Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 26, 1895, Image 9

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3 *| ! 1 EK r FIRE insurance. J. p. TILLEY AGKA’l. represent the BEST com¬ panies in the world. i g pe us before buying your coal. We can save you mon ey- TILLEY ft QUIGG COTTON REPORT. Previous receipts 1,684 bales. This week’s i i 735 Total to date 2,419 bales. price for middling, 8^-c to 84c. On Wednesday and Thursday some g’-ades ; brought 8.90, and a few bales brought 9c. told in paragraphs. Concerning People and Events. Mr. Jeff D. Stewart visited in the city Sunday. Mr. A. P. Cain enjoyed a visit from his brother Sunday. Mr. John Tilley spent Satur¬ day and Sunday at home. —Good cheese at 10c. at H. p. & D. M. Almand & Co.’s Mr. M. M. George, of Lithonia, ras in town, this week on bus¬ iness. Mrs. Haygood has been spend¬ ing a few days with relatives at Hayston. _Farmers’ Friend Plows at H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co.’s Mrs. Carrie Stewart, of At \aiila, visited Col. Gleaton’s fain ily Sunday. Mr. Jos. Morris, a merchant of Atlanta, was in our city last IVedne day. Mr. Bert Zachery, of Oxford, visited his sister, Mrs. J. W Quit iin, Sunday'. Misses Nannie and Lizzie Gor don, of Texas, are visiting Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mr. aud Mrs. Zachery, of Au¬ gusta., are visiting their daugh tsr, Mrs. J. W. Quillian. Mr. Dave Anderson had his ieft had badiy r mashed in Mr Ran White’s gin last Saturday Mies Walton, who has been visiting Misses Lee, has returned t) her home in Birmingham, Ala. —Good suits for men at II. P. &D. M. Almand & Co.’s for FIVE DOLLARS. Mrs. Arthur Dabney returned home Tuesday, after a protract¬ ed visit to her mother, Mrs. W V. Almand. Airs. C. M. Taylor left last Tuesday for Forsyth, where she joins her husband who is now pushing r & the mercantile business iu that live town. Mr. John S. Gleaton is now home from Hiwassee, Tenn.‘ where he has been teaching. He is sick, but we trust he will soon be up again. A colored man, Glenn, brought into market the other day a huge cat fish, weighing 10* pounds. The fish was with hookand tine. Wanted —By H. P. & D. M Almand & Co., rags, egg,chick ens,bees wax, tallow, corn, peas, cotton seed, hides, etc. PERFECTED W CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE MARK. . i t Quality F ret aed Alleys. iifl pi MS? % fe I'H W. II. LEE, l>ri:g>ri-r, 1 >hm iBe extiliiBive su.1 •* of tties» oeit brnteH e» in Cimiepf, Oh. Knnn thy faoinry °f F fit urn & Mi».re, t!i» nnlv optical I'Dnr 1 J] lee '-outli. AiIhii'I. fill. —Laige stock of shoes at IT. P . & D. -*i. Alma lid & Co.’s A writer estimates that the present cron of cotton at the sel¬ ling price now will bring into t!ie coin liijf.jO,000,000 more t han did the crop of last year. Bob Webb, col., had his thumb crushed in Mr. G. T. Smith’s syrup mill on lust Tuesday. The thumb was amputated by Drs. Turner and Stewart, and the wound is doing well. Mr. Joseph Johnson went to Atlanta last Wednesday to look after freight which has been in the depot in chat city. The freights are very heavy along the lines now. Over 70 trains weie pulled out from Atlanta one day tnis week. The Industrial girls passed Conyers last Thursday on their way to the Exposition. The boys assembled at the depot to get a peep at them—but the train went flying by, and Urn boys got nothing more than a glimpse of the college beauties. However, they all saw the tram. Last Sabbath the Baptist Sun¬ day school raised thirty s.ven dollars with which to buy a li brary for the school. This is a good oeginning. It will not be long before the children will be supplied abundantly with lead j n ^ ma tter, from which they can make selections from week to week. YVhat is Christianity ? It is not long sermons, long prayers nor attendance upon divine wor¬ ship. It is not paying money into the church nor subscribing to foreign missionary work. It is visiting the fatherless and the widows; taking the fallen by the hand and lifting him up; speaking kiudly to the unfortu¬ nate and sad ; bestowing charity among the needy in your midst, and dwelling with your breth¬ ren iu unity. It is the life of the Soil lived again iu eacli in¬ dividual, If this is not Ch.isti anity, then where is there any record that there is any such thing oil earth ? SUPERIOR COURT. The Criminal Docket Dis= posed of. This week the criminal docket was reached Wednesday, and Solicitor Chandler went to work, Several cases of minor impoi t ance have been disposed of. The grand jury after arduous and faithful labor adjourned late Wednesday evening W e f x pected to give our readers the general presentments this week, but are not abie to do so. We understand that the present merits are full, aud that Judge Clark spoke words of commen dation to the body oi t en genceandmtluutoess.