Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 26, 1895, Image 8

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LS'jAL AIVEET 1 SEMKHE?. — tJr.oKCIA. IloCKIMLS Cor.ViV.— liy A. j M Helms, Ordinary for c imty : i By ft <!|)<H-ial agreement between J. B. j &. .1. jYtblli-herft of Tub C'on Vrits WkkkLY, anJ T. !>. O’Kelley, pub Bsbvr of ibe Rockdale Ptiuner, it i-t or dele>! Iliat Iron) and niter this dale and until further ordered the legal adver ti-lng for Kii J county Diall bo done in both | a| era, towit: The WEEKtY and the Jlnckdale Banner, both papej* to receive only the regu'a- legal rjdeH for advertising, tbit 1* t. >'ay, l.v the sim* pay Iliac one wool 1 m ove wire tlw advertising donem one Biul the fees or pny sine rl.ail be equally divided bmvfei -»>tl two papers, each receiving or * -bad. 'J'his Sept. 13, 1P95. A. M. l!mn, Ordii ary IRcktUe Coutty ■ EXECEIOl.’s H.ILE. Agreeably to nr order of l! e court of Ordinary of Rockdale eounly. v. i I n sold at auction at the court Ico-e dim, of said county en die f:r;<c Tuesday in November next, v ill.In the legal iioui> Bide, the following property, towit : F« urlimulred acres of land, more or less, known ns the John L. Soote home, and bounded north by lands <>l by and Sou it River. 'i liere is on iLi land good dwei.lng, bants, orchard, pas¬ ture and three good tenant houses, about one hundred acres of good bot tom laud in cullivatable condition and 125 acres in original foretf. The land la well terraced and well watered, and a valuable home. .Sold as the property of John L. Scott, deceased. Terms easy, and will be made known on day of sale. This 25tli day of September, I8b5. IV. \V. Scott, Executor. EXVCVTOR’s 8AI*P. Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Newton county, will he Bold at public outcry at the court house door of lloekdale county, in the city of Conyers (it having been so ordered by the court on the first Tuesday in No¬ vember, 18b', within tho legal hours oi pale, the following property, towit: Two hundred, two and one-half acres of land, of land lot No 18 in the tenth district of originally Henry, now New¬ ton and Koekdaie counties, bounded on the east, by Eugene Hull, south by John Moseley and C. T. Zachry, west bv 0. T. Zachry, north by \Y\ J. Baker and YV, A. Scott. Sold as the property of W- W.:soott, late of said county, de¬ ceased. Terms cash. This Soj t. 00, 1805. F. O. FiKi.m n, Exectt'or estate ef W. W- Scott. Geoloia, Rockdale County. —To Whom It M«y ( mi mi : T. C. Cor ley, nrlniinistralor of Tubal G- Cor¬ ley, deceased, has in duo form ap¬ plied to the undersigned for leave to Bell lands belonging to the est aie of Baid deceased, and said application will be hoard on the first Monday in November next. Tliip^drst day of Oct, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale Gouxtx.--To “Whom It May Concern : JI. C. Penn, administrator of Mrs. E. J. Peun, deceased, has in due form ap^ plied to the undersigned forioave to sell real estate belonging to the es¬ tate or said deceased, and said ap¬ plication will bo heard ou the firet Monday m November next. This 1st day of Oct 1S95. A. M Helms, Drdinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Geokoia. Rockdale Crusty. —To All Whom It May Concern : R. W. Thicker, administrator of A- D. E. Hardeman, deceased, app'ies to me for letters of dismission from his lrust a« such administrator of said deceased, and I will pass upon his January, application on the first office Monday in 1890, at »nv in t’on yers, said county. Given under my hand and official signature this Oct. 3rd, 1895. A- M. Helms, Ordinary. administrator’s salt. Ry virtue of nn order issued from the court of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will lie sold before the court luma*) door in (he city of Conyers within the legal liotns of saloon (he first, Tuesday in November next the f Glowing described property, towit: One hundred acres of In ml. more or less, situated, lying and being in the 11th district of said county, thesann being the north ha f of lot of laud No. one lmudred and four G (, 4 ) Nat 1 land belonging to the estate F aI. Weatherford, Jr, decease 1. Terms of sale, one half cash, the re in under due Dec. 1st, 1890, with in¬ terest from date at 8 per cent. Fonl for title given purchaser. Oct. 2nd 1895. J is. $. Wkatukbtoep, Admijiistra'or To those living in . malarial districts Tutts Pm? arc indispcnsiblc, t hey keep the system in perfect order and a an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion nia } ar j a . torpid liver, CCnstipa> 1 L*iOU t CH anc, all a ?SIS ________ ' U UtiK”i-»ALI3 MitSKlPF 6 SALES. ^ j ^ m) ,, f , ui Tuesday jrj Novem ., t , r is«G, nt tho court bQUMe do „, iu ’.,„id ^up y, ' within the h()|1IS of ta e< tim higher m.i<l"r for < H-h. one tiac. <d laud )y mg in mi 1 county Forty acres. or loss, in s xlBcotli dt-trief originally Henry. iimv }{f M’ktl’iW •nunty, parts of 1 No** 337 und ‘154. '*oiuided on th«‘Mirth by A. H. Fa uioi, on tho wo-st. sod south by John and 14 H. bat*, and oast l>v J tin 'doom. Said land levied on the property of W. J. l.aicl er to satisfy two ii fa- issued horn justice vourl, 475 district O M- of wml coun 'Y> i" !n\or o> (t ». <v - • 1 ■ a ‘ n “ rMd H. I. b A^W Oontircued on 4tli paj?e n S Cariw-Sipslfs !!