Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 02, 1895, Image 5

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H ®E .NSURANC, AGENT. ^sinVwo,- -.- T vpnrcsent the BEST com W . fe___ a COAL. See us before 1 buying your coal- We can save you mon ey- TILLEY & QUIGG. -Georgia, Rockdale County. —To ill Whom It May Concern : Mr :, lce H. Laird, admimstra-m . f i p, Laird, deceased, has iu du tan Lve applied to the undersigns i for to sell the lands belonging to he estate of said deceased, and said nnlieation will be heard on the li st Monday in November next. This 8 h Georgia, Rockdale County.—Mrr. Annie T. Seamans having applied for ^twelve months’ support our. of the estate of ber late husband, O. Sea mans, deceased, and the appraisers appointed having filed their: re.urn in my office, this is to cite all persons concerned that I will pass upon the same on the first Mondav in Novem ber next. This Oct, 8, 3 81)5. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County.—To All Whom It May Concern: T G. Swann, administrator of Mrs M. T Swann, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, a id said ap plication will be heard on the first Monday in November next. This 8th day of October, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County.—To All Whom It May Concern : John H. Almand, administrator of J. Wes¬ ley Grier, deceased, lias in clue form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belongin ' to thees tate of said deceased, and s-aidappli cation will be lieatd on the first Mon lajh November next. This Oat. 8, 1895. A. M Helms, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’s SALK. By virtue of an order issued f om the Ordinary of Rock ile county, «i 1 beeold before the court h >u-e doo in the city Cony «-i s b d v e n t; e leg n hours of sale on the lire', i'uetdav m November next. Fifty-six and three quarters acres of land the same bGn^ the lands set apart as dower to Mr*. Lucendy M Treadwell, widow <jf Jno Treadwell, deceas r d. Said Lnd bounded as fol ows: on the east In¬ lands of W. F. Hardin et ul, on the south by lands of J F. Almand, on the west by lands of W. M Benth and on the nor li *»y lands of J. it Almand and A. N. Plunkett Also a one-third interest in judgment in favor ofT. J. and W. E. Treadwell A Co against G. P. and E. S. 8igmati,amount ing to the sum of $48o. Said property sold aj, the property of John Treadwell deceased, for the purpo-e of paying debts of said estate, and di-tribu ior among the heirs. Terms of s-ifi', one hap cash, bonds for titles to purchaser of land. Terms sap; of pap o r», casli T. J. & VV. K. TRKdDWEU. Administrators of John Treadwell. deceased. Oct. 7, 1895. Georgia, Rockdale Cour.ty.—To All 3Vhom It May Concern : T. II. Ken non and W, V. Almand l ave in due form applied to the under-igned for Permanint letters of administration, with will annexed, on the estate of Mrs. Francis Kennon, late of said conn fy, deceased, and I will pais upon said application on the first Monday in De cember, 1291. This Oct. 31, 1895. A.7J. Helms, Ordinary. NOTICE TO D BT ilij aXD CRED¬ ITORS. All persons indebted to the estate of John Westley Grier, col.,decease!, are urged to make immediate settlem nts, ; md those having claims aarainsi. said estate are requested to present the » at once to me. John II. Almand, Admr. estate of John Wrstiey Grier, deceased. This Oct. 28, 1835. I guarantee to sell paints for less than they can be bought else¬ where. Get my prices before 7-27-12t buying, and save money. Dr. W. H. Lee. j£' ;■ PERFECTED V \ GBYSTAL LENSES TRADE MARK. finality First sad Alwa-j. life §1 [Wm k\ iH W. H. LEE, Urnggisr, bus the exclusi ve sale of these celebrated Gla^s ts in Conyers, (in. From tin, faet«*r\ of Kelfi.m & Moore, the only opijal piHiit. in km ''fnit.h. A tin nr.r., Ga. —awarded highest honors WORLD’S FAIR DR. PRICE’S Cream MOjlwH 'vn' ’w 4 k&mncn » kMRnW •w' turns:, O' owner MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any oth¬ er adulterant. 