Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 05, 1895, Image 5

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B f FIRE insurance. J. p. TILLEY AGENl. represent the BEST com¬ panies in the world. i m COAL. See us before buying your coal. We can save you mon¬ ey- TILLEY & QUIGG. COTTON REPORT. Previous receipts 469 bales. This week’s ( 6 558 ( C Total to date 1,027 bales. Price for middling, S|c to 8fc. On last Saturday cotton fell j-c. in price, but re-acted Mon¬ day. Tuesday it was bringing 8.90. The prospects now are that farmers will realize 10c. be¬ fore many more weeks. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pointedly Penciled for Punctual Perusal. Mr. G. W. Gain went to Atlan¬ ta Monday. Mrs. J. L. T. Cartley died last Monday night. Mr. Walter L,. Adair visited Atlanta this week. Read the legal advertising of¬ fering valuable property for sale. We are sorry to learn that Miss Lizzie Christian is very sick with fever. Col. Peek’s mother died at her daughter’s in Henry county last week. Last Tuesday the up fast train wastvo hours behind, arriving hereabout 1 o’clock. The measles and whooping cough have been prevailing in town for several weeks. Job work done at this office is neat and always pleases our pa¬ trons. Give us your order. Mr- Thompson Stewart and two brothers are sick with mea¬ sles. We hope they will soon be up. Read the notice of Mrs. Mc¬ Donald & Guinn. These ladies invite their natrons to inspect their new stock. We have a good article by a prominent gentleman ou “Tat¬ tling,” which we hold in reserve for next week’s issue.. Mr. Lum Granade’s little boy, who first had an abscess and afterwards an ulcerated sore on bis face, is now much better. Mr. Aiden Thompson is now with Mr. J. J. Langford. Aiden is a nice young man and our Fishes for his success are with him. Mr. ! Fremont, of the Augusta impress, was in the city this Feek. He arranged to have cot¬ ton shipped there for the com¬ press. M r e are glad to see Mr. Rea¬ son, who has been quite sick for 80lD e weeks, out again. We hope bo will soon recover liis usual health. Jos. A. Clotfelter and brother, G ^ T. Clotfelter, who are off at phool, report everything pleas ant: they are well pleased with their surroundings. Two boys'in Morgan county J n PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES W TRADE MARK. -nUif i 1 1 I Quality First oad Always. Ife^l llbhm Jpf ; I wmm smmaM DR. W. II. LEE, Druggisr, has the exclusive sale of these celebrated Glass es in Conyers, Ga. From the factory of Ivellam & Moore, the oniv optical plant in tee South. Atlanta, Ga. m one day over six hun¬ dred pounds of cotton, We would like to know who is the picker of Rockdale. Don’t overlook the advertise¬ ment of Marbut & Reagan. If you want bargains in shoes, gro ceries, etc., see them. All sorts of good things in Mr.J.A.Dukes’ department. Master Henry Glenn has en¬ tered the technological school in Atlanta. We congratulate him and feel in advance that he will succeed in developing his me¬ chanical genius. As was announced last week, Rev. J. L. King preached in the Presbyterian church last Sab¬ bath morning and night. His congregations were well pleased with his sermons. We are pleased to note that Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Posey both, of whom have been very sick, and their many friends sincerely trust that they will soon be fully restored to health. The weather this week has been much cooler—uniformly pleasant—except die dust flying in every direction when stirred. Rain is much needed to lay the dust. It has been several weeks since rain fell in this section. Superior court convenes next Monday We understand that there will be much business to dispose of. There are several prisoners in jaii to be tried, be¬ sides them are a few petty cases tliat will take up the time of the court. The