Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 16, 1895, Image 1

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V / Ktl ❖ XV- One Song of Love. rn ! ‘° slial'. say, sweet friend, that bat Urich rainbows in the strife? filthy . child, and here who thy stood wife! Here i the love of one -ANr ^ V‘Wb.h in TO-iest womanhOi-d, for iP, good'.” aid thee, or fhn? aw no winter jn life's Mar- 11 here, bv iky dtie, I lay my head !” jtil here, when storms are blowing L. Jerecomes to those earlier lips that smiled, the clinging of a child! Arms, like a necklace, may adorn thy neck! * * * At night the stars are born, herd Is '. y splendor every morn fcfkindly , and strife, and poverty! ministers are ye Utile Love stiil spreads a couch for me! ikt love which still endureth lorg (tntent to suffer and be strong; pmaUeS a Fkank UStanton?' TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS, -- Concerning People and Events. Coal and wood are in demand, The November rains set in last week. Floyd Plunkett spent Sunday with home folks. Prof. Alexander, of South Car oliua,began his school at Union on last Monday, the 12th. Notwithstanding the rain,there was a good attendance at the Sabbath schools last Sunday. I Next Monday morning Dr. J. AV, Qaillian will leave to attend the annual meeting of the North Georgia Conference, atElberton, Ga. * On last Monday the academy caught fire from the heat of the stove pipe, so supposed. Time¬ ly discovery and prompt action prevented any damage. I Under the skillful treatment, of Dr. Mat Stewart, we are glad [Id learn, Mr. Ed Almand is im¬ proving and will soon recover from his recent bilious attack. I Our young friend, R. F. Pow N, Jr., of Eatonton, is assistant [teacher Kings, with Prof. Perry, at Newton county. These po gentlemen have a good pool. Mr. John Burns is a good f xrm pr and market gardener. Eh raises a great many turnips, Irish potatoes, and onions,which pesells ington readily in Conyers, Cov¬ and Oxford. Mr. Thomas Rice raised this fear a gourd with a straight landle four feet long. The bowl p just the right size for an old pie water dipper. It can be pen atMarbut & Reagan’s store. Mr. Mark Rowe, of this coun W> has made a table of the ponths which will have five pundays each, from 1896 to the par pars 2000. 1956-61-67-72-78-84-89-95 Also says that the pd ponths 2000 will each have each. five with five Sundays I M’e are glad to learn from Dr. pion, Nt Mr. the attending physician, Pat White, who was Nckenlast week with paraly p> of is much improved. His pow F speech are better and he pa ption talk some little, with indi of further improvement •CONYERS, GA., SATURDAY, NOV. 16, 1895. The rain prevented preaching at the churches at 11 a. m. last Sunday. At night the rain had ceased, and Rev. Robert Eakes, father of our W.J .Eakes,preach¬ ed a very plain, practicable sei ttion at the Methodist church. His discourse was from the text, “Ye believe in God, believe also in me.” TO HOUSEKEEPERS. * If you want a splendid cook book the “Rural Home” sells for $1, but any and all of our subscribers can have the Week¬ ly and this book for SI. 25. This proposition is good for both old and new subscribers. The cash is required to avail yourself of the proposition. Any one bring ing us five new subscribers and $6.25 will get a book and the Weekly free of charge, and each subscriber will get the premium also. Now is the time for the ladies to get a 350 page book containing over 1,000 receipts, printed on the best paper and handsomely illustrated and bound. BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Mr. C. N. Jones, Girard, Ala. says May 16, 1895 : “I was suf¬ fering from Catarrh in the head and was cured by Ivins’s Royal Germateur. We keep it all the time ^ and 5elievo that it is t]ie best family medicine there is on the market today, v > Germeteur suits all ages in the home. It is so pleasant to take, that all like it. It is so harmless that teuderest babe and most delicate invalids are always safe in using it. It cures when all else fails. New package, large bottles, 108 doses, $1, For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee. TO THOSE WHO OWE US. We have placed our notes and accounts in the hands of Cob J R. Maddox for collection, All parties indebted to the firm will please give immediate attention to their accounts. Respt., 5 St Rosser & Guinn. NOTICE ! Those who owe me for black smithing will please come for¬ ward as soon as possible and set¬ tle their accounts, for I need the money very much, All arc ac quabated with my condition. 5 8t W. G. Clotfelter. It will not cure everything, [t is not claimed that it will cure but one complaint, that is dys¬ pepsia. W T e cannot say that it will cure every case of dyspep sia, but it will cure a iaige ma jonty of them. Such cases as are adapted to its use will derive immediate benefit. One small bottle will be sufficient to test if. The Shaker Digestive Cordial is especially adapted for emaciated or elderly people whose food does them but little or no good because it is notdigested. The Cordial contains an artificially digested food and is a digester of food happily combined. Read one of the little books which your druggist is now giving away and learn of till? wonder ful remedy. A really palatable Castor Oil can now be had under the name of Laxol, Thanksgiving Day. Thursday, the 2Sth instant, is the day which has been appoint¬ ed by the President for the peo¬ ple all over this country to ex¬ press in a tangible way their gratitude for prospen'fyand mer¬ cies bestowed by an allwise God. Everybody should be thankful every day for meicies given, but as this is an occasion for public and uniform demonstration, we think all should manifest some degree of interest in ti e day. It is usual to have swell din¬ ners at home and to remember the poor in a liberal donation of the good things enjoyed at the family table. We suppose the business houses of Conyers will be closed, and that thanksgiving services will be held at the churches. No doubt the business men and clerks will go hunting, or, perhaps, take advantage of the occasion to visit the Exposi¬ tion. let all forget for awhile the cares and worry of business, aud enjoy the day to the fullest extent. You can earn $5 each dav “giv¬ ing” our indispensable house¬ hold article away. New plan of work, making experience uu necessaryand success certain for either sex in any section. Sam¬ ple dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address, Melrose M’e’g. Co , 90 Melrose Park, III. Passing Fen. From F. L. Stanton in Constitution. A dusky client button-holed an Elberton lawyer recently. < < Boss I wants to insult you on a pint of law.” The “lawyer, like T,he “war horse scenting the battle Irom afar,” and anticipating a healthy retainer, smiled affably upon the Afro-American, and with ja\at dignity replied : “Please state your case.” “Well, boss,” said the client, “ef I set er trap on my own lot, and one of my neighbor’s chick¬ en goes pecking around, an like er fool goes inter dat trap, i■; dat nigger when he goes to git da( chicken got cr light ter take m\ trap ?” During the recent meeting of the Baptist association the Rev. Mr. Eden, traveling agent for the Christian Index, was driving along the road from Washing ton to the Mountain, when he met a citizen whose name is J. C. Paradise. Eden pulled up his horse and said : ‘Good morning, my friend. My name is Eden, and I sup¬ pose you are about as near Eden you’ll be. ” as ever The other looked at him for a few minutes in astonishment and (lien said : “Well, my friend, let me tell you something : My name is Paradise, and I reckon you are a little nearer paradise than you ’ll ever be again.” This made Brother Eden’s head drop, and he said : “My friend, how far is it to the Mountain?’ HEKE AND THERE. Mifiy’s Eyes. [ wa-t unldiow, unknowing; Arid life for me was lone— Xonr wept with me in mi-ery; Woe grew where hope was sown ; But. sudden !y Yross ire's dark odes Ther e gleamed a glanc 1 from .Uilly’s eyes. Ono glance from her has taught rr.e To (11 i 11. in dreamful way To isles of mi-t, »>y angels IvUsV, W here Iov#vb dream all daY And there f < life's rests and sighs Beircatn the glow of MoIy’s eves. But, li t! My dream is broken! A jealous swain said : ‘•ller eve* air cross’d : the glance that cost head You Yer silly heart an’ Wuz cast to me (feign not surprise) An’ not ter thee.” Darn Mlily’s eyes! .). H. B. Conyers should have a public library. The benefits to be de¬ rived from one are innumerable and cannot be reckoned. Not very long since the Meth¬ odist Sunday school began a li¬ brary with nearly 300 volumes, which was, indeed, a good be ginning, and the school will con¬ tinue to add to it until they have a large and comprehensive col¬ lection of books. The Baptist Sunday school recently followed suit, but, not being as strong as the Methodist school, made a more humble beginning, having now about 100 volumes, This school will also increase the size of its library from time to time, and will soon have oue of which they will have just cause to feel proud. I believe the Presbyte¬ rians haven’t a library yet. The two schools have made a “step in the right direction,” which will prove beneficial. Now, we want a library for the town. The argument may be advanced, that if all the Sab¬ bath schools are provided with libraries that one for the town would be practically use less. Though this might apneai logical to some, we think it is far from being so. There are a great many people in Conyer who are not members of am Sunday school. As is perfect); right, no person except a mem her of the school can read th books belonging to tire schoo ! However, if a person desires t ••ead any of the books and is no i member of cither of the schools, why it is his privilege L join, but we don’t believe then is a person of tins kind in tow: Besides these reasons another i that a Sunday school librar is to some'extent denomination al, (which is proper) and doesrb cover the broad scope demand ed by the public. And an ad ditional argument in favor of r public library is that it wouh afford profitable and pleasant pastime for all concerned. The cure of Rheumatism lias often taxed medical skill, but its prevention has been ver; easy by an occassonal use o! Simmons Liver Regulator. L keeps the liver well regulated and the system free from poison. Therein is the secret of health. < ( I have used it for years for In¬ digestion and Constipation, and also found it gives one relief from a touch Yd Rheumatism.” —N. Hughes, Lordsburg, N. M. NO. 46 MFsimmons ij ffeP a ny mti p#pp sU,. mRE mmm syiATOR m GOODFOB EVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times of the year. Malaria is always about, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the Liver active. You must help tire Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Old Friend, SIM¬ MONS Liver regulator, the red Z. Mr. C. Hirnrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: “Simmons Liver Regulator broke a case of Malarial Fever of three years’ standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. 1 shall use it when in need, and recommend it.” Be sure that you get it. Always look for the RED Z on the package. And don’t forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM¬ MONS LIVER REGULATOR, atid there is one, and every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for Biliousness and Sick Headache ; both are caused by a sluggish Liver. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. MILLINERY !! We are now prepared to sell our lady friends any and every¬ thing in our line cheap for the cash. Call and sec us without fail. Nicest and prettiest goods in the latest styles. McDonald & Guinn. Hirers™ v ANTE IB-Several trustworthy '' gentlemen or Lulies to travel in Georgia for 'established reliable house. Salary $780 and expenses. Steady position. Enclose reference and self addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Third Floor, Oma¬ ha Bleg., Chicago, Ill. FREE MEDICAL REFERENCE BOOK (64 pages) with for men and women of wlio dis¬ are afflicted any form private ease peculiar contagious to diseases, their sex, errors of youth, bles, female trou¬ etc., etc., Send 2 two cent stamps, to pay post¬ age, to the leading specialists and physi¬ cians in this country. Dr. HATHAWAY & CO.)’ 22 % So. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homos. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King’s Bop! Germetuer. They all like to take it because it doer, not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. La?*Sold by Drug-gists, new package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured only by The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga. Writ© for 48-Page Book, Mailed Free# FOR SALE BY DR. W. H LEE. WL DO JOB WORK ! I