4u years the standard. For sale bv ll ARBUT & REAGAN. ROCKDALE SHERIFF’S SALES Will be sold on fits first Tuesday iu December 189G at the court house door iu said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following proper¬ ty, towit; Forty acres of land in Rockdale county, State of Georgia, bounded as fo lows: On the south by public mod from Conyers ioCov ington, west by lands ot S. H. An¬ derson, north hv lands of the esta'e of S. C Grffln, deceased, and oo the east by lands o' the estue of Dr. A Means, deceit ed, lain i par ot a three hundred acre tract of laud deed ed to said S C. Griffin by lu-r father, Dr. A Means, deceased. Levied on as the property of S. C. Griffin, deceived, and written notice given to J 11 Cureton- and Stewart Vv riylt', tena nts in possession, as requir'd by law. This 29.h day of Oct. 1896 Also at the same time and place will be sold under m utgage li fa i ' favor, of Clark Bankin.; Company transferees vs Elwaul B. Giifliu, the following dec ibed property, t - wit: One eighth interest in three hundred and fifty s*cies of land in Rockdale county. Ga , and hounded as follows: O i son h by Covington and Con\era road aud land of John M.Zachry, ou east by Yellow rivei, on the north by fin Is of Mrs. Eliz >• beth Summers, on ' he west * y lan > of J M.. Zsehry li d < state- f Henry Am’ e son, lining f l‘y desciibfd b the said u o t 'age fi fa as the prop ♦ rtv of said Edward B. Gr.ffiti. Tais Oct 30tit, 1895. W. H. M. Austin, Sheriff. & g mmm m m'im L .....■ Tired and broken down women will find that* MIMS’S ROYAL SER^ETUER is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For Including all menstrual and womb difficulties, it has no superior—used both locally and internally. It is emphatically • WOMAN’S FRIENO a Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. Manufactured only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL GO., Atlanta, 6a, WRITE E02. 4S-PAGE BOOS: MAILED FREE. WE DO JOB WORK i 1 TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Concerning People and Events. Col. J. C. Barton, of Madison, is in the city this week. Lithonia has a p iper called the “Dental Journal.” Large line of rubber footwear a f - Mar hut & Pea Tins. Mr. Geoige, of ' ithonia, was in our city this \\e- It, attending justice court,. Mr. IV. K. Eosst r, of Biniiing Aha, is visiting the family of Dr. IV. r. Leo. It is reported that Will v!y< j rs passed Oak Bill, near this place Oim day last week Next Monday Prof. Perry wilt begin his schod at Livingston Academy, near Kings. Mr. Henderson and wife, of Tampa, Fla., visited their rela tives here last week. Take your green and dry hides to A. B. Osborn and get the spot cash for them. Mr. R. B. EilieriJge, of Bir¬ mingham Alt., is visiting friends and relatives here. Col. Emmett Womack, of Cov¬ ington, was in our city a few hours last Thursday evening. Dr. Lee and wife, M>. James Gailey,Dr. Quillian and children visited the Exposition Tuesday. Marbut & Reagan have a fresh lot of Pettijohu’s Breakfast Food. Miss Mamie Nelms, who is teaching school near Luke, Wil¬ cox countv, will be home next week. Miss Sedgwick, of L.avo. ia, was in town ih : s week, selling a “Trumpet Blasts” by Dr. Tal rnage. Mr. T uther King, of Newton, is clerking for J. II. Almand & Co. IVe welcome him to our town. Mr. Roland Huff is now clerk¬ ing for Stephenson & Turner. We wish him success and the firm prosperity. Mr. Talmage Richards, the popular traveller for Dr. Mill s’ celebrated remedies, spent the week at home. Dr. J. A. Stewart left las! Monday for Macon, where lie at¬ tended this week the grand lodge cf F. & A. M. Mr. Williams, of Flovilla, who has been from here many years spent l he week very pleasantly with friends in the county. While running to catch the train a few days ago, Mr. E. P. Guinn had the misfortune to wrench his foot quite severely. Fresh mince meat, macaroni and shred cocoanut at & Reagan’s Messrs. Henry Penn and Joe Baker and Misses Jamie McDon¬ ald and Georgia Penn visited Mrs. Hays, of Ilayston, last week Mr. D. M. Almand, Worship¬ ful Master of Philologia Masonic Lodge, went to Maeon last Mon¬ day to attend the grand lodge this week. Read the advertisement of Bagby & Speer, Covington, Ga. They oiler fine wines, brandies, etc., for family and medicinal purposes. The enterprising A. D. Sum¬ mers has bought the stock of dry goods and the building in which they are stored from G, W. & A. P. Cain. Dr. Glenn has firnished Pinelog