Middle Georgia and At¬ lantic has offered a five dollar prize for the best painting in water colors of the new train, the “Industrial Girl ” The paint¬ ing must be placed on exhibi¬ tion in the State building afc’the Exposition by Oct. 5. The “fats” and “leans” play another game of ball in Lithonia last week. The leans came out ahead. The DeKalb New Era says the fats rigged out one of their men in uniform and mount ed him on a steer followed by boys with transparencies, and took him into town. Sign boards at the cross roads and mile posts along the public highways add much to the coun¬ ty’s appearance of thrift, and more than compensates for the expense of putting them up. By an order from Ordinary Helms Rockdale will soon have these signs and posts up—-a wise or¬ der which will be well executed. A gentleman who is a cotton buyer and who has been in sev era l sections of the State savs that the cotton which is brought to this market is the prettiest anywhere in Georgia, He ac counts for this in a large mcas ure by the fact that it is picked and handled mostly by the white farmers. The colored people, too, take more pains with the staple here, imitating the exam¬ ple of their white friends. This is very complimentary to our planters, and its results go to their advantage. It pays to han¬ dle the crops with care, always making a good, clean sample. RICHARDSON KICPLES. Dust, dust, dust! Several of our young people attended the exhibition at Mt. Vernon Friday night of last week. Your CO 'respondent d d tiot attend, , , Misses Josie and Willie Mor¬ ris, two of our sweet >ourg la¬ dies, were the guests of Misses Genera and Hester Jackson last Sunday. Prof. Hammock visited hi “chum,” Dr. Bowen, last week. Miss Ida Almand, a charming young lady of your city, was the guest of Miss Lizzie Mann Fri¬ day. Wonder why John Moseley goes so much out of his way to get to a certain girl’s house ? We are sorry to learn that Miss McGee has returned to At¬ lanta. Jim Bowen called on bis best girl last Sunday. Messrs. Sim and Jim Fargeson were in the neighborhood Sun¬ day last. « Somebody ask Jim Mann if he has found that bouquet yet. Pleasant Sims and sister were visiting relatives here a few days ago. SEABE. TO THOSE WHO OWE US. We have placed our notes and accounts in the hands of Cjpl. J. R. Maddox for collection, All parties indebted to the firm will please give immediate attention to their accounts. Ilespt., 5 8t Rosser & Guinn. NOTICE 1 Those who owe me for black smithing will please come for¬ ward as soon as possible and set¬ tle their accounts, for I need the money very much. All are ac¬ quainted with my condition. 5 8t W. G. Clotfelter. MILLINERY!! We are now prepared to sell our lady friends any and every¬ thing in our line cheap for the cash. Call and see us without fail. Nicest and prettiest goods in the latest styles. McDonald & Guinn. The Highest Price For Your Cotton. II. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. want your cotton. Don’t sell un¬ till you see them. They will pay the highest market cash price for it. 2S-4t Pitcher’s Castoria. Children Gryfm We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. Thousands ol Women SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. BRADFIELD'S PE/AALE REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC B, Arousing to Health, Action alt her Organs. It causes health to bloom, and joy to reign throughout the frame. ... It Never Fails to Regulate...» “My wife bas been under treatment of lend Ing FEMALE REGULATOR she can do uer own cooking, milKinfc- find wiisblnc.” la. X. S. BRTAX, Henderson. A IJRADFIKLR REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggists at $1.00 per bottle TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. During court the next two we hope all subscribers who owe us will step in and set¬ for ’95. The times