Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 16, 1895, Image 9

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“I Will Obey.” A Chicago woman hag been investi¬ gating a much diseased subject with « 8 alts ^cep e o j wo could not get marn M* unless you promised to obey 4 tr To your m v surprise I find that there is no au¬ thority for it whatever. In the early Christian church the pastor merely put the question, ‘Do you, Jane, take this man for your husband?’ and ‘Do you, John, take this woman for your wife?’ That’s all there was to it. The Boman Catholic church, the Greek, Coptic and Armenian have followed the same practice. The Church of England, in the time of Henry‘III, and one or more of the German churches, introduced the word ‘obey,’ and that’s where it comes from. I hardly fancy that that monarch is a good man to pattern after.” Lasting Regrets. “I never bet on a horse race but once,” said the good deacon, “and I have regretted it ever since. ” “Surely the sin has been forgiven ere now,” said the minister. “Ob, I don’t doubt that, but the fact is I only won $ 2 , when I might just as well have made it $ 1 , 000 , since I was in for it!”--Indianapolis Journal. When Wrinkles Seam the Brow, And the locks grow scant and silvery, in firniities of age come on apace. To retard and ameliorate these is one of the benign effec's of Ho-tetter's Stomach Bitter-, a medicine to wliieh the aged and infirm can resort as a safe solace and invigorant. It counteracts a ton dency to rheumatism biliousne-s and neuralgia, and improves digestion, rectifies overcomes malaria. A wineglass before retiring pro motes slumber. A new species of dragon fly is mentioned as having been tound at Ogden, Utah. Dr. Ki'mer’s Swamp-Root cures a!i Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet Laboratory and Binghamton. Consultation^frm. N. Y. Maria Dagmar, the Dowager Empress of Russia, is only 47 years old. In Olden Times People, overlooked the importance of perma¬ nently beneficial effect? and were satisfied with transient act ion, but now that it is gener¬ ally known that Syrup of Figs will permanent¬ ly cure habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act fora time, but finaly injure the system. The Duke of York is tote made a rear ad mirai. Tour Efl-. ns are In Vain trying to regain lost strength by the use of lron C etc. BT To get bauTthe old-timevigor, ambition, the the bright eye, the nrm step, the first aim must be to promote nutrition. The stomach needs the aid of a powerful ally like Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy. diseslion With its rule8 help, MdSTiT^-u h red. PerfeCt ’ For sole by ah druggists. Price E0 cents per bottle. What a Sense of Relief it is to Know that you have no corns. Hindercorris removes them and is comforting. 15c. at druggists. lion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a ooUle me i **• m 1 i 6, £ Weak and Languid “Our little Katherine had whooping cough, after which she lingered along from day to day, poor, weak, languid. She could scarcely eat anything. Her flesh was soft and sallow, I gave her Hood’s Sarsaparilla and she soon began to crave something to eat. She steadily improved, and today is in lull good health. Her flesh is solid, her cheeks rosy, ' appetite good and her sleep refreshing.’ 1 Mas. M. A. Cook, 34 Fulton St., .Veubody, Mass, (let only Hood’s. Hood’s Pills uvV“inTru^L d efl ^ ts. | 5 Try Them All, * Every ^ Tom, Dick and Harry’s j[ Buckwheat. THEN I * TRY ^ j I > 5 1 B PIS.O’-S CURE FQR M o bUKtb rvnent ALL Tastes tlOC Good. r AlLO* Use Best Cough Syrup. druggists. o iO irt time. Sold bv I Cvj CDN S UM PTION m C/5 i SCIENTIFIC SCBAPS. A St. Louis physicians reports the cure q{ fiye desperate oase8 of diphtho ** a ^7 thfl use ot anti-toxine. Light falling upon a recently de¬ magnetized piece of iron will produce an instantaneous revival of magnet ism. Dr. Hunter McGuire of Virginia, toJd the Vi * iuia Medical Associa tiou that appendicitis . can , be cured , without ... . the aid of a knife, In an artificial way so-called electric waves have been produced, having a length of about an inch, which would give per second as many as there are inches in 186,000 miles (11,784,000). The flashes of lightning in an August thunder storm, in London were counted by an observer. In one hour there were 667, and in one five min¬ utes there were 111 flashes—twenty two a minute. There seem to be two possible ways of totally eradicating disease, One is to destroy all the bacilli; the other is to strengthen the system as to enable it successfully to resist their attacks, Noither of these P IallS C£m P robabl 7 b « carried out flillv ; success lies in a ju ” dlClOUS . combination of both, , India, according to S. E. Peal, has a stridulating spider whose sound, like the pouring of shot upon a plate, can be heard ten or twelve yardspants that produce sound by rasping the horny tip of the last abdominal seg¬ ment against dry leaves or twigs; aud a butterfly which produces a series of taj)s with its wings. Extraordinary results are claimed j 01 . a n ew bullet invented by a Swiss army officer named Hebler. The pro¬ jectile is shaped something like a goose-quill,aud with a small charge of about 2 1-2 grammes of powder it will travel 1,400 yards aud penetrate a block of wood to the depth of nine feet, and even at 6,000 yards it will still enter a block of wood. In oi the discovery .. of consequence “argon, “helium and other like substances it is believed that still g n ruider discoveries are about to be made. Some expect that the apparent diversity of metals is a result inerelv different combinations , . of ,. few , a very « im P le substances or possibly of only Ifc ig Qu thif) line thftt researches ” re likGly t0 bCi COIld,lCted f0r 80m ° to come. A Text of Love. This tale is told in the Orient: A lady one day found a man following her, and she asked him why he did so. His reply was, “You are very beauti¬ ful, and I am in love with you.” *‘Oh, you think me beautiful, do you? There is my sister over there. You will find her much more beautiful than I am. Go and make love to her.” On hearing this the man went to see the sister, but found she was very ugly, so he came back in an angry mood and asked the lady why she had told him a falsehood. She then an swered, “Why did you tell me a false hood?” The man was surprised at this accusation aud asked when he had done so. Her answer was: “You sa jd you loved me. If that had been * tr VQU wou]d not have gone to ” make love to another woman, ,, —ban 0 Francisco Argonaut. The Woodpile of Life. “How do we all shun the woodpile of life!” said Mr. Gratebar. “There’s the wood, free to all, with thesawbuck and the bucksaw standing by, but we go all around ’em and pick up chips rather than saw wood. We don’t want to work, wo want an easy job; we have a vague sort of an idea that wood will come and pile itself up in the cellar. But it won’t; if we a bright fire on the hearth we must taekle the woodpile manfully.—New York Sun. A Good Impression. “Bobby,” cautioned his mother, “the bishop is to dine with us today, and you must be very quiet at the table. I want him to think you are a good little boy.” Very much impressed, Bobby ate his dinner in silence until his plate needed replenishing. “Pa,” he said, devoutly, “will you give me some more string beaus, for auch is the kingdom of Heaven.” Americans used 66,096,058 pounds of oleomargarine last year. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Powder Baking V absolutely pure ITEMS OF INTEREST. Ohio stands at the head of the states in clay manufacture, its product being valued at $ 10 , 668 , 000 , or over 16 per cent of that of the whole country. Il¬ linois comes next, with 13 per cent, and Pennsylvania stands third, with 11 per cent. Austria-Hungary has 174 paper fac¬ tories, 120 pasteboard factories and 34 pulp factories. The yearly produc¬ tion is about 350.000,000 pounds of paper, 20 , 000,000 pounds of paste¬ board and 150,000,000 pounds of pulp, worth more than $ 20 , 000 , 000 . For a short distance a lion or a tiger cam outrun a man, and can equal the speed of a fast horse, but they lose their wind at the end of half a mile at the most. They have little endur¬ ance, and are remarkably weak in lung power. If by any means a bird attained the lightness of a ballon it could not fly. A balloon drifts with every gust; steer¬ ing is impossible, the wind chooses its course. The bird ballon, as light as 1 he wind and as strong as iron, is a fig¬ ment of the imagination. Among the series of notices in the London Gazette notifying the closing of various churchyards for further in¬ terments, appears one relative to the parish churchyard of Stratford-on Avon, within the limits of which, but inside the church itself, Shakespeare lies buried. Cutting. Mr. Sauer (to his wife)—How horrid of you to be always looking as sour as a crab-apple! Just look at Mrs. X— over yonder; the very picture of cheerfulness. Mrs. Sauer—You seem to forget, my dear, thftt Mrs. X- is a widow.