Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 23, 1895, Image 5

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NOTICE. jjr.E. F. Cook is authorized receive money for subscript to The Weekly and receipt same, It will be a favor to if ours ubscribers will kindly liim the subscription due, he is on his rounds collect f taxes. J. B & J- H. Reese, publishers The Weekly. announcement. authorized to Ife are an L e Maj. E. H. Almand a Qidate for mayor at the en £ L December election. A support is solicited. c~j P. TILLEY . ageni. rl represent the BEST com dies in the world. h k CO A L. see us before buying your L We can save you mon TILLEY & QUIGG. |,10KDALE SHERIFF’S Tuesday SALES Till be sold on the first [December 1896 at the court house «in said countv, within the lepal ff9 of sale, the following nroper lo wit: Forty acres of land in rtdale county, State of Georgia, muded as follows: On the south , public mad from Conyers to Cov ; mo west by lands of S H. An 'i<on, _ i north Griffin, by deceased, lands of the and estate the S C. on .»t, by lands o f the estate of Dr. A. deceased, heiner par* of a ken hundred acre tract of land de -d <1 tri saidS. C. Griffin by her father. Ur. A. Means, deceased Levied in us the property of S. G. Griffin Lged, superior by virtue court, of a in fi favor fa from of w"cn \)Jz T. D. Stewart for the use of hart Bros, vs J- H- Griffin *« linistrator of S. C. Griff,n. insed, and written notie 0 piven [nuts Id Cureton aud Stewart Wriffit. in possession, as required by j>. This 29th day of Oct. 1895 i4o at the same time and place a lie sold under mortgage fi fa i i L iusferees of Clark Banking Company Ld vs Edward B. Gtiftin, I* from Rockdale superior court, f bowing dec: ibed properl y, to¬ ri One-eighth . interest in three i died and fifty acres of land in 4kdalecounty. Ga , and tiounded if lloWSt On south by Ccvingtm d Conyers road and land of John Z ichry, on east by Yellow river, me north by lands of Mrs. Eliza th Summers, on the west by lands ,1 j\I. Zachry and estate of Henry tlerson, being fully described in * said mortgage fi fa as the prop ti of said Edward B, Griffin, i’ju Oct. 30th, 1895. W- H. M. Austin, Sheriff. Great Sale IN MONROE, GA. ■56 head of fine mares, colts lules and horses ; 25 sets of harness; 21 vehicles, t AUCTION, THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1895, RAIN OR SHINE, icash, the balance on time D per cent, per annum.^ 8 f Qts a pound for cotton. Tell f •H. erybody. Monroe, Ga. Felker, Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. tthen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. 'Yten she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, ^liea she had Children, she gave them Castoria, I lavs Is Old Odds and Ends to Offer Ton. O N STEAD of loading up on such stuff I send my agent, the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, direct to the manufacturer’s agent with instructions to buy only the NEWEST and the BEST. Con¬ sequently I have no old nor shoddy stock, no dye eaten goods, no out-of-style natterns—Ev¬ erything brand new and up to date, and can undersell and do well by reason of Slaving no di¬ vision of profits, a small expense and no old stoek or defunct accounts. I guarantee to undersell Dress Goods, Capes, Clothing, fiats, Shoes, Tr unks ; anything else in my fine. $$|P“Try me and get better bargains than were ever fo i a 1 among the odds aud ends of retiring merchants. ■W. tla .3 "tol/u-e front. PERFECTED m % CRYSTAL LEHSEi I Quality TRADE F:ret MARK. and Always. W • r. A Cv ' 'ji fa A' A'. Ms m T'R. W. FT. LEE, Druggis-r, lias 1be exclusive sale of these celebrated Glass es in Conyers, Ga. From the factory of Ivellam & Moore, the only optical plant in tee South. Atlanta, Ga. COTTON REPORT. BALES. Previous receipts 4,032 This week’s i ( 264 Total to date 4,896 Price for middling7fc to 7&<j. TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Concerning People and Events. Col. Gleaton was in Decatur last Monday. Killing frost and freeze last Thursday morning. Mr. Joe Baker visited friends at Hayston last Sunday. Dr. Quigg had large audiences at Hayston last Sabbath. Mrs. Hollingsworth has re¬ turned from a visit to Hayston. Miss Gertrude Smith visited Miss Evvins at Salem last week. Miss Adams, of Spartanburg, 3. 