Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 12, 1895, Image 7

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! I f FIRE insurance. J. P. TILLEY AGENT. 0-1 represent the BEST com panics in the world. i / w 6 k COAL. See us before buying your coal. We can save you mon ey- TILLEY & QUIGG. COTTON REPORT. Previous receipts 1,027 bales. This week’s C i 657 < i [ - Total to date 1,684 bales. Price for middling, S£c to 8fc. -• • personal paragraphs Pointedly Penciled for Punctual Perusal. Dan Hudson spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Miss Emma Riley went to At¬ lanta last Wednesday. Mr. Henry Elliott visited our town last Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Tilley visited in At¬ lanta last Saturday. Rev. J. W. Quillian went up toNorcross this week. Mr. John Travis, of Covington, is in the city this week. Miss Linda Holder visited Al mon Saturday and Sunday. Col. Travis, of DeKalb conn - ty, attended court this week. Judge Alex. Speer, of Madi ,on, attended court this week. Several new names added to our subscription list this week. Miss Sadie Fowler is visiting Jiersister, Mrs. Quigg, of Coving¬ ton. Quite a crowd of Conyers peo¬ ple attended the Exposition Sat¬ urday. The Crockery Sto v e—Marbut & Reagan’s. Miss Willie Walton, of Bir¬ mingham, LYla., is visiting Miss Allie Lee. Mrs. G. N. Gleaton and two lit¬ tle daughters visiied in Atlanta Wednesday. Mr. John Calloway, of Litho ma, spent a few hours in our city last Sunday. Mrs. W. K. Rosser, of Bir¬ mingham, Ala., is visiting her sister Mrs. W. H. Lee. Rev. Lundy H. Harris, of Ox¬ ford, will fill the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday. Dr. Quigg visited last Satur¬ day his children, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Davis, of Covington. The Madison Association of colored Baptists convened here last Wednesday at 10 a. m. Floyd Plunkett, who has a po¬ sition at the Exposition, spent Sunday with the home folks. It is not uncommon for the various trains on the Georgia r oad to be behind schedule time. The best and cheapest line of fancy groceries in the town at Marbut & Reagan’s. Hon. L. L. Middlebrooks and ^°u, Judge E. F. Edwards, of Coving Jay. were in our city last Tues Ur. B. D. Ragsdale is off this IJeek fie teaching a Bible institute. eerfor goes to Adel, Ga., in Novem a week’s work. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES 1 Culit; TRADE First MARK. and Alvra-j. Si | HR CITja km fi; & DR. W. H. LEE, Druggisr, lias the exclusive sale of these, celebrated Glass es in Conyers, Ga. From the factory of Ivellam & Moore, the onlv optical plant in tee South. Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Mamie Shaver will leave in a few days for Atlanta. She will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wallace P. Reed. Thunder, lightning and a good rain last Monday night. The atmosphere was cooled, and the next day a pleasant one. Miss Ella Hall, who has been visiting Mrs. H. Y. McCord for sometime, left for her home in Warrenton last Thursday. Mr. C. M. Taylor, of Forsyth, is visiting at his old home again. It is hard to break off from old associations and surroundings. We learn from our doctors that the health of the communi¬ ty is much improved. Since th e cool weather fever is disappear¬ ing. The trial of the McDaniels, who killed Riley Stewart in New ton county, was postponed till the next term of court at Coving¬ ton. The gypsies are numerous in different parts of the State. Quite a number have been with¬ in the limits of Conyers for sev¬ eral days. Now is a good time to sub¬ scribe for the Weekly. You can get it in connection with oilier valuable journals at re¬ duced rates. We are sorry to learn that the cancer on the lip of Mr. P. F. Christian grows worse, His friends are apprehensive that he will not recover. We thank our friend for the article which we head Tat tling.” It is short, but pointed and true. We hope to have oth¬ er articles from him. Mr. A. N. Plunkett gave an old fashioned corn shucking Fri¬ day night of last week. It was greatly enjoyed by all who were so fortunate as to attend. The Covington Enterprise in¬ forms surrounding towns that Couington buyers give more for cotton than any others, yet we see no quotations of prices by our esteemed brother. A horse ran