— Neue Welt. SlOO Reward. SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleaded to learn that there isar least one drearier! disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Care is the only positive cure now known to the medical 1 raternity. Catarrh being a consti¬ tutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Curs is taken inter¬ nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu¬ cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy¬ ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con¬ stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in it? curative powers that they offer One Hun¬ dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonial?. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. t®~Sold by Druggists, 75c. Ilog Raising Extraordinary. Two acres mulberries fatten 85 hog?. Thes hog? were turned in th“ orchard in IMav and kept theie till September eating nothing but mulbcrrie? and were perfectly fat when taken out. They were fed a little corn to harden the meat and then killed. Two acres of mulberry trees 6 ' o 8 ft. high cost $30.00— what are 85 fat hogs worth? For best kinds of mul¬ berries write for new catalogue which is sent free. Address W. D. Beatie, Atlanta. Ga. For Whooping Cough, P ! so’s Cure*s a sur ce-sful remedy.—M. P. Dieted, 67 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Ifov. 14, ’94. FITS stopped free by Da. Kt.ine’s Great Nerve Restorer. Vo fits after first day’s u?e. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $‘2.00trial bot¬ tle free. Dr. Kline. 931 Arch St.. Phila.. Pa. Parker’s Ginger Tonic, is Popular for good work. Suffering, tleep'ess, reviving. nervous women find nothing so soothing an i Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780 ) has led to the placing on the market ll^many misleading and unscrupulous imitations Walter of their name, labels, and wrappers. y i: Baker Sc. Co. are the oldest and largest manu •tii i I facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are :t t. ® ■g used in.their manufactures. i ’ !|| ® Consumers genuine should Walter ask for, Baker and Sc be Co.’s sure goo(?s. that * -r they get, the WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. the food for all such. m How many pale folk there are! People who have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a pendulum weakness— between strength and so that one day’s work (C causes six days’ sickness! People who have no life for resisting disease—thin people, nerveless, delicate ! The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott’s Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oil will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength, comfort and good-nature. Be sure you get Scott's Emulsion when you want it and not a cheafi substitute. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists, soc. and $1. A Boy’s Retort. Once, when one of Farragui’s gun¬ boats on the Mississippi was just go¬ ing into action, one of the powder monkeys w r as noticed by an officer kneeling by one of the guns 6 aying bis prayers. The officer sneeringly asked him what he was doing, and if he was afraid. “No, I was praying,” said he. “Well, what were you praying for?” “Praying,” said the lad, “that the enemy’s bullets may be distributed the same way as the prize-money is—prin¬ cipally among the officers.”—Argo¬ naut. Extravagant Cooking. He—That’s a very extravagant cook you’ve She—Yes; got. she to think seems we have victuals to burn.—Whim-Whams. The Greatest fledical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY’S Medical Discovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS. Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. hundred He has tried it in over eleven cases, and-never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in bis possession over two hundred certifi¬ cates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them ; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Head the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary, Eat the best you can get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed¬ time. Sold by all Druggists. A. N. V ...... ..... Forty-si*, ’95. 1 Exhausted Soils d t c are made to produce larger Potash. and better crops by the $ use of Fertilizers rich in ^ Write for our "Farmers’ Guide,” a 142 -page illustrated book. It A y is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and ^ will make and save you money. Address. A L» GERMAN KAU WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. ^ UE ATIN6 STAVES SS-SJg i I THE LARGEST LINE SOUTH. THE LOWEST PRICES. trWrito for Prices. HUNNIGOTT k BELLI!RATH CO., Atlanta, datum r <yj>IRE^TORy< 3 \ A List of Reliable Business Houses where visitors to the Oreat Show will be 'properly treated and can purchase goods at lowest prices. STILSON & COLLINS JEWELRY CO •9 55 Whitehall St., Atlanta. Ga. Everything In the Jewelry and Silver Line at Factory Prices. FINE a MILLINERY 78 Wni tehall St. Atlanta. Ga. D TO AVOID THIS USE 0. |« TETTERINE ^ f The ONLY painless and harmless Ij ▼ I chrk for the worst, type of Ectems, ITl Totter, Ringworm, ugly crusted rough patoh- scalp. ea on the face, pim ii Ground itch, chafes, chaps, oak. | pies. Poison from ivy or poison Ip itII-itamps In short ALL cash ITCHES. to J, T, Send Shupt 50o. rine, m ||Savannah, or Ga., tor one box, if your druggist don’t keep it. You will find it at Ohas. O. Tyner's, Atlanta. For Style, Wear awl Comfort, 14, Whiteh all iBtt. SAW MILLS CORN AND FEED MILLS. Water Wheels and Hay Presses. REST IN THE MARKET. OeT.oncIi Mill Bile. Co., 305, Atlanta. C*. ACME CHURN. #4.30. Best Butter, Shortest Time, Least Labor. King Hardware Co. ATLANTA, GA. fW Best Stoves and Ran ges. Lo west p rices. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Clescioa and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Gray HI Never Fails to Bestore Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases & Druggists hair tailing. SOc, and $ 1 ,W at MARLIN REPEATER. T \ j ' . ^ 2 V 20 MARI-IN. Made tn Top &-%)?$!%, 3lde-ejectlnff .tS-40 and 44-40 Repeater, Calibre.. mad* Only Solid and All other Calibre? ready. The Marlin Fire Arms Co. Catalogue free. Now Haven, Conn. Agents-Ladies or Gents, S 7 B a we«k at heme, u»lng or felling mmi’l Gray Platers, or laklngorder* for us to ptate. Plate gold, eilrer, nickel, copper, white metal, manufacture the materiel* aud outfits. te*ch the art, only complete outfit. Including trade seorets and formulas, lathe, wheels, tools, all materials for ___ pWK^>w:L*"^t - 1 w»jpWK|Bi«hln>. paring, polishing, plating traveling and no toys, small In I 1 large for shops, description. ■ prices, testimonials, samples free. e»y A Co.. Plating Wort., Dep’t 1«, Colombo*. O. OSBORNE’S AND V Gchool of Shortliand No books used. At’GUHTA. business GA. from day of text Actual entering. Basinens Daoer*. college curr-noy an! goods u-ed. Send for hindsotneijr illustrated cata¬ logue. Hoard cheap. R. R. fare paid to Augusta. ASTHMA POPHAM’S ASTHMA SPECIFIC m y5 Gives relief In FITS minutes.' Bend for a FREE trial package.______ Sold Druggists. Of On® Box »«nt postpaid on Address receipt TH08. $1.00. FOPHAJ^ 8lx boxes fi.OO. PHILA., PA. SQ A DAY SURE. us address SEND your ess vul show you now to to nl*U make the gw .1 work dev; and absolutely teach sure; free we fur work in the locmlity where you vou eencLusyour rddrt**# will you lirej nnd we explain th® bufcltu-tw fully , rememoer we guar* a-ifcee a clear prodt or $3 lor every way’s D. tT BOBGAt. $3 A YEAR. Presidential Year. THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, tlie (treatdemo oratio newspaper of the west, will be sect six days a week one year for $3. No subscription at this rate less than one year. Samples free. THE CHRONICLE, 1*34-100 Washington st.. Chicago.