0., is visiting Mrs. E. G. Gai ley. We enjoyed a visit from Dr A. C. Perry, of Covington, last Thursday. Mr. G. A Almand, of Law renceville, visited relatives heie this week. Dr. Lewis preached in t> e Methodist chu'-ch last Sunday, morning and night. Miss Julia Everitt, of Coving¬ ton, spent a few days witn rela¬ tives here this week Dr. Melton’s son, James Mel ton, from Abbeville, Ga., visited hie fntbpr this week. Mr C M Taylor, who recent ly moved to Forsyth, was ou our streets last Monday. Dr. Quigg is in Macon this week, attending the Presbyte¬ rian Synod of Georgia. Rev. J. L. Patillo, of Lithonia, attended the quarterly meeting at this place last Satui ay an Sunday. Miss Addie Mabry, of Rocky Plains, Newton county, is 011 a visitto her sister, Mrs. J. Winburn. The rain last Tuesday evening brought colder weather during the night. Last Wednesday was windy and cold. The Baptist church at Lithonia will be ready for occupancy to morrow the 23d. It is a nice church well located. The Presbyterian brethren i hold an important meeting to* day in their church. The mem bership is expected to attend, Elder J. C. Williams of North Carolina wifi preach at 13alrock Dec. 3 ; Mt. Zion, Dec. 4 ; Gum Creek, Dec. 5 ; Sardis, Dec. 6. Mr. W. M. Richardson, of Li thonia, has moved on his plant aiion in Rockdale. We will oe glad to see him in our little city often. Dr. Ragsdale commenced a Bible institute on yesterday at Auburn, Gwinnett county. He will go to Cleveland, White coun ty, the first week in December. Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Sims and children returned to their home in Chilton county, Ala., this week, after a two weeks’ visit t > their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Almand. Col. E. J. Reagan, of McDon¬ ough, gave us a pleasant ca’l last Saturday. He is a son of our fellow citizen, Judge Joseph Reagan, and is a member of the legislature, from Henry co irity. The poor farm has been let to Mr. W. A. Almand, as the low¬ est bidder. He is an acceptabh man. Mr. Haygood, who re¬ tires, had the respect and confi¬ dence of the people,and he gives up the position with a good name and record. Messrs. John T. Winburn, of Fayetteville, N. C., and Janies H. Winburn, of Sumter, S. C.> gave their father, Mr. James D Winburn, quite an agreeable surprise last Saturday night They came on a visit after an absence of several years. The reunion was a happy one. We visited the exposition last Tuesday. It was Georgia day and a beautiful one. The crowds everywhere we went were im¬ mense. The show is a fine one, worth seeing by everybody. We will notice some of the things we saw, in paragraphs m fol lowing issues o he veeklw Rev. A. J. Beck has a school at Lithonia. The p.pila are preparing tor the final exer <="»*> "*** 1 tak e P lace 11111 few weeks. The entertainment ( is under the skillful tuition of Mrs. Beck, and will be enjoyed by the patrons and citizens of i ithonia. Mr Jolm Green i ast sixty-two ^ 0 n ars while at the exposition x ueS( j e y it was taken j- rom j^g veS t p 0c k; e t by a pick 0C h e t. This is very unfortu natefor Mr Green . if these rascals who crowd in to fleece p e0 pi e could be caught aud pun jg^q if would be well for the C0U ntry. We have consumed all com k us tibl e ma fter in our office this week,except the monkey wrench handle, and we would receive a few loads of wood on suo scription. One uniegeuerate de said we might, use oui head for fuel, insinuating that u ; wa - of Uu - wooden species ^' e tt Gated the suggest!* n with silent contempt. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Almand was buried last Sunday morning, the funeral services being conducted from the residence by Dr. Ragsdale. There was a large number of relatives and friends in attend ance. It is hard for the parents to give up this little one, who with the helpless look of bloom¬ ing infancy—“a being scarcely formed or moulded, with all its sweetestleaves unfolded,’’should thus be tom away; yet it is right to submit to the will of a kind Providence. It is doubtless a blessing in disguise; another link made in the chain which draws the loved ones left.behind nearer the heavenly home. We sympathize with the bereaved parents. Children ©ryfoi Pitcher’s Castoria* -it isyour!