me This O^t. 2nd, 1895 W- H. M. Austin, Sheriff. NOTICE ! All parties indebted to E. C. Hart will please call on me and settle their accounts. I have liis books in charge for collection. 2S-4t. W. V. Almand. WE fflllili GrO EO "T-t-Z^E V V learn that Stephenson & Turner in Rockdale bought county the first this new bale They of cotton stand raised the j year. at $ s head in the commercial business of our little city, as cotton buyers and general merchants. Go to $ them for your goods they can undersell anybody on Bagging and Ties, Meat, Flour, Corn, Meal, Syrup, Molasses, Seed Rye, Fresh Turnip Seed, Sugar, Coffee, Salt at 65c. for large size sack's. They are selling nails for less than anybody else , as they bought large quantities when they were very cheap. Get your Hardware from them Shoes, Clothing, Dress Goods, Trunks, Furni¬ ture . Rocking Chairs almost to give away. ^TThe best place in town for Tobacco—smok itig and chewing. Cigars, Fine Cream Cheese at 12ic. per pound. Harness and Saddles, Lace Harness and Sole Leather at a bargain. Horse \ i| Collars, Brooms, Rope, Buckets, Tinware, Lard, Checks, Hams, Hats, Steelyards, Caps, Books, Crockryware, Laces and Sheeting, thous- j ands of articles not herein mentioned. Come everybody ; everybody invited to come ! You \ shali have our best attention. \ Don't fail to come staying , as you from will lose money by \ | away I H. P. tl I). M. Almand Co. Will be in the market to buy all your cotton this fall, having made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in the South to buy for them. COTTON. The time is here, and cotton is coming in. We will ! •~4 o highest market price. H. P.&D.M. ALMAND & CO. 1 m £ A fe •if % I I -SUCCE-SSOR TO Dr. W. H. Lee ^ Son, -DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines 5 Paints and Oils. —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books, Fishing Tackle Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Etc., Etc. ......ICE COLD SODA WATER, LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, Ac. ^■^PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DR. W. H. LEE. 1 1 ¥1 i I * W. Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. Cooks, Bakers. Nurses, Chambermaids Washerwomen, Laundresses, Govirnes. es, Butlers Diivers. Porters, Janitors, Office B'*ys, Bell Bovs, Carpenter', Bricklayers, Painters, white washers, Nightwatchmen, Shipping CierKS, Night Clerks. Firemen, Lumbermen, Pantrymen, Dairymen. Draymen, and common labereeg of all kinds furnished in and out ot the ein. Call, write or telephone when you are in need and your order will receive prompt attention. TELEPHONE 1081. ESTABLISHED 1890. JNO. W. JONES, Manager. r *csaS ) \ M> i F,\ g-' V y "4 s Jill r ■ \ brnm COTTON.