during the summer have been tight in mon¬ ey matters and we have not ask¬ ed pay, but cotton is selling at a good price aiffl we trust all will help us now. Is will take but a small amount from each one, but in tin 1 aggregate it will be much to us. We want those who do not take Tins Weekly to sub¬ scribe at once. m MM m m i\ II A •i if M/ lli .aagSKpf Real Enjoyment. T 1 HERE’S real enjoyment in weav¬ ing comfortable footwear. When a man gets home at nLht off come his shoes. When be arrives at his place of business or labor, the chan¬ ces are he fishes out an old pair of shoes that have convenient holes cut to ease his corns. That’s the way with some men. Besides a Full Line Of Slices, We carry a good line cf Crockery and Hardware, and we areheadquar ters for all kinds of Groceries. We have the largest and best line of Fancy Groceries, Cance l Geo is and Fanny Crackers ever carried in Conyers, and are receiving daily,fresh vegetables, bananna®, apples and all kinds of fruits. Mr. J. A. Dukes has charge of our fruits and fancy candy department and wall be glid to serve you. If you will buv from us we will save you money on any line we carry. Burning Or a Freezing. Whether you’re scorched with fever or chilled with a deep seated cold, the same medicine will cure you — Dr. C CRoc’s E ¥ € ct*j K h For The Fiver and Kidneys. Pleasant to the Taste. It does not cause constipa¬ tion, but breaks chills, prevents fever, purifies and thickens the V blood, the corrects stomach the and liver, improves clean¬ f ses digestion, appetite , creates an f and quiets the nerves. At all druggists and genera! stores. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, i. Knoxville, Tennessee. m .a. j v, k ll kV ' - , j -4 ■ : 1 j j »v, ' , ' •• Boc s medicines for sale by:— II. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga vv. e. King, Kings, Ga. j , THE BLUE FRONT IS A NEW STORE; ' * Walter L- Adair- ' . Clothingfiz‘y Goodsv Shoes; Hats, Caps.) Etc. JURORS FOR OCTOBER TERM ROCK¬ DALE SUPERIOR COURT. GUARD JURORS. John C Farmer, IIuall L White, A J Ogletvee, John. II Maddox, .Josiah G Ray, J O Bolianon, R H Cannon, J J Cowan, Thos J Deal. J S Albert, H H Allen, J M Day, G W Cain, E H Al¬ mand, Win T Stewart, G T Smith, A F Sims, Sr., J W McClung. Wm T! Dar¬ ker, D II Bowen. C A Blake, Robt F Farmer, .T C Brownin'!, S A Helms, M D Irwin, J IV Johnson, J G Jackson, J K P Lester, J II Peek, J T Plunkett. TRAVERSE JURORS--16T WEEK. J F King, R W Tucker, N M Almand, Littleton Long, Wm F Stanley. T E Norton, F D Lard, J S Johnson. Wm A Cowan, Wm B Jackson, J D Ra v, J J Langford, W A Conley, G (4 Turner, J T A McCollum, Wm F Me,Pan! 1. J W Mize, J S Francis, D M Abound, J S G ample. Geo M Keuuett. J B Lymi, P K .Tones, ll S <-rahau 1 , J W Jones. Wm II Brisendine, J F Dcnard. E J McDaniel. Win L Peek, John J Farm¬ er, John II Score, J I) Maddox.Sr., Win S Veal, R N Day, J P Tilley JFCostle TRAVERSE JURORS—2nd WEEK T C McCalla, J A Lifsey, J l' Adair, Joseph Plunkett, L II Sigman, F M Chan Her, D F Clotfelter, A P Cain, J T Wheeler, Arthur Whitaker, D N Ilud son, Geo W Weaver, David B Johnson, Warren Head. G W Ivey, J F Harris, A’ D Summers. Barton Walker, J A Lowe, J M Williams, B MGallops, Rob ert L Guffin,Ben II .-umuwrs.K K Row¬ an, J J Peek, J L Pate, Win A Scott, Wm T SpJnks, Enjrene B Palmer, L J Almand, Geo VV Walker, 'V V Almand, B 1) Whatley, Je-se T Weaver M L Wood G L Kennon. Foe Sale. —Alive room house with lot containing two acres, on Railroad street, fronting rail¬ road, between Arnold Whita¬ ker’s and Robt. Wallis’. 9-21-4t Joel Marks. Johnson & Almand v ill have in the next few days a car load of well assorted cooking and heating stoves, direct from foun dry. They bought before the t ise and they expect to give their customers the benefit of the old _ prices. _ Don’t buy un til you see their goods.