Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 26, 1895, Image 4

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3,'hc XiGccUUi OI-KICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. J.B.& -J.H. REESE. Eiiteitd Ht, the po 8 toflice at Conyers as ufcond-class mail mat er. Saturday, Oct. 20 , 1895. ADVERTISING RATES. 3 mo. C mo. 12 mO. i inoti f »-i,50 ] *MW * 0.00 . < 4 O'J 7.50 10 00 ! 7.’ 50 j 12.00 20.00 V column 10.00 | 15.00 25.00 1 / “ , 18.00 i 30.00 | 55.00 11 1 81 00 | 50 00 ! ICO 00 Locals 5 cents per line for fir-fc inser tion ; 2J-a <'pnt,s for each subs. quent In¬ sertion." Regular adv. 50c. f or inch for first insertion; 23c for each (.ubsequent Insertion. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; ,..$ 1/0 One veer, In advance .............. .50 Six month 4 , In advance.............. The thing is lifted—free silver will atiececd. Frances Willard the W.G.T, U. woman, Is for freesllve-. Hi to 1. The legislature met Inst And has gone to work for the public In¬ terest of the State. They will have much to do for the people, especially on the line of morals. The ami-barroom bill will havo to be disposed of, more legislation on education, besides many local hills to be considered. There will he a local bill from Conyers to amend the city charter so as to authorize elec¬ tric lights and water works. Last Wednesday whs a great day in Atlanta. Tne President was there, re viewed the troops, made a speech and was the guc 3 t of the city, responding to toasts, etc. Grover Cleveland i- a great man and deserves great honors ! u af¬ ter years when the pages of history are written he will be one of the most Illus¬ trious, and ills savings quoted as the wisest, proverbs. Mark what we say and give three cheers f r Cleveland! We don’t think the man who occu pies the presidential chair bns an” thing to do with the hard or easy times. but if some people insist upon It, wore mind that during Cleveland's first ad ministration cotton went to io cents, end went down while Harrison occu pled t e place but Indicates U' cer.c^ •gam. This gives the Democratic a/ ministration ti ea i vantage. Cleveland muft have the credit of chocking Bbe low price of cottm and giving it » bound upward, wnlch is bringing pros pcrlty out of adversitj'. The escape of M ill Myers from tht Atlanta ja : l last Monday evening i> eresting quite a stir, not only In Atlan¬ ta but elsewhere. The Atlanta paper a*e very severe on the jailor foi let tin i Myers escape. We think they are jus titled In their strictures and eondemna tion. For n man who had been twice convicted to be allowed nccess to tin door is not to be explained. No one can attach any blame to 31 vers, forwh< in his place would not run like a fright¬ ened rabbit? But the worst of the story n-d. 1 . 1 . «..p. fully a \vc?k before tlie great excite ment on the day of tho leap from the «!oor, and that this bold stroke was t> account for his empty cell. “Our friends,“ a monthly fmagazine published by the Ameilcm Siciety for tlie Prevention of Cruelty to Animals comes to us tills week with a marked article upon ‘'The Cropping of Dog-’ Bars,” and requests our opinion. Wt do not belong to any club, nor are we familiar with the kennel shows in the country, consequently are not posted lr Bucli matters. Our notion, however, i that white the cropping process may bi painful to the dog, we can see no per maneat injury indicted. If it be crue to crop a dog’s ears, and tin practice should be legislated against, how about throwing innocent pups into the water and drowning them ? We fear the peo P’o who are so merciful to the brute creation, often forgot mercy to the hu man family when demands are made upon them for charities. DELICATE "J«" liltADFXET,T)’^ FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS ft SUPERB TONIC and exerts n wonderful influence iu strengthening her system by • driving through the proper chan¬ nel all impurities. Health and strength arc guaranteed to result from its use. My wife was bedridden for oisrlttoen months after usinp BRADFIELD S FEMALE REUul LATOK for two 3. M. months, JOHNSON, ts pettinp well — Malvern, Ari PSADFTELD BEGCLATOB CO„ ATUSTA, Qi, Md by «U Pn>ffUt» %! 1i,M p*r h«tb,. SSSSS NiX II 8 v S «2 I V r A IU :/. I rY 2 « for Infants and Children. HTTiTY Tfta.Fa’ obsftggatlon of CaB»ori& -ylth U*e p afa’flBftg* of gaillanw . o f persons, permit na Co speak of ii witliont gnessj ng. It is v nqnBxtYOno.hl? tho best roiacciy fo? Infants and Ch ljdrgn ' the T-roi-ld ha* over fcgotrp. 