• Positively the one iiemedy for the treatment of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, Simple end aggravated forms of -DYSPEPSIA and- Palpitation -of the-Heart. -;ot Dies our food sour after eatingV Are ott easily confused and excited? Do < u get up in the morning tired and unrefreshed, and with a bad taste in the mouth ? Is there a dull, cloudy sensation, the at¬ tended by disagreeable feelings In iiea i and e;. os? Are oi; irritable and restless? Does our heart thump and cause on io gasp for breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress ou to lie on the left side ? IJa e ou impaired mernor, >’imness of vision, depression of mind and gloomv forebodings? These s mptoins mean that you are suffering from Dyspepsia arid Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other rente extant that has done so much for tins class of trou¬ bles as Scott’s Gai be-Digestive GonipeutyL It’j onr case has reshted the usual ethods of treatment we are particular m anxious to have you give this Com¬ pound a trial. We guarantee relief in eve:e m m i will clioerfull r <c i > l m - >1 • 11 should our renied fail to produce th most cratif ing results. Please remember that (lie appellation Patent Medicine duos not appl to Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a prescription put up by a lend¬ ing pli si dan who has made stomach and nervous troubles a specialty lor years. We court investigation and earnestly urge all physicians to write us for tho formula of SCOTT’S * A RB0 IMGKSTfVK COMPOUND, which we wiil mail on application, that ihe mi . sa'isf themselves of its harmless char acter and excellent virtues. Scott’s Cavbo-Digcstive Compound Is the most remarkable reined that science has produced. It Las sneceed «d where all other medicines have failed Sold hv all druggists everywhere. $t per bottle. Sent to any address in Ametioa on receiot of price. Don’t forget that we ch erfully rc ftin 1 your money if results are not sat¬ isfactory. Order direct if your drug gist iloes r.ot have it. Address all orders to (kdtaisillf. Os TOPEKA, KAS. SAW MILLS. $160 TO $900. ENGINES&B0ILERS gpdfc, 100 in stock. Large stock of SlIAFTiNG, PLLT.F5S, _ r 11 ^ e 1.1 iNG AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA, H srEART DISEASE, lit* many other ailments when they ha ve taken hold of the system, never nr i s better of Its ofrn accord, but Constantly crotca tettroe. There are thousands who know they have a defective heart, but will not admit the fact. They don’t -.rant their friends to worry, and ’Don't t&noK ti'iaf, to talze for it, as they have been told time and a rein th^t heart disease was incurable. Such was the case of Mr. Silas Farley of Dyosvillc, Ohio who writes 13,1C34, as follows: “X had heart disease for S3 jfcars, rcy heart hurting mo almost The first 15 years X doctored all the time, trying several physicians and remedies, until ray last doctor told mo it was only a question cf time as 1 could not bo cured. 1 J X gradually grow iMfu werso, very weak, and completely dis¬ couraged, until I lived, propped half up in bed, because I §111? couldn’t nor ing sit m 7 up. time lie Think¬ down had come I told my fam¬ ily what I wanted done when I was gorto. But on tho first day of March on the recommendation of furs. Fannie Jones, of Anderson, Icu., I commenced taking Dr. Miles’ Sew Cure for the Heart ami wonderful to toll, in ten days I was working at light work and on March 19 com¬ menced framing a barn, which is heavy work, and I bav’nt lost a day since. I am SO years old, 6 ft. iA inche3 and weigh 2S0lbs. if believe X am fully cured, and I am now only anxious that everyone shall know of your wonderful remedies.” Dyosville, Ohio. Silas Favlet. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that tho first bottle will Benefit. AU druggists sell it at $1, 6 bottles to? So or it wiH be sent, prepa Medical id on Co., receipt Elkhart, cf price Ind by tho Dr. Miles Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health OTLS BEOI Oil 6 iMTTC R. R Effective June 12, G a. in., 1S95. head down. itKih VP 101 103 STATIONS. 