Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 12, 1895, Image 10

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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Geohoia, Rockdale County.— By A. M. Helms, Ordinary for said county : By a special agreement between J. B. & J. H. Reese, publishers of Tins Cox ysus WKEKi.v.and T. D. O’Kelley, pub lisber ol'the Rockdale Banner, it is or dered that from and after this date and until further ordered the legal adver¬ tising for said county shall be done in both papers, towit: The Conykks Weekly and the Rockdale Banner, bot h papers to receive only tl-e regular legal r ites for advertising, that is to say, on¬ ly the same pay that one would receive were the advertising done in one paper, and the fees or pay for such advertising 6hall be equally divided between said two papers, each receiving one-balf. This Sept. 18, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary Rockdale Couaty. executok’s sale. Agreeably to an order of the court of Ordinary of Rockdale county, "ill be sold at auction at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours sale, the following property, towit: Four hundred acres of land, more or less, known as the John L. Scott home place, and bounded north by lands of Richard liailcy, Mrs, Watson and otL era, south by Z. T. Zacliry and South River, east by R. Lee Scott and Mrs, Mary Jane Bailey, west by LeRoy Ogles by and South River. There is on this land good dwelling, barns, orchard, pas¬ ture and three good tenant houses, about one hundred acres of good bot¬ tom land in cultivatable condition and 125 acres in original forest. The land is well terraced and well watered, and a valuable home. Sold as the property of .Johu L. Scott, deceased. Terms ea c y, and will be made known on day of sale. This 2tth day of September, 1895. W. W. Scott, Executor. executor’s sale. Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Newton county, will be sold at public outcry at the court house door of Rockdale county, in the city of Conyers (it having been so ordered by the court on the first Tuesday in No¬ vember, 1895, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, towit: Two hundred, two and one-half acres of land, of laud lot No. 48 in the tenth district of originally Henry, now New¬ ton and Rockdale counties, bounded on the east by Eugene Hull, south by John Moseley and C. T. Zachry, west by C. T. Zacliry, north by W. J. Baker and W. A. Scott. Sold i:s the property of W- W-JScott, late of said county, de¬ ceased. Teru.8 cash. This Sept. 30, 1895. F. O. Fielder, Executor estate of W. W. Scott. Georoia, Rockdale County. —To Whom Jt May Concern : T. C. Cor ley, administrator of Tubal C- Cor¬ ley, de eased, has in due form ap¬ plied to the undersigned for leave to Bell lands deceased, belonging to the estate of said and said application will be heard on the first Monday in November next. This first day of Oct, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale Uounty.--To Whom It May Concern ; H. C Penn, administrator of Mrs. E. J. Penn, deceased, has in diD formap plied to the undersigned for leave to sell real estate belonging to the es¬ tate or said dec j ased, and said ay plication will be hea'd on the first day Monday in November next. This lit of Oct 1895. A M Helms, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Rockdale County—To All Whom It May Concern : R. W. Tucker, Hardeaiau, administrator of A. B. E. deceased, applies to me for letters of dismissiou from his mist as such administrator of said deceased, and I will pass upon his January, application on the first Monday in 1890, at my office in Con¬ yers, said county. Given under my hand and official signature this Oct. 3rd, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order issued from the court of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Conyers within the legal hours of sale on the firo. Tuesday in November next the following Out described property, towit: hundred acres of laud, more or less, situated, lying and being in the 11th district of said county, the same No. being the north half of lot of land one hundred a id four (104.) Said land belonging to the estate ot 1. ft. Weatherford, Jr., deceased. Tonus of sale, one half cash, the re mainder due Dee. 1st, 1S9G, with in¬ terest from date at 8 per cent. Bond for title given purchaser. Oct. 2nd, 1895, Jas. 8, Weatherford, Administrator. ROCKDALE SHERIFF’S SALES. V Will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in November, 1895, at the court b ouse door in said