7 t is aarrelc^c. CMldrea like It . It tfa ai w haali&i It tylH s f»y<> theft? U-rnn. la it BSothers have aonetbiag rrhioh fa p.fraslntetr safe oac praotlcally^ggfgct ae a ohiltVa atattinfns. Cwetcria dosivoyg C<u toyita alEaya yovgrlshnaew . Caatorla prevents vomiting £ >mir Curd. C astor?, a anrse Tiiarrh'jin nvd W£ad Calio. Cp.stovfa rollevep Teething Tronfr Its. Ca etoria cars. Constipation & 2 »j Flatu lency, ncttte alizeg the effect? of cp.r Tioato oolfl fgan -)<* . ? smt on 3 filf* Caatorla dooa ac«t caataLy . ireerpamo, o pi mn, or oth er narcoti c jtrqperty. Caato rla agaimJtates tho font- ragnlatos the stomach and b owels, jivi-g beaithy and na tnral sleep. Castor ia in pat «p in ona^s l Ee ’bofctI r- 3 osly. Ht is sold In fc nig. Don’t ftllo .7 any oca to sell you anything elge on the ploa or p yom*»o that t'c Is ‘‘just aa good ” and “ •grill r.nzixrav every pnrpoae.” geo that yon (ret C-A-S-T-O-5 Tho f ae^aLmile la a n g rer y oigaatnro of wrapper* Children Cry fer PStoher's CasterSa. THE COUNTY NEWS. LORRAINE LOCALS, m, f ° zettinz ® on splendidly gathering crops ; weather is just suited for it. Misses T LlZZie . . baSSGf and T ash- . ti, two of Conyers’ rnosG c h ar miug youne; ladies, visited ... . .. .... J " e e) ^ • The young people enjoyed the singing at Mr. Ct, W. Simmons last Sunday night very much Quite a number attendee'. Mr. Sim Fergersou visited Union last Sunctay. Pr jf. Alexander, of South Car¬ olina, has buen elected teacher at Union ac; idemy. We wish him success. J. f D Hammook was iu OUT COttimU] >Vty _ last week. Gome again ; we are always glad to see you. Miss Jac kte> Baiiey, of Henry county, is visiting her brother, Mr.Abner Bailey. MissGen ie Simmins, who was quite sick, s well again. ivilYRJ ;a blAIMKRINOS. The gooc . weather continue . 3. Farmers are busy Btofmj away their potatoes. The crop is good. People have plenty to eat This is a gi vat- blessiug, and we , tniSt . 1 lord times . over, ate n Ibis ,. . is . a good , season for . cml .., drea. Tb< «y are having a hap py tbaa-gati i jring walnuts, hick¬ ory mute an d chestnuts, Such things will b>e very palatable divring.the w itsiter. We still Jia v« sickness in our Miss Ellif; Bailings worth has bu$ been-righ^ sic tkTor several days, is now in tpoeving AVlfifems _W <?fear th a.T*-fettle Miss Lillie s t i-kinR the fever. Mr. Rob** t Bldllingsworth and lfttle daugT 1 ,t r.Idc,, have been sick some' Si n 10 . There W3 3 » -singing at Mr Alf Sitm : lb s<. i ^jurnUiy eve.umg. Our young people know how to conduct a singing so that it may not be said “It was nothing but a picnic.” Wake up, correspondents, and let us aid the editor in giving the people of Rockdale a newsy . — Horace Gre ley once said: “The way to resume is to resume, ' speau i U g Q f a;am putting gold into circu htion a f ttr the w r av. But you may say ‘.esuiae' 1 nuy uumber of times to that torpid liver of y> uvs and it won't budge uniil you lake Simmoue Liver Regulato-. Many pe'ple deo P le aeem fco forget that CoDst^a tion, Biliousness and Sick Head¬ ache are all caused by a sluggish liver. Keep Ike liver active. Georgia. Rockdaie County.—To Mr AH Whom It May Concern : Alice H. Laird, administratrix <f Wm- P. Laird, deceased, has in due foiui applied to the undesigned for lea p t ) sell the lands belonging 1o the estate of said deceased, and said application will be hoard on the hist Monday in November next. This 8 h day of Oct., 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County.—Mr?. applied Annie T- Seamans having for a twelve uionths’ support out of the estate of her late husband, O. Sea -nans, deceased, and the appraisers tppoiuted having filed their re urn ni y ofiice, this is to cite all persons concerned that I will pass upon the same on the first Mondav in Novem her next. This Oct., 8, J895. A. M. Helm?, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County.—To All Whom It Mij Col corn: T. G. Swarm, administrator of Mrs M. T. Swann, deceased, has in due form jppbed to the undersigned for leave the to sell the lands belonging to estate of said deceased, aid said ap plication will be heard on the Jj This r ^t Monday in November next. Stir day of October, 1895. A. M. Helm?, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County.