away with the dray of Mr. Stewart on Thurs¬ day morning. He ran up Rail¬ road street and was stopped by Mr. Everitt near the Institute. Luckily, no damage, was done. A traveling man from Syra¬ cuse, N. Y., complimented our polite and efficient depot agent, J. L. Norman, very highly. It speaks well for a young man when his conduct provokes de served compliments from pass -1 iug strangers. j Lithonia s citizens aie agitat- j ing the subject of building a cot to,a factory. Our people dis cussed the matter but nothing has yet materialized. There is hope, however, for one in the future Why not Lithonia and Conyers unite and push the en terprise to a finish ? Mr. , r Chas. n . A. . Kuhns v made , a picture of the school Friday of last week. The pictures are now ready and can be had for 25 cents each. Mr. Kuhns is an artist who thoroughly under stands his business and the work done by him is first class in ev er .V particular. Read what Summers & Hud son say on our first page. They realize the situation and propose to “make hay while the sun of prosperity shines so brightly. High prices for cotton and low prices for goods make the farm¬ ers’ opportunity. Take advan¬ tage of it. We have heard it fluttering through the breezes that Con¬ yers will soon have a new drug store. Let us have more busi¬ ness houses and more business enterprizes to the building of our town. There is no reason why Conyers should not be foremost among the towns on the Geor¬ gia road. Mr. Winburn received a tele, gram Wednesday morning, sta¬ ting the sad intelligence that his little grandson, LeonardCam of Henry county, died with croup Tuesday night. We sympathize with the parents and grand pa¬ rents in this dispensation of Providence. It is all for tne best. Mr. and Mrs. Winburn attended the funeral in Henry county Wednesday. Marbut & Reagan sell pocket, knives! Hon. L. L. Middlebrooks, of Covington, is enjoying fine health and is in good spirits, be¬ lieving there is a bright future for our country. He is the wor¬ thy representative for the grand old county of Newton,and would make equally as worthy one for the people of this district in Con¬ gress . Any kind of razors and razor straps at Marbut & Reagan’s. Mr. Downs has moved to the Clements lot.; Mr. C. G. Cain to McGuire’s and Mr. Marion Plunkett occupies Mrs. Lupo’s place. Mr. Posey has bought and moved to the Joel Marks lot. T0 THOSE WHO OWE US. Wo have placed our notes and accounts in the hands of Col. J. R. Maddox for collection, All parties indebted to the firm will please give immediate attention to their accounts. Respt., 5 St Rosser & Guinn. NOTICE ! All parties indebted to E. C. Hart will please call on me and settle their accounts. I have his books in charge for collection. 28-4t. W. V. Almand. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. During court the next two weeks we hope all subscribers who owe us will step in and set¬ tle for ’95. The times during the summer have been tight in mon¬ ey matters and we have not ask ed pay, but cotton is selling at a good price and we trust all will help us now. It will take but a small amount from eacli one, but in the aggregate it will be much to us. We want those who ( | 0 not ta k e Weekly to sub scribe at once. ORDIN \ ARY’S COURT iast ^ Monday busy was a very ^ J wlth Jud K e Hen,s ' Be !' des other factions, letters of ad ministration were granted T. G. ? wa,m ' Mrs ' Ahc " H ' La ‘ rd and J ' R Almand ' Leave K> aal1 land was granted T. J. and W. E. Treadwell, and 12 months support set apait for Fannie Grier and Mrs. M. V. Cushing. SUPERIOR COURT. Rockdale superior court con V ened at 10 o’clock last Monday morning, Judge Clark presiding, After the call and efirollmmit of the juries ahd the organization of the grand jury by electing Mr. R. H. Cannon foreman and Major Ed Almand secretary, the Judge delivered his usual full and able charge, covering all points required by law. The court then proceeded with the business on the dockets. Seve¬ ral cases have been disposed of during the week, among them that of Mrs. Cair vs, Neal Loan & Banking Co. Mrs. Carr was suing for the recovery of 600 acres of land, sold sometime ago by the sheriff and bought in by the Neal company, The was decided against Mrs. Carr, but it will be carried to the su¬ preme court. The criminal dock¬ et