Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 16, 1895, Image 7

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NOTICE. >lr. E- F. Cook is authorized {0 receive money for subsrript ions toTiiE Weekly and receipt for same, It will he a favor to us if our subscribers will kindly baud him the subscription due, b jl e he is on his rounds collect jjjg J. H. Reese, J. P» & Publishers The Weekly. announcement. We are authorized to an Bounce Maj. E. H. Almaud a candidate for mayor at the en¬ ding December election. A Strong support is solicit ed. __ FIRE insurance. j. P. TILLEY AGEN1. ^gPl represent the BEST com panics in the world. l lb y. z WL COAL. See us before buying your coal. We can save you mon ey- TILLEY & QUIGG. ROCKDALE SHERIFF’S SALES IVill be sold on the first Tuesday ia December 1896 at the court house door in said county, within the legal burs of sale, t he following proper¬ ty, towit: Forty acres of land m Rockdale county, State of Georgia, bounded as follows: On the south by public mad from Conyers to Cov JotoD, west, north by by lands lands of of S. me H. estate An¬ derson, Griffin, deceased, aridon the of S. C. estate of Dr. A. east by lands o f the Means, deceased, being par', of a three hundred acre tract of land deed ed to said S. 0. Griffin by her father. Dr. A. Means, deceased^ Levied on as the property of S. C. Griffin deceased, by vhtue of a fi fa Lorn Newton superior court in favor of J. A- <fc T. D. Stewart for the use ol Stewart Bros, vs J- U- Gnffin as administrator of S. ( • Guffin, deceased, and written notice given to Joe Curetoa and Stewart Wriglif , tenants in possession, as requir< d by law. This 29th day of Oct. 1895. Also at the same time and place I trill be sold under mortgage ti fa i < 'favor of Clark Banking Company transferees vs Edward B. Gnfiin, issued from Rockdale superior court, |the following dec ibed property, to Iwit: One-eighth interest in three [huudred and titty acres and of bounded land in Ro'Kdalecounty. Ga , as follows - . On south by Covington and Con vers road and land of John M.Zachry, on east by Yellow river, on the north by lands of Mrs. Eliza¬ beth Summers, on the west by lands of J, M. Zachry and estate <»1 rieurj Anderson, being fully described in the said mortgage li fa as the prop¬ erty of said Edward B. Grifi'iD. This Oct. 30tb, 1895. W- H. M. Austin, Sheriff. Great Sale IN MONROE, GA. 56 head of fine mares, colts, pules and horses ; 25 sets of harness; 21 vehicles, p AUCTION, THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1895, RAIN OR SHINE, icash, the balance on time *8 per cent, per annum, s ents a pound for cotton. Tell Rrvbody. • H. Fjslker, Monroe, Ga. Baby was sick, vre gave her Cartoria. she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Iffien she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Mfe), i i fan -3 lAw 'if. f ■ LA i - *3£=r. ESTABLISHED. That is what I want to be. I knew it would he hard pull ing among those old timers un¬ less I could undersell them. So I figured expenses down to the minimum made up my mind to be .satisfied with short profits and “div” into them. And ev¬ ery day the wool is flying, and my success is their wonder and chagrin. By underselling them I am winning their trade, and have already become headquarters for Clothing, Overcoats, Dry Goods, Capes, Shoes, Hats, Etc. The money you make is the money you save, so you cant afford to disregard my prices. /! H air. K-i— THE BLUE FRONT. A MASS MEETING.LS The Peoples Party of Rockdale county will live a mass meeting in the court house in Conyers on the first Tuesday in December next at teu o'clock for the purpose of re¬ organizing the executive commit fee, and selecting delegates to at¬ tend the State convention which is to be held on the 18tb day of December, 1895, in the city of At¬ lanta. The meeting will be ad¬ dressed by the Hon. Fred D Wimberly and others. Even body invited. jAt the same tim*. and place tin bounty alliance of Rockdale conn ty will hold its regular meeting, which meeting will he a business meeting, to arrange for fertilizer 4 nd other trace lor the year 1896. F. M. Aye ns Chaiuman P. P. Ex. Com - \V, F. Mcdaxiell m Pres, county alliance. The 4th and last quarterly conference for this year will be held in the Methodist church to¬ night at 7 o’clock, All official members requested to be pres¬ ent. The public is cordially in¬ vited. Dr. Lewis will preach at 11 a. m. Sunday. We have received a copy of the minutes, of the Weekly Press Association, held in Gainesville July. It is a handsome and contains four well written essays pertaining to the duties and policies of the Georgia Press. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES trade mark. ; araKty YrA aai Ate 171 . »r, a 4# X ►jg.rUa m DB. W. H. LEE, Druggist, has th< exclusive sale of these celebrated Glast sin Conyers, Ga. From the factor} of Kellam & Moore, the only optica plant in tee South, Atlanta, Ga. COTTON RE FORT. BALES. Previous receipts CR Ol This week’s « ( ^ o Total to date 4.032 Price for middling 7.1c to 7Jc. TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Concerning People and Events. Read Dr. Lee'- new ad. Dr. Quigg will ) reach at Hays ton tomorrow, if nothing vents. Mr. Ernest Vaughan spent a few days recently with relatives at Hayston. Mrs. James Hollingsworth is ■spending awhile with her daughter, Mrs. Giee*', at Hays¬ ton. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at the Baptist church has been changed from seven to six o’clock. As we go to pi ess (Friday af teruoon) we learn with regret that Mr. Jesse Almand’s baby is not expected to live. Mr. B. F. Flowers died at his home in Florida Nov. G. He was 75 years old, and for rnauy years a resident of Rockdale county. Rockdale Baptist church is said to be one of the richest in the county. The churcn has extended an indefinite call to Rev. DeFoor, who has accepted Rev. J. F. Edens was in Con¬ yers last Saturday, working like a Trojan. He made good col¬ lections for the Christian Index, besides securing several new subscribers. Since Maj. Almand’s announce¬ ment was handed in we learn that Col. Maddox is also a can¬ didate for mayor. He is a wor¬ thy gentleman, who is well qual¬ ified for the place. We call attention to the an¬ nouncement of Major Ed H. Al rnand, who is a candidate for mayor at the ensuing election, Dec. 7. He is a capable and worthy young man. At the residence of the bride's falhei Miss Marks and Mr. C. A. Webb were married last Tues lay evening. Rev. W. D. Al¬ ma ml performed the ceremony We offer congratulations. Tills week Mr. II. P. Altnano went on a visit to Alabama, miles above Rome. He reports that country, the valley on the Coosa river, a very beautiful •me which has rich soil, Tin people seem prosper ous and bap py ANTK i ) Several trustworthy gentlemen or ladies to travel in Georgia for [established reliabh house. Salary $7S0 and expenses. Steady position. Enclose reference and self addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Third Floor, Onn - ha Bieg., Chicago, III. Children Cryfoi Pitcher’s Oastoria* TO THOSE WHO OWE US. Wo have placed our notes and accounts in the hands of Col. J. R. Maddox for collection. All parties indebted to the firm will please give immediate attention to their accounts. Respt., 5 8t Rosser & Guinn. » ego on bigliius-Cat. American ,-urni‘ure Agency. P. O. P.ox 51, GALENA, KAS. “t WE DO JOB WORK !! bcaauzx.TiMm) «• v< * i 3 3 1 N 0 w %T r t- ork agent lias 1* ew A. ® list secured ►argains in us some great Dress Goods, A cy Capes, etc. TV T 1 0 intend • to make our new b J. Tress n \ move n V II low prices Will do it. Everything the very best«not a poor article in the store. Everything right up in quality ; right up in style ; right up in assortment. Just what will please you! Come and seel No trouble to show goods!! We wall show you this week more new goods tfltami the Little Blow Blarneys and Bluffs will show In a life time SUMMERS & HUDSON. AW ■ : verrzXi K '-t ; § 5/7 ^TCL [v XCO^O _,s5_; bx- ■h < y W'X +K» I / 4 — i iii buying Cain’s stock of shoes and dry goods at a discount is for you. When we were boys we used to tell our parents what big fish we could catch if allowed to go fish¬ ing. When we grow to be merchants we are apt to exaggerate. We are afraid to say much about onr real bargains. We’re so proud of them,we might exaggerate. Just come and look at them and form your * own opinion. A. J. SUMMERS & CO. CAIN’S OLD STAND.