bridge and, from all ports, has made a good jot* of it Nothing helps a count y so moeh as good roads and bridges. Marhut & Reagan sell canned pineapples, tomatoes, com and all kind-i of canned fruits and meals. The election for mayor and council will take place early in December. It is tame candidates were in the field. Wi,v not elect the same gentlemen, if they will ' serve? Wo were glad to see Copt. White oil our streets ibis we«k Be has been confined at home since early summer. He is great¬ ly improved in health, and look well for one of his years. Dr. Ernes', of Atlanta, assist ol by Dr. Guinn, of Conyers, and Drs. Hammond and Sims, of Logansville, performed a sur gical operation upon Mrs. Henry Tucker o i Wednesday last. IVe are glad to learn that Mr. Kerin on, who recently lost his e Afire stock of goods by fire, has again opened business. lie is now on commerce street, where lie will be glad to have your patronage. Master Burto McCord accident¬ ally shot himself in the roof of the mouth with an air gun last Saturday. The wound was pain¬ ful, hut not serious. Dr. Guinn dressed it, an 1 Burto was all right in a few days. Mr. Claude E. Buchanan, sec reiaryand treasurer of the Ogles¬ by Grocery Co., Atlanta, Ga • > visited his grand father. Rev. H. F. Buchanan, last Sunday. old gentleman was delighted to see his grand son and to learn that he was doing so well. IVe received a postal Prof. J. A . Clotfelter, who is attending the theological semi¬ nary. in South Carolina,iu which he says : ‘I am well pleased with Columbia and ray work May wiifce you a short article for your paper soon. I wish you much success.” Children Crv for Pitcher’s Castoria. f iBICYCLESl" crom >Jy MIGHEST GRADE RIONESTLY MADE For beauty, strength, lightness, durability and easy running qualities, no other bicycle can jequal the Victor. Buy a Victor and know you have the best. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. DETROIT. DENVER, PACIFIC COAST. SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES. PORTLAND. A 1 f ■ Jftl . .. 4’ o Winchester Repeating * 1 ri^r.v' ---------- ---- Rifles 3 Our Model 1893 Shot-Gun is now used by all the most advanced trap Shot-Guns t and shooters. Single Shot-Rifles S' game ASK YOtJR DEALER TO SHOW YOU THIS GUN. Everything that is Newest and Best in Repeating Arms as well as all kinds of Ammunition are made by the <0 WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., Winchester Ave., New Haven, Conn. oy Send a Postal Card with your address for our 113-page Illustrated Catalogue. ,°JUUULSUUL5UJl5l.SUlJUUAiULSDL5LS^^ Kev. T. A. White and wife, 0 ^ Gfa,., arinved. in Con ^ ednesday night. Mrs. ^ dde went early Thursday oufj to * ,er fathers, f'epf. White, of this county. Mr. White left on the 9.20 train for Atlanta, win re he takes in the Fxposiriou. Sin.r.Ji' Anglin said at public uutc 'T last Monday some per s<>Ma i >J ( >{>«i t_\. A good mule itn old hug ^ f01 ' Ootton is a « ood l ' nW; provi8lons and o,h,n 'P l ' 0 P* erty are cheap. It seems to he the farmers opportunity to get ahead of the procession. Mr. IViubum met fin old friend last Monday whom he had not seen i.i Unity years. He was M r. Sam Bolton, from Memphis, Teim. Both are growing old, yet are fresh and vigorous arid enjoy life May they Jive much lunger, making the world bet¬ ter for their staying. The Methodist church is mi¬ repairs. The belfry is and wil1 be remodel ed Tllf> fioor of the church will be ^’ aben ua and raased Higher from the ground. It will also be elevated from front to rear, upon an inclined plane, making it more convenient for persons sitting hack to see over the heads of others in front. Quite a good idea. Mr. Daniel, who had quite an array of endorsements from leading papers, gave an enter¬ tainment at the court house last Tuesday night. The attendance was small, and the recitations not what we expected, hut they were of that simple character which pleased the children. One two numbers of the program were well rendered. Had all his recitations been of a literary the interest would have been much greater. How¬ ever, the young man has talent. When Baby was sick, we pave her Cantoria. When she was a Cliil J, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,