-- Editor O’Kelly filled Prof. Fleming’s chair in the Institute this week. Summers & Hudson have add pd Mr . Nowell, of Waiuut Grove, to theii*polite aud efficient force of clerks. A DISASTROUS FIRE. Store and Dwelling Left in Ashes. A roaring sound; a leap, a bon-id Of tin mb isr tongues. sky-reat hing- ! A e y of 1 Ki ■* ; .-m, ami sA-e! t > Kings out wiiJiv beseei hi ig ! Who Imvhe* man’s life, when nr or’ rii<\ Will p, s< b'8 follow’- cull unbi'nrd 1 Grim Imii'l in Fate! Man’s work to lar. ! AfyinG ’soies wirii ho: 1 1 drops !>'urre ! Tiio’hearrs are piin’ I o'hm’m -t.Up’d 'i'li.(nkfu) to bi e l r.'lns «e'>! be! ’l'is trasn t-mtV lost! M\, . ouut ih“ co-t Iu do‘l.iis—not eternity! J. h. i: Thursday night just after IU o’clock we heard an explosion and light flashed into our win¬ dow. The a ore of M r. G. L Ken noil was ablaze and soon i he res¬ idence in which Hr. F< r 11 Lv ?d was on fire. These being wood¬ en structures the fire made rap¬ id headway. Soon many of til citizens were on the ground and went heroically to work, stop ping the progress of the flames by pulling away one side of the Farnll house and by the use of water on the roofs of the houses within reach. The store house and residence were soon destroy¬ ed. We understand that the loss to M is. Harper, who owned the buildings, is six or seven hundred dollars, and that Mr. Kennon’s stock of goods, which was entirely destroyed, was vaL ued at about eight hundred dol There vvai no insurance on any of the propei ty destroyed. Mr. Farnll and family, who occupied the dwelling, saved all the furniture, clothing, etc., ex¬ cept about twenty dollars’worth, including the stove, which was so injured as to be of no service. The fire was unfortunate for the sufferers, yet it was exceed¬ ing fortunate that the flames were checked so early as not to take in the stables and other buildings adjacent. A good hook and ladder com¬ pany would cost the city but a small amount, yet would be of much service on occasions like that Thursday night Having lost my entire stock of goods by the fire Thursday night, any contributions from my friends will be greatly ap predated. I have been in Con¬ yers 13 years, and have always responded cheerfully to calls for aid. G. L. KCNN’ox. SUMMERS & HUDSON. mSSHk WMmmm mm m mm mT J&m %tgSr »’“mT - j MORE THAN PRETTY. To simply say our lines of Fall Dress Goods pretty . are is not doing them justice. They are more than pretty—dainty and sensible novelties that bine style, wear and satisfaction, After all, what more does any woman want in Dress than style, wear, satisfaction? SUMMERS & GRin DEATH’S CLAIMS. The Monster Leaves Three Homes Desolate. We deeply sympathize with vir. and Mrs. M. R. Christian in the loss of their daughter, Miss Lizzie, who suffered with ty phoid malarial fever for twelve days and then yielded t 4 on ster Death, who takes at will the young and old. Hers was an ex¬ emplary life, and she was belov¬ ed by all who know her. We are glad to note that the sons who have been sick so long are improving, Wo truly sympathize with 4 r. and V! rs. J, id. titiil in the loss of their little two year old boy, Eugene, who died last Thurso day evening at 7 o’clock, after suffering with whooping cough and pneumonia combined, It seems that the brightest and lov liest are soni"times the choicest victims of death. We were once so afflicted and can advise that nothing but submission and time will heal the lacerated hearts. The obituary of Mr. T. W. Den uard will appear next week. Mr. Duncan, a citizen of Le Kalb county, died last Tuesday at the residence of Mr. Wilburn Mitchel of thisjeounty. He leaves a wife, four children any many friends to mourn his death. THE COUNTY NEWS. RICHARDSON RIl’PLKS. The debates at the academy are interesting. Handsome Gus Swann takes the premium as speaker. Tom White called on his Lett girl hero last Sunday. Messrs. George