_ Interest to Know : Tliat Hale & Sigman can fur¬ nish you any part of any sewing machine in use —no matter what you want, call and see them. If you want tinware of any kind call on Hale & Sigman, and save from 25 to 50 percent. Hale & Sigman will sell you a large bread pan for ten cents; a nice water dipper for 7 cents ; a large wash pan for 5 cents' large tin cups for 24 cents, and everything of the kind at the same rates. If you want a cot king stove, a range or a heating stove, or any kind of stove ware, call on Hale & Sigman and get them cheaper than anywhere else in middle Georgia. Jf you wanfc a piano> an organ 0 r music books of any kind, call on Hale & Sigman and get them at living prices, Call and see them in Masonic building, Conyers, Ga. Nov. 22, 1895. Children Cryfoi Pitcher’s Castoria. JUST GLANCE AT THIS. New lot Capes. l ( t < Dress Goods “ “ Notions. ( i < * Bedsteads. (i < < Bureaus. (i < c Chairs. “ “ Blankets. < < “ Jeans. Large lot of women’s and chil¬ dren’s shoes 50 cents a pair. Good checks at 44c. Good calico at oc. Worsted goods at 5c, II. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. PalL u ™one^Wt idose^* NO BUSINESS WILL BE TRANSACTED IN CONYERS KBIT THURSDAY. The Business Houses of the Town Will Be Closed Thanksgiving Day--The Farmers are Asked to Remember This. Next Thursday, the 23th of November, is the day set up n t by President Cleveland as a thanksgiving Daw, and it will be observed in Conyers.. The business houses a n d public schools wfii be closed Learning that it was not a regular custom among the Con¬ yers merchants to close their stores on Thanksgiving Day— that only a few were in the hab¬ it of closing, a Weekly reporter circulated the following . agree¬ ment for signature amoug the busiuess men, so that all may close and each spend the day as he chooses, and thatfnone may lose a cent by so doing We don’t believe there is a single merchant in Conyers who will open his store if the others are closed. A majority of the merchants aud clerks will visit the exposi¬ tion, for Thanksgiving will be a great day there. It will be At¬ lanta, Inman, Savannah aud South Carolina day. Among the many thousands of things to be seen will be the grand display of fire works at night. $3,000 will be expended upon this final display of the season. Our country friends can come in on Wednesday, transact their bush e s a id prepare for the e i joyment of Thanksgiving Day. The bank wili be closed, and the post office will be open only one hour after the arrival of each mail. Following is the list: „ We,the undersigned busiuess men of Conyers, herein agree to let our places of business re¬ main closed Thursday, Novem¬ ber 28, 1895-Thanksgiving Day: Jaa. D, Winburn, J. 1$. Reeso, 11 a 13 & Sigman, W. J. Freeman, S immers & Co., Summers & Hudson, R. M. Everitt Johnson & Alinuml, N. M. Almand, J, tl. Almaml & Co . J .1 Langford, W. L. Adair, W. 11. T. Stewart, G. A. Lu¬ cas, II P. & D M. Almand & Co., W. It. Still A (Jo., Marbut & Iteagaa,Street & Lackey.*’ $ 3800.98 0IVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. plies $150.00 through every month for given meritorious away to any one who ap¬ us the most patent during* the month preceding. patents for clients, We secure the best our and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we, wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE,TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window” which can be easily slid op and down without breaking the passenger’s back, “sauce-pan,” and “collar-button,” “nut-lock,” “bottle* stepper,” a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the. author. Try to think of something to invent. J IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice l hi the “ Kationai the Recorder,” published published at Washington, D. C.,which is pest newspaper in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’s sub¬ scription advertise, to this journal, free of free of the cost, to all our clients.. We also cost, invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousand^ of copies of the “National Recorder,” containing a ukctcFa of fcsttercd the winner, throughout and a description the of his in vention* will be United States among capitalists rnd manufactures, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention, All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 6iS F Street, N. W., Box . 383 . Washington, D. C. ty Re/crettce—editor pamphlet ofthis paper. PR El Writefor our 50-page , 1. \SS^THB£3a& icTORVts rjK’l'.ol - . gale prices. Send 6c. for post azeon uiglllus.Cat. American Furniture Agency. P. O. Box hi, G ALENA KAS We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles, Tilley & Quigg,