--To A11 Whom It May Concern : Johu H. Almand, administrator of J. Wes¬ ley Grier, deceased, lias in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to seH the lands belonging to thees tate of said deceased, and said appli cation will ne heat d on the urst ^lon day iu November next. This Ojt. 8, 1895. A. M Helms, Ordinary. sale. By virtue of an order issued from the Ordinary of Eockale county, will be e fid before the court house dooi in itie city Conyej s biU e Tuesday n the legal in hours ef sale on the first, November nest. Fifty-six and three WE-HULL SO SO & tan. ~E tliat Stephenson & Tunic £ W learn* bought the first new bale of cotton raised in Rockdale county this year. They stand at the head in the commercial business of our little city, as cotton buyers and general merchants. Go to them for your goods they can undersell anybody on Bagging and Ties, Meat, Flour, Corn, Meal, Syrup, Molasses, Seed Rye, Fresh Turnip Seed, Sugar, Coffee, Salt at 05c. for large size sacks. J'hey are selling nails for less than anybody else , as they bought targe quantities when they were very cheap. Get your Hardware from them, bhoes, Clothing, Dress Goods, Trunks, Furni¬ ture. &GT Rocking Chairs almost to give away. jg^fTiis best place in town for Tobacco—smok¬ ing and chewing. Cigars, Fine Cream Cheese atTiic. per pound. Harness and Saddles, Lace Harness and Sole Leather at a bargain. Horse Collars, Brooms, Rope.Buckets, Tinware,Lard, Hams, Steelyards, Crockryware, Sheeting, Checks, Hats, Caps, Books, Laces and thous¬ ands of articles not herein mentioned. Come everybody; everybody invited to cornel Yon shall have our best attention. Don't fail io come, as you will lose money by staying away from Stsftos % tar s rr-im-TiJi. iAT i.....» H. P. I D. M. Almand Co. Will be in the market to buy all your cotton this fall, haVitig made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in thd South to buy for them. COr The time is here, and cotton is coming in. We will give the highest market price. ALMAND & CO. H. P.&D.M. ATLANTA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3£ W. Alabama St., Atlanta, Cook® Bakers. Nurses, Chambermaids Janitors, Washerwomen, Office Bell Laundresses, Boys, Carpenters, es Butlers, Diivers, Porters, IPy-, Shipping Clerks, BricKlavers, Painter?, white washers, NiKhtwatchmen, Dravmen, Nio-bt Cleiks Firemen, Lumber men, Pantrymen, Daiwmen, and common labererg of all kinds furnished in and out of the oil y. Cal! write or telephone wtien you are in need and Your order will receive prompt attention. ESTABLISHED 1890. TELEPHONE JFO. W. JONES, Manager. quarters acres of land the same beiu^ the lands set apart as dower to Mrs. Lucendy M Treadwell, widow of Jno Treadwell, deceased. Said land bounded as fol'ows: on the east by lauds of W. F. Hardin et al, on the south by lands of J. F. Almand, on the west by lands of W. M Bently and on the "nor h by lands of J. H. Almand and A. N. Plunkett. Also a one-tbird interest in judgment in favor of T. .T. and W. E. Treadwell & Co. against G. P. and E. S. Sigman, amount tng to the sum of $40o. Said property among the heirs. Terms of sale, one bnIf cash, bonds for titles to purchaser of land. Terms sale of papers, cash, T. J. & W. E. TKK.DWKLL, Administrators of John Treadwell, deceased. Oct. 7, 1835. 1 I guarantee to sell paints for less than they can be bought else¬ where. Get my prices before buying, and save money. 7 - 27-126 PrAY.IL Lee. V H.P. A jr*** i. l &**** V, v f m TV ‘Sn m AS *s L ■?. * r - Jl i 'A i . a > WW/;:.': $ 1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who ap¬ plies Yurough us for the most meritorious patent dunng tlie W'o month preceding. the best patents for clients* _ secure our ftnd the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time wc wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window” which can be easitv slid up* and down without breaking the passenger's back* “sauce-pan,” “collar-button/* “nut-lock,” * ‘no tt.e stepper,” and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple tne inventions arc the ones that bring largest returns to author. to think of to invent. which wins our $150 prise, and hundreds of thousands will be scattered throughout the United States amon^ capitalists and manufactures, thus bringing to tneir attention the merits cf the invention. .. A 0 communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents* ClS F Street, N. W., D. C. Box 585 . Washington. W\riUforour : »r Reference—editor of ihis paper. So-fags fajnphlct) FREE* This office for neat, up-to-data jobwork, CO’