will be reached next, and will be looked after by Col. Candler. The grand jury adjournedThurs day afternoon to meet again next Tuesday. SATURDAY’S MEETING. The meeting at the Baptist church last Saturday was an im¬ portant oiiH. Dr. Ragsdale preached a very forcible sermon upon the subject of church dis¬ cipline. His argument was from the New Testament, show¬ ing wrongs against private in¬ dividuals and the remedy; wrongs against the church and the remedy. After services conference was held, and the case of Rev. A. J. Goss was called. After receiv¬ ing the report of the committee appointed to’investigate the mat¬ ter and hearing the statement of the preacher charged with the grievous offense, about which so much has been said and writ¬ ten, the church, in order to vin¬ dicate herself and leave her es cutcheous clear of even the sem¬ blance of tolerating in the mem¬ bers heinous immoral conduct, withdrew fellowship from him. There were many tears shed be¬ cause of the unfortunate affair. Feelings of regret were express¬ ed by the brethren and they promised to aid t'*e brother so that he might soon bring evi¬ dences of reform and a Godly life, making himself again wor¬ thy the confidence and restora¬ tion to fellowship. The occasion was one of sad¬ ness to the church and humilia¬ tion to the offending brother, but there was no other course to be pursued. They Said / couldn't succeed, that the field J was full. ^ I told them that there was rooiu, on the top and that by I could get there—and I am go mg. How fast is indicated by the crowd that daily throngs the Blue Front. Don't fail to examine my line of Dress Goods. Clothing, Shoes , Hats. Caps, Etc. W. L. Adair. Arc You SicK Of Being Then let us suggest a cure. Ten to one the trouble, started with your liver. A torpid liver causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head¬ ache and a dozen other ailments. #an£iNeural$iG ^UheufnaRc '/ goes straight to work on the ¥• liver. It cleanses that organ; jrf makes it active again—the acid V leaves you’re blood and you ^re ij cured. Testimonial below: K/ * I cured years' my standing wife of by neuralgia the use of of seven best, doctors your medicine after tho in Cincinnati failed. U. W- PAKKKB. 4531?. Fourth Street, Cincinnati. Aslt Your Druggist or Merchant For It. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn. Roc’s medicines for sale 1 y II. P. & D. M. Aluumd& Co. Stephenson & Tinner, Conyers, Ga \V. E. King, Kings, Ga. THe Madison Baptst Association. Conyers-', Ga., Oct. 8th, 1895. The above named Association, one of the largest and most in¬ fluential organizations of ne¬ groes in the state, convened in its 22nd annual session with Macedonia Baptist church of which Rev. W. H. Tuggle is pastor, at 10 o’clock Wednes¬ day morning. One hour was profitably spent in prayer and praise ser¬ vice. Rev. Tony Baker, of Covington, Moderator, declared the body ready for business and introduced Rev. D. C. Bracy, of B'ickhead who preached the in¬ troductory sermon, and Rev. E. P. Johnson of Madison, Alter¬ nate. Rev. Johnson sang and led in a fervent prayer, after which Rev. Bracy preached from Matthew 10, 2, ‘And as ye go preach’. He. said in sub stance—the minister should practice what lie preaches, lie an advocate of peace and not confusion, teach liberality and preach the untarnished Word . Prayer was offered by Rev. J. Henderson. The address of welcome in behalf of the church and community was ably deliv¬ ered by Miss Dolsie J. Dillard. Rev. P. J. Bryant in an impress¬ ive and humorous manner re¬ sponded. Letters were read 'from 50 churches with handsome dona¬ tions for missions and education. Officers were elected peacefully and the session is harmonious. The object of this body is to pro¬ mote piety and foster missions, eelucation, temperance and mor¬ ality. P. J. Bryant, Association Reporter The secretary of the colored Baptist Association holding its annual session here this week sends ina creditable reportwhich we publish, believing that they should have that which will add to their moral and educational advantage. Weave willing at any time to publish items of in¬ terest coming from their church¬ es add schools. NOTICE A good farm mule, one horse wagon and harness as good as good as new for sale cheap. Call on F. M. % Conyers, GaOct. 7,1895,