ana John Mos¬ ley were iu the neighborhood last Sunday. Robert Pollings worth, one of Smyrna’s best young men, was in the vic'nity a few days ago. “A fair one” was the attraction. What has be :orne of your cor respondents ? Wake up, com rades, and make your county pa¬ per one ot the best. Clever Frank Manu was cir¬ culating with his many friends last Sunday. We are glad to know that our boys do not for¬ get home and friends while away. Edgar McCord, of Albertville, Ala will deliver a lecture at the , academy the fourth Saturday afternoon. Everybody invited. Miss Fannie and Ben Willing¬ ham visited their grand parents at White House last week. “Let us never lose our faith in human nature, no matter how often we are'deceived. Do not let the deceptions destroy confi¬ dence in the real honesty, good nefs, generosity, humanity and friendship that exists in tiie world.” SEABE. THE LAST CHANCE. Mr. Kuhns will be here next Monday. Tuesday and Wedue-s day. These a'-e the only days you will have to get a fine pic ture of yourself or family, foi the opportunity will be closed a f ter Wednesday. Call at once and have your negative taken Mr. Kuhns always gives faction. * 1 UR B £3 JAB 8 IT 5 S AS ZT Tf P r ateo esent t f MRcSlLC, YtO sainprlci f. cm s. Senrf «c. for post age on big: Iliiw.Cat. flnisrican r urniiure Agency. P. 0. Box 5J, GALENA, KAS, s ta «Ct» 625- d a ( **— < t-y - J 'Sr \ n r’ Quick sales and short profit are a short road to wealth, and this is the road I 'm traveling, And highly satisfactory results are following— My sales for the first half of October realized my ex= pectations for the whole month. I am flattered at the result, and will continue to undersell any man handling Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods, Hats or any thing else in Dry Goods. ’ -H £2 e L. THE BLUE FRONT LSGAl AD?ESTISEMKM?S Georgia, Itockdaie Cjuu ty.—To LI Whom It May Concern: Mr?. Alice II Laird, aduiimsfra’rix of Wui. F. Laird, deceased, baa iu due fouu applied to the undersigned for 'Give to t.eU the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first VI on day in November next. This 8th lay of Oct., 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County.-—Mrs. Annie T Ssaimns having applied for a twelve months’ support out of the estate of her l-*>e husband, O. Sea¬ mans, deceased, Hud the appraisers appoiined having tiled theii: return m my office, this is to cite all persons concerned that I wiT pass upon the same on the lir-t Mondnv in Novem¬ ber nes'. This Oct, 8, ] 895. A M. Helms, Ordinary. G°ororin, i! <k dale County.—To AH Wh« mi ft M <,i Concern: T. G. -waon, administrator of Mrs M. T. Swttun, deceased, has in due form ippi ; ed to the undersigned for leave co seli the lauds belonging to the -s ate of said deceased, a id said ap¬ plication will be heard on the first Monday in November next. This 8th day of October, 1895 . I A M Helm*. Ordinary. Geogia, Rockdale Coun'y.--To All Whom ft May Concern : John ll Alntaud, administrator of J- Wes¬ ley Gner, deceased, lias iu due form tpp ied to. the undersigned for loave o se 1 the lauds beloii^in • fo the es iate of said decease d, and mi id. appli¬ cation will l»e heaid on the first Mon day in November next. This Oct. 8, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. A D Ml if 1ST It A T 0II ’s SALK. By virtue of an order issued from the Ordinary o’ Bockule county, will be s >’d before the coun h use door in ihe nit* Com e:s b*(ve n the Jeg u hours «'t sih j on 'he lirai iueeday m November n-xi. Fi/ty-six and three quarters acre , of land the same bein^ me lands set, spurt ys dower to M>. Lucendy ML Trea d a oil, widow of I m» Treadwell, deceased- Said 1 md bounded us fol ows on the eas , by lands of vv . F. Hardin et al, on the south by lands of J. F. A'rnand, on ' lie west by lands of W. M Bently amiou tlie nor h ny lauds of J. H. Aim md and A. N. Plunkett. Also a o; e-tldrd interest in judgment in favor nf T. and vV r . E. Treadwell & Co. again.-t . i'. and F. S. Sigman, rflnount mg to the .-urn of ILL. Said property 3 11 as the property of John Treadwell dicjased, for the purpose of paying Utbi&ef said estate, and distribution among the heirs. Terms of sale, one hap' cash, bonds for titles to purchaser of land. Terms sale of papers, cash T. J. & VV. E. Tuf.*DWELL, Administrators of John Treadwell, deceased. Oct. 7, 1815,