Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 23, 1895, Image 8

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W'' W, ■mm £m m B mimm A. "Site. -to y }'.jjs WMzm m ft Mrs. ,7. p. Hall, Oenatv atomic, Kan. wife of the editor of The Graphic, tho lead¬ ing local paper of Miami county, writes “I tveto troubled .off h, heart disceioe for six years, severe p xlpitaposs. short> noss of breath, together with ouch ex¬ treme norvoivsnesti, that, £.t times I would walk tho floor nearly all night. We consulted tlio best medical talent. S’/a e 17 r.iitil there tea* no help forme, that: I had organic di .cose of tho heart for which there was r.o remedy. I had read your advertisement in The Graphic and tLyoa.rftj' 0 as «i Isst* resort*, triod on© 'bottlooi , Heart, Dr. Kiien’ Ncu> Cure for the which convinced mo that there was true merit in it. I took three bottles each of the Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine and It complctvhs cured tne. I ftlcep well at nib’ht, my heart 5>cats rcyulariy and i have no more smothering spoils, i wish to say to ail who aro suiTcrin:; as I did; there's relief untold for them if they will only give your remedies Just ono trial. 1 Hr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on will a positive rionoiit. guarantee that the first bottle for 45, All druggists sell it at SI, 6 bottles or Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health There is nothing that causes women greater discomfort and misery than the constantly re¬ curring Headache. “My wife’s health was very indifferent, hav¬ ing Headache continually, and just two packages of Simmons Liver Regulator released her from all Headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system. 1 have never regretted its use.” —M. 13. DcBord, Mt. Vernon, Ky. A complete and immediate rev¬ olution of'transportation meth¬ ods, involving a reduction of freight charges on grain from the West to New York of from 5<) to GO per cent., is what is pre¬ dicted in the November Cosmo¬ politan. The plan proposes us¬ ing light and inexpensive corru¬ gated iron cylinders, hung on a slight rail supported on poles from a cross arm—the whole system involving an expense of not more than fifteen hundred dollars a mile for construction. Tho rolling stock is equally sim¬ ple and comparatively inexpen¬ sive Continuous lines of cylin¬ ders, moving with no interval to speak of,would carry more, grain in a day than a quadruple track railway. This would constitute a sort of grain pipe line. The Cosmopolitan also points out the probable aboli ion of street cars before the coming horseless car¬ riage, which can be operated by n hoy ou asphalt pavements at a total expense for labor, oil, and interest, of not more than one dollar a day . A PROMINENT MINISTER. Rev. T. R. Kendall, pastor Grace M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga.,says: “1 take pleasure in testifying to the great virtue of King’s Royal Germeteur in re¬ lieving niglit sweats resulting from tho debilitating influence of malaria. In a severe ordeal through which my family passed from this oppressive affliction, I found Germeteur to be an im? mediate snecifie ; H ive 1 found it a speedy tonic to the digestion, refreshing and a most grateful and remedy in the £rts: a hility. New package, large bottle, 108 doses, $ 1 . For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee, Prevention Liver better than cure. Tutt’s Pills will not only cure but it u , taken in tune will prevent buck HAflHnrhp neaaacne, dyspepsia, biliousness, malar,a, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTTS * Liver PILLS ABoOLu i«vri ii v r.i'S>e Ubou.. John Wanamakersays :-‘i the heaviest advert sing in dull times. Then it is when people look most keenly for bargains and , are anxious • to . know , what wliat things cost,and where they can save m nev. I advertise particular things, give prices and take ns much pains with my announcements as I do with my stock. due big dinner won’t Jjggp i]p the reputation of the big house—but steady, good cooking does it. I never permit interest in my announcements to lag, and never miss an issue in my chosen publications, Ad vertising has made my store one of the largest in the country. J J m ora I guarantee to sell paints for less than they can be bought else¬ where. Get my prices before buying, and save money. 7-27-121 Dr. W. II. Lee. Scoil’s CarMiiesiiis fe> P '8 Positively the ohe Remedy for the treatment of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, Simple --DYSPEPSIA and aggravated forms oi and- Palpitation-of -the-Heart.’ --;o: Does your food sour after eating? Areyou easily confused and excited? Do vou get up in the morning tired and ii nrefreshed, and with a bad taste in the mouth? Is there a dull, cloudy sensation, at¬ tended by disagreeable feelings in the head and eyes? Areyouirritable aud restless? Does jour heart thump and cause you to gasp lor breath after climbing a flight of stairs? Does it distress you to He ou the left side ? Dave you impaired mentor"-, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomv forebodings? These symptoms mean that you are suffering from Dyspepsia aud Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remey extant that has done so much for tnis class of trou¬ bles as Scott's Garbo-Digestive Compound. Ifjj our case has resisted the usual methods of treatment we, are particular¬ ly anxious to have you give this Com¬ pound a trial. JVe guarantee relief in every case and will cheerfully refund your money should our remedy fail to produce the most gratifying results. Please remember that the appellation Patent Medicine doos not apply to Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a prescription put up by a lead¬ ing physician who has made stomach and nervous troubles a specialty lor years. We court investigation am! earnestly urge all physicians to write its for the formula of SCO l’T’S GARBO DIGESTIVE COMPOUND, which we will mail on application, that they may satisfy themselves of its harmless char¬ acter and excellent virtues. Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound Is the most remarkable remedy that science has produced. It has succeed¬ ed where all other medicines have failed 15 America on receiot of price. Don’t forget that we cheerfully re fund your money if results are not sat isfaotory. Order direct if your drug gist does not have it, Address all orders to (M Skid _ ( , Mfe. Bi - a So v TOPEKA, KAS. Vtt Mites' Fain Pills, "One cent a aoM*" TO HOUSEKEEPERS. If you want a splendid cook book the “Rural Home” sells f os . a;] t |jt any and all of our subscribers can have the Week r.v and this book for $1.25. This ilioll is ? ?ood for b0 ih old ' The cash m( n(!w 8l , bs0 ibf , rs . ; s i* e qnired to avail yourself of the proposition. Any one bring #6.25 »»* will five- get now a subscribers boos and and the Weekly free of charge ancl each subscriber will get the premium a]so Kow is the time for the ladies to get a 350 page hook containing over 1,000 receipts, printed on the best paper and handsoiaelv illustrated bound. You can earn §5 each dav “giv our indispensable house¬ hold article away. Hew plait of work, making experience un¬ necessaliyand success certain for either sex in any section. Sam pie dozen free. Credit given, Freight paid. Address, MVg. Co , 90 Melrose Park, Ill. 1'hildren Crv for Fitcher’s Castoria. BCT^mnANTED vS/ : -Seveial ladies trustworthy travel gentlemen or to in Georgia for ^established reliable house. Salary $760 and expenses. Steady position. Enclose reference and self addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Third Floor, Oma¬ ha Bleg., Chicago, Ill. MIDDLE MA& ATLANTIC R. R Effective June 12, G a. m., 18U5. head down. JUSAD UI>. 101 103 STATIONS. 102 104 A.M. P.M. P.M. A,M, 7 15G 05 Iv Milledgeville ar 7 50:12 55 7 20 I 10 “ Eafonion June “,7 4512 50 7 42 1 32 “ Meriwether “'7 25:12 ! 25 P. M 8 25 J 50 “ Dennis tijy- 05)12 05 8 30 2 15|ar Eatonton ar‘6 lv;6 40 11 80 9 15 2 IGlv Eatonti n 89)11 85 9 80j2 3512 35)“ Willards "0 1511 02 9 551 “ A iken ton »t 5 45)10 58) 10 45 9 48 3 05)“ Macben “15 25 9 53 2 0';“ Shady Dale “ 5 40 : 10 30 100 :' 3 20 “ Kelley “In 22:10 15 1008 3 32i“ Brough ton ville “ 5 07 10 00 101513 30 “ Newborn “ 5 05 9 45 102213 48“ Carmel June “ 4 57: 9 35 1050:1 1030)3 54“ 02i“ Starrsville Havston “ 4 < 4 40i 51; 9 9 25 ]4 10 105214 1055)4 17“ 19|ar Covington Covington June “!4 “ j4 21 20) 8 8 40 47 £®“Ci nnect with all day trains on Georgia Machen railroad. ^|fi?“Trains connect at with M <fc N trains for Ma¬ con. Madi-on and Athens, Connect at JMiJledgeville with trains for Augusta. Macon and other points south and east. J. W. PRESTON, General Manager. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. I will be in Conyers, town dis¬ trict, Sept. "28th and from the 7th to 19tli of Oct. After November 1 st all the remainder of my time, only when at the precincts. Sheffield district, Sept. 27th. Oct. 18th and Nov. 15th. Hon¬ ey Creek district, Thursday, Sept. 26th, Oct. 17th and Nov. 14th. Lorraine district, Sept. 30th, Oct. 21st and Nov. 18th. My office will be at Stephen¬ son & Turner’s store when in town. Very respectfully, E. F. Cook, T. O. Rockdale Co. Ah it 5 *jouU be k vtorj .Jfcs i)- Antise r f“mnorls ptic. ft-^ v. l\c equal oq £ Earth for,Wound* < UyA&n 3C*Lbvroiit FLDx^ 11 jjH OPlcfVt-ttSfjai&.or YoJ v/nifE WaiJ iTWilf Qure YsJ SAW M h —■* L $160 TO $900. T“iTyT/°< Klvfjl 71VTT70 |\ KS Ai O T5 K{ A )| r T I R R n o \ 57 lo suit. J 160 in stock. T Large 1V ° c-tock of SHAFTING. AND 'PULLEYS, SUPPLIES. BELTING LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA, GA ; £ •by I)r. Miles’ Nerve Flusters. * to -Ato/toX DR. HATHAWAY & CO “ g fiffisisog observation. No interference Semina! with .business Weakness while usVn S medSncl c verywhere free and Sexual DehUin-, B m part3 and make you fit for marriage ° al ‘ a s --«sthen wca* Ii Syphilis, PrltMeb&i'' m M 'lf Structure KS ' 5 or S s ’Conormcea& P eiUantl Gleet, >' cured and without all forns caustic of w,?5 r ? i 1 - m Wk: ■ 1 ;r 1 Patient or cutting .tf r no exposure. con use the treatment # , olSfSc'toTTavfS: , | .SlOiie^ v,a care those delicate diseases peculiar come, . h0E,CWJth0ut iMtrumcnls *»,«£$«£ to - Rheumatism cfRin the* an«als h of'SS C OnedoLgives relL, afewfios"! 1 dis COV. fever and pain m joints—a cure is bound to take place. Rend statement of os«e “ remove Rppf/- for both ::o;,-es, <>4 pages, with full description cf above diseases the c'i'ert. <1 for Men : sealed Ko. 2 in for plain Women: wrapper No. free. 3 for Read Skin this Diseases; little book No. and 4 for send Catar-b for Symptom ' * Blard ,ani £ bo.l ure ' - Take no char.cas and obtain tho best by consulting the Leading Specialists in ih? United r i i 2 i .HONESTY PR, HATHAWAY & CO. SKILL 2254 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, CA. L, u jjWBffidBkfcafatewMiMistiSff; A Word to fly Frieods= =THE PEOPLE o o = 1 TI!E country is to be congratulated upon the favorable C011 ditions which greets us at the opening of the present sea¬ son. The people owe less for this year’s expenses than they ever have for one year, : and the increase in cotton of about $15 per bale will enable them to come out in good shape. At this every class should rejoice, for as the farmer succeeds we all succeed. Believing in the early spring that prices would be much higher both for goods as well as cotton, I bought ray goods early and bought for the cash, aud I am now in a position to sell any line of goods in ray stock as low as any house in the country. I am where I can defy competition in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and all kinds of wares and grocer¬ ies. I have a good stock of new goods and of the best grades. I will buy your cotton and other marketable produce, and pay the very top notch for it. MILLINERY! MILLINERY!! I have one of the most accomplished milliners evet in Con¬ yers, Mrs. W. J. Eakes. She has been in Atlanta for some time studying and posting lierself upon the very latest styles, and she comes home ‘‘up-to-date” with what the ladies want. 1 have given this department extra attention in the purchasing of my stock this fall, and such bargains as I will give have never been known, so when you wantahat, bonnet, featheis, riblxns, laces, tips, gloves, veils or any other goods in this department, no matter what, call and see me before you buy and you can rest assured of the best in material, latest in style and lowest in price. From October 9 1895, until March 1st, 1896, my terms will be CASH. Thanking my friends for their liberal patronage in the past and soliciting it for the future, I am most respectfully, J. J. LANGFORD, COMMERCE ST., CONYERS, GA. John 1 {. rJiijcjtid 1 Ikmly ip, Oonyeus, Qa. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any actoaimndations, consistent with safe banking, SPECIAL ATTENTION ClVFN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS rTryTnmmnmmnnrinnr^^ r _<7 a B m i rf-'ry -----—f..... I Winchester Repeating .3 h _\ _ ~' Rifles Our ISIodel 1893 Shot-Gun is now used by all the most advanced trap V: : Shot-Guns 3 - and game shooters. Single Shot-Rifles • GUN. O' ASK YOUR DEALER TO SHOW YOU THIS Everything that is Newest and Best in Repeating Arms as well as a.l ^ kinds of Ammunition are made by the ^ ? WINCHESTER repeating ARMS CO., Winchester Ave., New Haven, Conn. % *53f~ Send a Postal Card with your address for our 112-pagre Illustrated Catalogue* o, iL2JLOJ ) Jl^OXS.iL2JJ-2.k- : t^5L2JL-' 5 -- 5 - 3.