102 104 A. XT. P M. P.ii n,Jf, 7 if.jt i’ 05 1 v Mi!lfdgev>llo a- 7 5<‘*2 55 7 2 f 10 “F.aioii.on .lore ‘'7451250 7 42 1 52“ Meriwether t ‘ 7 2512 25 Will2 r. m 8 25'I 50..“ D-’nn'ls ‘• 7 O'. s 30 2 1' jar Entorpon )v i! 40 11 30 i) 5 2 IG’lv Fatoiiton at 0 :ff)i 11 35 t) 3012 35j“ YViilnrd- •’ 8 15 II 03 :l 35 2 55 j “ Aikenton “i-i 58; 10 45 ft 43 3 * 5j“ Machen Da’e f •«;s -i5 45|10 40 lb 35 30 0 58 01“ Siiaciy 10 100 fl 3 H j“ Kelley “'i 22 15 tony 3 ” Brouaht.onvU’.e ’“!o !-> 07 10 00 10l5 3 39j ‘ Newborn ‘ 05i 045 i022 3 48j“ Carmel June “'4 57 0 3 1031^3 54;“ Mavston “4 5c 0 25 j lO.'fljd ( 17!“ 2, Starrsville “ “ 4 40 ;; 0 8 Id to:2,4 Covington June 40 10574 1!.- ja r Covington “ I ..0, 8 47 £®“Coni:ect, with all day trains on Genrgia railroad. £?£'^“Trains & N for connect Ma¬ at Machen with M trains con. Madi-on and Athens. Connect at MUJedgeville with trains for Augu.-ta, Macon and other points south and east. J. V/. PRESTON, General Manager. TAX COLLECTOR’S N0TUE. I will be in Conyers, town dis¬ trict, Sept. 28th and from the 7th to 19th of Oct. After November 1st all tho remainder of my time, only when at the precincts. Sheffield district, Sept. 27th, Oct. 38th and Nov. 15th. Hon¬ ey Crock district, Thursday, Sept. 26th, Oct. 17th and Nov. J4th. Lorraine district, Sept. 30th, Oct- 21st and Nov. 18th. My '& office will be at Stephen¬ son Turner’s store when in town'. Very respectfully, E. F. Cook, T. C. Rockdale Co. *T2D A T"TCr r T" ! toiter* tauD, ocjji «bsa n obobd «* We have made arrangements with manufacturers to sell Paints at wholesale. TlLhEV & Quigg, f oor Man your 5 y IT) D.ty \ Wl\o Joey net D ri licherior& Antise ptic AWkyi cVre.5 Cf$dvpy' T Its Ne.cpit’in bodbe-Ll^ dp s.5kyoi/rdrv^^i'j)+fon Meee.&feit’jpl.d- ITI^—IME—B—I l)oO'=,a..J if fy fa J i ?^ cfj.-r». A ■■■Ml tSion tii.xn.’ua.Cat. American Furniture Agency. P. O. Box 51, GALENA, KAS. This office for neat, up-to*data jobwork. A Word to fly Frieeds= =THE PEOPLE o o = TEE country is to be congratulated upon the favorable unions which greets at the „ ’ r ] lie people less for us this opening of the present of SOU . for owe and the year’s expenses than they ijr, Cr ' have one year, increase in cotton of about hale will < liable tin an to come out in good shape. ° per class should rejoice, for the At this sveef . f as farmer succeeds wo all Believing in die early spring that prices would be much byi both for goods as well as cotton, 1 bought rev goods eurlv- if ii bought for the cash, and I am now in a position to sell anv of where goods I in my defy stock as competition low as vn house in the country NOTinv? A V® can m DRY GOODS 4 CLOTHING, ies. 1 have a SHOES, good stock HATS of new and goods all kinds and of of wares the and gi-Tides 0 cf ’ will buy best I your cotton and other marketable produce and l>»y the very top notch for it. MILLINERY! MILLINERY!! I have 0113 of tl?e most accomplished milliners evei in Oor yers, Mrs. \V. J. Eakes. She has been in Atlanta for some time studying and posting herself upon the very ilie latest styles, want' and she coroes home •‘up-to-date” with what ladies I have given this department extra attention in the purchasing of my stock this fall, and such bargains as I will give have never been known, so when you want a bat, bonnet, feathers, ribbons laces, tips, what, gloves, call veils tind or any other before goods buy in this department’ no matter see me you and you can vest assured of the best in material, latest in style and lowest in price From October 1st, 1895, until. March 1st, 1896, my terms will be CASH. and Thanking my friends for their liberal patronage in the past soliciting it for tho future, I am most respectfully, ,T. J. LANGFORD, COMMERCE ST., CONYERS, GA. BanljSF, Conjees, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits accents of linns and individuals. Any accommndations, consistent with safe banking, ex f endec, SPECIAL ATTENTION ClVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS TILLEY &QUIGG, WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers Ink L'a.m."bgr, Coal, Slh-In^lcs S' on h)nd at all time* We. carry a full line of ti'ce a <3 etc. Door.-, Aiiitule-, 141 imis and i'oiiitS. Always see us before buy lay- K a can save you money. m a I K W. H. LEE. •SUCCESSOR TO -DEALER IN DUB I! Drugs, Medicines, UliU Paints and Oils. —ALSO— Spectacles, “School Boffis Fisliing Tackle, Base Balls, Base Ball Bats,"Etc., Etc. ICE COLD SODA WATER. LEMONADE, COCA-COLA, &c ^^E^PTIONSCABEFULLYiCOMPOUNDED^f DR. W. H. LEE.