Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 02, 1895, Image 4

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She MlcrMs, CHGCIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B. & I. H. RBESE. ■Ji . 11 - 1 fd the ;• >r! a. <>.n>•<•»> ti> hi cond-cias* mad im.t er. * ■TCi’.n.vv, JSov. % 1805. ADVERTISING RATES. too. G mo. 12 mo. * l>»• n i - f. 5> »*.**U 2 4 0> 1> l <i.OO 4 I 7.0) ’ 1 71 g •la. 00 <./ ma : 10 0) »C 2"> 0 i is a i ,'u ; o ■ii.0 ) i 00 oi 1 0 03 ],«>! «ls 5 c. tr- tin- f< r tir-fc in«>r t o-. ; * 48 eeiit,* l> r > ;:.••! -r,b-uquenl. ill S'•>' t: U. Keg u I-r it iv /ii i; | «(' ihell I" lit- in-i r.iou; 23 '.' far cacti *i.Wqit«n< lu-fttioi. Si: i!«.CIt TIC)'7 it \TE- ; : On” i cor, ‘a ailv m-e ................ Six innorli-, in a vium ............ .?>< The silver ites and gold an fast getting on the same line, so that, by Yu ail will be on same good old D mocratio plat¬ form. They will all agree on the word bi-metaim-m, to rightly understood, none Every one should read the message of Governor printed in this issue. Like Sen¬ ator Gordon, in ability he m’OY: u himself »<juu 1 to every emergency, even surpassing judgment of his most ardent mirers and supporters. After Stanton’s own Warren Mas?, of the Gurdon Times .writes some lines cing to Mr. Stanton that the ed¬ itors of Arkansas are coming to the fair. They will have a jolly time,and all will doubtless shake hands with theConstitution poet. The first copy of the Putnam Herald is upon our table. It is a well gotten up seven column folic—a size which wo have al¬ ways like 1. The editor’s an¬ nouncement is well timed and in good spirit. It is Democratic, and is a 1G to 1 on the financial question. This week was one of unusual Stir at the Exposition. Many school children throughout the country were on hand to learn from object lessons the many things of various castes, kinds nnk characters in the world. Thursday was Atlanta day, and all the city turned out in force. Editor Knowles, of Rome Tri¬ bune, having refused to reply to the letters of Editor Byrd, of the Hustler, puts an end to the duel •which was discussed for a tune. It is much better to settle the ali'airotherwise than by lighting* Life is short and we should make the best of it, without quarrels and tights. The raising of children is a great responsibility, The boys and girls of the present day know more than their parents. As opi urtuney is given for their advancement in learning and gaining large information, they do not fail t > grasp also the ug¬ ly and wicked tilings that occur. What is the lemedv? Mrs. A m 8"p, wife of B Opi? 0 . S, Marshal, Columns, Kan., says: tMySvp), f of “I TWINS wps delivered it !: less - than 20 min utes nml with w&f after scarcely using any only pain ' ^ £ two bottles of “MOTHERS’ iKIlNIi DID NOT SURFER AFTERWARD. •fpV} jBiiAi>ni u> EKGiiATon co.. atl.ima, ua. soldbv all druggists. S9SK35.V mm J" r §f til 7 I* » k i V m k \A I V..v 8 for IlHiferjtS and OhSidr©!lo T HIR TT years’ oWrvafiion of Castoria -with ilia patgonago of millions o f persons, permit ni to speals of it withont gnogsing. Ji ic tintjgeRtiona’b ly the Lo st rrr. mdy for Infants and Children iho worlfi it ae ever? known, 7t in itarrolesa. Cfail&reia liko it, Si. givoa then Iioaltfc. It will anvo iSieir itivaa, In it Blathers hsvfi soaietL - n^ Vv-McL is .aV-olmtoly cafe and prc-otically poriag t as a, child’s awadioiae. Cartoria do-,trays Wo rms. Cant oria al l ays Foverishatiss . Ca storia p reven ts yoxattiMig Soar Curd, Castoria euros Diarrheas, and ’WisuJ Colic. Castoria relievec Teething Troubles. Castori a ctirae Const ip ation an# F latulency. Castoria neutralizes the e ffects c? o&rbomo acid gas or poisonona air . Castoria does not contain morphine, o pi um, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop. Cas toria is put np in one-size hottl o B only. 5 t is not aoM in bnlh. Don’t allow any one t o sell yon an y thing el?o on the plea or promiee that it is ‘‘j n»t as good” and “will answer every purpose.” Sco that yon get C-A’S^O-B-l-A. The fac-simile is on every signature off wrapper, Children Cry for Plfohesr 5 ® Castoria. A bill has been introduced in the legislature to prohibit the publishing and sale cf biogra phies of outlaws. This is one good step taken by our solons, and we trust the measure will become a law. The man whose deeds are but a record of crimes, should be forever forgotten when his body is cold in death. Wednesday night and Thurs¬ day morning earthquake shocks were felt in various portions of the United States. As Atlanta claims a portion of all that is great, good or remarkable, a slight touch of the earthquake shook a few people—enough, however, to know that there was ail earthquake in Atlanta, g o this notable city is still ahead. The speech of District Attor noy Barnes in the Durant trial at San Francisco, is scathing, severe and eloquent against rant. It is a master-piece of' English, condemning a criminal in the most withering language, and at the s ine time alluding o the innocent and lovely girl, Blanche Lament, the victim, in the tenderest and most pathetn expression!. EDUCATION. Greater interest is now mani¬ fested in the subject of education than ever before. An effort is being made to secure the pas¬ sage of a law which will author¬ ize the taxation of the people to build suitable school houses throughout every county, to continue public schools for nine months in the year. Since the public school system has been established at all, we think it well to go the “whole bag.” The system as first inaugurated and advanced certainly paralyz¬ ed the efforts and interest of rents in their children. At they were willing to supplement tlie P ub li c money, and employ teachers for nine and ten months in thc Year, but now it is a rare t ^ 1 ^ 11 S to a community of cit zeus willing to allow more than the public pays. We think this disposition on the part of pa rents is wrong, yet it exists all the same. We believe every thing is working to the end of a complete school system and will finally result in compulsory ed ucation. Whether this be right or wrong we cannot say, but feel assured from circumstances taiit if compulsory education comes,it will be because parerds feel so little interest in their own offspring that in order to make good citizens and respectable people the State will be foiced to take steps to edn :ate them, that the body politic may not suffer. We do not favor this idea, but expect that the trend is in that direction, and it may b > the best that can be done for the children coming on. Do You See Spots before you in the air ? That’s your liver’s fault. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Head- < ache and Biiiiousness are all your liver’s fault. > Symptoms of a Disordered Liver: Pain in back, side and shoulders, a , bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, general drowsiness, aiges- , tion bad, fullness in the stomach, loss of appetite, sour and sick stomach, habitual costiveness, dots before the eyes, s in sallow, eyes yellow, face, ner¬ dry vousness, pimples on the , cough, confused mind. At the first appearance of these symptoms call on your merchant for a bottle of #knAj\)eural§io m (JJRJzr it goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses this organ— makes it active again—purifies your blood and you’re cured, Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For It CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn. Hoc’s mediciues for sale by:— li. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. Stephenson & Turner, Conyers, Ga W. E. King, Kings, Ga. wE HULL GO so Stephenson h Turner's. "T^/^E bought lea nx the that first Stephenson bale & Turner * * now of cotton raised in Rockdale county 1 his year. They stand at the head in the commercial business of our little city, ns cotton buyers and general merchants, Go to them for your goods they can undersell Corn,"Meal, anybody on Bagging and Ties, Meat, Flour, b’vrup, Molasses, Seed Rye. Fresh Turnip Seed, Sugar, Coffee, Salt at. (15c. for large size sacks. 7 /try are, slU mtj vail# for lex* thou rwi/l.ody else, ns they hoay Jit q tai nt it ies when they were, no y cheap. Get. your Hardware from them, Shoes, Clothing, Dress Goods, Trunks, Furni¬ ture. Rocking Chairs almost to give away. glSTTiix best place in town for Tobacco—smok¬ ing and chewing. Cigars, Fine Cream Cheese at 1 ‘i-}c. per pound. Harness and Saddles, Lace Harness and Sole Leather at a bargain. Horse Collars, Brooms, Rope, Buckets, Tinware, Lard, Hams, Steelyards, Crockryware, Sheeting, Checks, Hats, Caps, Books, Laces and thous¬ ands of articles not herein mentioned. Come everybody; everybody invited to come! You shall have our best attention. Don't fail to come , as you will lose money by stay iny away from H. P. & 1 ). M. Almand Co. Will be m the market to buy all your cotton this fall, having made arrangements with one of the largest cotton firms in the South to buy for them. COTTON- The time is here, and cotton is coming in. We will give you the highest market price. H. P.&D M. ALMAND & CO. ATLANTA ffPLOlflf AfiEBCT. Sf W. Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. * o’oks, Bakers, Nurses, Chninbormroil- \V i,J etwormr, T.nnndresses, Oev^rness es, Bricklayers, Butlers, Olivers I’lirie'-, Janitor., fffi e a y , ,«ii l’,.>\ s. Carpenters, Night CleiKs t'a'iiier>■, Kiri wniieu Lumhe a.lievs, Niiclitv atetimi>n, Shipjiins Clirks, ; men, nmn, i'.m'iy nei , Du rvium, Drainien, and Common lain ra> s ni all kinila inn i-ln .l in ai d out oi the city. Call, write or t lejihone 'vl'cn You are in uee.d anil your order will receive promi t ai ention. ESTABLISHED 1890 TELE! HONE 1081 JNO. W. JOKES, Manager. !§ John son I Alnmnd^ "T“ S THE PLAGE to liny vour cooking stoves and tinvare and 8 '^ oth-r goods in their line. They have just received a car load of Cooking _ and Healing Stoves ===DIRECT FROM THE FOUNDRY.— They were bought before t,he rise in prices and MDs ;rs Johnson & A‘ mand expeot to give their friends and customers the Benefit of the oldpri- the ces. Come and see them before you buy. Mr J S Johnson of firm has been in the business the past, ten rears and knows what will suit the people, and he buys only such goods as have been tested and proved to be good. These gentlemen S EL L EVERYTHING UNDER A GUARANTEE, If the goods are not what they are recommended, all you have to do is return them and get your money back. They will repair your tinware, umbrellas, sewing machines and guns. They also keep all kinds of machine needles. They keep a general line of all kinds of engine fittings, piping, etc. They cut and fit pipe. They keep repairs for Cook and Heating Stoves, and if they haven’t what you want they will order it from the factory for you. They are thankful for past patronage and ask a continuance of same. kjpThey ask all those who owe them to come forward and settle up their notes and accounts at once, as they need the money. VERY RESPECTFULLY, tfoli.aa.eoaa. -<fi.laaa,aaa.d- HP J ► X! V ■'A t> & ¥ i * s CO”