coun’y, within the | ppa j hours of sa e, to the highest bidder for cash, one tract of land ly j n g j n said county. Forty district acres, ua ue or less, in sixteenth or gin,ally Henry, now Rockdale county, parts of lots Nop. 337 and 351, bounded on the north by A. S. Fa iner, on the west and south by John Neal and B. F. Cain and east bv J -hn Moore. Said land levied on as the property of W. J. Tuc' er to satisfy two fi fas issued from justice court, 475 district G M. of said coun t-y, in favor of G W. & A. P. Cain against W. J. Tucker Levy made by T. N. Simunt/m, L. C., and re¬ turned to me This 0°t. 2nd, 1895. W. H. M. Austin, *he>iff. Continued on 4th pa?e. n ) e>ra i j CarMipsliT! ► | j I Positively the one Remedy for the treatment of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, Simple nnd aggravated forms of -DYSPEPSIA and— Palpitation of the-Heart. :o: Does your food sour after eating? Are you easily confused and excited? Do you get up in the morning tired anil unrefreshed, and with a bad taste in the mouth? Is there a dull, cloudy sensation, at¬ tended by disagreeable feelings in the head and eves? Are you irritable and restless? Does your heart thump and cause you to gasp for breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress you to lie on the left side ? Have you impaired memory, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomy forebodings? These symptoms mean that you are suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous Exhaustion, There is no other remedy extant that has done so much for this class of trou¬ bles as Scott’s Garbo-Digestive Goiripotind. If your case has resisted the usua 1 methods of treatment we are particular¬ ly anxious to have you give this Com¬ pound a trial. We guarantee relief in every case and will cheerfully refund your money should our remedy fail to produce the most gratifying results. Please remember that the appellation Patent Medicine does not apply to Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a prescription put up by a lead¬ ing physician who has made stomach and nervous troubles a specialty for years. We court investigation and earni stly urge all physicians to write us for the formula of SCOTT’SCARBO DIGESTIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail on application, that they may satisfy themselves of its harmless char¬ acter and excellent virtues. Scott’s .Carbo-Digestive Compound Is the most remarkable remedy that science has produced. It has succeed¬ ed where all other medicines have failed Sold by all druggists everywhere. $1 per bottle. Sent to any address in America on receiot of price. Don’t forget that we cheerfully re¬ fund your money if results are not sat¬ isfactory. Order direct if your drug¬ gist does not have it. Address all orders to WMsalMtg.Co TOPEKA, KAS. MIDDLE GEORGIA & ATLANTIC fi. fi Effective June 12, 6 a. in,, 1895. READ DOWN. READ UI\ 101 103 STATIONS. 102 104 A.M. P.M. r.M. A.M, 7 15 1 05 lv Milletlgeville ar 7 50'2 55 7 20 1 10 “ Eaton ton June “ 7 45 12 50 7 42 1 32 “ Meriwether “17 25 12 25 p. M 8 25 1 50 “ Dennis “ 7 05112 05 8 30 2 15 ar Katonton lv 6 40T1 36 9 15 2 16 lv Eaton ton ar.6 39 11 35 9 30 2 35 “ Willards “ 6 15 11 03 9 35 2 55 Aikenton “ 5 58 10 45 9 43 3 05 s Maehen “ 5 45 10 35 9 53 i 0* s Shady Dale “ 5 40 10 30 1000 3 20 ; Kelley “ 5 22 10 lb 1008 3 32j‘‘ Broughtonville *“ 5 07 10 00 1015 3 39 “ Newborn “ 5 05 9 45 1022 3 48 “ Carmel June *' 4 57 9 35 1030 3 54 “ Haystou 4 « 4 50 9 25 1050 -- 4 02 “ Starrsville << 4 40 9 10 1052 4 17 “ Covington June 4 21 8 49 1055 4 19|ar Covington “ 4 20! 8 47 No morphine or opium In Dr. Pills. Cure All Pain. “1 /?/ mm A. If 11 i / Wf Mrs. . 7 . P. Bell, Oesawatomie, Kan. wile of tlic editor of The Graphic, the lead¬ ing local paper of Miami county, writes “I was troubled with heart disease for six years, severo palpitations, short ness of "breath, together with such ex tremo nervousness, that, at times I would walk tho floor nearly all night. We consulted tho best medical talent. They said there teas ao help forme, that I had organic disease of tho heart for which there was no remedy. I had read your advertisement in The Graphic and a year ago, a 3 a last resort, tried one bottle of j)r. Miles' New Cure for the Heart, which convinced me that there was true merit in it. I took three bottles each of the Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine and It completely cured me. I sleep well at night, my heart beats regularly and I have no more smothering spells. I wish to say to all who aro suffering as I did; there’s relief untold for them if they will only give your remedies just one trial.’* Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will Dcnefit. All druggists sell it at $ 1 , 6 bottles for $5, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Oo., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. I will be in Conyers, town dis¬ trict, Sept. 28th and from the 7th to 19th of Oct. After November 1st all the remainder of my time, only when at the precincts. Sheffield district, Sept. 27th, Oct. 18th and Nov. 15th. Hon¬ ey Creek district, Thursday, Sept. 26th, Oct. 17th and Nov. 14th. Lorraine district, Sept. 30th, Oct. 21st and Nov. 18th. My ife office will be at Stephen¬ son Turner’s store when in town. Very respectfully, E. F. Cook, T. C. Rockdale Co. We have made arrangements with manufacturers to sell Paints at wholesale. Tilley & Quigg, PUTS. I guarantee to sell paints for less than they can be bought else¬ where. Get my prices before buving, and save money. 7-27-12t Dr. W. H. Lee. For Sale .—A five room house with lot containing two acres, on Railroad street, fronting rail¬ road, between Arnold Whita¬ ker’s and Robt. Wallis’. 9-21-4t Joel Marks. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. NOTICE! Those who owe me for black smithing will please come for¬ ward as soon as possible and set¬ tle their accounts, for I need the money very much. All are ac¬ quainted with my condition. 5 8t W. G. Clotfelter. MILLINERY !! We are now prepared to sell our lady friends any and every¬ thing in our line cheap for the cash. Call and see us without fail. Nicest and prettiest goods in the latest styles. McDonald & Guinn. Pitcher’s Castoris, Children Cry for The HiEtet Price For Your Cotton. H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. want your cotton. Don’t sell un¬ till you see them. They will pay the highest market cash price for it. 28-4t A WORD TO MT FRIEND THE PUBLIC. THE country is to be congratulated upon the favorable con- 1 ditions which greets us at the opening of the The people less for this year’s present sea son. owe expenses than they ever have for one year, and the increase in cotton of about $15 per bale will enable them to come out in good shape. At this every class should rejoice, for as the farmer succeeds we all succeed. Believing in the , early , spring that , prices would be much both for goods as well as cotton, I bought goods early higher bought for the cash, and I my and am now in 0 position to sell any line of goods in my stock as low as • nv house in the country. I am where I can defy competition in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and all kinds of wares and grocer¬ ies. I have a good stock of new goods and of the best grades. I will buy your cotton and other marketable produce, and pay the very top notch for it. MILLINERY! MILLINERY!! I have one of the most accomplished milliners evei in Con¬ yers, Mrs. W. J. Eakes. She has been in Atlanta for some time studying and posting herself upon the very latest styles, and she comes home “up-to-date” with what the ladies want. I have given this department extra attention in the purchasing of my stock this fall, and such bargains as I- will give have never been known, so when you wantahat, bonnet, feathers, ribbons, laces, tips, gloves, veils or any other goods in this department, no matter what, call and see me before you buy and you can rest assured of the best in material, latest in style and lowest in price. From October 1st, 1895, until March 1st, 1896, my terms will be CASH. Thanking my friends for their liberal patronage in the past and soliciting it for the future, I am most respectfully, J. J. LANGFORD, COMMERCE ST., CONYERS, OA. John 1|. Alinqnd, Ban 1)61', Oonyeus, Qa. __ Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accommndations, consistent with safe banking, extended, SPECIAL ATTENTION ClVFNtJ COLLECTIONS OE ALL KINDS TILLEY & QUIGG, -^WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In-> X-j-u.irex'ber, Coal, Siaing-los We keep on h ind at all times We carry a full line of nice all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Doors, Mantles, Sash, Blinds and Paints. Always see us before buyiny. We can save you money. DR. W. H. LEE, SUCCESSOR TO Dr. W. H. Lee $ Son J DEALER IN DTIDH Drugs, Medicines, uflJj Paints and Oils. —ALSO— Spectacles, School Books Fishing Tackle Base Balls Base Ball BatsjEte., Etc. ...... ICE CO LD SODA WATER. LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, &c. ^^PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED yt DR. W. H. LEE.